578 resultados para Levedura alcoólica


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A Síndrome do Álcool Fetal (SAF) se refere a um conjunto de malformações que podem estar presentes em crianças, filhas de mães que consumiram bebida alcoólica durante a gestação. Esta síndrome apresenta um conjunto distinto de anomalias onde as mais freqüentes são fissura palpebral estreita, lábio superior fino, filtro liso, restrição de crescimento e anomalias do sistema nervoso central. A exposição pré-natal ao álcool pode trazer sérias conseqüências que permanecem a vida toda. Sua incidência, nos Estados Unidos, chega a 1 em cada 100 nascimentos, mas esta estimativa varia de país para país devido a diferenças culturais, genéticas e do método de avaliação. O cérebro é o órgão mais vulnerável do corpo aos efeitos da exposição pré-natal ao álcool. O dano causado ao sistema nervoso central por tal exposição resulta em danos neurológicos permanentes, incluindo anomalias de comportamento e atraso de desenvolvimento. A redução no intelecto é a manifestação comportamental mais comum observada do dano causado ao sistema nervoso central. Apesar disto, o déficit de comportamento social está se tornando uma seqüela frequentemente encontrada em indivíduos expostos. Recentemente, vários estudos têm sugerido que crianças com SAF apresentam dificuldades emocionais e comportamentais que podem levar a uma série de problemas secundários. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o consumo de álcool materno durante a gestação e verificar a presença de sinais relacionados à SAF em adolescente e jovem adultos, de escolas públicas, e comparar com uma amostra de indivíduos institucionalizados. Também, analisar fatores de risco ambiental que possam estar relacionados com o comportamento antisocial observado nestes adolescentes. Cento e quarenta e cinco estudantes (controles) e 262 adolescentes da Fundação de Atendimento Sócio-Edudativo - FASE (probandos) foram avaliados em relação a características maternas, história familiar, consumo materno de álcool durante a gestação, exame físico e teste de QI. Quase 40% dos controles e 49% dos probandos tiveram exposição pré-natal ao álcool. Todas as análises estatísticas foram feitas comparando as variáveis previamente citadas com a quantidade de ingesta materna de álcool durante a gestação: nenhuma, esporádica e muita. Entre os estudantes, não encontramos diferenças significantes nas características gestacionais e de ambiente familiar quando comparadas entre os padrões de consumo materno de álcool. No que diz respeito aos sinais físicos da SAF, as seguintes medidas foram estatisticamente diferentes: perímetro cefálico e fissura palpebral. Em relação aos adolescentes institucionalizados, diferenças foram encontradas entre as características de ambiente familiar: não amamentar é mais comum entre as mulheres que bebem, bem como ter um membro da família condenado ou preso. A violência doméstica, criminalidade familiar, abuso infantil e alcoolismo familiar são as quatro variáveis que predizem o uso de álcool durante a gestação. Quando comparamos ambos os grupos juntos como uma única amostra constatou-se que algumas características do ambiente familiar eram muito importantes, como criminalidade familiar e abuso infantil; as medidas antropométricas não foram diferiram entre expostos e não expostos, exceto pelo perímetro cefálico. Estas particularidades do ambiente familiar estão influenciando o comportamento anti-social de modo a tornar os efeitos do consumo materno de álcool menos evidente entre os caracteres físicos. Mesmo assim, todos os indivíduos com sinais de SAF mostraram características similares: crescimento e desenvolvimento pobre, algumas dismorfias faciais e baixo escore no teste de QI.


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Cryptococcus neoformans é uma levedura oportunista que pode se alojar no sistema nervoso central causando meningite, meningoencefalite e encefalite principalmente em indivíduos com algum comprometimento do sistema imune. É responsável por 4,5% das infecções oportunistas que acometem pacientes portadores do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV-positivos). Cryptococcus gattii é um patógeno primário responsável por uma alta incidência de criptococomas no pulmão e no cérebro e que apresenta uma alta morbidez neurológica e uma resposta retardada à terapia antifúngica. O diagnóstico da criptococose é, atualmente, baseado na detecção da levedura em amostras clínicas, no cultivo com posterior identificação bioquímica e na pesquisa de antígenos circulantes. A diferenciação entre as espécies C. neoformans e C. gattii, na maioria dos laboratórios, é realizada utilizando o meio de cultura ágar canavanina-glicina-azul de bromotimol (CGB) e demora em torno de sete dias. Neste trabalho foi padronizada uma metodologia de PCR multiplex que pode vir a substituir as provas bioquímicas utilizadas atualmente para a identificação das espécies de Cryptococcus, reduzindo em 6 dias o tempo necessário para a identificação das espécies. A metodologia também se mostrou mais específica na identificação das espécies, concordando com os resultados das sorotipagens em todos os 132 isolados de Cryptococcus testados, enquanto o resultado obtido com o cultivo em ágar CGB foi discordante em 6 dos 132 isolados, sendo 5 falso-positivos e 1 falso negativo. Foi também realizado o primeiro estudo epidemiológico do perfil de pacientes com meningite criptocócica no estado do Rio Grande de Sul notificados no Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública IPB-LACEN/RS no período de 2000 a 2005. A maioria dos pacientes é do sexo masculino (77,12%), branco (83,5%), na faixa etária entre 30 a 39 anos (46,24%) e infectados pelo HIV (95%).


