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异叶苣苔属(Whytockia)隶属于苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)、尖舌苣苔族(Klugieae).70年代以来,该属作为Klugieae中最原始的类群才逐渐被人们所认识,并被认为是解决Klugieae系统发育问题的关键类群,但到目前为止,对该属变异式样及系统发育的认识仍然极其有限.鉴于上述原因,本文结合蜡叶标本和大量的野外观察和采集,从形态学、维管束的结构和分化,形态发生和细胞学等方面,进行异叶苣苔属的系统学和进化研究,并兼论尖舌苣苔族的系统发育. 1.通过对异叶苣苔属大量性状的仔细观察和比较,本文选择了34个性状,并分析了他们的变异式样及其形成原因,为进一步的系统学研究提供依据. 2.地上茎的形态发生研究揭示出异叶苣苔属植物的顶芽完全受到抑制,位于小型叶腋的侧芽萌发,从而替代顶芽生长,地上茎的不分枝是位于大型叶腋的腋芽受到抑制所致,该研究纠正了前人的观察错误. 3.花序及花的形态发生过程表明,异叶苣苔属的花序呈对花从花序轴内侧二列式连续发生,没有任何分枝和附属物.花各部分的发生顺序基本上呈向心式,但在花冠和雄蕊原基之间则为离心式发生.花萼和花冠原基的发生及发育顺序均呈下降式,从而使花萼和花冠在芽中呈下降覆瓦状排列,退化雄蕊是由发育停滞所致.雌蕊的两个心皮在形态发生过程中由离生到合生,该属具中轴胎座的二室子房起源于两个离生心皮的近轴面内卷式愈合,柱头从离生到合生决定于个体发育中愈合部向上推进的程度. 4.为了澄清性状演化极性这一关键问题、本文作了花部器官解剖以及心皮维管束结构及分化过程的研究,结果表明,该属花梗和花萼中均具有分泌道和雄蕊束从中柱独立分出,同独叶苣苔属(Monophyllaea)十分相似:花盘低且薄并且没有维管束,以及子房壁维管束具有不同来源而区别于尖舌苣苔族(Klugieae)中的其它类群.异叶苣苔属的心皮结合程度和胎座形态可分为三种类型,即A型:心皮结合部的中轴区膨大,但四个瓣片的上部分离、B型:除中轴区膨大外,四个瓣片也成对愈合,胎座呈锚形、C型:中轴区不膨大,四个瓣片完全分离,子房上部一室.前者保留了较多的叶性,可能是该属乃至尖舌苣苔族中最原始心皮及胎座形态.后二者代表着两个相反的演化趋势. 5.本文首次报道了异叶苣苔属的染色体数目和核型,染色体数目均为2n=18,x=9.核型分别是2A或3A.核型的演化趋势,即从对称到不对称和随体的丢失同外部形态的变异密切相关。 6.深入地比较和分析了异叶苣苔属和其他类群的关系以及性状的演化趋势,并运用分支分析方法,重建属的系统发育. 7.生态、地理分布和演化的研究表明:异叶苣苔属的多样化中心分别是云南东南部和滇、贵、川交界区域,起源于第三纪或更早期的古热带湿润性森林植物区系,起源地可能是两个现代多样化中心所连接的整个区域,即:滇东南至滇贵川交界区域. 8.本文对异叶苣苔属进行全面的分类学修订,包括7个种,其中一个新种,新组合1个种和一个变种、根据该属的系统发育式样,在属下新设两个组.系统排列如下: 异叶苣苔属Whytockia W. W. Smith 组1:异叶苣苔组Sect. Whytockia Y. Z. Wang sect. nov. 1.河口异叶苣苔W. hekouensis Y. Z. Wang 2.毕节异叶苣苔W. bijieensis Y. Z. Wang, sp. nov. 3.异叶苣苔W. chiritiflora (Oliv.) W.W. Smith 4.峨眉异叶苣苔W. wilsonii (A. Weber) Y. Z. Wang, stat. nov. 5.紫红异叶苣苔W. purpurascens Y. Z. Wang 组2:台湾异叶苣苔组Sect. Synstigma Y. Z. Wang, sect. nov. 6.白花异叶苣苔W. tsiangiana (Hand.-Mazz) A. Weber 7.台湾异叶苣苔W. sasakii (Hayata)BLBurtt. 9.在异叶苣苔属系统学和进化研究的基础上,结合前人工作,本文进一步探讨尖舌苣苔族的系统发育.大量的证据充分显示出异叶苣苔属和圆果苣苔属分别是Klugieae最原始的类群,该族中的尖舌苣苔属(Rhynchoglossum),盾座苣苔属(Epithema)和独叶苣苔属(Mono phyllaea),可能是从Whytockia植物的早期类群直接演化而来,十字苣苔属(Stauranthera)和Loxonia也可能直接或间接来自Gyrogyne植物的早期类群.尖舌苣苔族植物可能起源于亚洲大陆或更准确地说,中国西南部地区,在随后的演化过程中,经过分化、迁移,逐渐形成广布于南亚、东南亚及太平洋岛屿至西非、中美洲的现代地理分布式样。


