917 resultados para Municipal strategic planning
Almost 19,000 employees work for the State of Iowa Executive Branch (excluding Fair Authority, Community-Based Corrections, and the Regents employees). These employees are undoubtedly the most valuable resource for providing timely and quality services to Iowans. To strategically manage this resource, State departments and policymakers must have thorough and accurate information. The information in “Just the Facts for 2006” is a snapshot of the workforce, collected, compiled, and presented in a format that will aid agencies and decision makers in strategic planning. In many cases, data cover a number of years and are presented to give the reader a sense of trends. While the Department of Personnel wants to present data in its purist form so readers can draw their own conclusions, we also have a responsibility to clarify anything that may be confusing or misleading . It is important to highlight workforce trends and explain their significance to the work of Iowa state government.
La empresa moderna, se encuentra en una situación actual de incertidumbre en la que además está más expuesta a factores externos con el aumento de la competencia y el impacto de la globalización. Se enfrenta a un panorama que debe ser gestionado adecuadamente para asegurar su supervivencia y el éxito de su existencia. En este TFC, se presenta una de las herramientas ‘buque insignia’ del Management moderno, aquella que está destinada a ser la base de la Gestión de la empresa y que cada vez más se hace imprescindible para la construcción de un futuro cada vez más incierto, la Planificación Estratégica. El Plan Estratégico 2012-2015 de AESL se desarrolla en varios apartados que intentarán dar con las claves de la dirección que la empresa debe seguir y propone los objetivos que encontrará a través de la puesta en marcha de las acciones y estrategias determinadas. La primera etapa, y la más extensa, realiza un Análisis de la situación externa e interna de la empresa además de un Diagnóstico de la misma. Se analizan diversos factores que pueden contribuir o hacer peligrar el futuro de la empresa, y constituye el punto de partida de la planificación. En la segunda etapa, y con la información de la anterior fase, comienza la fijación de los Objetivos Corporativos y la definición de las Decisiones Estratégicas que han de transformar nuestro rumbo actual en el logro de esos objetivos. Las estrategias no sólo comportarán un ámbito corporativo, también se centrarán en estrategias funcionales con un carácter más definitorio en el interior de la empresa. Por último, la tercera y última etapa, aglutinará todas estas Decisiones estratégicas para transformarlas en las Decisiones Operativas, aquellas que se encargarán de gestionar el día a día de la empresa a través de los Planes de Acción, que suponen la etapa de mayor concreción del Plan. Este Plan a 3 años deberá erigirse como la herramienta de planificación más importante de la empresa, debiendo guiar las principales decisiones tomadas y convirtiéndose en un instrumento de consulta no sólo para decidir hoy lo que se hará en el futuro sino también para mantener unos niveles altos de competitividad en el tremendo esfuerzo que supone la gestión de una PYME.
Els canvis que s'estan produint a les universitats provocats per l'adaptació dels estudis a l'anomenat Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES), que ha de fer-se realitat l'any 2010, representen també un gran repte per a les biblioteques universitàries, que estan treballant per adaptar els seus recursos i serveis a les noves exigències de l'educació superior. Les biblioteques han establert models organitzatius i de col·laboració que, en un entorn marcat per l'ús intensiu de les tecnologies de la informació i pel fenomen de l'èxit de cercadors com Google, han de permetre superar amb èxit reptes com ara el suport al desenvolupament dels nous plans d'estudi dissenyats per competències tot potenciant i introduint la formació dels usuaris en l'adquisició d'habilitats informacionals; el disseny de sistemes d'informació robustos que donin suport a la producció científica i acadèmica dels investigadors i dels professors i li aportin valor, mitjançant dipòsits oberts d'informació i de documentació; la personalització dels serveis o l'adaptació dels espais a un model educatiu centrat en l'aprenentatge actiu de l'estudiant. Aquest article resumeix les principals actuacions i reptes de futur que recull amb detall l'informe encarregat per l'Associació Catalana d'Universitats Públiques (ACUP) als directors de les biblioteques, en el marc de l'elaboració del futur llibre blanc de les universitats.
There are 20,552 full-time employees who work for the State of Iowa Executive Branch (excluding Fair Authority, Community-Based Corrections, and the Regents employees). These employees are undoubtedly the most valuable resource for providing timely and quality services to Iowans. To strategically manage this resource, state departments and policymakers must have thorough and accurate information. The information in “Just the Facts for 2008” is a snapshot of the workforce, collected, compiled, and presented in a format that will aid agencies and decision makers in strategic planning. In many cases, data cover a number of years and are presented to give the reader a sense of trends. While the Department of Administrative Services, Human Resource Enterprise (DAS/HRE) wants to present data in its purest form so readers can draw their own conclusions, we also have a responsibility to clarify anything that may be confusing or misleading. It is important to highlight workforce trends and explain their significance to the work of Iowa state government. The following chapter summaries are intended to do that.
