366 resultados para Maladaptive cognitions


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Há três teorias distintas que buscam explicar a origem da postura invertida (INV) em canhotos. O Modelo genético de McKeever postula que o traço esteja ligado ao sexo, sendo transmitido via cromossomo X, através das mães, o que explica a prevalência maior da postura INV entre o sexo masculino. De acordo com o modelo patológico a postura invertida decorre de fatores neuropatológicos, enquanto a teoria de adaptação técnica considera a postura INV como um ajuste manual para enfrentar as exigências abdutivas implícitas no sistema ortográfico romano. Muitos partidários da última teoria julgam a postura INV como prejudicial, resultando em problemas físicos e em escrita ilegível, recomendando que a mesma seja substituída pela postura não invertida (NI). Um estudo prévio foi realizado entre 96 adolescentes de classe socioeconômica (CSE) baixa, sendo 48 canhotos e 48 destros, subdivididos por sexo e postura para escrever. A presente investigação representa uma extensão deste estudo, através da avaliação de 106 alunos da CSE média, sendo 68 destros e 66 canhotos. Os objetivos principais foram averiguar se a postura invertida estava associada a problemas físicos, complicações no parto, padrões diferentes de direção grafológica, desempenho caligráfico inferior e verificar se as mesmas características variavam em função do nível da CSE. Os resultados não indicaram nenhuma relação entre postura invertida e problemas físicos e pré-natais no estímulo grafológico. Os canhotos com postura INV mais do que os canhotos NI e destros tenderam a desenhar as linhas horizontais na direção direita para esquerda; nas outras tarefas de desenhos grafológicos não diferiram dos outros grupos. Nas tarefas cursivas e letras de forma o desempenho das alunas foi consistentemente superior ao dos alunos de modo geral. Os canhotos emitiram mais erros quando escreveram em letras de forma, mas não na escrita cursiva. O tempo de resposta foi à única variável dependente relacionada a CSE: alunos da CSE média escreveram as frases em letras cursivas e letras de forma mais rapidamente do que os alunos da CSE baixa. De modo geral, esses resultados não apóiam a afirmação de que a postura invertida acarreta problemas físicos, desempenho caligráfico inferior e não justifica a prática pedagógica em desencorajar o uso da postura INV.


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A literatura sobre cognições parentais tem indicado que mães de diferentes contextos e com diferenças no nível de escolaridade tendem a diferir quanto a valorização de metas de socialização: as mães de culturas ocidentais e centros urbanos enfatizam metas de automaximização relacionadas, enquanto as mães de culturas não ocidentais enfatizam metas de bom comportamento. A literatura também tem indicado que as mães brasileiras apresentam-se heterogêneas em relação a ênfase dada sobre as categorias de metas de socialização. O presente estudo se baseou nessa literatura e teve como objetivo investigar as cognições parentais em mães de dois contextos diferentes. A amostra foi formada por 100 mães primíparas, sendo 50 de contexto urbano e 50 de contexto não-urbano. As participantes responderam ao Questionário de Crenças sobre práticas maternas e a Entrevista sobre Metas de Socialização. Os dados foram analisados de acordo com as categorias propostas pelos autores dos instrumentos. Os resultados indicaram que as mães dos dois contextos diferiram quanto a idade, escolaridade, valor dos escores na avaliação de práticas e níveis de fluência verbal nas respostas relacionadas as metas e estratégias de socialização. O nível de escolaridade materna correlacionou-se positivamente com a idade, com os escores da avaliação das práticas e com a fluência verbal. Foi verificado que as mães dos dois contextos assemelham-se quanto ao nível de importância atribuído a algumas práticas, mas diferenciamse em relação a outras e que apresentam a mesma ordem de valorização das dimensões de crenças. Também foram identificadas diferenças significativas na ênfase sobre as metas de automaximização e de bom comportamento e nas dimensões individualista e sociocêntrica. Em relação as estratégias de socialização foi verificado que as mães do dois contextos deram maior ênfase sobre as estratégias centradas no contexto, sendo que as mães de contexto urbano se destacaram nesta ênfase. Os resultados encontrados corroboram dados da literatura nacional que tem indicado que as mães de Belém enfatizam identicamente as categorias de automaximização e bom comportamento, indicando uma inclinação para um modelo autônomo-relacional. Estes resultados contribuem para a ampliação da compreensão das cognições de mães brasileiras e para fortalecer as evidencias dos efeitos do contexto e da escolaridade sobre as cognições parentais.


