988 resultados para LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES
Die Themengebiete dieser Arbeit umfassen sowohl methodische Weiterentwicklungen im Rahmen der ab initio zweiter Ordnungsmethoden CC2 und ADC(2) als auch Anwendungen dieser Weiterentwick-lungen auf aktuelle Fragestellungen. Die methodischen Erweiterungen stehen dabei hauptsächlich im Zusammenhang mit Übergangsmomenten zwischen angeregten Zuständen. Durch die Implementie-rung der selbigen ist nun die Berechnung transienter Absorptionsspektren möglich. Die Anwendungen behandeln vorwiegend das Feld der organischen Halbleiter und deren photo-elektronische Eigen-schaften. Dabei spielen die bislang wenig erforschten Triplett-Excimere eine zentrale Rolle.rnDie Übergangsmomente zwischen angeregten Zuständen wurden in das Programmpaket TUR-BOMOLE implementiert. Dadurch wurde die Berechnung der Übergangsmomente zwischen Zustän-den gleicher Multiplizität (d.h. sowohl Singulett-Singulett- als auch Triplett-Triplett-Übergänge) und unterschiedlicher Multiplizität (also Singulett-Triplett-Übergänge) möglich. Als Erweiterung wurde durch ein Interface zum ORCA Programm die Berechnung von Spin-Orbit-Matrixelementen (SOMEs) implementiert. Des Weiteren kann man mit dieser Implementierung auch Übergänge in offenschaligen Systemen berechnen. Um den Speicherbedarf und die Rechenzeit möglichst gering zu halten wurde die resolution-of-the-identity (RI-) Näherung benutzt. Damit lässt sich der Speicherbedarf von O(N4) auf O(N3) reduzieren, da die mit O(N4) skalierenden Größen (z. B. die T2-Amplituden) sehr effizient aus RI-Intermediaten berechnet werden können und daher nicht abgespeichert werden müssen. Dadurch wird eine Berechnung für mittelgroße Moleküle (ca. 20-50 Atome) mit einer angemessenen Basis möglich.rnDie Genauigkeit der Übergangsmomente zwischen angeregten Zuständen wurde für einen Testsatz kleiner Moleküle sowie für ausgewählte größere organische Moleküle getestet. Dabei stellte sich her-aus, dass der Fehler der RI-Näherung sehr klein ist. Die Vorhersage der transienten Spektren mit CC2 bzw. ADC(2) birgt allerdings ein Problem, da diese Methoden solche Zustände nur sehr unzureichend beschreiben, welche hauptsächlich durch zweifach-Anregungen bezüglich der Referenzdeterminante erzeugt werden. Dies ist für die Spektren aus dem angeregten Zustand relevant, da Übergänge zu diesen Zuständen energetisch zugänglich und erlaubt sein können. Ein Beispiel dafür wird anhand eines Singulett-Singulett-Spektrums in der vorliegenden Arbeit diskutiert. Für die Übergänge zwischen Triplettzuständen ist dies allerdings weniger problematisch, da die energetisch niedrigsten Doppelan-regungen geschlossenschalig sind und daher für Tripletts nicht auftreten.rnVon besonderem Interesse für diese Arbeit ist die Bildung von Excimeren im angeregten Triplettzu-stand. Diese können aufgrund starker Wechselwirkungen zwischen den π-Elektronensystemen großer organischer Moleküle auftreten, wie sie zum Beispiel als organische Halbleiter in organischen Leucht-dioden eingesetzt werden. Dabei können die Excimere die photo-elktronischen Eigenschaften dieser Substanzen signifikant beeinflussen. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurden daher zwei solcher Sys-teme untersucht, [3.3](4,4’)Biphenylophan und das Naphthalin-Dimer. Hierzu wurden die transienten Anregungsspektren aus dem ersten angeregten Triplettzustand berechnet und diese Ergebnisse für die Interpretation der experimentellen Spektren herangezogen. Aufgrund der guten Übereinstimmung zwischen den berechneten und den experimentellen Spektren konnte gezeigt werden, dass es für eine koplanare Anordnung der beiden Monomere zu einer starken Kopplung zwischen lokal angereg-ten und charge-transfer Zuständen kommt. Diese Kopplung resultiert in einer signifikanten energeti-schen Absenkung des ersten angeregten Zustandes und zu einem sehr geringen Abstand zwischen den Monomereinheiten. Dabei ist der angeregte Zustand über beide Monomere delokalisiert. Die star-ke Kopplung tritt bei einem intermolekularen Abstand ≤4 Å auf, was einem typischen Abstand in orga-nischen Halbleitern entspricht. In diesem Bereich kann man zur Berechnung dieser Systeme nicht auf die Förster-Dexter-Theorie zurückgreifen, da diese nur für den Grenzfall der schwachen Kopplung gültig ist.