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Os polímeros do tipo poli-hidroxialcanoatos (PHAs) são poliésteres bacterianos que apresentam as propriedades de termoplásticos e elastômeros biodegradáveis. A síntese deste polímero em plantas de interesse agroindustrial tem sido vista como uma área promissora dentro da biotecnologia de polímeros para a produção em grande escala com baixos custos. Contudo, esta tarefa requer o aprimoramento de diferentes metodologias bioquímicas e moleculares, além de maximizar os processos de extração destes polímeros biológicos. A produção de PHAs em peroxissomos ou no citoplasma de Saccharomyces cerevisiae, por meio da expressão de uma PHA-sintase bacteriana, pode servir como indicador e modulador do fluxo de carbonos que percorre vias biossintéticas como a síntese de novo de ácidos graxos e a β-oxidação. Esta levedura tem sido usada como eucarioto modelo para manipular as rotas envolvidas na síntese de PHAs do tipo MCL (PHA com um número médio de carbonos), um polímero menos cristalino e com menor ponto de fusão quando comparado ao PHA-SCL (PHA com um número pequeno de carbonos). A enzima PhaG (3-hidroxidecanoil-ACP-CoA transacilase) é responsável pela conexão entre a síntese de ácidos graxos e a produção de PHA-MCL em bactérias do gênero Pseudomonas, em meios de cultura contendo uma fonte de carbono nãorelacionada como gliconato, etanol ou acetato. Para tentar estabelecer esta rota metabólica em S. cerevisiae, o presente trabalho avaliou a coexpressão de PhaGPa e PhaC1Pa (PHA-sintase) de P. aeruginosa para a síntese de PHA-MCL a partir de uma fonte de carbono não-relacionada em leveduras. Contudo, a presença de PhaGPa não alterou a composição ou a quantidade de PHA-MCL em relação à cepa controle contendo apenas PhaC1Pa citoplasmática ou direcionada ao peroxissomo, independentemente da fonte de carbono utilizada (rafinose ou ácido oléico). Este resultado permite sugerir que a ligação entre a síntese de ácidos graxos e a produção de PHA-MCL em S. cerevisiae não foi estabelecida, provavelmente devido à ausência de algum passo enzimático que limita o desvio de substratos da síntese de ácidos graxos para a produção de PHA-MCL em organismos que não são capazes de acumular naturalmente este polímero quando cultivados em fontes de carbono não-relacionadas.A levedura S. cerevisiae tem sido usada como um sistema modelo para estudar a β-oxidação de ácidos graxos insaturados em peroxissomos. A produção de PHA-MCL pela expressão de PhaC1Pa em peroxissomos de cepas selvagens e mutantes nulos de S. cerevisiae para as enzimas auxiliares da β-oxidação (Eci1p, Sps19p e Dci1p), multiplicadas em meio de cultivo contendo um ácido graxo insaturado como fonte de carbono, permitiu monitorar o fluxo de carbonos que percorre as vias dependente de isomerase, redutase e di-isomerase. Desta forma, o presente estudo permitiu avaliar a β- oxidação in vivo dos ácidos graxos linoléico conjugado, 9-cis,11-trans-CLA (ácido rumênico) ou 10-cis,13-cis-nonadecadienóico, para determinar a contribuição das vias alternativas na degradação destes substratos pela utilização de cepas selvagens, mutantes nulos e linhagens contendo um plasmídio multicópia para os genes ECI1 (Δ3- Δ2-enoil-CoA isomerase), SPS19 (2,4-dienoil-CoA redutase) e DCI1 (Δ3,5-Δ2,4-dienoil- CoA isomerase). As linhagens selvagens foram capazes de sintetizar PHA-MCL quando cultivadas em ácido rumênico, mas a atividade da enzima Eci1p foi essencial para a degradação deste CLA, indicando que a via dependente de isomerase é a única rota in vivo necessária para a β-oxidação do ácido rumênico em peroxissomos de S. cerevisiae. A contribuição da enzima di-isomerase (Dci1p) para a degradação do ácido 10- cis,13-cis-nonadecadienóico foi avaliada em cepas selvagens, mutantes nulos dci1Δ e linhagens de S. cerevisiae contendo os plasmídeos multicópia. De acordo com o conteúdo e a quantidade de PHA formado, a β-oxidação de ácidos graxos cisinsaturados em um carbono ímpar é, in vivo, independente da di-isomerase. Embora este resultado possa indicar o mesmo padrão de envolvimento de Dci1p na degradação de ácidos graxos cis-insaturados em um carbono ímpar em mitocôndrias de mamíferos, esta via alternativa deve ser mais bem investigada em eucariotos superiores.