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Cognições parentais constituem importante componente do contexto sociocultural em que se dá o desenvolvimento infantil, e a literatura brasileira sobre o tema é ainda escassa. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a relação entre conhecimento sobre desenvolvimento infantil e variáveis da mãe e do bebê. Foi estudada uma amostra de 405 mães primíparas, com filhos menores de um ano, distribuída por seis cidades em diferentes regiões do Brasil. Utilizou-se o Inventário do Conhecimento do Desenvolvimento Infantil (KIDI). Foram encontrados efeitos significativos de escolaridade materna e centro urbano. O efeito significativo de escolaridade materna foi verificado em todas as cidades, menos em Porto Alegre, possivelmente pelas políticas de atenção materno-infantil aí implementadas. Estes resultados contribuem para o conhecimento de aspectos do contexto de desenvolvimento de crianças brasileiras, e têm implicações para o planejamento de programas de intervenção que visem à promoção de saúde.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in the destruction of teeth and their supporting tissues with subsequent tooth loss. The replacement of missing teeth for implant-supported restorations has proven to be a highly predictable treatment method with good long-term prognosis. However, some consequences of tooth loss prevents dental implant placement in an ideal position, where regenerative procedures are necessary for this type of rehabilitation. Less invasive procedures such as conventional prosthesis emerge as a therapeutic option in cases where there is enough bone structure for implants and patient´s non-acceptance for invasive procedures. Thus, this paper aims to present the resolution of rehabilitation through a noninvasive and multidisciplinary treatment. One female patient referred to the clinic presented maladaptive bilateral mandibular fixed prostheses, endodontic lesions, gingival recession, and root sensitivity. For proper resolution of this case, an association among osseointegrated implants, fixed partial prosthesis, tooth extraction, and aesthetic periodontal procedures with the use of subepithelial connective tissue graft was proposed. After two years, the patient shows excellent aesthetics and chewing. Within the limits of this scenario, this paper discusses the various factors that may affect the choice of a particular treatment modality for the rehabilitation of edentulous single spaces.


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This longitudinal study explored adolescents’ future-oriented cognitions, current activities, and later educational attainment using data from 317 adolescents (55% female; mean age = 14.98 years, SD = 0.85) followed into early adulthood. Aspirations and expectations regarding work and education showed modest stability from year to year. Exploration of the reciprocal relations between these cognitions and adolescents’ activities supported both unidirectional and bidirectional effects, with different patterns emerging for aspirations and expectations. In multiple regression analyses, future-oriented cognitions predicted adult educational attainment; follow- up analyses indicated that the effect of adolescents’ expectations was partially mediated by participation in extracurricular activities. These results suggest a potentially important influence of adolescents’ future-oriented cognitions on their current behavior and future attainments.


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Objective: Obesity and renin angiotensin system (RAS) hyperactivity are profoundly involved in cardiovascular diseases, however aerobic exercise training (EXT) can prevent obesity and cardiac RAS activation. The study hypothesis was to investigate whether obesity and its association with EXT alter the systemic and cardiac RAS components in an obese Zucker rat strain. Methods: The rats were divided into the following groups: Lean Zucker rats (LZR); lean Zucker rats plus EXT (LZR+EXT); obese Zucker rats (OZR) and obese Zucker rats plus EXT (OZR+EXT). EXT consisted of 10 weeks of 60-min swimming sessions, 5 days/week. At the end of the training protocol heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), cardiac hypertrophy (CH) and function, local and systemic components of RAS were evaluated. Also, systemic glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol and its LDL and HDL fractions were measured. Results: The resting HR decreased (, 12%) for both LZR+EXT and OZR+EXT. However, only the LZR+EXT reached significance (p, 0.05), while a tendency was found for OZR versus OZR+EXT (p = 0.07). In addition, exercise reduced (57%) triglycerides and (61%) LDL in the OZR+EXT. The systemic angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) activity did not differ regardless of obesity and EXT, however, the OZR and OZR+EXT showed (66%) and (42%), respectively, less angiotensin II (Ang II) plasma concentration when compared with LZR. Furthermore, the results showed that EXT in the OZR prevented increase in CH, cardiac ACE activity, Ang II and AT2 receptor caused by obesity. In addition, exercise augmented cardiac ACE2 in both training groups. Conclusion: Despite the unchanged ACE and lower systemic Ang II levels in obesity, the cardiac RAS was increased in OZR and EXT in obese Zucker rats reduced some of the cardiac RAS components and prevented obesity-related CH. These results show that EXT prevented the heart RAS hyperactivity and cardiac maladaptive morphological alterations in obese Zucker rats.


