899 resultados para Marriage customs and rites.
Pour des raisons de limitation, cette thèse analyse le thème de la réconciliation à partir des pratiques traditionnelles des Baluba du Katanga; elle concerne et s'applique également aux autres ethnies bantu en Afrique Centrale où ces pratiques sont similaires.
This thesis entitled “ Educational rights of the minorities under article 30 of the indian constitution.The study is divided into nine chapters.The object of the present study is to explore whether the judiciary has been successful in balancing the conflicting rights of the minorities and the state. The study also seeks to bring forth those judicial principles which have governed the operation of these rights and determined the limits of their application. Article 30 confers a special right on minorities to establish educational institutions of their own choice.This is an expression of the liberal and tolerent culture of our nation which is reflected in the Constitution. The idea is to foster unity' in diversity, ea unique characteristic of the Indian way of life.This study suggested that where a minority is a minority’ in the historical or national context and its claim is based on religion it must be defined and ascertained in terms of the population of the whole country irrespective of its being a numerical majority' in any particular State and the minority status. of linguistic group has to be ascertained in terms of the population of any particular State irrespective of its being a numerical minority in terms of the population of the whole country.A religious denomination also can be treated as a religion within the meaning of Article 30(1) provided it is having a separate organisation with doctrines and tenets and rites and practices of its own.
La sociedad ha definido ciertas normas y pautas de comportamiento en los individuos que se encuentran en ella. La interacción y red de relaciones dadas entre ellos constituye la identidad de la misma. El carácter de las sociedades está determinado por medio de la Institución Social la cual proporciona una interpretación más profunda de la complejidad de las relaciones sociales de cualquier conjunto de personas relacionadas entre sí. Dentro de la sociedad existe una noción de Cultura Social que refleja una experiencia colectiva que vivencian todos los individuos en ella, los acontecimientos que han tenido lugar en el pasado y que repercuten o tienen incidencia en el presente e incluso en el futuro de ese grupo de personas. La organización resulta ser el vínculo existente entre un conjunto de individuos que se encuentran relacionados y dispuestos a alcanzar una meta común por medio del establecimiento de roles o funciones. La Cultura Organizacional genera sentido de identidad y pertenencia a la Organización, además de incentivar el compromiso entre los integrantes de la misma para la consecución de logros y objetivos en común. Por tanto, la Cultura Social no debe ser aplicada de igual forma a la Cultura Organizacional, ya que la vinculación y la clase de relación que surge de los individuos en la Sociedad o en la Organización, es completamente diferente. Los valores, creencias y ritos, que se crean en la sociedad no pueden ser transferidos a una empresa debido a que las relaciones y el fin último de cada una de ellas es diferente.
After several decades of systematic nature destruction, the discourse on biodiversity is the answer of what might be called “the irruption of the biological”, i.e. the biotic issue surviving as the core issue of the modern order. In this regard, the biodiversity discourse declares itself the sponsor of saving nature from destructive practices and capable to institute a culture of conservation instead. Nevertheless, there remain gaps in the discourse, which have been intended to be fi lled with discussions addressing lately the relevance of the local knowledge, the ways of life –habits and customs– and the traditional production, within the frame that supports the meaning of biodiversity. On the one hand, for industrialized countries governments and international governmental institutions, traditional knowledge is an asset of the humankind, which improved becomes a technological innovation that may be subject to patent and fi nally traded, without any benefit to the owners of the basis knowledge. On the other hand, for peasants, intellectuals, and local knowledge activists, ways of life and tradicional production are the basis for rebuilding the peasants’ and natives’ territory, to strengthen the limited independence and self-suffi ciency they live with, but with their active involvement in the determination of everything that affects them. Based on these considerations, spaces are being built to provide an answer to privatization, an answer based on the concept of “the communal” (Grain, 2005).