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Unidade 5


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Disciplina Monitoramento e Controle Microbiológico em Usinas. Unidade 7


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Retinopatia de Purtscher-like é uma baixa súbita da visão associada à imagem de múltiplas áreas branco-amareladas (manchas algodonosas) e hemorragias no pólo posterior de ambos os olhos. O exato mecanismo da injúria ainda não é claro, mas provavelmente seria de natureza embólica. Tem sido descrita em uma variedade de condições, incluindo pancreatite aguda, síndrome de embolia gordurosa, insuficiência renal,nascimento (parto e pós-parto), desordens do tecido conectivo, entre outras. Serão relatados três casos de pancreatite aguda confirmada pelos exames laboratoriais e história clínica, associadas a alterações no exame do fundo de olho, compatíveis com esta retinopatia


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The acquisition of oligosaccharides from chitosan has been the subject of several studies in the pharmaceutical, biochemical, food and medical due to functional properties of these compounds. This study aimed to boost its production of chitooligosaccharides (COS) through the optimization of production and characterization of chitosanolytic enzymes secreted by microorganisms Paenibacillus chitinolyticus and Paenibacillus ehimensis, and evaluating the antioxidant potential of the products obtained. In the process of optimizing the production of chitosanase were employed strategies Fractional Factorial Experimental Design and Central Composite Rotatable Design. The results identified the chitosan, peptone and yeast extract as the components that influenced the production of chitosanase by these microorganisms. With the optimization of the culture media was possible to obtain an increase of approximately 8.1 times (from 0.043 to 0.35 U.mL U.mL-1) and 7.6 times (from 0.08 U.mL-1 to 0.61 U.mL-1) in the enzymatic activity of chitosanase produced by P. chitinolyticus and P. ehimensis respectively. Enzyme complexes showed high stability in temperature ranges between 30º and 55º C and pH between 5.0 and 9.0. Has seen the share of organic solvents, divalent ions and other chemical agents on the activity of these enzymes, demonstrating high stability of these crude complexes and dependence of Mn2+. The COS generated showed the ability of DPPH radical scavenging activity, reaching a maximum rate of scavenging of 61% and 39% when they were produced with enzymes of P. ehimensis and P. chitinolyticus respectively. The use of these enzymes in raw form might facilitate its use for industrial applications


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Dermatomycoses are fungal infections that attack the skin, hair and nails, in addition to the mucosal and cutaneous-mucosal zones. Objective: Observe the frequency of dermatomycoses, identify etiological agents and establish an association between the results and sex. Age, collection site, time and lesion location. Methods: Between February, 2002 and December, 2004, samples were collected from patients at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital in Natal, Brazil, by lesion scraping and hair removal, following 70% alcohol disinfection, and submitted to direct and culture examination. Results: Of the 817 lesions collected, 325 (39.8%) were fungus positive, with the hair collection site yielding the highest number of positive results (65.8%) and the scalp and hair representing the most frequent lesion sites (65.9%). Negative results occurred mainly in the lower limbs (78.6%). Of the species identified, 55.9% were yeasts, 41.6% dermatophytes and 2.5% Fusarium spp. Non-albicans Candida was the most isolated yeast (43.3%), mainly in females (61.7%) over the age of 40 years (56.4%). T. rubrum was the most isolated dermatophyte (67.9%),notably in males (59.2%) in the 0-20 age group (44.7%). With respect to collection site, 73.9% of the dermatophytes were present in the skin and 61.1% of the yeasts in the nails. When assessing the collection site, the inguinocrural regional was 22.6% positive for dermatophytes, and the nails and hands, 41.8% for yeasts. Conclusions: The results obtained verified that: most of the positive lesions were found in the hair, whereas skin and nail lesions yielded more negative results; T. rubrum was the most isolated dermatophyte and non-albicans candida the most commonly found yeast; positivity was greater in males in the 0-20 year age group at the skin site and in the inguinocrural region, while yeasts were more frequent in females in the over-40 age group at the nail sites