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Aim: to evaluate the association of antenatal depressive symptomatology (AD) with life events and coping styles, the hypothesis was that certain coping strategies are associated to depressive symptomatology. Methods: we performed a cross sectional study of 312 women attending a private clinic in the city of Osasco, Sao Paulo from 27/05/1998 to 13/05/2002. The following instruments were used: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Holmes and Rahe Schedule of Recent Events (SSRS), Folkman and Lazarus Ways of Coping Questionnaire and questionnaire with social-demographic and obstetric data. Inclusion criteria: women with 110 past history of depression, psychiatric treatment, alcohol or drug abuse and no clinical-obstetrical complications. Odds ratios and 95% CI were used to examine the association between AD (according to BDI) and exposures variables. Hypothesis testing was done with chi(2) tests and a p value < .05. Results: AD occurred in 21.1% of pregnant women. By the univariate analyses, education, number of pregnancies, previous abortion, husband income, situation of marriage and score of SSRS were associated with AD. All coping styles were associated with AD, except seeking support and positive reappraisal. By the multivariate analyses, four coping styles were kept in the final model: confront (p = .039), accepting responsibility (p < .001), escape-avoidance (p = .002), problem-solving (p = .005). Conclusions: AD was highly prevalent and was associated with maladaptive coping styles.


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It was verified to what extent cognitive and affective/emotional variables could distinguish caregivers accused of committing physical abuse (G1) from those without physical abuse records (G2). The Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAP), which is an instrument designed to assess psychological risk factors in caregivers, was used. A questionnaire on socio-demographic characterization and another on economic classification were also employed to equate the groups. G1 presented a greater potential risk than G2, higher levels of Distress, Rigidity, Problems with the Child and with Themselves, Problems with Others, and a lower level of Ego Strength. These variables contribute with the composition of physical abuse risk, since, in agreement with the Social Information Processing Model, they would be related to cognitive and affective basic processes which are veiled to the perceptions and evaluation/interpretations, associated to abusive parental behavior.


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Managerial and organizational cognition studies the ways cognitions of managers in groups, organizations and industries shape their strategies and actions. Cognitions refer to simplified representations of managers’ internal and external environments, necessary to cope with the rich, ambiguous information requirements that characterize strategy making. Despite the important achievements in the field, many unresolved puzzles remain as to this process, particular as to the cognitive factors that condition actors in framing a response to a discontinuity, how actors can change their models in the face of a discontinuity, and the reciprocal relation between cognition and action. I leverage on the recent case of the recorded music industry in the face of the digital technology to study these issues, through a strategy-oriented study of the way early response to the discontinuity was constructed and of the subsequent evolution of this response. Through a longitudinal historical and cognitive analysis of actions and cognitions at both the industry and firm-level during the period in which the response took place (1999-2010), I gain important insights on the way historical beliefs in the industry shaped early response to the digital disruption, on the role of outsiders in promoting change through renewed vision about important issues, and on the reciprocal relationship between cognitive and strategic change.


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Das Störungsbild der Hypochondrie stellt für die Betroffenen eine erhebliche Belastung und Beeinträchtigung dar und ist zudem von hoher gesundheitspolitischer Relevanz. Hieraus ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit für die Entwicklung und Evaluation wirkungsvoller Behandlungsansätze. Mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird die bisher umfangreichste Studie zur Wirksamkeit von gruppentherapeutischen Interventionen bei Patienten mit Hypochondrie beschrieben. Insgesamt nahmen 35 Patienten, die die DSM-IV-Kriterien der Hypochondrie erfüllten, an der Studie teil. Die durchgeführte Behandlung bestand aus insgesamt acht Gruppen- und sechs Einzelsitzungen. Zur Beurteilung des Therapieerfolgs wurden standardisierte Fragebogen und Einschätzungen der behandelnden Therapeuten eingeholt. Zudem wurde vor und nach der Behandlung die implizite Ängstlichkeit der Patienten mit Hilfe des Ängstlichkeits-IATs (Egloff & Schmukle, 2002) erfasst. Die Datenerhebung der Fragebögen erfolgte zu vier Messzeitpunkten. Eine Teilgruppe der Patienten (n = 10) konnte zudem über eine zweimonatige Wartezeit befragt werden. Ingesamt wurde die Therapie von den Patienten gut akzeptiert. Im Laufe der Behandlung zeigten sich auf den Selbstbeurteilungsverfahren umfangreiche Veränderungen im Erleben und Verhalten der Patienten. Es zeigte sich eine Reduktion von krankheitsbezogenen Kognitionen und Ängsten, eine Abnahme des Krankheitsverhaltens und eine Zunahme von Störungs- und Bewältigungswissen. Die Reduktion der hypochondrischen Symptomatik stellte sich als klinisch relevant heraus. Zudem zeigte sich eine Reduktion der allgemeinen Belastung und Ängstlichkeit sowie depressiver und körperlicher Symptome. Die Einschätzungen der behandelnden Therapeuten bestätigten die mittels Fragebogen ermittelten Befunde. Mit Hilfe des Ängstlichkeits-IATs konnte eine Veränderung des angstbezogenen Selbstkonzepts nachgewiesen werden. In einer Wartekontrollzeit zeigten sich nur geringfügige Reduktionen der hypochondrischen Symptomatik und keine bedeutsamen Reduktionen der allgemeinen Psychopathologie. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Kombinationstherapie sind mit den Befunden bisheriger Evaluationen zur Effektivität von Einzeltherapien bei Hypochondrie vergleichbar. Die Befunde unterstreichen die Gleichwertigkeit von ökonomischeren gruppentherapeutischen Interventionen bei der Behandlung der Hypochondrie.