In this thesis we have extended the methods for microscopic charge-transport simulations for organic semiconductors. In these materials the weak intermolecular interactions lead to spatially localized charge carriers, and the charge transport occurs as an activated hopping process between diabatic states. In addition to weak electronic couplings between these states, different electrostatic environments in the organic material lead to a broadening of the density of states for the charge energies which limits carrier mobilities.rnThe contributions to the method development includern(i) the derivation of a bimolecular charge-transfer rate,rn(ii) the efficient evaluation of intermolecular (outer-sphere) reorganization energies,rn(iii) the investigation of effects of conformational disorder on intramolecular reorganization energies or internal site energiesrnand (iv) the inclusion of self-consistent polarization interactions for calculation of charge energies.These methods were applied to study charge transport in amorphous phases of small molecules used in the emission layer of organic light emitting diodes (OLED).rnWhen bulky substituents are attached to an aromatic core in order to adjust energy levels or prevent crystallization, a small amount of delocalization of the frontier orbital to the substituents can increase electronic couplings between neighboring molecules. This leads to improved charge-transfer rates and, hence, larger charge-mobility. We therefore suggest using the mesomeric effect (as opposed to the inductive effect) when attaching substituents to aromatic cores, which is necessary for example in deep blue OLEDs, where the energy levels of a host molecule have to be adjusted to those of the emitter.rnFurthermore, the energy landscape for charges in an amorphous phase cannot be predicted by mesoscopic models because they approximate the realistic morphology by a lattice and represent molecular charge distributions in a multipole expansion. The microscopic approach shows that a polarization-induced stabilization of a molecule in its charged and neutral states can lead to large shifts, broadening, and traps in the distribution of charge energies. These results are especially important for multi-component systems (the emission layer of an OLED or the donor-acceptor interface of an organic solar cell), if the change in polarizability upon charging (or excitation in case of energy transport) is different for the components. Thus, the polarizability change upon charging or excitation should be added to the set of molecular parameters essential for understanding charge and energy transport in organic semiconductors.rnWe also studied charge transport in self-assembled systems, where intermolecular packing motives induced by side chains can increase electronic couplings between molecules. This leads to larger charge mobility, which is essential to improve devices such as organic field effect transistors, where low carrier mobilities limit the switching frequency.rnHowever, it is not sufficient to match the average local molecular order induced by the sidernchains (such as the pitch angle between consecutive molecules in a discotic mesophase) with maxima of the electronic couplings.rnIt is also important to make the corresponding distributions as narrow as possible compared to the window determined by the closest minima of thernelectronic couplings. This is especially important in one-dimensional systems, where charge transport is limited by the smallest electronic couplings.rnThe immediate implication for compound design is that the side chains should assist the self-assemblingrnprocess not only via soft entropic interactions, but also via stronger specific interactions, such as hydrogen bonding.rnrnrnrn
Small, smaller, nano - it is a milestone in the development of new materials and technologies. Nanoscience is now present in our daily lives: in the car industry with self-cleaning surfaces, in medicine with cancer therapies, even our clothes and cosmetics utilize nanoparticles. The number and variety of applications has been growing fast in recent years, and the possibilities seem almost infinite. Nanoparticles made of inorganic materials have found applications in new electronic technologies, and organic nanomaterials have been added to resins to produce very strong but light weight materials.rnThis work deals with the combination of organic and inorganic materials for the fabrication of new, functional hybrid systems. For that purpose, block copolymers were made with a long, solubility-enhancing and semiconducting block, and a short anchor block. They were synthesized by either RAFT polymerization or Siegrist polycondensation. For the second block, an active ester was grafted on and subsequently reacted with the anchor molecules in a polymer analogue reaction. The resulting block copolymers had different properties; poly(para-phenylene vinylene) showed self-assembly in organic solvents, which resulted in gelling of the solution. The fibers from a diluted solution were visible through microscopy. When polymer chains were attached to TiO2 nanorods, the hybrids could be integrated into polymer fibers. A light-induced charge separation was demonstrated through KPFM. The polymer charged positively and the charge could travel along the fibers for several hundred nanometers. Polymers made via RAFT polymerization were based on poly(vinyltriphenylamine). Ruthenium chromophores which carried anchor groups were attached to the second block. These novel block copolymers were then attached to ZnO nanorods. A light-induced charge separation was also demonstrated in this system. The ability to disperse inorganic nanoparticles within the film is another advantage of these block copolymers. This was shown with the example of CdSe tetrapods. Poly(vinyltriphenylamine dimer) with disulfide anchor groups was attached to CdSe tetrapods. These four-armed nanoparticles are supposed to show very high charge transport. A polymer without anchor groups was also mixed with the tetrapods in order to investigate the influence of the anchor groups. It was shown that without them no good films were formed and the tetrapods aggregated heavily in the samples. Additionally, a large difference in the film qualities and the aggregation of the tetrapods was found in the sample of the polymer with anchor groups, dependent on the tetrapod arm length and the polymer loading. These systems are very interesting for hybrid solar cells. This work also illustrates similar systems with quantum dots. The influence of the energy level of the polymer on the hole transport from the polymer to the quantum dots, as well as on the efficiency of QLEDs was studied. For this purpose two different polymers were synthesized with different HOMO levels. It was clearly shown that the polymer with the adjusted lower HOMO level had a better hole injection to the quantum dots, which resulted in more efficient light emitting diodes.rnThese systems all have in common the fact that novel, and specially designed polymers, were attached to inorganic nanocrystals. All of these hybrid materials show fascinating properties, and are helpful in the research of new materials for optoelectronic applications.