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alcohol is one of the few psychotropic drugs that their consumption has admitted legally and sometimes encouraged by the society. Studies show alcohol as the highest consumption of drugs among young people and society in general, probably because of its availability and easy access. The abuse causes public health problems, which was closely related to the violence, socioeconomic problems and the high number of automobile accidents. Transit is one of the main sectors affected by the effects of alcohol, observing a high incidence in the studies. About half of automobile accidents occurs after the consumption of alcoholic beverage, and the vast majority of cases related to high concentrations of alcohol in the bloodstream. The relationship of drunk with traffic accidents is in fact evident everywhere in the world, including Brazil, where studies have shown a high relationship between alcohol consumption and traffic accidents. This study determined the alcohol in fatal victims of traffic accidents in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and established the profile of this population compared with those found in Brazil and other countries. Samples of blood of ethanol added to fulfillment of the standardization of chromatographic conditions and procedures for the analysis, being employed in the determination of alcohol in blood samples of 277 victims of traffic accidents, collected at the Institute of Scientific Technical Police of Rio Grande do North (ITEP) in the year 2007. The blood alcohol level was determined in these samples correlated with the sex, age and marital status of the victim and the location, day of week and month when the accident occurred, is doing a statistical analysis and outlining a profile of the victims of an accident at transit in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The parameters of standardization studied ensured the quality of the analytical method and, consequently, to obtain reliable laboratory results. Being given the best temperature for injector (150 ºC), detector (250 ºC) and column (50 ºC) with a flow of gas in the column of 2mL/minutos and analysis of time of 12 minutes. The method was linear in the range of 0.01 to 3.2 g / L (r2 = 0.9989) with average recovery of 100.2% and precision with coefficient of variation less than 15%. The analysis carried out on victims of fatal road traffic accidents, ethanol detected in the blood in 66.43% of the victims and these, 96% showed concentration ≥ 0.2 g / L, 87.73% of victims were male, while 12.27% female. The younger age group (1535 years) was the most involved (52,35%) and most single (55.60%). The accidents occurred with greater prevalence in the day on Monday (27%) followed by Sunday (24,19%) and Saturday (15,52%) and it was found that the prevalence of injuries varied between the different months of the year, and in February (14.4%) and April (10.47%) the months that had a higher number of accidents, however this oscillation showed no statistically significant difference. Also no significant difference was observed between the tracks of concentration found in men and women. The standardized method showed to be efficient, given satisfactorily to the goals of this work, and the high levels of alcohol found in victims of fatal road traffic accidents are consistent with several studies of literature, and the profile of the victim also supported by presenting in its most young adults, male and single


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Known for thousands of years, tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of mortality by a single infectious disease due to lack of patient adherence to available treatment regimens, the rising of multidrug resistant strains of TB (MDR-TB) and co-infection with HIV virus. Isoniazid and rifampicin are the most powerful bactericidal agents against M. tuberculosis. Because of that, this couple of drugs becomes unanimity in anti-TB treatment around the world. However, the rifampicin in acidic conditions in the stomach can be degraded rapidly, especially in the presence of isoniazid, which reduces the amount of available drug for absorption, as well as its bioavailability, contributing to the growing resistance to tuberculostatic drugs. Rifampicin is well absorbed in the stomach because of its high solubility between pH 1 and 2 and the gastric absorption of isoniazid is considered poor, therefore it is mostly intestinal. This work has as objective the development of gastro-resistant multiple-systems (granules and pellets) of isoniazid aiming to prevent the contact with rifampicin, with consequent degradation in acid stomach and modulate the release of isoniazid in the intestine. Granules of isoniazid were obtained by wet method using both alcoholic and aqueous solutions of PVP K-30 as aggregating and binder agent, at proportions of 5, 8 and 10%. The influence of the excipients (starch, cellulose or filler default) on the physical and technological properties of the granules was investigated. The pellets were produced by extrusionesferonization technique using isoniazid and microcrystalline cellulose MC 101 (at the proportion of 85:15) and aqueous solution of 1% Methocel as platelet. The pellets presented advantages over granular, such as: higher apparent density, smaller difference between apparent and compaction densities, smoother surface and, especially, smaller friability, and then were coated with an organic solution of Acrycoat L 100 ® in a fluidized bed. Different percentages of coating (15, 25 and 50%) were applied to the pellets which had their behavior evaluated in vitro by dissolution in acidic and basic medium. Rifampicin dissolution in the presence of uncoated and coated isoniazid pellets was evaluated too. The results indicate that the gastro resistance was only achieved with the greatest amount of coating and isoniazid is released successfully in basic step. The amount of rifampicin in the dissolution medium when the isoniazid pellets were not coated was lower than in the presence of enteric release pellets. Therefore, the polymer Acrycoat L 100 ® was efficient for coating with gastro-resistant function and can solve the problem of low bioavailability of rifampicin and help to reduce its dosage


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is one of the most common causes of vaginitis and affects about 75% of women of reproductive age. The majority of cases (80 to 90%) are due to C. albicans, the most virulent species of the genus Candida. Virulence attributes are scarcely investigated and the source of infection remains uncertain. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the virulence factors and genotypes of clinical isolates of C. albicans sequentially obtained from the anus and vagina of patients with sporadic and recurrent VVC. Materials and methods: We analyzed 62 clinical isolates of C. albicans (36 vaginal and 26 anal strains). Direct examination of vaginal and anal samples and colony forming units (CFU) counts were performed. Yeasts were identified using the chromogenic media CHROMagar Candida® and by classical methodology, and phenotypically characterized regarding to virulence factors, including the ability to adhere to epithelial cells, proteinase activity, morphogenesis and biofilm formation. The genotypes of the strains were investigated with ABC genotyping, microsatellite genotyping with primer M13 and RAPD. Results: We found 100% agreement between direct examination and culture of vaginal samples. Filamentous forms were present in most of the samples of vaginal secretion, which presented CFU counts significantly higher than the samples of anal secretion. There was no statistically significant difference between virulence factors of infecting vaginal isolates and those presented by colonizing anal isolates; as well as for the comparison of the vaginal isolates from patients with different clinical conditions (sporadic or recurrent VVC). There was a decrease in the ability to adhere to HBEC, morphogenesis and biofilm formation of the vaginal isolates during the progress of infection. There was an association between the ability to express different virulence factors and the clinical manifestations presented by the patients. Genotype A was the most prevalent (93.6%), followed by genotype C (6.4%). We found maintenance of the same ABC genotype and greater prevalence of microevolution for the vaginal strains of C. albicans sequentially obtained. Vaginal and anal isolates of C. albicans obtained simultaneously from the same patient presented the same ABC genotype and high genetic relatedness. Conclusion: It is noteworthy that the proliferation of yeast and bud-to-hypha transition are important for the establishment of CVV. The expression of virulence factors is important for the pathogenesis of VVC, although it does not seem to be determinant in the transition from colonization to infection or to the installation of recurrent condition. Genotype A seems to be dominant over the others in both vaginal and anal isolates of patients with VVC. The most common scenario was microevolution of the strains of C. albicans in the vaginal environment. It is suggested that the anal reservoir constituted a possible source of vaginal infection, in most cases assessed


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Candida albicans is a diploid yeast that in some circumstances may cause oral or oropharyngeal infections. The investigation of natural products is mandatory for the discovery of new targets for antifungal drugs development. This study aimed to determine the genotypes of 48 clinical isolates of C. albicans obtained from the oral cavity of kidney transplant patients from two distinct geographic regions of Brazil. In addition, we investigated three virulence factors in vitro: phospholipase activity, morphogenesis and the ability to evade from polymorphonuclear neutrophils. The expression of these virulence factors in vitro was also investigated in the presence of the crude extract of Eugenia uniflora. The genotype A was the most prevalent (30 isolates; 62.5%), followed by genotype C (15 isolates; 31.5%) and genotype B (3 isolates; 6.25%). When microsatellite technique with primer M13 was applied, 80% of the isolates from the South were placed within the same cluster. All Genotype C strains were grouped together within two different clusters. Genotype C was considered more resistant to PMNs attack than genotypes A and B. Strains isolated from the South of Brazil showed higher ability to combat PMNs phagocytosis. We found a high rate of genotype C strains isolated from the oral cavity of this group of patients. The crude extract of E. uniflora inhibited proper hypha formation and phagocytosis by PMNs, but had no significant effect on phospholipase activity. This study characterized oral C. albicans strains isolated from kidney transplant recipients and will contribute for the better understanding of the pathogenesis and alternative therapeutics for oral candidiasis