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L’Inserimento Eterofamigliare Supportato di Adulti (IESA) sofferenti di disturbi psichici consiste nell’accogliere persone in cura presso i servizi psichiatrici territoriali, nel proprio domicilio, integrandole nelle proprie relazioni famigliari. Obiettivo è migliorare la qualità di vita dell’utente e favorirne l’integrazione nella comunità. Obiettivo. Valutare gli esiti dello IESA, con un disegno di ricerca longitudinale, considerando: psicopatologia, benessere psicologico, funzionamento sociale e familiare. Metodologia. 40 soggetti: 20 pazienti e 20 ospitanti. La valutazione clinica è stata effettuata all’inizio della convivenza e al follow-up di 1, 3, 6 e 12 mesi. Strumenti utilizzati: BPRS, VGF, PWB, SQ, FAD. Analisi statistica: Modello Lineare Generale (GLM) con l’Analisi della Varianza per prove ripetute e calcolo dell’effect-size. Risultati. 15 pazienti maschi e 5 femmine, 17 italiani. 11 soddisfano i criteri diagnostici (DSM-IV-TR) per schizofrenia e disturbi psicotici, 5 per i disturbi dell’umore e 4 per i disturbi di personalità. Dopo l’inserimento 3 sono stati i ricoveri e 4 le visite psichiatriche urgenti. 8 pazienti modificano/diminuiscono la terapia e 3 la sospendono. Aumenta il benessere psicologico (PWB); diminuiscono i sintomi psicopatologici (BPRS ed SQ) e migliora il funzionamento globale (VFG). Il gruppo dei famigliari composto da 11 uomini e 9 donne, 19 di nazionalità italiana; con età media di 55 anni. 8 sono coniugati, 6 celibi/nubili, 4 divorziati e 2 vedovi. 9 hanno figli, 11 lavorano e 8 sono pensionati. Nei famigliari aumenta il benessere psicologico (PWB), migliora il funzionamento famigliare (FAD) e la valutazione del funzionamento globale (VGF) rimane costante nel tempo. Discussioni e conclusioni. Il progetto IESA sembra migliorare la psicopatologia, con una diminuzione dei comportamenti maladattativi e un aumento delle capacità relazionali dell’ospite favorendone l’integrazione. Inoltre, lo IESA sembra diminuire i costi della cronicità psichiatrica: diminuzione degli accessi al Pronto Soccorso, delle visite psichiatriche urgenti e delle giornate di ricovero.