Die vorliegende Dissertation dient dazu, das Verständnis des Exzitonentransports in organischen Halbleitern, wie sie in Leuchtdioden oder Solarzellen eingesetzt werden, zu vertiefen. Mithilfe von Computersimulationen wurde der Transport von Exzitonen in amorphen und kristallinen organischen Materialien beschrieben, angefangen auf mikroskopischer Ebene, auf der quantenmechanische Prozesse ablaufen, bis hin zur makroskopischen Ebene, auf welcher physikalisch bestimmbare Größen wie der Diffusionskoeffizient extrahierbar werden. Die Modellbildung basiert auf dem inkohärenten elektronischen Energietransfer. In diesem Rahmen wird der Transport des Exzitons als Hüpfprozess aufgefasst, welcher mit kinetischen Monte-Carlo Methoden simuliert wurde. Die notwendigen quantenmechanischen Übergangsraten zwischen den Molekülen wurden anhand der molekularen Struktur fester Phasen berechnet. Die Übergangsraten lassen sich in ein elektronisches Kopplungselement und die Franck-Condon-gewichtete Zustandsdichte aufteilen. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit lag einerseits darauf die Methoden zu evaluieren, die zur Berechnung der Übergangsraten in Frage kommen und andererseits den Hüpftransport zu simulieren und eine atomistische Interpretation der makroskopischen Transporteigenschaften der Exzitonen zu liefern. rnrnVon den drei untersuchten organischen Systemen, diente Aluminium-tris-(8-hydroxychinolin) der umfassenden Prüfung des Verfahrens. Es wurde gezeigt, dass stark vereinfachte Modelle wie die Marcus-Theorie die Übergangsraten und damit das Transportverhalten der Exzitonen oftmals qualitativ korrekt wiedergeben. Die meist deutlich größeren Diffusionskonstanten von Singulett- im Vergleich zu Triplett-Exzitonen haben ihren Ursprung in der längeren Reichweite der Kopplungselemente der Singulett-Exzitonen, wodurch ein stärker verzweigtes Netzwerk gebildet wird. Der Verlauf des zeitabhängigen Diffusionskoeffizienten zeigt subdiffusives Verhalten für kurze Beobachtungszeiten. Für Singulett-Exzitonen wechselt dieses Verhalten meist innerhalb der Lebensdauer des Exzitons in ein normales Diffusionsregime, während Triplett-Exzitonen das normale Regime deutlich langsamer erreichen. Das stärker anomale Verhalten der Triplett-Exzitonen wird auf eine ungleichmäßige Verteilung der Übergangsraten zurückgeführt. Beim Vergleich mit experimentell bestimmten Diffusionskonstanten muss das anomale Verhalten der Exzitonen berücksichtigt werden. Insgesamt stimmten simulierte und experimentelle Diffusionskonstanten für das Testsystem gut überein. Das Modellierungsverfahren sollte sich somit zur Charakterisierung des Exzitonentransports in neuen organischen Halbleitermaterialien eignen.
Die in der vorliegenden Dissertation entwickelten organochemischen Protokolle und Konzepte erweitern die Bottom-Up-Synthese von atompräzisen Nanographenstreifen (GNR) um zwei fundamentale Bereiche. Zum einen die Dotierung der halbleitenden GNR mit Schwefel oder Stickstoffatomen und zum anderen ein Protokoll für eine lösungsbasierte Synthese von stickstoffdotierten Zickzack-Streifen.rnDie Dotierung von GNR beinhaltet die Synthese von monomeren Bausteinen bei denen, im Gegensatz zu ihren reinen Kohlenstoffhomologen, definierte Positionen am Rand mit zwei oder vier Stickstoff- beziehungsweise zwei Schwefelatomen ersetzt wurden. Die Synthese atompräziser GNR konnte mit verschiedenen experimentellen Methoden analysiert und anschaulich über STM visualisiert werden. Neben einer n-Dotierung gelang so auch erstmals eine Bottom-Up-Synthese von schwefeldotierten GNR. Eine mögliche Anwendung in der Nanoelektronik aufbauend auf dotierten GNR wurde bestätigt, indem durch Co-Polymerisation von stickstoffhaltigen mit reinen Kohlenstoffmonomeren Heteroschnittstellen zwischen dotierten und undotierten Bereichen hergestellt werden konnten. Solche Heteroschnittstellen sind fundamentale Grundlage von Dioden und damit Basis einer Vielzahl elektronischer Elemente wie Solarzellen oder Leuchtdioden.rnWährend für halbleitende GNR mit einer Armlehnen-Form ein breites Spektrum an organischen Syntheseprotokollen zur Verfügung stand, existierte zu Beginn dieser Arbeit keines für GNR mit Zickzack-Struktur. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit konnte eine Bottom-Up-Synthese zur Erschließung stickstoffdotierter GNR mit Zickzack-Randstruktur erarbeitet werden. Durch die Verwendung eines (2-Hydroxymethyl)phenylboronsäureesters werden Hydroxymethylsubsituenten entlang eines Polyphenylenrückgrats eingebaut, die nach Kondensation mit dem Stickstoffatom eine Zickzack-Kante ergeben. Innerhalb der synthetisierten Zielstrukturen kann das 9a-Azaphenalen als letztes, bislang nicht erschlossenes Isomer der Azaphenalene, als wiederkehrende Struktur, gefunden werden. Die Reaktivität der Zickzackkante konnte zudem zum Aufbau einer Vielzahl bislang unzugänglicher, polycyclischer Heteroaromaten über 1,3-dipolare Addition dieses polycyclischen Azomethin Ylides (PAMY) genutzt werden.rn
Negli ultimi anni si è osservato un crescente sviluppo della ricerca nel campo dei materiali luminescenti per le loro diverse applicazioni reali e potenziali, fra cui l’impiego in dispositivi elettroluminescenti, quali OLEDs (Organic Light-Emitting Diodes) e LECs (Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells). In modo particolare, si rivolge grande attenzione ai complessi ciclometallati di Ir(III) grazie alle peculiari caratteristiche che li contraddistinguono fra i materiali luminescenti, come l'emissione fosforescente, alte rese quantiche di emissione, lunghi tempi di vita e buona stabilità nei dispositivi. Oltre a tali caratteristiche uno dei principali vantaggi presentati dai complessi di Ir(III) è la possibilità di modulare la lunghezza d'onda di emissione modificando la struttura dei leganti ciclometallanti e ancillari. Considerata la versatilità di questi sistemi e la loro conseguente rilevanza, diverse sono state le strategie applicate per l'ottenimento di complessi di Ir(III) generalmente neutri e cationici; al contrario pochi esempi di complessi di Ir(III) anionici sono attualmente riportati in letteratura. Lo scopo del mio lavoro di tesi è stato quindi quello di sintetizzare tre nuovi complessi anionici luminescenti di Ir(III) con tre diversi leganti ciclometallanti. Il piano di lavoro è stato suddiviso in stadi successivi, partendo dalla sintesi dei tre leganti ciclometallanti, impiegati poi nella preparazione dei dimeri di Ir(III) precursori dei miei complessi; infine facendo reagire questi ultimi con un legante ancillare bisanionico, derivato dal di(1H-tetrazol-5-il)metano, si è giunti all'ottenimento di tre complessi anionici luminescenti di Ir(III). Dopo questa prima parte, il lavoro di tesi è proseguito con la caratterizzazione spettroscopica dei tre complessi anionici e la determinazione delle loro proprietà fotofisiche tramite la registrazione di spettri di assorbimento, di emissione e la determinazione delle rese quantiche di emissione e dei tempi di vita. Infine si è preparato un “soft salt” costituito da un complesso anionico e uno cationico di Ir(III) le cui caratteristiche sono tutt'ora oggetto di studio del gruppo di ricerca presso il quale ho svolto il mio lavoro di tesi.
INTRODUCTION Light cure of resin-based adhesives is the mainstay of orthodontic bonding. In recent years, alternatives to conventional halogen lights offering reduced curing time and the potential for lower attachment failure rates have emerged. The relative merits of curing lights in current use, including halogen-based lamps, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and plasma arc lights, have not been analyzed systematically. In this study, we reviewed randomized controlled trials and controlled clinical trials to assess the risks of attachment failure and bonding time in orthodontic patients in whom brackets were cured with halogen lights, LEDs, or plasma arc systems. METHODS Multiple electronic database searches were undertaken, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register, CENTRAL. Language restrictions were not applied. Unpublished literature was searched on ClinicalTrials.gov, the National Research Register, Pro-Quest Dissertation Abstracts, and Thesis database. Search terms included randomized controlled trial, controlled clinical trial, random allocation, double blind method, single blind method, orthodontics, LED, halogen, bond, and bracket. Authors of primary studies were contacted as required, and reference lists of the included studies were screened. RESULTS Randomized controlled trials and clinical controlled trials directly comparing conventional halogen lights, LEDs, or plasma arc systems involving patients with full arch, fixed, or bonded orthodontic appliances (not banded) with follow-up periods of a minimum of 6 months were included. Using predefined forms, 2 authors undertook independent extraction of articles; disagreements were resolved by discussion. The assessment of the risk of bias of the randomized controlled trials was based on the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Ten studies met the inclusion criteria; 2 were excluded because of high risk of bias. In the comparison of bond failure risk with halogen lights and plasma arc lights, 1851 brackets were included in both groups. Little statistical heterogeneity was observed in this analysis (I(2) = 4.8%; P = 0.379). There was no statistical difference in bond failure risk between the groups (OR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.68-1.23; prediction intervals, 0.54, 1.56). Similarly, no statistical difference in bond failure risk was observed in the meta-analysis comparing halogen lights and LEDs (OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.64-1.44; prediction intervals, 0.07, 13.32). The pooled estimates from both comparisons were OR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.74-1.17; and prediction intervals, 0.69, 1.17. CONCLUSIONS There is no evidence to support the use of 1 light cure type over another based on risk of attachment failure.
Supramolecular assembly of π-conjugated systems is of large interested due to the possibility to use them in electronic devices.[1] Chrysene is a polyaromatic hydrocarbon which has been studied e.g for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs).[2] In continuation of our previous work involving the supramolecular polymerisation of pyrene oligomers [3] an oligomer consisting of three chrysenes linked by phophodiesters was synthesised (Chry3). UV-Vis measurements show that aggregates of Chry3 are formed in aqueous medium. This is illustrated by general hypochromicity, a change in vibronic band intensities and, in particular, the appearance of a red-shifted absorption band in the S0 → S2 transition. The data suggest the formation of J-aggregates. The formation of supramolecular polymers is further studied by temperature-dependent absorption- and fluorescence measurements, and by atomic force microscopy (AFM).
Selective expression of opsins in genetically defined neurons makes it possible to control a subset of neurons without affecting nearby cells and processes in the intact brain, but light must still be delivered to the target brain structure. Light scattering limits the delivery of light from the surface of the brain. For this reason, we have developed a fiber-optic-based optical neural interface (ONI), which allows optical access to any brain structure in freely moving mammals. The ONI system is constructed by modifying the small animal cannula system from PlasticsOne. The system for bilateral stimulation consists of a bilateral cannula guide that has been stereotactically implanted over the target brain region, a screw cap for securing the optical fiber to the animal's head, a fiber guard modified from the internal cannula adapter, and a bare fiber whose length is customized based on the depth of the target region. For unilateral stimulation, a single-fiber system can be constructed using unilateral cannula parts from PlasticsOne. We describe here the preparation of the bilateral ONI system and its use in optical stimulation of the mouse or rat brain. Delivery of opsin-expressing virus and implantation of the ONI may be conducted in the same surgical session; alternatively, with a transgenic animal no opsin virus is delivered during the surgery. Similar procedures are useful for deep or superficial injections (even for neocortical targets, although in some cases surface light-emitting diodes or cortex-apposed fibers can be used for the most superficial cortical targets).
Laser irradiation has numerous favorable characteristics, such as ablation or vaporization, hemostasis, biostimulation (photobiomodulation) and microbial inhibition and destruction, which induce various beneficial therapeutic effects and biological responses. Therefore, the use of lasers is considered effective and suitable for treating a variety of inflammatory and infectious oral conditions. The CO2 , neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd:YAG) and diode lasers have mainly been used for periodontal soft-tissue management. With development of the erbium-doped yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Er:YAG) and erbium, chromium-doped yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) lasers, which can be applied not only on soft tissues but also on dental hard tissues, the application of lasers dramatically expanded from periodontal soft-tissue management to hard-tissue treatment. Currently, various periodontal tissues (such as gingiva, tooth roots and bone tissue), as well as titanium implant surfaces, can be treated with lasers, and a variety of dental laser systems are being employed for the management of periodontal and peri-implant diseases. In periodontics, mechanical therapy has conventionally been the mainstream of treatment; however, complete bacterial eradication and/or optimal wound healing may not be necessarily achieved with conventional mechanical therapy alone. Consequently, in addition to chemotherapy consisting of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents, phototherapy using lasers and light-emitting diodes has been gradually integrated with mechanical therapy to enhance subsequent wound healing by achieving thorough debridement, decontamination and tissue stimulation. With increasing evidence of benefits, therapies with low- and high-level lasers play an important role in wound healing/tissue regeneration in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant diseases. This article discusses the outcomes of laser therapy in soft-tissue management, periodontal nonsurgical and surgical treatment, osseous surgery and peri-implant treatment, focusing on postoperative wound healing of periodontal and peri-implant tissues, based on scientific evidence from currently available basic and clinical studies, as well as on case reports.
The development of high efficiency laser diodes (LD) and light emitting diodes (LED) covering the 1.0 to 1.55 μm region of the spectra using GaAs heteroepitaxy has been long pursued. Due to the lack of materials that can be grown lattice-macthed to GaAs with bandgaps in the 1.0 to 1.55 μm region, quantum wells (QW) or quantum dots (QD) need be used. The most successful approach with QWs has been to use InGaAs, but one needs to add another element, such as N, to be able to reach 1.3/1.5μm. Even though LDs have been successfully demonstrated with the QW approach, using N leads to problems with compositional homogeneity across the wafer, and limited efficiency due to strong non-radiative recombination. The alternative approach of using InAs QDs is an attractive option, but once again, to reach the longest wavelengths one needs very large QDs and control over the size distribution and band alignment. In this work we demonstrate InAs/GaAsSb QDLEDs with high efficiencies, emitting from 1.1 to 1.52 μm, and we analyze the band alignment and carrier loss mechanisms that result from the presence of Sb in the capping layer.
Due to its small band-gap and its high mobility, InN is a promising material for a large number of key applications like band-gap engineering for high efficiency solar cells, light emitting diodes, and high speed devices. Unfortunately, it has been reported that this material exhibits strong surface charge accumulation which may depend on the type of surface. Current investigations are conducted in order to explain the mechanisms which govern such a behavior and to look for ways of avoiding it and/or finding applications that may use such an effect. In this framework, low frequency noise measurements have been performed at different temperatures on patterned MBE grown InN layers. The evolution of the 1/f noise level with temperature in the 77 K-300 K range is consistent with carrier number fluctuations thus indicating surface mechanisms: the surface charge accumulation is confirmed by the noise measurements.
GaN/InGaN nanorods have attracted much scientific interest during the last decade because of their unique optical and electrical properties [1,2]. The high crystal quality and the absence of extended defects make them ideal candidates for the fabrication of high efficiency opto-electronic devices such as nano-photodetectors, light-emitting diodes, and solar cells [1-3]. Nitrides nanorods are commonly grown in the self-assembled mode by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) [4]. However, self-assembled nanorods are characterized by inhomogeneous heights and diameters, which render the device processing very difficult and negatively affect the electronic transport properties of the final device. For this reason, the selective area growth (SAG) mode has been proposed, where the nanorods preferentially grow on pre-defined sites on a pre-patterned substrate [5].
Con el fin de establecer si es posible llevar a cabo el cultivo de microalgas empleando LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) y si el empleo de los mismos supone alguna ventaja, se llevaron a cabo cinco experiencias con el microalga Chlorella sorokiniana en las que se varió la cantidad y la calidad de la luz aplicada. En las dos primeras experiencias se empleó luz de un solo color, roja en la primera y azul en la segunda, ambas al 50 % de su intensidad. En las tres siguiente se ensayaron mezclas de ambas, aplicando en la tercera 50 % de luz roja y 50 % de luz azul, en la cuarta 70 % de luz roja y 30 % de luz azul y en la quinta 30 % luz roja y 70 % luz azul. En todos los casos se llevó a cabo simultáneamente el cultivo de un testigo en las mismas condiciones pero iluminado con una lámpara fluorescente. Diariamente se tomaron medidas de la densidad óptica, el pH y la conductividad eléctrica. El seguimiento de la temperatura se hizo por medio de sensores que tomaron muestras cada 60 segundos. La experiencia en la que se empleó luz roja y azul al 50 % de intensidad presentó las mayores diferencias con respecto al testigo. En el resto de los casos el ensayo y el testigo presentaron crecimientos similares. Además se evaluaron varias fuentes de luz de uso frecuente en laboratorio con el fin de conocer su espectro de emisión y su comportamiento al atravesar el medio de cultivo.
