903 resultados para Maternal Age


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The prevalence of low birth weight is an important aspect of public health which has been linked to increased risk of infant death, increased cost of care, and a range of later life outcomes. Using data from a new Irish cohort study, I document the relationship between birth weight and socio-economic status. The association of maternal education with birth weight does not appear to be due to the timing of birth or complications during pregnancy, even controlling for a wide range of background characteristics. However, results do suggest intergenerational persistence in the transmission of poor early life conditions. Birth weight predicts a number of outcomes at age 9, including test scores, hospital stays and health. An advantage of the data is that I am able to control for a number of typically unmeasured variables. I determine whether parental investments (as measured by the quality of interaction with the child, parenting style, or school quality) mediate the association between birth weight and later indicators. For test scores, there is evidence of non-linearity, and boys are more adversely affected than girls. I also consider whether there are heterogeneous effects by ability using quantile regression. These results are consistent with a literature which finds that there is a causal relationship between early life conditions and later outcomes.


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The prenatal period is of critical importance in defining how individuals respond to their environment throughout life. Stress experienced by pregnant females has been shown to have detrimental effects on offspring behaviour, health and productivity. The sheep has been used extensively as a model species to inform human studies. However, in the farmed environment, the consequences for the lamb of the imposition of prenatal stresses upon the ewe have received much less attention. The stressors that pregnant ewes are most frequently exposed to include sub-optimal nutrition and those related to housing, husbandry and environment which may be either acute or chronic. A systematic review of the literature was adopted to identify material which had production-relevant maternal stressors and lamb outcomes. The current review focussed upon the lamb up to weaning around the age of 100 days and the results clearly demonstrate that stressors imposed upon the ewe have implications for offspring welfare and performance. Maternal under-nutrition (UN) in the last third of pregnancy consistently impaired lamb birth-weight and subsequent vigour and performance, while earlier UN had a variable effect on performance. Feeding the ewe above requirements did not have positive effects on lamb performance and welfare. Social and husbandry stressors such as transport, shearing, mixing and physiological treatments designed to mimic acute stress which would be considered disadvantageous for the ewe had positive or neutral effects for the lamb, highlighting a potential conflict between the welfare of the ewe and her lamb. This review also identified considerable gaps in knowledge, particularly in respect of the impact of disease upon the ewe during pregnancy and interactions between different stressors and the responses of ewe and lamb.


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OBJECTIVE: So far, associations between appraisals, maternal adjustment and coping following diagnosis of fetal anomaly have not been investigated in women who continue with their pregnancy. METHOD: This study measured maternal coping and adjustment after and appraisal of a diagnosis of fetal anomaly in 40 mothers who had continued with their pregnancy using a cross-sectional questionnaire design. RESULTS: Based on retrospective reporting, 35% of participants met full diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder after having received the diagnosis. Women were significantly more depressed (p < 0.001) and anxious (p < 0.001) and reported significantly less positive affect (p < 0.05) after having received the diagnosis in comparison to the time after childbirth. There were no significant differences between emotion-focused and problem-focused coping. Stressful life events, women's age, number of people providing support and problem-focused coping explained 57.6% of variance in anxiety and depression after childbirth. Satisfaction with social support, emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping significantly explained 40.6% of variance in positive affect after childbirth. CONCLUSION: Following a prenatal diagnosis and for the remainder of their pregnancy, particular attention should be paid to older mothers, those experiencing additional stressful life events and those who are socially isolated, as these women may experience greater distress after childbirth.


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Direct high fat (HF) feeding has adverse effects on body composition and bone development in rodents. However, it is unclear whether maternal HF feeding has similar effects in male rat offspring. The objectives of this thesis were to determine if maternal HF feeding altered body composition, plasma hormones, bone development, and bone fatty acid composition in male offspring at weaning and 3 months of age. Maternal HF feeding increased bone mass and altered femur fatty acid composition at weaning, without differences in fat mass, lean mass, plasma hormones, or bone mass (femur or lumbar vertebrae). However, early differences did not persist at 3 months of age or contribute to lower bone strength – following consumption of a control diet post-weaning. These findings suggest that maternal HF feeding can alter body composition and bone development in weanling male offspring, without long-lasting effects if a healthy control diet is consumed post-weaning.


