975 resultados para N(1)-acetyl-N(2)-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine
Este Proyecto se enmarca en el conjunto de actuaciones necesarias para desarrollar por completo la denominada Autovía de circunvalación M-55,que conecta la A-1, A-6 y A-5, y que contribuye a mejorar la capacidad de los corredores que comunican la ciudad de Madrid con los municipios metropolitanos comprendidos entre la A-1, A-6 y A-5, y también a estos municipios entre sí. El área de estudio se encuentra ubicada en la Comunidad de Madrid,incluyendo los municipios de Las Rozas de Madrid y Villanueva del Pardillo. El tramo discurre por una zona protegida medioambientalmente como es el LIC “Cuenca del río Guadarrama” y próximo a los núcleos de población de Las Roza de Madrid y Villanueva del Pardillo. Por ello, se ha buscado optimizar el trazado minimizando las afecciones a edificaciones y al espacio protegido medioambientalmente por la Red Natura 2000.
Estas notas, que se publican en dos volúmenes, surgen como resultado de las clases de doctorado que, durante el curso académico 1979-80, impartió Avelino Samartín en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad de Santander. El objetivo del curso era ambicioso ya que se intentaban presentar, de un modo panorámico, los distintos procedimientos analíticos y semianalíticos de Cálculo de Estructuras así como su aplicación al análisis efectivo de diferentes casos prácticos: vigas, placas y láminas. La publicación que se presenta es el volumen uno, que corresponde a la primera parte del curso, referente a los métodos generales de cálculo y su aplicación a casos sencillos : estructuras 1-D y 2-D. También se incluye, en el capítulo 5, una combinación natural de elementos 2-D - laja y placa-, correspondiente a la lámina plegada. Se deja para un segundo volumen el estudio de otras estructuras laminares específicas, así como la introducción a la teoría general de láminas. A lo largo del curso -y en estas notas se refleja- se ha intentado mostrar la identidad de la metodología existente en todo el cálculo estructural , desde la estructura más simple -columna- a la más compleja -lámina-, tanto en su planteamiento como en su resolución. Con esta publicación se desea -aparte de cubrir un evidente vacío bibliográfico, en nuestra lengua, sobre el tema- impulsar el uso de los diferentes métodos analíticos que actualmente existen y que, por causas bien conocidas - facilidad de computación - han sido, en opinión de los autores, inmerecidamente relegados al olvido, cuando podrían, muchas veces, sustituir , o al menos complementar, otras técnicas numéricas más potentes.
The location of ground faults in railway electric lines in 2 × 5 kV railway power supply systems is a difficult task. In both 1 × 25 kV and transmission power systems it is common practice to use distance protection relays to clear ground faults and localize their positions. However, in the particular case of this 2 × 25 kV system, due to the widespread use of autotransformers, the relation between the distance and the impedance seen by the distance protection relays is not linear and therefore the location is not accurate enough. This paper presents a simple and economical method to identify the subsection between autotransformers and the conductor (catenary or feeder) where the ground fault is happening. This method is based on the comparison of the angle between the current and the voltage of the positive terminal in each autotransformer. Consequently, after the identification of the subsection and the conductor with the ground defect, only the subsection where the ground fault is present will be quickly removed from service, with the minimum effect on rail traffic. This method has been validated through computer simulations and laboratory tests with positive results.
The CC chemokines regulated on activation normal T expressed and secreted (RANTES) and monocyte chemotactic protein 3 (MCP-3), and the anaphylatoxin C5a, induce activation, degranulation, chemotaxis, and transendothelial migration of eosinophils. Adhesion assays on purified ligands showed differential regulation of beta 1 and beta 2 integrin avidity in eosinophils. Adhesiveness of VLA-4 (alpha 4 beta 1, CD29/CD49d) for vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 or fibronectin was rapidly increased but subsequently reduced by RANTES, MCP-3, or C5a. The deactivation of VLA-4 lead to cell detachment, whereas phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate induced sustained activation of VLA-4. In contrast, chemoattractants stimulated a prolonged increase in the adhesiveness of Mac-1 (alpha M beta 2, CD11b/CD18) for intercellular adhesion molecule 1. Inhibition by pertussis toxin confirmed signaling via G protein-coupled receptors. Chemoattractants induced transient, while phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate induced sustained actin polymerization. Disruption of actin filaments by cytochalasins inhibited increases in avidity of VLA-4 but not of Mac-1. Chemoattractants did not upregulate a Mn2+-inducible beta 1 neoepitope defined by the mAb 9EG7, but induced prolonged expression of a Mac-1 activation epitope recognized by the mAb CBRM1/5. This mAb inhibited chemoattractant-stimulated adhesion of eosinophils to intercellular adhesion molecule 1. Thus, regulation of VLA-4 was dependent on the actin cytoskeleton, whereas conformational changes appeared to be crucial for activation of Mac-1. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that physiological agonists, such as chemoattractants, can differentially regulate the avidity of a beta 1 and a beta 2 integrin expressed on the same leukocyte.
Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) is one of the most important transcription factors whose modulation triggers a cascade of signaling events, namely the expression of many cytokines, enzymes, chemokines, and adhesion molecules, some of which being potential key targets for intervention in the treatment of inflammatory conditions. The 2-styrylchromones (2-SC) designation represents a well-recognized group of natural and synthetic chromones, vinylogues of flavones (2-phenylchromones). Several 2-SC were recently tested for their anti-inflammatory potential, regarding the arachidonic acid metabolic cascade, showing some motivating results. In addition, several flavones with structural similarities to 2-SC have shown NF-kB inhibitory properties. Hence, the aim of the present work was to continue the investigation on the interference of 2-SC in inflammatory pathways. Herein we report their effects on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced NF-kB activation and consequent production of proinflammatory cytokines/chemokine, using a human monocytic cell line (THP-1). From the twelve 2-SC tested, three of them were able to significantly inhibit the NF-kB activation and to reduce the production of the proinflammatory cytokines/chemokine. The compound 3',4',5-trihydroxy-2- styrylchromone stood up as the most active in both assays, being a promising candidate for an anti-inflammatory drug.
Sparse, poorly preserved late Oligocene (3 species) and early Miocene (4 species) ostracod faunas have been recovered from CRP-2A, while relatively more abundant Quaternary faunas occur in CRP-1 (24 species). All taxa are marine. No definitive age assignments can be made on the two older faunas, which are not considered to be in situ, although the taxa identified are not at variance with sediment ages determined on other grounds. The Oligocene ostracods (Lithostratigraphical Unit, LSU 9.4) suggest deposition in cold, relatively shallow, shelf waters with faunal connections to the Antarctic Peninsula and South America, while the Miocene fauna (LSU 5.1) is considered to be a cool-cold, deeper water (?outer shelf) association with faunal connections to both New Zealand and the Antarctic Peninsula. The Quaternary faunas are primarily from LSU 3.1 (carbonate-rich layer), and suggest deposition in very cold, relatively quiet water that was at least 100 m, and possibly 130-200 m deep. None of the taxa are known from pre-Pleistocene sediments, and all occur in modern Antarctic/sub-Antarctic regimes, predominantly from south of 60° S. Specimens in the "carbonate-rich layer" probably have suffered minor penecontemporaneous fractionation, while the fauna in LSU 2.2 has suffered more extensive post-mortem transportation and possible reworking (though not necessarily from pre-Quaternary sources).
"18 June 1980."
"October 1967."
Includes index.