La óptica anidólica es una rama de la óptica cuyo desarrollo comenzó a mediados de la década de 1960. Este relativamente nuevo campo de la óptica se centra en la transferencia eficiente de la luz, algo necesario en muchas aplicaciones, entre las que destacamos los concentradores solares y los sistemas de iluminación. Las soluciones de la óptica clásica a los problemas de la transferencia de energía de la luz sólo son adecuadas cuando los rayos de luz son paraxiales. La condición paraxial no se cumple en la mayoría de las aplicaciones para concentración e iluminación. Esta tesis contiene varios diseños free-form (aquellos que no presentan ninguna simetría, ni de rotación ni lineal) cuyas aplicaciones van destinadas a estos dos campos. El término nonimaging viene del hecho de que estos sistemas ópticos no necesitan formar una imagen del objeto, aunque no formar la imagen no es una condición necesaria. Otra palabra que se utiliza a veces en lugar de nonimaging es la palabra anidólico, viene del griego "an+eidolon" y tiene el mismo significado. La mayoría de los sistemas ópticos diseñados para aplicaciones anidólicas no presentan ninguna simetría, es decir, son free-form (anamórficos). Los sistemas ópticos free-form están siendo especialmente relevantes durante los últimos años gracias al desarrollo de las herramientas para su fabricación como máquinas de moldeo por inyección y el mecanizado multieje. Sin embargo, solo recientemente se han desarrollado técnicas de diseño anidólicas capaces de cumplir con estos grados de libertad. En aplicaciones de iluminación el método SMS3D permite diseñar dos superficies free-form para controlar las fuentes de luz extensas. En los casos en que se requiere una elevada asimetría de la fuente, el objeto o las restricciones volumétricos, las superficies free-form permiten obtener soluciones de mayor eficiencia, o disponer de menos elementos en comparación con las soluciones de simetría de rotación, dado que las superficies free-form tienen más grados de libertad y pueden realizar múltiples funciones debido a su naturaleza anamórfica. Los concentradores anidólicos son muy adecuados para la captación de energía solar, ya que el objetivo no es la reproducción de una imagen exacta del sol, sino sencillamente la captura de su energía. En este momento, el campo de la concentración fotovoltaica (CPV) tiende hacia sistemas de alta concentración con el fin de compensar el gasto de las células solares multi-unión (MJ) utilizadas como receptores, reduciendo su área. El interés en el uso de células MJ radica en su alta eficiencia de conversión. Para obtener sistemas competitivos en aplicaciones terrestres se recurre a sistemas fotovoltaicos de alta concentración (HCPV), con factores de concentración geométrica por encima de 500x. Estos sistemas se componen de dos (o más) elementos ópticos (espejos y/o lentes). En los sistemas presentados a lo largo de este trabajo se presentan ejemplos de concentradores HCPV con elementos reflexivos como etapa primaria, así como concentradores con elementos refractivos (lente de Fresnel). Con la necesidad de aumentar la eficiencia de los sistemas HCPV reales y con el fin de proporcionar la división más eficiente del espectro solar, células conteniendo cuatro o más uniones (con un potencial de alcanzar eficiencias de más del 45% a una concentración de cientos de soles) se exploran hoy en día. En esta tesis se presenta una de las posibles arquitecturas de división del espectro (spectrum-splitting en la literatura anglosajona) que utilizan células de concentración comercial. Otro campo de aplicación de la óptica nonimaging es la iluminación, donde es necesario proporcionar un patrón de distribución de la iluminación específico. La iluminación de estado sólido (SSL), basada en la electroluminiscencia de materiales semiconductores, está proporcionando fuentes de luz para aplicaciones de iluminación general. En la última década, los diodos emisores de luz (LED) de alto brillo han comenzado a reemplazar a las fuentes de luz convencionales debido a la superioridad en la calidad de la luz emitida, elevado tiempo de vida, compacidad y ahorro de energía. Los colimadores utilizados con LEDs deben cumplir con requisitos tales como tener una alta eficiencia, un alto control del haz de luz, una mezcla de color espacial y una gran compacidad. Presentamos un colimador de luz free-form con microestructuras capaz de conseguir buena colimación y buena mezcla de colores con una fuente de LED RGGB. Una buena mezcla de luz es importante no sólo para simplificar el diseño óptico de la luminaria sino también para evitar hacer binning de los chips. La mezcla de luz óptica puede reducir los costes al evitar la modulación por ancho de pulso y otras soluciones electrónicas patentadas para regulación y ajuste de color. Esta tesis consta de cuatro capítulos. Los capítulos que contienen la obra original de esta tesis son precedidos por un capítulo introductorio donde se presentan los conceptos y definiciones básicas de la óptica geométrica y en el cual se engloba la óptica nonimaging. Contiene principios de la óptica no formadora de imagen junto con la descripción de sus problemas y métodos de diseño. Asimismo se describe el método de Superficies Múltiples Simultáneas (SMS), que destaca por su versatilidad y capacidad de controlar varios haces de rayos. Adicionalmente también se describe la integración Köhler y sus aplicaciones en el campo de la energía fotovoltaica. La concentración fotovoltaica y la iluminación de estado sólido son introducidas junto con la revisión de su estado actual. El Segundo y Tercer Capítulo contienen diseños ópticos avanzados con aplicación en la concentración solar principalmente, mientras que el Cuarto Capítulo describe el colimador free-form con surcos que presenta buena mezcla de colores para aplicaciones de iluminación. El Segundo Capítulo describe dos concentradores ópticos HCPV diseñados con el método SMS en tres dimensiones (SMS3D) que llevan a cabo integración Köhler en dos direcciones con el fin de proporcionar una distribución de irradiancia uniforme libre de aberraciones cromáticas sobre la célula solar. Uno de los diseños es el concentrador XXR free-form diseñado con el método SMS3D, donde el espejo primario (X) y la lente secundaria (R) se dividen en cuatro sectores simétricos y llevan a cabo la integración Köhler (proporcionando cuatro unidades del array Köhler), mientras que el espejo intermedio (X) presenta simetría rotacional. Otro concentrador HCPV presentado es el Fresnel-RXI (FRXI) con una lente de Fresnel funcionando como elemento primario (POE) y una lente RXI como elemento óptico secundario (SOE), que presenta configuración 4-fold con el fin de realizar la integración Köhler. Las lentes RXI son dispositivos nonimaging conocidos, pero su aplicación como elemento secundario es novedosa. Los concentradores XXR y FRXI Köhler son ejemplos académicos de muy alta concentración (más de 2,000x, mientras que los sistemas convencionales hoy en día no suelen