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High fat diet (HFD) consumption in rodents alters body composition and weakens bones. Whether female offspring of mothers consuming a HFD are similarly affected at weaning and early adulthood is unclear. This research determined whether maternal HFD contributes to long-lasting alterations in body composition and bone health of female offspring. Rats were fed control or HFD for 10 weeks prior to and throughout pregnancy and lactation. Female offspring were studied at weaning or 3 months of age (consumed control diet). Main findings in female offspring: maternal HFD decreased lean mass, increased fat mass and femoral BMD at weaning, but not at 3 months; weanling femoral lipid composition reflected maternal diet, persisting to 3 months of age (decreased total and n6 polyunsaturates, increased saturates); and no differences in femoral strength at 3 months. In summary, 3 month old female offspring have similar body composition and bone health regardless of maternal diet.


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Dans le but d’examiner les mécanismes qui sous-tendent le développement de la sécurité d’attachement chez l’enfant, Grossmann et al. (1999; 2008) proposent une perspective plus vaste de l’étude de l’attachement chez l’enfant, examinant les comportements parentaux pertinents aux deux côtés de l’équilibre entre le système d’attachement et le système d’exploration. La thèse se base sur cette approche pour explorer la relation entre la sécurité d’attachement chez l’enfant et deux comportements maternels, soit la sensibilité maternelle et le soutien à l’autonomie maternel, de même que la relation entre ces deux comportements et l’état d’esprit maternel face à l’attachement. Le premier article propose que la théorie de l’autodétermination, avec ses études empiriques portant sur les comportements parentaux liés à l’exploration, offre une perspective utile pour l’étude des comportements d’exploration dans le cadre de l’équilibre attachement/exploration. L’article présente une revue théorique et empirique des domaines de l’attachement et de la théorie de l’autodétermination et souligne des analogies conceptuelles et empiriques entre les deux domaines, en plus de décrire la façon dont ils se complètent et se complémentent. Le deuxième article étudie les liens entre la sensibilité maternelle, le soutien à l’autonomie maternel et la sécurité d’attachement chez l’enfant. Soixante et onze dyades ont participé à deux visites à domicile. La sensibilité maternelle a été évaluée lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 12 mois, alors que le soutien à l’autonomie maternel et la sécurité d’attachement chez l’enfant l’ont été lorsque les enfants avaient atteint l’âge de 15 mois. Les résultats indiquent que le soutien à l’autonomie maternel explique une portion significative de la variance de la sécurité d’attachement, et ce, après avoir contrôlé pour la sensibilité maternelle et le statut socio-économique. Le troisième article examine les relations entre deux dimensions de l’état d’esprit maternel face à l’attachement (esquivant et préoccupé/non-résolu), la sensibilité maternelle et le soutien à l’autonomie maternel. Soixante et onze dyades ont participé à trois visites à domicile. L’Entrevue d’Attachement Adulte (EAA) a été administrée lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 8 mois, la sensibilité maternelle a été évaluée alors qu’ils avaient atteint l’âge de 12 mois et le soutien à l’autonomie maternel, lorsqu’ils avaient 15 mois. Les résultats révèlent qu’après avoir contrôlé pour le statut socio-économique, la sensibilité maternelle est liée de façon négative à la dimension « esquivant » de l’EAA, alors que le soutien à l’autonomie maternel est lié de façon négative à la dimension « préoccupé/non-résolu ». Les résultats présentés dans le deuxième et le troisième article sont discutés, de même que de leurs répercussions théoriques et cliniques. Des questions susceptibles de guider des recherches futures sont proposées.