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The stock size and biology of Johnius glaucus (Day) resource off the northwest coast of India were studied for 1982-83 and 1983-84. The total length at the end of 6, 12, 18, 24 and 26 months was 121 mm, 183 mm, 237 mm, 261 mm and 264 mm respectively. The length growth parameters were: L∞=300 mm, K=0.0807 (monthly) and t(sub)0=-0.51 month. The weight growth parameters were: W∞= 317g, K=0.0762 (monthly) and t(sub)0= -0.41 month. The exploited stock mainly composed of 1/2 + and 1+ age groups. The annual Z, M and F were 2.34, 1.49 and 0.85 respectively. The l(sub)b, t(sub)b, l(sub)r, t(sub)r and selection factor K were 155 mm, 0.75 year, 65 mm, 0.25 year and 3.875 respectively. The Yw/R was optimum at the exploitation rate (E) of 0.75 and coded mesh size of 37 mm. The total stock for 1982-83 and 1983-84 was 14,624 and 26,190 tons respectively. The standing stock of 1982-83 and 1983-84 was 5,645 and 10,110 tons respectively. The MSY for 1982-83 and 1983-84 was 6,623 and 11,788 tons respectively. The F and Z were lowest in 0+ age group and highest in 1+ age group.


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The caryophyllaeid cestode Lytocestoides fossilis infects the freshwater catfish Heteropneustes fossilis. The study was conducted for two consecutive years (2004-06) to record the bio-statistical data of the parasite. The incidence, intensity, density and index of infection of the parasite have been recorded. The infection was more during June to September, moderate during February to May and low during October to January. The parasite brought about severe histopathological changes in the stomach of infected fish. The changes observed in the stomach of fish included structural damage of the villi, inflammation, and fibrosis associated with hyperplasia and metaplasia. The hypertrophy of mucous layer led to vacuolation and necrosis. Histochemical changes were noticed with enhanced carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents. The enhanced substrate content in the infected organ might be due to the disfunctioning of the digestive tract, which results in the accumulation of various metabolites. Mucus secretion was triggered as a protective interaction against parasitic invasion. The parasitic infection affects the general metabolic state of the host and as the result, the fish becomes sluggish and moribund.


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Conclusions and recommendations of the report were based upon eighteen case studies of community-based Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) in Bangladesh, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka. These include empowerment of coastal communities; failure of imposed fishery co-operatives; and the application of territorial use rights in fisheries(TURF).


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ZnO thin films were deposited on glass substrates at room temperature (RT) similar to 500 degrees C by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique and then were annealed at 150-450 degrees C in air. The effects of annealing temperature on the microstructure and optical properties of the thin films deposited at each substrate temperature were investigated by XRD, SEM, transmittance spectra, and photoluminescence (PL). The results showed that the c-axis orientation of ZnO thin films was not destroyed by annealing treatments: the grain size increased and stress relaxed for the films deposited at 200-500 degrees C, and thin films densified for the films deposited at RT with increasing annealing temperature. The transmittance spectra indicated that E-g of thin films showed a decreased trend with annealing temperature. From the PL measurements, there was a general trend, that is UV emission enhanced with lower annealing temperature and disappeared at higher annealing temperature for the films deposited at 200-500 degrees C; no UV emission was observed for the films deposited at RT regardless of annealing treatment. Improvement of grain size and stoichiometric ratio with annealing temperature can be attributed to the enhancement of UV emission, but the adsorbed oxygen species on the surface and grain boundary of films are thought to contribute the annihilation of UV emission. It seems that annealing at lower temperature in air is an effective method to improve the UV emission for thin films deposited on glass substrate at substrate temperature above RT.