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Phenomenology is a critical component of autobiographical memory retrieval. Some memories are vivid and rich in sensory details whereas others are faded; some memories are experienced as emotionally intense whereas others are not. Sutin and Robins (2007) identified 10 dimensions in which a memory may vary—i.e., Vividness, Coherence, Accessibility, Sensory Details, Emotional Intensity, Visual Perspective, Time Perspective, Sharing, Distancing, and Valence—and developed a comprehensive psychometrically sound measure of memory phenomenology, the Memory Experiences Questionnaire (MEQ). Phenomenology has been linked to underlining stable dispositions—i.e. personality, as well as to a variety of positive/negative psychological outcomes—well-being and life satisfaction, depression and anxiety, among others. Using the MEQ, a cross-sectional and a longitudinal study were conducted on a large sample of American and Italian adults. In both studies, participants retrieved two ‘key’ personal memories, a Turning Point and a Childhood Memory, and rated the affect and phenomenology of each memory. Participants also completed self-reported measures of personality (i.e. Neuroticism and Conscientiousness), and measures of depression, well-being and life satisfaction. The present research showed that phenomenological ratings tend (a) to cross-sectionally increase across adulthood (Study 1), and (b) to be moderately stable over time, regardless the contents of the memories (Study 2). Interrelations among memory phenomenology, personality and psychological outcome variables were also examined (Study 1 and Study 2). In particular, autobiographical memory phenomenology was proposed as a dynamic expression of personality functioning that partially explains adaptive/maladaptive psychological outcomes. In fact, the findings partially supported the hypothesized mediating effect of phenomenology on the personality association with psychological outcomes. Implications of the findings are discussed proposing future lines of research. In particular, the need for more longitudinal studies is highlighted, along with the combined application of both self-report questionnaires and narrative measures.


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Die Herstellung von Polymer-Solarzellen aus wässriger Phase stellt eine attraktive Alternative zu der konventionellen lösemittelbasierten Formulierung dar. Die Vorteile der aus wässriger Lösung hergestellten Solarzellen liegen besonders in dem umweltschonenden Herstellungsprozess und in der Möglichkeit, druckbare optoelektronische Bauteile zu generieren. Die Prozessierbarkeit von hydrophoben Halbleitern im wässrigen Milieu wird durch die Dispergierung der Materialien, in Form von Nanopartikeln, erreicht. Der Transfer der Halbleiter in eine Dispersion erfolgt über die Lösemittelverdampfungsmethode. Die Idee der Verwendung von partikelbasierte Solarzellen wurde bereits umgesetzt, allerdings blieben eine genaue Charakterisierung der Partikel sowie ein umfassendes Verständnis des gesamten Fabrikationsvorgangs aus. Deshalb besteht das Ziel dieser Arbeit darin, einen detaillierten Einblick in den Herstellungsprozess von partikelbasierten Solarzellen zu erlangen, mögliche Schwächen aufzudecken, diese zu beseitigen, um so zukünftige Anwendungen zu verbessern. Zur Herstellung von Solarzellen aus wässrigen Dispersionen wurde Poly(3-hexylthiophen-2,5-diyl)/[6,6]-Phenyl-C61-Buttersäure-Methylester (P3HT/PCBM) als Donor/Akzeptor-System verwendet. Die Kernpunkte der Untersuchungen richteten sich zum einen die auf Partikelmorphologie und zum anderen auf die Generierung einer geeigneten Partikelschicht. Beide Parameter haben Auswirkungen auf die Solarzelleneffizienz. Die Morphologie wurde sowohl spektroskopisch über Photolumineszenz-Messungen, als auch visuell mittels Elektronenmikroskopie ermittelt. Auf diese Weise konnte die Partikelmorphologie vollständig aufgeklärt werden, wobei Parallelen zu der Struktur von lösemittelbasierten Solarzellen gefunden wurden. Zudem wurde eine Abhängigkeit der Morphologie von der Präparationstemperatur beobachtet, was eine einfache Steuerung der Partikelstruktur ermöglicht. Im Zuge der Partikelschichtausbildung wurden direkte sowie grenzflächenvermittelnde Beschichtungsmethoden herangezogen. Von diesen Techniken hatte sich aber nur die Rotationsbeschichtung als brauchbare Methode erwiesen, Partikel aus der Dispersion in einen homogenen Film zu überführen. Des Weiteren stand die Aufarbeitung der Partikelschicht durch Ethanol-Waschung und thermische Behandlung im Fokus dieser Arbeit. Beide Maßnahmen wirkten sich positiv auf die Effizienz der Solarzellen aus und trugen entscheidend zu einer Verbesserung der Zellen bei. Insgesamt liefern die gewonnen Erkenntnisse einen detaillierten Überblick über die Herausforderungen, welche bei dem Einsatz von wasserbasierten Dispersionen auftreten. Die Anforderungen partikelbasierter Solarzellen konnten offengelegt werden, dadurch gelang die Herstellung einer Solarzelle mit einer Effizienz von 0.53%. Dieses Ergebnis stellt jedoch noch nicht das Optimum dar und lässt noch Möglichkeiten für Verbesserungen offen.