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Résumé: Les anti-infectieux sont parmi les médicaments les plus utilisés pendant la grossesse. Les indications pour l’utilisation de ces médicaments, telles que les infections bactériennes, figurent parmi les facteurs de risque les plus importants pour la prématurité et les enfants nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel («Small-for-gestational-age », SGA). Ces complications de la grossesse peuvent avoir des incidences sur la santé du nouveau né et sur son développement futur. Compte tenu des impacts sur la santé de la mère et de l’enfant, la prise en charge et le traitement efficace de ces infections sont impératifs. Cependant, l'utilisation des anti-infectieux, pour éviter des issues de grossesse défavorables, fait l’objet d’une controverse dans la littérature. Cette controverse est en partie liée à la qualité méthodologique discutable des études disponibles sur le sujet. Les quatre études présentées dans cette thèse ont donc pour objectif d’investiguer l’utilisation des anti-infectieux durant la grossesse ainsi que d’évaluer le risque de prématurité et de SGA après utilisation de ces médicaments en période gestationnelle. Une révision systématique de la littérature sur l’utilisation du métronidazole durant la grossesse est également présentée. Nous avons utilisé, comme source de données le Registre des Grossesses du Québec, une cohorte longitudinale conçue à partir du jumelage de trois bases de données administratives de la province du Québec (RAMQ, Med-Echo et ISQ). Le registre fournit des informations sur les prescriptions, les services pharmaceutiques et médicaux, ainsi que des donnés sur les soins d’hospitalisation de courte durée et démographiques. Les deux premières études présentées dans cette thèse ont eu pour objectif d’évaluer la prévalence, les tendances, les indications et les prédicteurs de l’utilisation des anti-infectieux dans une cohorte, extraite du registre, de 97 680 femmes enceintes. A l’aide d’un devis cas-témoins, les 2 dernières études ont mesuré l’association entre l’utilisation d’anti-infectieux durant les 2 derniers trimestres de grossesse et le risque de prématurité et de SGA, respectivement. Un cas de prématurité a été défini comme un accouchement survenu avant 37 semaines de gestation. Un cas de SGA a été défini comme l’accouchement d’un enfant dont le poids à la naissance se situe sous le 10ème percentile du poids normalisé à la naissance (compte tenu de l’âge gestationnel et du sexe du bébé). Les données ont été recueillies pour les agents systémiques oraux, ainsi que pour les classes et les agents individuels. Nos résultats ont montré que la prévalence de l’utilisation des anti-infectieux durant la grossesse était comparable à celle d’autres études déjà publiées (25%). Nous avons observé une augmentation de l’utilisation des agents plus anciens et ayant des profils d’innocuité connus. Les prédicteurs de l’usage en début de grossesse identifiés sont : avoir eu plus de deux différentes prescriptions (OR ajusté = 3,83, IC 95% : 3,3-4,3), avoir eu un diagnostic d’infection urinaire (OR= 1,50, IC 95% : 1,3-1,8) et un diagnostic d’infection respiratoire (OR= 1,40, IC 95% : 1,2-1,6). L’utilisation des macrolides a été associée à une diminution du risque de prématurité (OR =0,65, IC 95% : 0,50-0,85). En revanche, les femmes ayant été exposées au métronidazole ont vu leur risque augmenté de 80% (OR=1,81, IC 95% : 1,30-2,54). L’utilisation d’azithromycine a été associée à une diminution importante du risque chez les femmes ayant un diagnostic de rupture prématurée des membranes (OR=0,31, IC 95% : 0,10-0,93). Cependant, l'utilisation de sulfaméthoxazole-triméthoprime (SXT) a été significativement associée à une augmentation du risque de SGA (OR= 1,61, IC 95% : 1,16-2,23), tandis que celle des anti-infectieux urinaires a été associée à une diminution du risque (OR= 0,80, 95%CI : 0.65-0.97). Les conclusions de nos travaux suggèrent que l’utilisation des macrolides et des pénicillines diminuent le risque de prématurité et de SGA. Nous devons considérer l'utilisation de différents choix thérapeutiques tels que l’azithromycine, lors de la prise en charge des infections pouvant induire la prématurité et le SGA.


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Background Recent research provides evidence for specific disturbance in feeding and growth in children of mothers with eating disorders. Aim To investigate the impact of maternal eating disorders during the post-natal year on the internal world of children, as expressed in children's representations of self and their mother in pretend mealtime play at 5 years of age. Methods Children of mothers with eating disorders (n = 33) and a comparison group (n = 24) were videotaped enacting a family mealtime in pretend play. Specific classes of children's play representations were coded blind to group membership. Univariate analyses compared the groups on representations of mother and self. Logistic regression explored factors predicting pretend play representations. Results Positive representations of the mother expressed as feeding, eating or body shape themes were more frequent in the index group. There were no other significant group differences in representations. In a logistic regression analysis, current maternal eating psychopathology was the principal predictor of these positive maternal representations. Marital criticism was associated with negative representations of the mother. Conclusions These findings suggest that maternal eating disorders may influence the development of a child's internal world, such that they are more preoccupied with maternal eating concerns. However, more extensive research on larger samples is required to replicate these preliminary findings.


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Background: We have previously reported higher and more variable salivary morning cortisol in 13-year-old adolescents whose mothers were depressed in the postnatal period, compared with control group adolescents whose mothers did not develop postnatal depression (PND). This observation suggested a biological mechanism by which intrafamilial risk for depressive disorder may be transmitted. In the current article, we examined whether the cortisol disturbances observed at 13 years could predict depressive symptornatology in adolescents at 16 years of age. Methods: We measured self-reported depressive symptoms in 16-year-old adolescents who had (n = 48) or had not (n = 39) been exposed to postnatal maternal depression and examined their prediction by morning and evening cortisol indices obtained via 10 days of salivary collections at 13 years. Results: Elevated morning cortisol secretion at 13 years, and particularly the maximum level recorded over 10 days of collection, predicted elevated depressive symptoms at 16 years over and above 13-year depressive symptom levels and other possible confounding factors. Morning cortisol secretion mediated an association between maternal PND and symptornatology in 16-year-old offspring. Conclusions: Alterations in steroid secretion observed in association with maternal PND may provide a mechanism by which risk for depression is transmitted from mother to offspring.


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OBJECTIVES: The study examined the early interaction between mothers and their infants with cleft lip, assessing the role of maternal affective state and expressiveness and differences in infant temperament. METHODS: Mother-infant interactions were assessed in 25 2-month-old infants with cleft lip and 25 age-matched healthy infants. Self-report and behavioral observations were used to assess maternal depressive symptoms and expressions. Mothers rated infant temperament. RESULTS: Infants with cleft lip were less engaged and their mothers showed more difficulty in interaction than control group dyads. Mothers of infants with cleft lip displayed more negative affectivity, but did not report more self-rated depressive symptoms than control group mothers. No group differences were found in infant temperament. CONCLUSIONS: In order to support the mother's experience and facilitate her ongoing parental role, findings highlight the importance of identifying maternal negative affectivity during early interactions, even when they seem have little awareness of their depressive symptoms.


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Aggression in children is associated with an enhanced tendency to attribute hostile intentions to others. However, limited information is available regarding the factors that contribute to the development of such hostile attribution tendencies. We examined factors that contribute to individual differences in child hostile attributions and aggression, focusing on potential pathways from maternal hostile attributions via negative parenting behavior. We conducted a longitudinal study of 98 mothers and children (47 male, 51 female), recruited from groups experiencing high and low levels of psychosocial adversity. Maternal hostile attributions, observed parenting, and child behaviour were assessed at 18 months and 5 years child age, and child hostile attributions were also examined at 5 years. Independent assessments of maternal and child processes were utilized where possible. Analyses provided support for a direct influence of maternal hostile attributions on the development of child hostile attributions and aggressive behaviour. Maternal hostile attributions were also associated with negative parenting behaviour, which in turn influenced child adjustment. Even taking account of possible parenting influences and preexisting child difficulties, hostile attributions in the mother showed a direct link with child aggression at 5 years. Maternal hostile attributions were themselves related to psychosocial adversity. We conclude that maternal hostile attributions are prevalent in high-risk samples and are related to less optimal parenting behaviour, child hostile attributions, and child aggression. Targeting hostile maternal cognitions may be a useful adjunct to parenting programs


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Objectives To investigate whether sleep disturbances previously found to characterise high risk infants: (a) persist into childhood; (b) are influenced by early maternal settling strategies and (c) predict cognitive and emotional/behavioural functioning. Methods Mothers experiencing high and low levels of psychosocial adversity (risk) were recruited antenatally and longitudinally assessed with their children. Mothers completed measures of settling strategies and infant sleep postnatally, and at 12 and 18 months, infant age. At five years, child sleep characteristics were measured via an actigraphy and maternal report; IQ and child adjustment were also assessed. Results Sleep disturbances observed in high-risk infants persisted at five years. Maternal involvement in infant settling was greater in high risk mothers, and predicted less optimal sleep at five years. Poorer five year sleep was associated with concurrent child anxiety/depression and aggression, but there was limited evidence for an influence of early sleep problems. Associations between infant/child sleep characteristics and IQ were also limited. Conclusions Early maternal over-involvement in infant settling is associated with less optimal sleep in children, which in turn, is related to child adjustment. The findings highlight the importance of supporting parents in the early development of good settling practices, particularly in high-risk populations.