Existe una fuerte preocupación por parte de los Estados acerca de la cuestión migratoria. En tanto en que ésta se convierte de una fuerza generadora de transformaciones sociales, políticas y económicas, también representan un reto para el Estado tradicional que bajo contextos democráticos no favorece sin embargo institucionalmente la implantación de modelos más pluralistas que favorezcan la inclusión de los migrantes bajo ciertas condiciones. La dificultad de implementar estos modelos radica no sólo en los posibles resultados de las nuevas relaciones que se generan, sino también en la combinación sistemática de hábitos y estructuras sociales que generan una cultura, siendo el significado simbólico de la identidad —pública y privada— la que da sentido al proceso adaptativo y asimilatorio de esos migrantes. Por lo que la migración ha tenido un efecto bipolar, por una parte favorece la propiciación de flexibilidad institucional que favorezca un sistema más plural en sentido político, por parte de los estados, pero también ha impulsado la idea de que existen identidades colectivas ajenas a lo nacional, que ponen en riesgo la cohesión social dentro de un Estado-nación.-----There is a deep concern of the Governments with respect to the migration issue. While it is moving from being a force generating social, political, and economical transformations, it also represents a challenge to the traditional State which despite its democratic framework, it however does not institutionally favor the implementation of more pluralist models which promote the inclusion of migrants under certain conditions. The obstacle to implementing these models lies not only on the potential results of the new relationships created, but also on the consistent blend of customs and social structures which generate a culture, being the symbolic meaning of the –public and private– identity which provides a purpose to the adaptation and assimilatory process of those migrants. Due to the bipolar effect of the migration, on the one hand it favors the promotion of an institutional flexibility which fosters a more politically plural system on the States’ side, and on the other hand it has boosted the notion of the existence of collective identities alien to nation-wide matters, which compromise the social consistency within a nation-state.
Una de las mayores brechas que tienen los empresarios colombianos es la falta de información sobre las opciones de exportación hacia otros países, especialmente con Estados Unidos siendo uno de los principales socios comerciales que tiene Colombia. Por esta razón el presente trabajo de investigación se propuso identificar y analizar las oportunidades de exportaciones de productos agrícolas y agro-industriales potenciales desde Colombia hacia Estados Unidos en el periodo de 2003 hasta 2012. Después de contextualizar el entorno de los dos países así como el del sector agrícola de cada uno de ellos; se procedió a la selección de diez sub-partidas arancelarias a través de las bases de datos de TRADE MAP y UN COMTRADE. Con base en los resultados observados, se eligieron los dos productos agrícolas o agro-industriales potenciales para la exportación hacia Estados Unidos; adicionalmente se exploró el Tratado de Libre Comercio con dicho país para reconocer las ventajas, beneficios y oportunidades que este acuerdo generó en los productos seleccionados. Por lo tanto se concluye que Estados Unidos influye significativamente en las relaciones tanto comerciales como financieras a nivel mundial. En el caso de Colombia ha alcanzado resultados positivos en la balanza comercial, niveles óptimos de inversión y crecimiento de la economía comercial. Finalmente se puede afirmar que el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre los dos países promueve el ingreso preferencial de manera permanente, genera mayor estabilidad, competitividad en el largo plazo y acceso a mercados al agilizar los procesos normativos de los productos agrícolas y agro-industriales.
El presente trabajo tiene como punto de partida la convicción que es necesario explorar nuevos marcos teóricos y metodológicos para la producción de conocimiento sobre las múltiples relaciones de la cultura con el desarrollo. Para tal efecto revisa la naturaleza polisémica del concepto cultura, su tratamiento por las ciencias sociales y la economía y su concepción actual como explicación última de toda actividad humana. Subraya la necesidad de generar un conocimiento propio del campo cultural que adopte renovadas concepciones y bases epistemológicas provenientes de las artes y las humanidades que privilegian lo intuitivo, lo individual frente a lo colectivo. La revisión de fuentes provenientes de la filosofía permite una lectura y un enfoque reformado de la naturaleza de la cultura que cuestiona la clásica concepción antropológica que reduce lo religioso a una expresión cultural. Los argumentos presentados exponen que en toda forma cultural está implícita una particular cosmovisión, una visión de la vida; una valoración del mundo que se conecta con el significado último de la existencia humana que es de naturaleza religiosa. Todas las comunidades culturales tienen en su haber una serie de prácticas, tradiciones, usos, costumbres, expresiones creativas que dan cuenta de una identidad particular y que son registradas a través de mapeos culturales y sistemas de información. El texto hace referencias a políticas y programas culturales sobre cultura y desarrollo en la región centroamericana
Ce travail sur l’infidélité dans le couple traite les différentes sources de l’ennui ainsi que leurs conséquences dans la vie du couple. Les différentes opinions de différents auteurs sur la cause de l’infidélité dans le couple sont vues en long et en large. L’éducation féminine du XIXème siècle éclaire sur le handicap qui a entrainé certaines filles dans le malheur car l’éducation de l’époque ne les avait pas bien préparées pour devenir de bonnes épouses. Ce mémoire montre l’image de la religion dans ces deux oeuvres : Madame Bovary et Traversée de la mangrove. La question est de voir comment ces auteurs peignent la religion dans ces oeuvres et pourquoi ils adoptent l’infidélité pour sauver la femme de son ennui. Enfin, la comparaison de ces ennuis est faite afin de voir que dans ces couples, malgré le fait qu’ils appartiennent à des époques différentes, l’ennui dans le couple est le même. Ces auteurs ont procédé aux mêmes stratégies pour sauver le couple de son ennui. La morale critique et religieuse a été utilisée pour aborder ce thème, lorsque nous avons fait une lecture biblique de ces deux oeuvres.
