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For a parameter lambda > 0, we study a type of vortex equations, which generalize the well-known Hermitian-Einstein equation, for a connection A and a section phi of a holomorphic vector bundle E over a Kahler manifold X. We establish a global existence of smooth solutions to heat flow for a self-dual Yang-Mills-Higgs field on E. Assuming the lambda -stability of (E, phi), we prove the existence of the Hermitian Yang-Mills-Higgs metric on the holomorphic bundle E by studying the limiting behaviour of the gauge flow.
We use the finite element method to simulate the rock alteration and metamorphic process in hydrothermal systems. In particular, we consider the fluid-rock interaction problems in pore-fluid saturated porous rocks. Since the fluid rock interaction takes place at the contact interface between the pore-fluid and solid minerals, it is governed by the chemical reaction which usually takes place very slowly at this contact interface, from the geochemical point of view. Due to the relative slowness of the rate of the chemical reaction to the velocity of the pore-fluid flow in the hydrothermal system to be considered, there exists a retardation zone, in which the conventional static theory in geochemistry does not hold true. Since this issue is often overlooked by some purely numerical modellers, it is emphasized in this paper. The related results from a typical rock alteration and metamorphic problem in a hydrothermal system have shown not only the detailed rock alteration and metamorphic process, but also the size of the retardation zone in the hydrothermal system. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We prove that for any real number p with 1 p less than or equal to n - 1, the map x/\x\ : B-n --> Sn-1 is the unique minimizer of the p-energy functional integral(Bn) \delu\(p) dx among all maps in W-1,W-p (B-n, Sn-1) with boundary value x on phiB(n).
We use the finite element method to model the heat transfer phenomenon through permeable cracks in hydrothermal systems with upward throughflow. Since the finite element method is an approximate numerical method, the method must be validated before it is used to soh,e any new, kind of problem. However, the analytical solution, which can be used to validate the finite element method and other numerical methods, is rather limited in the literature, especially, for the problem considered here. Keeping this in mind, we have derived analytical solutions for the temperature distribution along the vertical axis of a crack in a fluid-saturated porous layer. After the finite element method is validated by comparing the numerical solution with the analytical solution for the same benchmark problem, it is used to investigate the pore-fluid flow and heat transfer in layered hydrothermal systems with vertical permeable cracks. The related analytical and numerical results have demonstrated that vertical cracks are effective and efficient members to transfer heat energy from the bottom section to the top section in hydrothermal systems with upward throughflow.
Sum: Plant biologists in fields of ecology, evolution, genetics and breeding frequently use multivariate methods. This paper illustrates Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Gabriel's biplot as applied to microarray expression data from plant pathology experiments. Availability: An example program in the publicly distributed statistical language R is available from the web site (www.tpp.uq.edu.au) and by e-mail from the contact. Contact: scott.chapman@csiro.au.
A rapid spherical harmonic calculation method is used for the design of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance shim coils. The aim is to design each shim such that it generates a field described purely by a single spherical harmonic. By applying simulated annealing techniques, coil arrangements are produced through the optimal positioning of current-carrying circular arc conductors of rectangular cross-section. This involves minimizing the undesirable harmonies in relation to a target harmonic. The design method is flexible enough to be applied for the production of coil arrangements that generate fields consisting significantly of either zonal or tesseral harmonics. Results are presented for several coil designs which generate tesseral harmonics of degree one.
A 1-factorisation of a graph is perfect if the union of any two of its 1-factors is a Hamiltonian cycle. Let n = p(2) for an odd prime p. We construct a family of (p-1)/2 non-isomorphic perfect 1-factorisations of K-n,K-n. Equivalently, we construct pan-Hamiltonian Latin squares of order n. A Latin square is pan-Hamiltoilian if the permutation defined by any row relative to any other row is a single Cycle. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
The finite element method is used to simulate coupled problems, which describe the related physical and chemical processes of ore body formation and mineralization, in geological and geochemical systems. The main purpose of this paper is to illustrate some simulation results for different types of modelling problems in pore-fluid saturated rock masses. The aims of the simulation results presented in this paper are: (1) getting a better understanding of the processes and mechanisms of ore body formation and mineralization in the upper crust of the Earth; (2) demonstrating the usefulness and applicability of the finite element method in dealing with a wide range of coupled problems in geological and geochemical systems; (3) qualitatively establishing a set of showcase problems, against which any numerical method and computer package can be reasonably validated. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
We present the finite element simulations of reactive mineral carrying fluids mixing and mineralization in pore-fluid saturated hydrothermal/sedimentary basins. In particular we explore the mixing of reactive sulfide and sulfate fluids and the relevant patterns of mineralization for Load, zinc and iron minerals in the regime of temperature-gradient-driven convective flow. Since the mineralization and ore body formation may last quite a long period of time in a hydrothermal basin, it is commonly assumed that, in the geochemistry, the solutions of minerals are in an equilibrium state or near an equilibrium state. Therefore, the mineralization rate of a particular kind of mineral can be expressed as the product of the pore-fluid velocity and the equilibrium concentration of this particular kind of mineral Using the present mineralization rate of a mineral, the potential of the modern mineralization theory is illustrated by means of finite element studies related to reactive mineral-carrying fluids mixing problems in materially homogeneous and inhomogeneous porous rock basins.
The polar ionosphere at Zhongshan Station on May 11, 1999, the day the solar wind almost disappeared
The solar wind almost disappeared on May 11,1999: the solar wind plasma density and' dynamic pressure were less than 1 cm(-3) and 0.1 nPa respectively, while the interplanetary magnetic field was northward. The polar ionospheric data observed by the multi-instruments at Zhongshan Station in Antarctica on such special event day was compared with those of the control day (May 14). It was shown that geomagnetic activity was very quiet on May 11 at Zhongshan. The magnetic pulsation, which usually occurred at about magnetic noon, did not appear. The ionosphere was steady and stratified, and the F-2 layer spread very little. The critical frequency of dayside F-2 layer, f(0)F(2), was larger than that of control day, and the peak of f(0)F(2) appeared 2 hours earlier. The ionospheric drift velocity was less than usual. There were intensive auroral E-s appearing at magnetic noon. All this indicates that the polar ionosphere was extremely quiet and geomagnetic field was much more dipolar on May 11. There were some signatures of auroral substorm before midnight, such as the negative deviation of the geomagnetic H component, accompanied with auroral E-s and weak Pc3 pulsation.
Let H be a graph. A graph G is said to be H-free if it contains no subgraph isomorphic to H. A graph G is said to be an H-saturated subgraph of a graph K if G is an H-free subgraph of K with the property that for any edge e is an element of E(K)\E(G), G boolean OR {e} is not H-free. We present some general results on K-s,K-t-saturated subgraphs of the complete bipartite graph K-m,K-n and study the problem of finding, for all possible values of q, a C-4-saturated subgraph of K., having precisely q edges. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In order to investigate the effect of material anisotropy on convective instability of three-dimensional fluid-saturated faults, an exact analytical solution for the critical Rayleigh number of three-dimensional convective flow has been obtained. Using this critical Rayleigh number, effects of different permeability ratios and thermal conductivity ratios on convective instability of a vertically oriented three-dimensional fault have been examined in detail. It has been recognized that (1) if the fault material is isotropic in the horizontal direction, the horizontal to vertical permeability ratio has a significant effect on the critical Rayleigh number of the three-dimensional fault system, but the horizontal to vertical thermal conductivity ratio has little influence on the convective instability of the system, and (2) if the fault material is isotropic in the fault plane, the thermal conductivity ratio of the fault normal to plane has a considerable effect on the critical Rayleigh number of the three-dimensional fault system, but the effect of the permeability ratio of the fault normal to plane on the critical Rayleigh number of three-dimensional convective flow is negligible.
We use the finite element method to solve coupled problems between pore-fluid flow and heat transfer in fluid-saturated porous rocks. In particular, we investigate the effects of both the hot pluton intrusion and topographically driven horizontal flow on the distributions of the pore-flow velocity and temperature in large-scale hydrothermal systems. Since general mineralization patterns are strongly dependent on distributions of both the pore-fluid velocity and temperature fields, the modern mineralization theory has been used to predict the general mineralization patterns in several realistic hydrothermal systems. The related numerical results have demonstrated that: (1) The existence of a hot intrusion can cause an increase in the maximum value of the pore-fluid velocity in the hydrothermal system. (2) The permeability of an intruded pluton is one of the sensitive parameters to control the pore-fluid flow, heat transfer and ore body formation in hydrothermal systems. (3) The maximum value of the pore-fluid velocity increases when the bottom temperature of the hydrothermal system is increased. (4) The topographically driven flow has significant effects on the pore-fluid flow, temperature distribution and precipitation pattern of minerals in hydrothermal systems. (5) The size of the computational domain may have some effects on the pore-fluid flow and heat transfer, indicating that the size of a hydrothermal system may affect the pore-fluid flow and heat transfer within the system. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.