llegar a 1,000x) preparados para las células solares N-unión (con N>3), que probablemente requerirán una mayor concentración y alta uniformidad espectral de irradiancia con el fin de obtener sistemas CPV terrestres eficientes y rentables. Ambos concentradores están diseñados maximizando funciones de mérito como la eficiencia óptica, el producto concentración-aceptancia (CAP) y la uniformidad de irradiancia sobre la célula libre de la aberración cromática (integración Köhler). El Tercer Capítulo presenta una arquitectura para la división del espectro solar basada en un módulo HCPV con alta concentración (500x) y ángulo de aceptancia alto (>1º) que tiene por objeto reducir ambas fuentes de pérdidas de las células triple unión (3J) comerciales: el uso eficiente del espectro solar y la luz reflejada de los contactos metálicos y de la superficie de semiconductor. El módulo para la división del espectro utiliza el espectro solar más eficiente debido a la combinación de una alta eficiencia de una célula de concentración 3J (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge) y una de contacto posterior (BPC) de concentración de silicio (Si), así como la técnica de confinamiento externo para la recuperación de la luz reflejada por la célula 3J con el fin de ser reabsorbida por la célula. En la arquitectura propuesta, la célula 3J opera con su ganancia de corriente optimizada (concentración geométrica de 500x), mientras que la célula de silicio trabaja cerca de su óptimo también (135x). El módulo de spectrum-splitting consta de una lente de Fresnel plana como POE y un concentrador RXI free-form como SOE con un filtro paso-banda integrado en él. Tanto POE como SOE realizan la integración Köhler para producir homogeneización de luz sobre la célula. El filtro paso banda envía los fotones IR en la banda 900-1,150nm a la célula de silicio. Hay varios aspectos prácticos de la arquitectura del módulo presentado que ayudan a reducir la complejidad de los sistemas spectrum-splitting (el filtro y el secundario forman una sola pieza sólida, ambas células son coplanarias simplificándose el cableado y la disipación de calor, etc.). Prototipos prueba-de-concepto han sido ensamblados y probados a fin de demostrar la fabricabilidad del filtro y su rendimiento cuando se combina con la técnica de reciclaje de luz externa. Los resultados obtenidos se ajustan bastante bien a los modelos y a las simulaciones e invitan al desarrollo de una versión más compleja de este prototipo en el futuro. Dos colimadores sólidos con surcos free-form se presentan en el Cuarto Capítulo. Ambos diseños ópticos están diseñados originalmente usando el método SMS3D. La segunda superficie ópticamente activa está diseñada a posteriori como una superficie con surcos. El diseño inicial de dos espejos (XX) está diseñado como prueba de concepto. En segundo lugar, el diseño RXI free-form es comparable con los colimadores RXI existentes. Se trata de un diseño muy compacto y eficiente que proporciona una muy buena mezcla de colores cuando funciona con LEDs RGB fuera del eje óptico como en los RGB LEDs convencionales. Estos dos diseños son dispositivos free-form diseñados con la intención de mejorar las propiedades de mezcla de colores de los dispositivos no aplanáticos RXI con simetría de revolución y la eficiencia de los aplanáticos, logrando una buena colimación y una buena mezcla de colores. La capacidad de mezcla de colores del dispositivo no-aplanático mejora añadiendo características de un aplanático a su homólogo simétrico sin pérdida de eficiencia. En el caso del diseño basado en RXI, su gran ventaja consiste en su menor coste de fabricación ya que el proceso de metalización puede evitarse. Aunque algunos de los componentes presentan formas muy complejas, los costes de fabricación son relativamente insensibles a la complejidad del molde, especialmente en el caso de la producción en masa (tales como inyección de plástico), ya que el coste del molde se reparte entre todas las piezas fabricadas. Por último, las últimas dos secciones son las conclusiones y futuras líneas de investigación. ABSTRACT Nonimaging optics is a branch of optics whose development began in the mid-1960s. This rather new field of optics focuses on the efficient light transfer necessary in many applications, among which we highlight solar concentrators and illumination systems. The classical optics solutions to the problems of light energy transfer are only appropriate when the light rays are paraxial. The paraxial condition is not met in most applications for the concentration and illumination. This thesis explores several free-form designs (with neither rotational nor linear symmetry) whose applications are intended to cover the above mentioned areas and more. The term nonimaging comes from the fact that these optical systems do not need to form an image of the object, although it is not a necessary condition not to form an image. Another word sometimes used instead of nonimaging is anidolic, and it comes from the Greek “an+eidolon” and has the same meaning. Most of the optical systems designed for nonimaging applications are without any symmetry, i.e. free-form. Free-form optical systems become especially relevant lately with the evolution of free-form tooling (injection molding machines, multi-axis machining techniques, etc.). Nevertheless, only recently there are nonimaging design techniques that are able to meet these degrees of freedom. In illumination applications, the SMS3D method allows designing two free-form surfaces to control very well extended sources. In cases when source, target or volumetric constrains have very asymmetric requirements free-form surfaces are offering solutions with higher efficiency or with fewer elements in comparison with rotationally symmetric solutions, as free-forms have more degrees of freedom and they can perform multiple functions due to their free-form nature. Anidolic concentrators are well suited for the collection of solar energy, because the goal is not the reproduction of an exact image of the sun, but instead the collection of its energy. At this time, Concentration Photovoltaics (CPV) field is turning to high concentration systems in order to compensate the expense of multi-junction (MJ) solar cells used as receivers by reducing its area. Interest in the use of MJ cells lies in their very high conversion efficiency. High Concentration Photovoltaic systems (HCPV) with geometric concentration of more than 500x are required in order to have competitive systems in terrestrial applications. These systems comprise two (or more) optical elements, mirrors and/or lenses. Systems presented in this thesis encompass both main types of HCPV architectures: concentrators with primary reflective element and concentrators with primary refractive element (Fresnel lens). Demand for the efficiency increase of the actual HCPV systems as well as feasible more efficient partitioning of the solar spectrum, leads to exploration of four or more junction solar cells or