O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a inter-relação entre Satisfação Conjugal e três aspectos considerados relevantes numa relação diádica: Comunicação, Percepção Interpessoal e Semelhança de Atitudes. Examinou-se, também, a influência de outras variáveis (idade, tempo de casado, auto-estima, renda, escolaridade e filhos) sobre Satisfação Conjugal. Pretendeu-se, além disso, verificar, em nosso ambiente cultural, a pertinência de alguns resultados obtidos pela Dr. Susan Singer Hendrick em estudo semelhante conduzido nos Estados Unidos. Através da análise histórica do casamento e dos fatores a ele associados foi proposto um modelo capaz de avaliar Satisfação Conjugal e a importância relativa de cada fenômeno a ela relacionado. Foi examinado, sucintamente, como Satisfação Conjugal pode ser considerada sob o enfoque de duas teorias: a da Troca e a da Equidade. Apresentou-se, na parte relativa ao referencial teórico, uma revisão dos estudos que buscaram comprovar o relacionamento de Satisfação Conjugal com cada uma das variáveis do estudo. No capítulo referente ao objeto do estudo, mais precisamente na formulação do problema, buscou-se mostrar a possível existência de uma relação integrada e conjunta entre as três variáveis e Satisfação Conjugal. Não se tem notícia de trabalho semelhante conduzido em nosso país, daí seu caráter pioneiro. A verificação da formulação teórica proposta efetuou-se através de uma pesquisa de campo, com base em dados de uma amostra de quarenta e oito casais de diversas idades, profissões, níveis de escolaridade, etc. e residentes no município do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados alcançados apontaram Percepção Interpessoal e Auto-estima como as variáveis de maior importância relativa. Teve-se, também, a oportunidade de inferir que a mulher, talvez por força de condicionantes sócio-culturais, se coloca numa posição de inferioridade na relação conjugal.
Alma-Ata declaration bring the Primary Attention to the Health (PAH) as first level of health attention for individuals, family and community, which considers infant group as priority. Several initiatives that gave bases to integral attention to the children health formalized in the principles of Unique Health System. Family Health Strategy (FHS) comes to strengthen this attention, instituting new ways of work organization and professional practices that gave impact in their quality indicators. One of them is children mortality, showing decline in their values. Though, studies indicates persistence of avoidable infant deaths. In Natal RN, this reality is also perceptible leading to inquietudes, mainly at the space of services production, it means, which motivated the accomplishment of the present study intending to analyse the way that the organizational and structural processes as long as the professional practices in FHS interfered in the quality of children s health attention who died by avoidable death in the year of 2007 in municipal district of Natal-RN. It treats, therefore, to an exploratory and descriptive survey of cases study type, thar had as primary sources the oficial documents of MH, the family prontuary, pregnant card, child card and testimony obt ined from instrument of research elaborated based in investigation form of infant death by MH, applied to 10 mothers of children who had avoidable death. In analysis it was appealed silmultaneous triangulation of methods and sources, allowing a bigger aproximation from obtained informations. To elucidate the cases, the aspects studied were analyzed to the light of explicative model of Social Determinants of Health. Among individual and family aspects were highlighted the related to age, schooling, family habits and customs and mother s economic condition, besides of pregnancy age, newborn weight and associated diseases, which don t differ from literature about the theme. Reffering to the factors organizational and structural processes and professionals practice, highlihgted, the treatment given by the professionals, the territorialization and adscription of areas, the difficulty of having access to the services or sleepers and the reference and counterreference. But also, the ausence or few greet, the lack of communication, few assiduity and ponctuality by professionals in service, among others. In a general way mothers considers the attendance received in the hospital good and very good , opnions that in the Basic Attention weren t so favorable, in spite of many of predictible actions in this level have been performed in the studied cases. It is observed, therefore, that the social determinants of health has a strong influence in ocurrence of infant deaths, what implicates in a large actuation by Infant Mortality Committee from municipal district. This way, it becomes fundamental the reflection and evaluation about the effectiveness and execution by the processes of vigilance to health in FHUs; the rethink about the social determinants of health in a wide and articulate way to the services quality, to permanent education, to management in service, to the given attention and to the way how it is installed the popular participation and social control. To the professionals it is presented the great challenge to review their daily practice, their values, behaviors and commitment, which ones must be guided by logical of sharing, work in team, humanescence and alterity, not only by the accomplishment of a professional duty