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The offspring of depressed parents have been found to show elevated basal levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Whether heightened cortisol stress reactivity is also present in this group has yet to be clearly demonstrated. We tested whether postnatal maternal depression predicts subsequent increases in offspring biological sensitivity to social stress, as indexed by elevated cortisol reactivity. Participants (mean age 22.4-years) derived from a 22-year prospective longitudinal study of the offspring of mothers who had postnatal depression (PND group; n=38) and a control group (n=38). Salivary cortisol response to a social-evaluative threat (Trier Social Stress Test) was measured. Hierarchical linear modelling indicated that PND group offspring showed greater cortisol reactivity to the stress test than control group participants. Group differences were not explained by offspring depressive or anxiety symptoms, experiences of negative life events, elevated basal cortisol at age 13-years, subsequent exposure to maternal depression, or other key covariates. The findings indicate that the presence of early maternal depression can predict offspring biological sensitivity to social stress in adulthood, with potential implications for broader functioning.


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Background The low expression polymorphism of the MAOA gene in interaction with adverse environments (G × E) is associated with antisocial behaviour disorders. These have their origins in early life, but it is not known whether MAOA G × E occurs in infants. We therefore examined whether MAOA G × E predicts infant anger proneness, a temperamental dimension associated with later antisocial behaviour disorders. In contrast to previous studies, we examined MAOA G × E prospectively using an observational measure of a key aspect of the infant environment, maternal sensitivity, at a specified developmental time point. Methods In a stratified epidemiological cohort recruited during pregnancy, we ascertained MAOA status (low vs. high expression alleles) from the saliva of 193 infants, and examined specific predictions to maternal report of infant temperament at 14 months from maternal sensitivity assessed at 29 weeks of age. Results Analyses, weighted to provide general population estimates, indicated a robust interaction between MAOA status and maternal sensitivity in the prediction of infant anger proneness (p = .003) which became stronger once possible confounders for maternal sensitivity were included in the model (p = .0001). The interaction terms were similar in males (p = .010) and females (p = .016), but the effects were different as a consequence of an additional sex of infant by maternal sensitivity interaction. Conclusions This prospective study provides the first evidence of moderation by the MAOA gene of effects of parenting on infant anger proneness, an important early risk for the development of disruptive and aggressive behaviour disorders.


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Purpose Prenatal undernutrition followed by postweaning feeding of a high-fat diet results in obesity in the adult offspring. In this study, we investigated whether diet-induced thermogenesis is altered as a result of such nutritional mismatch. Methods Female MF-1 mice were fed a normal protein (NP, 18 % casein) or a protein-restricted (PR, 9 % casein) diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. After weaning, male offspring of both groups were fed either a high-fat diet (HF; 45 % kcal fat) or standard chow (C, 7 % kcal fat) to generate the NP/C, NP/HF, PR/C and PR/HF adult offspring groups (n = 7–11 per group). Results PR/C and NP/C offspring have similar body weights at 30 weeks of age. Postweaning HF feeding resulted in significantly heavier NP/HF offspring (P < 0.01), but not in PR/HF offspring, compared with their chow-fed counterparts. However, the PR/HF offspring exhibited greater adiposity (P < 0.01) v the NP/HF group. The NP/HF offspring had increased energy expenditure and increased mRNA expression of uncoupling protein-1 and β-3 adrenergic receptor in the interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) compared with the NP/C mice (both at P < 0.01). No such differences in energy expenditure and iBAT gene expression were observed between the PR/HF and PR/C offspring. Conclusions These data suggest that a mismatch between maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation, and the postweaning diet of the offspring, can attenuate diet-induced thermogenesis in the iBAT, resulting in the development of obesity in adulthood.