There are 20,552 full-time employees who work for the State of Iowa Executive Branch (excluding Fair Authority, Community-Based Corrections, and the Regents employees). These employees are undoubtedly the most valuable resource for providing timely and quality services to Iowans. To strategically manage this resource, state departments and policymakers must have thorough and accurate information. The information in “Just the Facts for 2008” is a snapshot of the workforce, collected, compiled, and presented in a format that will aid agencies and decision makers in strategic planning. In many cases, data cover a number of years and are presented to give the reader a sense of trends. While the Department of Administrative Services, Human Resource Enterprise (DAS/HRE) wants to present data in its purest form so readers can draw their own conclusions, we also have a responsibility to clarify anything that may be confusing or misleading. It is important to highlight workforce trends and explain their significance to the work of Iowa state government. The following chapter summaries are intended to do that.
There are 20,552 full-time employees who work for the State of Iowa Executive Branch (excluding Fair Authority, Community-Based Corrections, and the Regents employees). These employees are undoubtedly the most valuable resource for providing timely and quality services to Iowans. To strategically manage this resource, state departments and policymakers must have thorough and accurate information. The information in “Just the Facts for 2008” is a snapshot of the workforce, collected, compiled, and presented in a format that will aid agencies and decision makers in strategic planning. In many cases, data cover a number of years and are presented to give the reader a sense of trends. While the Department of Administrative Services, Human Resource Enterprise (DAS/HRE) wants to present data in its purest form so readers can draw their own conclusions, we also have a responsibility to clarify anything that may be confusing or misleading. It is important to highlight workforce trends and explain their significance to the work of Iowa state government. The following chapter summaries are intended to do that.
Key factors that provide context for the state's Maternal and Child Health (MCH) annual report and state plan are highlighted in this overview. This section briefly outlines Iowa's demographics, population changes, economic indicators and significant public initiatives. Major strategic planning efforts affecting development of program activities are also identified.
The Iowa Department of Public Health Bureau of Family Health and the Child Health Specialty Clinics embarked on a five-year needs assessment in March 2008 with a daylong strategic planning session involving key administrative and staff personnel from both agencies. As part of the strategic planning, the participants began preparation of a comprehensive assessment to identify the need in Iowa for: preventive and primary care services for pregnant women, mothers, and infants; preventive and primary care services for children; and services for children and youth with special health care needs.
This work is divided into two distinct sections which largely reflected my contributions to the First International Seminar Lima developed at the Pontifical Catholic University of Lima in August 2010.The first section summarizes the process of making the city that are the essence of so-called Barcelona model and have achieved, in terms of strategic planning, Barcelona to be ¿on the map¿ of international best practice in urban design and public art The second section develops the issue of citizen participation in the process of making the city, from the experiences that our research center has launched in the neighborhoods of La Mina and Baró de Viver.
There are 20,552 full-time employees who work for the State of Iowa Executive Branch(excluding Fair Authority, Community-Based Corrections, and the Regents employees). These employees are undoubtedly the most valuable resource for providing timely and quality services to Iowans. To strategically manage this resource, state departments and policymakers must have thorough and accurate information. The information in “Just the Facts for 2008” is a snapshot of the workforce, collected,compiled, and presented in a format that will aid agencies and decision makers in strategic planning. In many cases, data cover a number of years and are presented to give the reader a sense of trends. While the Department of Administrative Services, Human Resource Enterprise (DAS/HRE)wants to present data in its purest form so readers can draw their own conclusions, we also have a responsibility to clarify anything that may be confusing or misleading. It is important to highlight workforce trends and explain their significance to the work of Iowa state government. The following chapter summaries are intended to do that.
DAS/HRE publishes "Just the Facts" an almanac on the Executive Branch workforce. To assist state decision makers in preparing for the future. Thorough strategic planning is requisite to state government's future ability to provide quality products and services. The almanac is intended as an historical source of workforce date that can be used for comparative purposes as the workforce continues to change in Iowa.
Key factors that provide context for the state's Maternal and Child Health (MCH) annual report and state plan are highlighted in this overview. This section briefly outlines Iowa's demographics, population changes, economic indicators and significant public initiatives. Major strategic planning efforts affecting development of program activities are also identified.
Strategic management is based upon a performance measurement system that allows gearing decision making towards accomplishing the established objectives.In a changing economic situation, the measurement of the effects of tourism is fundamental in order to know the efficiency and sustainability of that industry and of the territory in which takes place its activity. We propose a performance measurement system for the sustainable management of a tourism destination, so it will support the adoption of public policies and their follow-up, and as an instrument that will promote the responsible participation of the stakeholders with stakes in the destination. In accordance with the guidelines of the Agenda for a sustainable and competitive European tourism, we design a system based on the identification of the axes over which hinges the success of the management of tourism destinations, taking into account the long-term sustainability of this activity. We position the performance measurement system, and especially the balanced scorecard, as a support tool for the strategic planning of destinations. To the extent that this is possible, the performance measures are selected and structured according to the patterns of the balanced scorecard. Finally, we apply the conceptual model to the central Costa Brava
Each agency is invited and encouraged to send a representative to a quarterly Department of Administrative Services State Recruitment Coordinating Committee “Committee” meeting. This Committee conducts strategic planning sessions to identify top goals and initiatives for the next 2-3 years.