submodules. They have a potential of reaching over 45% efficiency at concentration of hundreds of suns. One possible architectures of spectrum splitting module using commercial concentration cells is presented in this thesis. Another field of application of nonimaging optics is illumination, where a specific illuminance distribution pattern is required. The Solid State Lighting (SSL) based on semiconductor electroluminescence provides light sources for general illumination applications. In the last decade high-brightness Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) started replacing conventional light sources due to their superior output light quality, unsurpassed lifetime, compactness and energy savings. Collimators used with LEDs have to meet requirements like high efficiency, high beam control, color and position mixing, as well as a high compactness. We present a free-form collimator with microstructures that performs good collimation and good color mixing with RGGB LED source. Good light mixing is important not only for simplifying luminaire optical design but also for avoiding die binning. Optical light mixing may reduce costs by avoiding pulse-width modulation and other patented electronic solutions for dimming and color tuning. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapters containing the original work of this thesis are preceded by the introductory chapter that addresses basic concepts and definitions of geometrical optics on which nonimaging is developed. It contains fundamentals of nonimaging optics together with the description of its design problems, principles and methods, and with the Simultaneous Multiple Surface (SMS) method standing out for its versatility and ability to control several bundles of rays. Köhler integration and its applications in the field of photovoltaics are described as well. CPV and SSL fields are introduced together with the review on their background and their current status. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 contain advanced optical designs with primarily application in solar concentration; meanwhile Chapter 4 portrays the free-form V-groove collimator with good color mixing property for illumination application. Chapter 2 describes two HCPV optical concentrators designed with the SMS method in three dimensions (SMS3D). Both concentrators represent Köhler integrator arrays that provide uniform irradiance distribution free from chromatic aberrations on the solar cell. One of the systems is the XXR free-form concentrator designed with the SMS3D method. The primary mirror (X) of this concentrator and secondary lens (R) are divided in four symmetric sectors (folds) that perform Köhler integration; meanwhile the intermediate mirror (X) is rotationally symmetric. Second HCPV concentrator is the Fresnel-RXI (FRXI) with flat Fresnel lens as the Primary Optical Element (POE) and an RXI lens as the Secondary Optical Element (SOE). This architecture manifests 4-fold configuration for performing Köhler integration (4 array units), as well. The RXI lenses are well-known nonimaging devices, but their application as SOE is novel. Both XXR and FRXI Köhler HCPV concentrators are academic examples of very high concentration (more than 2,000x meanwhile conventional systems nowadays have up to 1,000x) prepared for the near future N-junction (N>3) solar cells. In order to have efficient and cost-effective terrestrial CPV systems, those cells will probably require higher concentrations and high spectral irradiance uniformity. Both concentrators are designed by maximizing merit functions: the optical efficiency, concentration-acceptance angle (CAP) and cell-irradiance uniformity free from chromatic aberrations (Köhler integration). Chapter 3 presents the spectrum splitting architecture based on a HCPV module with high concentration (500x) and high acceptance angle (>1º). This module aims to reduce both sources of losses of the actual commercial triple-junction (3J) solar cells with more efficient use of the solar spectrum and with recovering the light reflected from the 3J cells’ grid lines and semiconductor surface. The solar spectrum is used more efficiently due to the combination of a high efficiency 3J concentration cell (GaInP/GaInAs/Ge) and external Back-Point-Contact (BPC) concentration silicon (Si) cell. By employing external confinement techniques, the 3J cell’s reflections are recovered in order to be re-absorbed by the cell. In the proposed concentrator architecture, the 3J cell operates at its optimized current gain (at geometrical concentration of 500x), while the Si cell works near its optimum, as well (135x). The spectrum splitting module consists of a flat Fresnel lens (as the POE), and a free-form RXI-type concentrator with a band-pass filter embedded in it (as the SOE), both POE and SOE performing Köhler integration to produce light homogenization. The band-pass filter sends the IR photons in the 900-1,150nm band to the Si cell. There are several practical aspects of presented module architecture that help reducing the added complexity of the beam splitting systems: the filter and secondary are forming a single solid piece, both cells are coplanar so the heat management and wiring is simplified, etc. Two proof-of-concept prototypes are assembled and tested in order to prove filter manufacturability and performance, as well as the potential of external light recycling technique. Obtained measurement results agree quite well with models and simulations, and show an opened path to manufacturing of the Fresnel RXI-type secondary concentrator with spectrum splitting strategy. Two free-form solid V-groove collimators are presented in Chapter 4. Both free-form collimators are originally designed with the SMS3D method. The second mirrored optically active surface is converted in a grooved surface a posteriori. Initial two mirror (XX) design is presented as a proof-of-concept. Second, RXI free-form design is comparable with existing RXI collimators as it is a highly compact and a highly efficient design. It performs very good color mixing of the RGGB LED sources placed off-axis like in conventional RGB LEDs. Collimators described here improve color mixing property of the prior art rotationally symmetric no-aplanatic RXI devices, and the efficiency of the aplanatic ones, accomplishing both good collimation and good color mixing. Free-form V-groove collimators enhance the no-aplanatic device's blending capabilities by adding aplanatic features to its symmetric counterpart with no loss in efficiency. Big advantage of the RXI design is its potentially lower manufacturing cost, since the process of metallization may be avoided. Although some components are very complicated for shaping, the manufacturing costs are relatively insensitive to the complexity of the mold especially in the case of mass production (such as plastic injection), as the cost of the mold is spread in many parts. Finally, last two sections are conclusions and future lines of investigation.