980 resultados para Määttä, Kaarina: Seniorirakkaus
Selostus: Maatalouspolitiikkauudistusten vaikutuksista pellonkäytön diversiteettiin
Selostus: Paljasjyväisen kauran kuoriutuvuus ja säilyvyys
Selostus: Ponsiviljeltävyys ja siihen liittyvät geenimerkit peltokauran ja susikauran risteytysjälkeläisissä
Selostus: Korkeudeltaan eri tyyppisten kauralinjojen kasvu ja sadontuotto pohjoisissa viljelyoloissa
Selostus: Prosessoidun kauran mikroskooppinen ja aistittava rakenne
Selostus: Alsike-, puna- ja valkoapilan vaikutus laitumen tuottoon luonnonmukaisessa tuotannossa
Selostus: Perunaruton munaitiöt maassa ovat uusi merkittävä epidemian alkulähde Suomessa
Selostus: Kauran ytimen β-glukaanipitoisuus
Selostus: Typpilannoituksen ja nostoajankohdan vaikutus varhaisperunan satoon
Diplomityön teoriaosassa tutkittiin monimedian jakelukanavia ja niiden ominaisuuksia sisältöpalveluissa. Työssä esiteltiin keinoja älykkyyden lisäämiseksi monnimediasisältötuotannossa sekä tarkasteltiin sisältöpalvelujen käytettävyyttä. Työssä keskityttiin neuroverkkoteknologiaan, sen toteuttamiseen sekä ohjelmisto-agentteihin. Empiirisessä osassa tutustuttiin työministeriön AVO-ammatinvalintaohjelman toimintaan. Työssä määriteltiin Excel-taulukkoon 280 ammatin ominaisuudet, jotka pohjautuivat AVO:n 122 kysymykseen. Työministeriöstä on saatu 5115 henkilön vastaukset AVO-ammatinvalintaohjelman kysymyksiin. Tätä vastausaineistoa ja tutkimuksessa laadittua ammattitaulukkoa käytettiin neuroverkon opettamiseen. Lopuksi analysoitiin SOM-karttoja. Analyysin tarkoituksena oli tutkia laaditun ammattitaulukon oikeellisuutta ja eri ammattien sijoittumista SOM-kartalle. Tutkimus osoitti, että neuroverkkoteknologia soveltuisi uuden urasuunnittelupalvelun ydinteknologiaksi.
INTRODUCTION: Perfusion-CT (PCT) processing involves deconvolution, a mathematical operation that computes the perfusion parameters from the PCT time density curves and an arterial curve. Delay-sensitive deconvolution does not correct for arrival delay of contrast, whereas delay-insensitive deconvolution does. The goal of this study was to compare delay-sensitive and delay-insensitive deconvolution PCT in terms of delineation of the ischemic core and penumbra. METHODS: We retrospectively identified 100 patients with acute ischemic stroke who underwent admission PCT and CT angiography (CTA), a follow-up vascular study to determine recanalization status, and a follow-up noncontrast head CT (NCT) or MRI to calculate final infarct volume. PCT datasets were processed twice, once using delay-sensitive deconvolution and once using delay-insensitive deconvolution. Regions of interest (ROIs) were drawn, and cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV), and mean transit time (MTT) in these ROIs were recorded and compared. Volume and geographic distribution of ischemic core and penumbra using both deconvolution methods were also recorded and compared. RESULTS: MTT and CBF values are affected by the deconvolution method used (p < 0.05), while CBV values remain unchanged. Optimal thresholds to delineate ischemic core and penumbra are different for delay-sensitive (145 % MTT, CBV 2 ml × 100 g(-1) × min(-1)) and delay-insensitive deconvolution (135 % MTT, CBV 2 ml × 100 g(-1) × min(-1) for delay-insensitive deconvolution). When applying these different thresholds, however, the predicted ischemic core (p = 0.366) and penumbra (p = 0.405) were similar with both methods. CONCLUSION: Both delay-sensitive and delay-insensitive deconvolution methods are appropriate for PCT processing in acute ischemic stroke patients. The predicted ischemic core and penumbra are similar with both methods when using different sets of thresholds, specific for each deconvolution method.
Surfactants are among the most versatile and widely used excipients in pharmaceuticals. This versatility, together with their pH-responsive membrane-disruptive activity and low toxicity, could also enable their potential application in drug delivery systems. Five anionic lysine-based surfactants which differ in the nature of their counterion were studied. Their capacity to disrupt the cell membrane was examined under a range of pH values, concentrations and incubation times, using a standard hemolysis assay as a model for endosomal membranes. The surfactants showed pH-sensitive hemolytic activity and improved kinetics at the endosomal pH range. Low concentrations resulted in negligible hemolysis at physiological pH and high membrane lytic activity at pH 5.4, which is in the range characteristic of late endosomes. With increasing concentration, the surfactants showed an enhanced capacity to lyse cell membranes, and also caused significant membrane disruption at physiological pH. This observation indicates that, at high concentrations, surfactant behavior is independent of pH. The mechanism of surfactant-mediated membrane destabilization was addressed, and scanning electron microscopy studies were also performed to evaluate the effects of the compounds on erythrocyte morphology as a function of pH. The in vitro cytotoxicity of the surfactants was assessed by MTT and NRU assays with the 3T3 cell line. The influence of different types of counterion on hemolytic activity and the potential applications of these surfactants in drug delivery are discussed. The possibility of using pH-sensitive surfactants for endosome disruption could hold great promise for intracellular drug delivery systems in future therapeutic applications.