981 resultados para Microwave-assisted hydrothermal


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Capping-free and linker-free nanostructures/hybrids possess superior properties due to the presence of pristine surfaces and interfaces. In this review, various methods for synthesizing pristine nanomaterials are presented along with the general principles involved in their morphology control. In wet chemical synthesis, the interplay between various reaction parameters results in diverse morphology. The fundamental principles behind the evolution of morphology including nanoporous aggregates of metals and other inorganic materials, 2D nanocrystals of metals is elucidated by capping-free methods in aqueous medium. In addition, strategies leading to the attachment of bare noble metal nanoparticles to functional oxide supports/reduced graphene oxide has been demonstrated which can serve as a simple solution for obtaining thermally stable and efficient supported catalysts with free surfaces. Solution based synthesis of linker-free oxide-semiconductor hybrids and capping-free metal nanowires on substrates are also discussed in this context with ZnO/CdS and ultrathin Au nanowires as examples. A simple and rapid microwave-assisted method is highlighted for obtaining such hybrids which can be employed for high-yield production of similar materials.


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Carbonaceous nickel oxide powder samples have been synthesized from an adducted nickel beta-ketoester complex used as a ``single source precursor'' through a solution-based microwave-assisted chemical route. Comprehensive analysis of the resulting powder material has been carried out using various characterization techniques. These analysis reveal that, depending on the solvent used, either NiO/C or Ni/NiO/C composites are formed, wherein Ni and/or NiO nanocrystals are enveloped in amorphous carbon. As the components emerge from the same molecular source, the composites are homogeneous on a fine scale, making them promising electrode materials for supercapacitors. Electrochemical capacitive behavior of these oxide composites is studied in a three-electrode configuration. With a specific capacitance of 113 F g(-1), Ni/NiO/C is superior to NiO/C as capacitor electrode material, in 0.1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte. This is confirmed by impedance measurements, which show that charge-transfer resistance and equivalent series resistance are lower in Ni/NiO/C than in NiO/C, presumably because of the presence of metallic nickel in the former. The cyclic voltammograms are nearly rectangular and the electrodes display excellent cyclability in different electrolytes: Na2SO4, KOH and Ca(NO3)(2)center dot 4H(2)O. Specific capacitance as high as 143 F g(-1), is measured in Ca(NO3)(2)center dot 4H(2)O electrolyte.


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Undoped and Ln(3+) (Eu and Tb)-doped crystalline nanobundles of YPO4 were prepared by a facile microwave-assisted route with water as a solvent and without using any surfactant. TEM investigations reveal that the as-prepared powder consists of lenticular-shaped nanobundles (similar to 100 nm in diameter) made of very small nanorods with diameter less than 10 nm and length varying from 20 to 50 nm. Each nanorod in turn is single crystalline, as revealed by HRTEM imaging. The as-prepared nanobundles are easily dispersible in various solvents, especially water, without any surface functionalization, which is critical for various bio-probe applications like cell and tissue imaging. The Eu- and Tb-doped YPO4 nanobundles show good photoluminescence properties and were further evaluated for their use as fluorescent biolabels. Our results show that HeLa cells labelled with Eu- and Tb-doped YPO4 nanobundles show bright red (Eu) and green (Tb) intracellular luminescence under a confocal microscope. Concentration-and time-dependent MTT cell viability assays show that the nanobundles show low toxicity towards cells which makes them promising in bioimaging field.


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In the present study, a microwave-assisted, solution-based route has been employed to obtain porous CoO nano structures. Detailed characterization reveals that the flower-like nanostructures comprise petal-like sheets, each of which is made of an ordered, porous arrangement of crystallites of CoO measuring about 6 nm. TEM analysis shows that each ``petal'' is an oriented aggregate of CoO nanocrystals, such aggregation promoted by the hydroxyl moieties derived from the solution. The structure provides a large specific area as well as the porosity desirable in electrodes in Li-ion batteries. Electrochemical measurements carried out on electrodes made of nanostructured CoO show excellent Li ion-storing capability. A specific capacitance of 779 mAh g(-1) has been measured at a specific current of 100 mA g(-1). Measurements show also excellent cyclability and coulombic efficiency. Impedance spectroscopy provides evidence for charge transfer occurring in the porous networks. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O amendoim A. hypogaea L. é a quarta oleaginosa mais consumida no mundo e suas sementes são altamente energéticas, com grandes quantidades de lipídios, proteínas, vitaminas e carboidratos. Diversas atividades farmacológicas já foram observadas em extratos de raízes, folhas e sementes, sendo a principal delas a atividade antioxidante. Neste trabalho, foi realizada a comparação entre duas metodologias (por maceração e assistida por micro-ondas) para a extração de compostos antioxidantes, incluindo o resveratrol. Também foi realizada a comparação entre extratos de diferentes órgãos de cultivares brasileiras (IAC 886, IAC Caiapó, IAC Tatu ST, IAC 8112 e IAC 99-1) quanto à atividade antioxidante, por DPPH, ao teor de compostos fenólicos, por Folin-Ciocalteu, e ao teor de resveratrol, por HPLC. Por fim, foram estabelecidos protocolos de cultura de tecidos para explantes de sementes, visando à produção de calos e plantas in vitro para posterior dosagem de compostos de interesse, tendo em vista a possibilidade de modulação das condições in vitro. As melhores condições determinadas para a extração por maceração de antioxidantes de A. hypogaea foram 80% de etanol em água como solvente, trituração com almofariz e pistilo, 50 mL solvente por grama de material vegetal seco, 120 minutos de incubação e dois estágios de extração. As melhores condições para a extração de resveratrol assistida por micro-ondas foram o uso de 37 mL de solvente/g material vegetal seco, com agitação de 1200 rpm por 15 minutos, a 37C. De uma maneira geral, os extratos de raízes e oriundos de micro-ondas apresentaram maior atividade antioxidante (até 92,36 2,71%), teor de compostos fenólicos (até 54,15 1,39 mg EAG/g extrato) e teor de resveratrol (até 1,614 0,356 mg/g extrato). Dentre as cultivares estudadas, IAC Tatu e IAC 99-1 foram as que apresentaram os teores mais elevados. Brotos e calos friáveis foram obtidos a partir de cotilédones, eixos embrionários e folíolos embrionários cultivados em meios suplementados com BAP e picloram, respectivamente.


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Submicrometer zinc oxide (ZnO) with different morphologies including spindle-like, pencil-like, branch rod-like and frizzy flower-like shapes, have been hydrothermally synthesized in mixed solvents of ethanol and water at 140 degrees C. It was found that the volumes of added ammonia, surfactant (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB), and mixed solvent play crucial roles in morphological control of ZnO nanostructures. Increasing the volume of ammonia added to the reaction system, the shape of ZnO evolves from spindle into branch rod-like. Synergetic influence between CTAB and ammonia can only be observed at high concentration of ammonia.


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The research described in this thesis focuses, principally, on synthesis of stable α-diazosulfoxides and investigation of their reactivity under various reaction conditions (transition-metal catalysed, photochemical, thermal and microwave) with a particular emphasis on the reactive intermediates and mechanistic aspects of the reaction pathways involved. In agreement with previous studies carried out on these compounds, the key reaction pathway of α-diazosulfoxides was found to be hetero-Wolff rearrangement to give α-oxosulfine intermediates. However, a competing reaction pathway involving oxygen migration from sulfur to oxygen was also observed. Critically, isomerisation of α-oxosulfine stereoisomers was observed directly by 1H NMR spectroscopy in this work and this observation accounts for the stereochemical outcomes of the various cycloaddition reactions, whether carried out with in situ trapping or with preformed solutions of sulfines. Furthermore, matrix isolation experiments have shown that electrocyclisation of α-oxosulfines to oxathiiranes takes place and this verifies the proposed mechanisms for enol and disulfide formation. The introductory chapter includes a brief literature review of the synthesis and reactivity of α-diazosulfoxides prior to the commencement of research in this field by the Maguire group. The Wolff rearrangement is also discussed and the characteristic reactions of a number of reactive intermediates (sulfines, sulfenes and oxathiiranes) are outlined. The use of microwave-assisted organic synthesis is also examined, specifically, in the context of α-diazocarbonyl compounds as substrates. The second chapter describes the synthesis of stable monocyclic and bicyclic lactone derivatives of α-diazosulfoxides from sulfide precursors according to established experimental procedures. Approaches to precursors of ketone and sulfimide derivatives of α-diazosulfoxides are also described. The third chapter examines the reactivity of α-diazosulfoxides under thermal, microwave, rhodium(II)-catalysed and photochemical conditions. Comparison of the results obtained under thermal and microwave conditions indicates that there was no evidence for any effect, other than thermal, induced by microwave irradiation. The results of catalyst studies involving several rhodium(II) carboxylate and rhodium(II) carboxamidate catalysts are outlined. Under photochemical conditions, sulfur extrusion is a significant reaction pathway while under thermal or transition metal catalysed conditions, oxygen extrusion is observed. One of the most important observations in this work was the direct spectroscopic observation (by 1H NMR) of interconversion of the E and Z-oxosulfines. Trapping of the α-oxosulfine intermediates as cycloadducts by reaction with 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene proved useful both synthetically and mechanistically. As the stereochemistry of the α-oxosulfine is retained in the cycloadducts, this provided an ideal method for characterisation of this key feature. In the case of one α-oxosulfine, a novel [2+2] cycloaddition was observed. Preliminary experiments to investigate the reactivity of an α-diazosulfone under rhodium(II) catalysis and microwave irradiation are also described. The fourth chapter describes matrix isolation experiments which were carried out in Rühr Universität, Bochum in collaboration with Prof. Wolfram Sander. These experiments provide direct spectroscopic evidence of an α-oxosulfine intermediate formed by hetero-Wolff rearrangement of an α-diazosulfoxide and subsequent cyclisation of the sulfine to an oxathiirane was also observed. Furthermore, it was possible to identify which stereoisomer of the α-oxosulfine was present in the matrix. A preliminary laser flash photolysis experiment is also discussed. The experimental details, including all spectral and analytical data, are reported at the end of each chapter. The structural interpretation of 1H NMR spectra of the cycloadducts, described in Chapter 3, is discussed in Appendix I.


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This thesis is concerned with several aspects of the chemistry of iron compounds. The preparation (with particular emphasis on coprecipitation and sol-gel techniques) and processing of ferrites are discussed. Chapter 2 describes the synthesis of Ni-Zn ferrites with various compositions by three methods. These methods include coprecipitation and sol-gel techniques. The Ni-Zn ferrites were characterised by powder X-ray diffactometry (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM), Mössbauer spectroscopy and resistivity measurements. The results for the corresponding ferrites prepared by each method are compared. Chapter 3 reports the sol-gel preparation of a lead borosilicate glass and its addition to Ni-Zn ferrites prepared by the sol-gel method in Chapter 2. The glass-ferrites formed were analysed by the same techniques employed in Chapter 2. Alterations in the microstructure, magnetic and electronic properties of the ferrites due to glass addition are described. Chapter 4 introduces compounds containing Fe-O-B, Fe-O-Si or B-O-Si linkages. The synthesis and characterisation of compounds containing Fe-O-B units are described. The structure of [Fe(SALEN)]2O.CH2Cl2 (17), used in attempts to prepare compounds with Fe-O-Si bonds, was determined by X-ray crystallography. Chapter 4 also details the synthesis of three new borosilicate compounds containing ferrocenyl groups, i.e. [FcBO)2(OSiBut2)2] (19), [(FcBO)2(OSiPh2)2] (20) and [FcBOSiPh3] (21). The structure of (19) was determined by X-ray Crystallographic analysis. Chapter 5 reviews the intercalation properties of the layered host compound iron oxychloride (FeOCI). Intercalation compounds prepared with the microwave dielectric heating technique are also discussed. The syntheses of intercalation compounds by the microwave method with FeOCI as host and ferrocene, ferrocenylboronic acid and 4-aminopyridine as guest species are described. Characterisation of these compounds by powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD) and M{ssbauer spectroscopy is reported. The attempted synthesis of an intercalation compound with the borosilicate compound (19) as guest species is discussed. Appendices A-E describe the theory and instrumentation involved in powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM0, vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM), Mössbauer spectroscopy and electrical resistivity measurements, respectively. Appendix F details the attempted syntheses of compounds with Fe-O-B and Fe-O-Si linkages.


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This thesis investigated well-ordered block copolymer (BCP) thin film characteristics and their use for nanoscale pattern formation using a series of polystyrene-block-polymethylmethacrylate (PS-b-PMMA), polystyrene-blockpolydimethylsiloxane (PS-b-PDMS) and polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) systems of various molecular weights. BCP thin films, which act as an ‘on-chip’ etch mask and material templates, are highly promising self-assembling process for future scalable nanolithography. Unlike conventional BCP processing methods, the work in this thesis demonstrates that well-ordered patterns can be achieved in a few seconds compared to several hours by use of a non-conventional microwave assisted technique. As a result, well-ordered BCP nanoscale structures can be developed in industry appropriate periods facilitating their incorporation into current technologies. An optimised and controlled plasma dry etch process was used for successful pattern transfer to the underlying silicon substrate. Long range ordered BCP templates were further modified by selective metal inclusion technique to form a hard mask template towards fabrication of high aspect ratio nanopillars and nanowires. The work described here is centred on how these templates might be used to generate function at substrate surfaces. Herein we describe a number of innovations which might allow their successful uptake in a number of applications.


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This article describes the discovery and development of the first highly selective, small molecule antagonist of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtype I (mAChR1 or M-1). An M-1 functional, cell-based, calcium-mobilization assay identified three distinct chemical series with initial selectivity for M-1 versus M-4. An iterative parallel synthesis approach was employed to optimize all three series in parallel, which led to the development of novel microwave-assisted chemistry and provided important take home lessons for probe development projects. Ultimately, this effort produced VU0255035, a potent (IC50 = 130 nM) and selective (>75-fold vs. M-2-M-5 and >10 mu M vs. a panel of 75 GPCRs, ion channels and transporters) small molecule M-1 antagonist. Further profiling demonstrated that VU0255035 was centrally penetrant (Brain(AUC)/Plasma(AUC) of 0.48) and active in vivo, rendering it acceptable as both an in vitro and in vivo MLSCN/MLPCN probe molecule for studying and dissecting M-1 function.


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In this study, low loading platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs) have been highly dispersed on reduced graphene oxide-supported WC nanocrystallites (Pt-WC/RGO) via program-controlled reduction-carburization technique and microwave-assisted method. The scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy results show that WC nanocrystallites are homogeneously decorated on RGO, and Pt NPs with a size of ca. 3 nm are dispersed on both RGO and WC. The prepared Pt-WC/RGO is used as an electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation reaction (MOR). Compared with the Pt/RGO, commercial carbon-supported Pt (Pt/C) and PtRu alloy (PtRu/C) electrocatalysts, the Pt-WC/RGO composites demonstrate higher electrochemical active surface area and excellent electrocatalytic activity toward the methanol oxidation, such as better tolerance toward CO, higher peak current density, lower onset potential and long-term stability, which could be attributed to the characterized RGO support, highly dispersed Pt NPs and WC nanocrystallites and the valid synergistic effect resulted from the increased interface between WC and Pt. The present work proves that Pt-WC/RGO composites could be a promising alternative catalyst for direct methanol fuel cells where WC plays the important role as a functional additive in preparing Pt-based catalysts because of its CO tolerance and lower price. 


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The greenness, or lack thereof, of various ionic liquid syntheses and purification methodologies are assessed using a common tool used in strategic planning viz. strengths weaknesses opportunities threats (SWOT) analysis, including their adherence to the twelve principles of green chemistry, % atom economies and E-factors.


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Ternary compounds of copper indium selenide nano- and microsized materials were prepared through colloidal synthesis using an indium(III) selenide precursor and copper(I) chloride via a microwave-assisted ionothermal route. The indium(III) selenide precursor used in the reaction was formed in situ from a diphenyl diselenide precursor and chloroindate(III) ionic liquids (ILs), also via a microwave-assisted ionothermal route. The crystal structures of three intermediates, namely, CuCl2(OMe)2(H2O)){Cu(PhSeO2)2}n, [CuCl(Se2Ph2)2]n, and [C8mim]3{Cu(I)Cl2Cu(II)OCl8}n, were determined after formation through a ionothermal procedure utilizing metal-containing imidazolium ILs and a selenium precursor with conventional heating. Herein, we compare the use of microwave irradiation over conventional heating with different ILs on the stoichiometry of the resulting products. The influence of the reaction temperature, reaction time, order of addition of reagents, and variation of ILs, which were characterized using PXRD, SEM, and EDX, on the final products was investigated.


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A methodology based on microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and LC with fluorescence detection (FLD) was investigated for the efficient determination of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) regarded as priority pollutants by the US Environmental Protection Agency and dibenzo(a,l)pyrene in atmospheric particulate samples. PAHs were successfully extracted from real outdoor particulate matter (PM) samples with recoveries ranging from 81.4±8.8 to 112.0±1.1%, for all the compounds except for naphthalene (62.3±18.0%) and anthracene (67.3±5.7%), under the optimum MAE conditions (30.0 mL of ACN for 20 min at 110ºC). No clean-up steps were necessary prior to LC analysis. LOQs ranging from 0.0054 ng/m3 for benzo( a)anthracene to 0.089 ng/m3 for naphthalene were reached. The validated MAE methodology was applied to the determination of PAHs from a set of real world PM samples collected in Oporto (north of Portugal). The sum of particulate-bound PAHs in outdoor PM ranged from 2.5 and 28 ng/m3.