The current debate on rural development focuses on the territorial approach, recognizing the multifunctional character of rural areas. Emphasize the use of endogenous forces, the need of implement policies which valorize local specificities, the participation of social actors in revitalization of rural areas. In this context tourism enters as a means to induce a new dynamic to rural areas, since the activity is regarded as a channel for the upgrading of the natural and cultural resources and the rural way of life. This study focuses on local-based tourism as a promoter of rural development, giving an analysis of the social reality and potential for this tourism in the district of Dondo. In it, is proposed to analyze the potential for development of local-based tourism in the district of Dondo, assessing the extent to which local reality enables the inclusion of the community in the management of local tourism resources. For this, was showed the inclusion of local-based tourism in the current context of rural development, was identified and organized systematically the factors that influence the implementation of local-based tourism in the study area and was verified as far as possible the study area corresponds to the constraints identified, showing how local-based tourism can best been encouraged. Was adopted a qualitative methodological approach to both the procedures and data processing, but also by critical approach, using bibliographical research, semi-structured interviews that fell on the group of public administrators who work in tourism and community leaders. The critical analysis was based on the principles of sustainability o Sachs particular ecological, social, cultural, economic, space, beyond the analysis of political and institutional aspects. The survey results show that the district of Dondo has a potential for implementing a model of tourism development on a local basis, since it is rich in natural and cultural research, benefits from good network accessibility in the context of the market in the region, the population live according to their habits and customs and value their identity. There is also a good cooperation between community members, although not in tourism, a fact which is observed through the lever of community participation in associations, cooperatives, working in areas such as agriculture, fishing, environment, civic education etc. It also has public funding sources to augment or stimulate local investment. Despite obstacles such as inexistence of policies and local plans for tourism development, lack of awareness of tourism, lack of basic infrastructure, as well as equipment and facilities to support tourism, the results shows that these problems can be solved through a public commitment from both government, and community through a joint planning and participation
Nos idos dos anos 1960, a intervenção sobre a cultura popular tornou-se um suposto da ação política de agentes modernizadores da sociedade brasileira. Por meio da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB), a Igreja Católica elaborou um projeto educacional de dimensão nacional, articulando suas emissoras de rádio no território brasileiro aos centros de educação radiofônica rural e criando, em 1961, o Movimento de Educação de Base (MEB). Os pressupostos teóricos e filosóficos do Movimento transcendiam as questões do aprendizado formal e pautavam-se por estratégias de ação da Igreja sobre os problemas de crescimento econômico e desenvolvimento social das regiões pobres brasileiras. O artigo em questãoversa sobre o camponês que participou do MEB e suas experiências escolares, avaliando os preceitos de educação rural, educação cívica e alfabetização de adultos propostos na ação dos agentes e das instituições modernizadoras do campo brasileiro. Analisamos os processos de assimilação e resistência do camponês aos princípios e projetos modernizantes externos à sua cultura. Novos ritmos de tempo, novas representações e novos significados foram introduzidos pela escola sobre práticas culturais seculares do campesinato brasileiro. No MEB, tal fenômeno resultou tanto na assimilação dos novos estímulos trazidos pela escola, quanto na insurreição de costumes e hábitos interligados às funções ritualísticas e costumeiras do indivíduo e/ou da comunidade rural.
Metodologias de desenvolvimento de objetos de aprendizagem: mapeamento para construção na TV digital
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC