706 resultados para LACTOBACILLUS
Background: Functional abdominal pain (FAP) is one of the most common diseases, and large percentages of children suffer from it. Objectives: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of Lactobacillus reuteri in treatment of children with functional abdominal pain. Patients and Methods: This study was a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Children aged 4 to 16 years with chronic functional abdominal pain (based on Rome III criteria) were enrolled in the study. They were randomly divided into two groups, one receiving probiotic and the other placebo. Results: Forty children received probiotic and forty others placebo. There were no significant differences in age, weight, sex, location of pain, associated symptoms, frequency and intensity of pain between the groups. The severity and frequency of abdominal pain in the first month compared to baseline was significantly less and at the end of the second month, there was no significant difference between both groups compared to the end of the first month. Conclusions: This study showed that the severity of pain was significantly reduced in both groups. There was no significant difference in pain scores between them. The effect of probiotic and placebo can probably be attributed to psychological effect of the drugs.
Lactobacillus rossiae is an obligately hetero-fermentative lactic acid bacterium, which can be isolated from a broad range of environments including sourdoughs, vegetables, fermented meat and flour, as well as the gastrointestinal tract of both humans and animals. In order to unravel distinctive genomic features of this particular species and investigate the phylogenetic positioning within the genus Lactobacillus, comparative genomics and phylogenomic approaches, followed by functional analyses were performed on L. rossiae DSM 15814(T), showing how this type strain not only occupies an independent phylogenetic branch, but also possesses genomic features underscoring its biotechnological potential. This strain in fact represents one of a small number of bacteria known to encode a complete de novo biosynthetic pathway of vitamin B-12 (in addition to other B vitamins such as folate and riboflavin). In addition, it possesses the capacity to utilize an extensive set of carbon sources, a characteristic that may contribute to environmental adaptation, perhaps enabling the strain's ability to populate different niches.
Background: Preclinical studies have identified certain probiotics as psychobiotics a live microorganisms with a potential mental health benefit. Lactobacillus rhamnosus (JB-1) has been shown to reduce stress-related behaviour, corticosterone release and alter central expression of GABA receptors in an anxious mouse strain. However, it is unclear if this single putative psychobiotic strain has psychotropic activity in humans. Consequently, we aimed to examine if these promising preclinical findings could be translated to healthy human volunteers. Objectives: To determine the impact of L. rhamnosus on stress-related behaviours, physiology, inflammatory response, cognitive performance and brain activity patterns in healthy male participants. An 8 week, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over design was employed. Twenty-nine healthy male volunteers participated. Participants completed self-report stress measures, cognitive assessments and resting electroencephalography (EEG). Plasma IL10, IL1β, IL6, IL8 and TNFα levels and whole blood Toll-like 4 (TLR-4) agonist-induced cytokine release were determined by multiplex ELISA. Salivary cortisol was determined by ELISA and subjective stress measures were assessed before, during and after a socially evaluated cold pressor test (SECPT). Results: There was no overall effect of probiotic treatment on measures of mood, anxiety, stress or sleep quality and no significant effect of probiotic over placebo on subjective stress measures, or the HPA response to the SECPT. Visuospatial memory performance, attention switching, rapid visual information processing, emotion recognition and associated EEG measures did not show improvement over placebo. No significant anti-inflammatory effects were seen as assessed by basal and stimulated cytokine levels. Conclusions: L. rhamnosus was not superior to placebo in modifying stress-related measures, HPA response, inflammation or cognitive performance in healthy male participants. These findings highlight the challenges associated with moving promising preclinical studies, conducted in an anxious mouse strain, to healthy human participants. Future interventional studies investigating the effect of this psychobiotic in populations with stress-related disorders are required.
Here we report the 1.86-Mb draft genome sequence of Lactobacillus crispatus EM-LC1, a fecal isolate with antimicrobial activity. This genome sequence is expected to provide insights into the antimicrobial activity of L. crispatus and improve our knowledge of its potential probiotic traits.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on oral health, at age 9 years, of daily oral supplementation with the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri, strain ATCC 55730, to mothers during the last month of gestation and to children through the first year of life. The study was a single-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial involving 113 children: 60 in the probiotic and 53 in the placebo group. The subjects underwent clinical and radiographic examination of the primary dentition and carious lesions, plaque and gingivitis were recorded. Saliva and plaque were sampled for determination of mutans streptococci (MS) and lactobacilli (LB) in saliva and plaque as well as salivary secretory IgA (SIgA). Forty-nine (82%) children in the probiotic group and 31 (58%) in the placebo group were caries-free (p < 0.01). The prevalence of approximal caries lesions was lower in the probiotic group (0.67 ± 1.61 vs. 1.53 ± 2.64; p < 0.05) and there were fewer sites with gingivitis compared to the placebo group (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to frequency of toothbrushing, plaque and dietary habits, but to intake of fluoride supplements (p < 0.05). There were no intergroup differences with respect to L. reuteri, MS, LB or SIgA in saliva. Within the limitation of this study it seems that daily supplementation with L. reuteri from birth and during the first year of life is associated with reduced caries prevalence and gingivitis score in the primary dentition at 9 years of age.
Ojetivou-se desenvolver uma bebida láctea fermentada caprina adicionada de suco integral de uva, utilizando duas cepas de Lactobacillus rhamnosus, uma comercial e outra nativa, isolada a partir de queijos artesanais e selecionada em função de propriedades probióticas e tecnológicas .
The vaginal microbiota of healthy pre-menopausal women is typically dominated by one Lactobacillus species among L. crispatus, L. gasseri, L. jensenii and L. iners. Thanks to a series of antimicrobial activities, strains belonging to these species represent the first barrier against infections and maintain niche homeostasis. On the other hands, the increase abundance in pathogen species is associated with the onset of numerous diseases, leading also to an increase risk of other infections acquisition. The deciphering of factors which influence Lactobacillus survival, as well as the interactions between lactobacilli-pathogens and pathogens-pathogens represent an important topic of study for improving woman health and investigating effective probiotic strategies. Here, we investigated environmental factors and genetic traits that lead to the dominance of either L. crispatus or L. gasseri in the vaginal niche and the possible applications of liposomes loaded with L. gasseri biosurfactants for the treatment and prevention of Staphylococcus aureus biofilm infections. Furthermore, considering the increasing relevance acquired by bacterial extracellular vesicles (EVs) we analysed the role of EVs derived from vaginal lactobacilli and pathogens on both bacterial growth and HIV-1 infections. As a result, we reported for the first time i) common and species-specific genotypic and phenotypic features of L. crispatus and L. gasseri ii) significant antibiofilm activity of liposomes loading vaginal Lactobacillus biosurfactants against multi-drug resistant S. aureus strains iii) absence of growth regulation mediated by EVs derived from lactobacilli on pathogen cultures and vice versa iv) anti-HIV-1 activity of protein derived from L. gasseri EVs and unexpected antiviral effect of pathogen-derived EVs on HIV-1 infections in vitro. In conclusion, this PhD thesis explored characteristics and possible applications of vaginal lactobacilli for the human health, as well as promising antiviral effects of both lactobacilli and pathogen derived EVs.
Lactobacillus sakei è una specie altamente specializzata nella colonizzazione di prodotti a base di carne. Possiede un genoma relativamente ridotto nel quale, ad esempio, mancano le informazioni per la sintesi di 18 aminoacidi su 20, per i quali risulta dunque auxotrofo. La carne è quindi un substrato ottimale poiché tali aminoacidi sono facilmente disponibili. Una delle caratteristiche più interessanti di Lb. sakei, ed il motivo per cui viene largamente impiegato come coltura starter nell’industria dei salumi, è la sua capacità di permanere attivo e dominante per lungo tempo, anche quando le fonti principali di zuccheri sono esaurite. Inoltre tale microorganismo non è in grado di produrre sostanze dannose, come ad esempio le ammine biogene, ma bensì produce sostanze con attività antimicrobica: le batteriocine (sakacina). Questo elaborato ha costituito il primo tassello di un lavoro più ampio di selezione di ceppi di Lb. sakei da destinare all’utilizzo come colture starter. Sono state valutate alcune caratteristiche tecnologiche di ceppi di Lb. sakei, isolati da prodotti ottenuti tramite fermentazioni spontanee, e le loro performance sono state confrontate con ceppi di collezione e con un ceppo utilizzato a livello commerciale. In particolare si sono studiate le cinetiche di fermentazione a temperature diverse, variabili da 5°C a 40°C, e a differenti concentrazione di NaCl, da 0 a 8%. Per quanto riguarda la temperatura, tutti i ceppi sono stati in grado di sviluppare tra 5°C e 35°C, ma nessuno è riuscito a 40°C. I risultati hanno evidenziato una notevole variabilità delle performance fermentative tra 15 e 20°C. Per quanto riguarda la presenza di sale, tutti i ceppi sono cresciuti a tutte le concentrazioni di NaCl, anche a quella più elevata (8%), seppur con cinetiche diverse. Questi diversi pattern fermentativi, associati con altre caratteristiche che verranno valutate in futuro, determineranno i criteri di scelta per nuovi starter.
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è stato quello di valutare gli effetti delle alte pressioni di omogeneizzazione sulla vitalità, idrofobicità e stato fisiologico generale di Lactobacillus paracasei A13 quando sottoposto a trattamenti ad alta pressione di omogeneizzazione compresi tra 50 e 200 MPa. Per valutare l’effetto del trattamento sulle cellule e la capacità di recupero dopo lo stress subito, sono state utilizzate le tecniche di microscopia a fluorescenza e di citometria di flusso. La citometria di flusso ha permesso misurare i cambiamenti fisiologici e morfologici delle cellule probiotiche oggetto di studio in rapporto al trattamento iperbarico applicato attraverso l’utilizzo di sonde quali SYBr green (SG) e Propidio Ioduro (PI). Queste modificazioni della cellula sono state rilevate anche in microscopia a fluorescenza, anche se l’utilizzo di questa tecnica non permette di quantificare la percentuale di cellule vive da quelle danneggiate. I dati ottenuti nella sperimentazione hanno dimostrato che la vitalità di Lb. paracasei non diminuisce all’aumentare della pressione e anche a 200 MPa non si assiste ad alcun calo significativo del carico cellulare. Dall’analisi dell’idrofobicità, effettuata subito dopo il trattamento, si è visto che il ceppo tende ad aumentare il suo livello di idrofobicità all’aumentare della pressione applicata e i massimi livelli sono stati registrati a 150 MPa. La citometria di flusso ha evidenziato che all’aumentare della pressione applicata si assiste ad una riduzione volumetrica delle cellule e ad un aumento del numero delle cellule morte e parzialmente danneggiate; tuttavia, quest’ultime hanno dimostrato una buona capacità di recupero in terreno MRS. I risultati ottenuti hanno permesso di individuare il livello di pressione ottimale in grado di massimizzare la velocità di recupero delle cellule e conseguentemente la loro funzionalità nei sistemi alimentari.
To evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of Clearfil SE Protect (CP) and Clearfil SE Bond (CB) after curing and rinsed against five individual oral microorganisms as well as a mixture of bacterial culture prepared from the selected test organisms. Bacterial suspensions were prepared from single species of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Streptococcus gordonii, Actinomyces viscosus and Lactobacillus lactis, as well as mixed bacterial suspensions from these organisms. Dentin bonding system discs (6 mm×2 mm) were prepared, cured, washed and placed on the bacterial suspension of single species or multispecies bacteria for 15, 30 and 60 min. MTT, Live/Dead bacterial viability (antibacterial effect), and XTT (metabolic activity) assays were used to test the two dentin system's antibacterial effect. All assays were done in triplicates and each experiment repeated at least three times. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Scheffe's f-test (5%). Greater than 40% bacteria killing was seen within 15 min, and the killing progressed with increasing time of incubation with CP discs. However, a longer (60 min) period of incubation was required by CP to achieve similar antimicrobial effect against mixed bacterial suspension. CB had no significant effect on the viability or metabolic activity of the test microorganisms when compared to the control bacterial culture. CP was significantly effective in reducing the viability and metabolic activity of the test organisms. The results demonstrated the antimicrobial efficacy of CP both on single and multispecies bacterial culture. CP may be beneficial in reducing bacterial infections in cavity preparations in clinical dentistry.
Effective incorporation of a probiotic into foods requires the culture to remain viable all along processing and storage, without adverse alterations to sensory characteristics. The objective of this work was developing Minas-type fresh cheese with probiotic properties from buffalo milk. Four batches of Minas-type fresh cheese were prepared using buffalo milk: batch T1 in which neither culture nor lactic acid added; batch T3 in which only lactic acid added; batches T2 and T4 , both added of Lactobacillus acidophilus LAC 4, but T4 was also acidified. Resulting cheeses were evaluated for probiotic culture stability, texture profile, sensory acceptance, and changes in pH. The T4 probiotic cheese presented hardness, gumminess, and chewiness significantly lower than the other treatments. However, values for springiness and cohesiveness did not differ between all cheeses, and no sensory differences (p > 0.05) were found between treatments for texture, taste, and overall acceptance. The addition of probiotic to the acidified cheese (T4) yielded best aroma. The populations of L. acidophilus were greater than 10(6) CFU g-1 after 28 days of storage all products. Minas-type fresh cheese from buffalo milk is a suitable food for the delivery of L. acidophilus, since the culture remained viable during the shelf life of the products and did not negative affect analysed parameters.
Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do uso de probiótico (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) em dietas para cavalos, utilizaram-se quatro equinos machos com média de 400 kg de peso corporal, em delineamento em quadrado latino 4 õ 4. As dietas foram compostas de concentrado e feno de capim-tifton 85 (de baixa qualidade) ou feno de alfafa (de alta qualidade), com ou sem a adição de levedura. Cada período experimental teve duração de 36 dias, com coleta total de fezes, para determinação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, e coleta de fezes, para determinação do pH e da microbiologia fecal. A utilização de probiótico não alterou os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes das dietas, com exceção do extrato etéreo. A qualidade nutricional do feno influenciou os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca (MS), da proteína bruta (PB) e do extrato etéreo (EE) apenas no caso das dietas com feno de capim-tifton sem probiótico e com feno de alfafa com probiótico. A utilização de cultura de levedura aumentou a população de Lactobacillus nas fezes dos animais que receberam a dieta com feno de capim-tifton com probiótico. Não houve uso de probiótico na população de Lactobacillus nas dietas com feno de alfafa (de boa qualidade). A população de Streptococcus nas fezes aumentou com suplementação de levedura, tanto na dieta com feno de capim-tifton como naquela com feno de alfafa. A dieta com capim-tifton 85 sem probiótico promoveu redução nos valores de pH fecal 14 e 17 horas após a alimentação. Considerando ainda os valores de pH fecal nesses períodos após a alimentação, as dietas suplementadas com probiótico apresentaram valores superiores àqueles obtidos sem adição de levedura.
Seven pimarane type-diterpenes re-isolated from Viguiera arenaria Baker and two semi-synthetic pimarane derivatives were evaluated in vitro against the following main microorganisms responsible for dental caries: Streptococcus salivarius, S. sobrinus, S. mutans, S. mitis, S. sanguinis and Lactobacillus casei. The compounds ent-pimara-8(14), 15-dien-19-oic acid (PA); ent-8(14), 15-pimaradien-3 beta-ol; ent-15-pimarene-8 beta, 19-diol; ent-8(14), 15-pimaradien-3 beta-acetoxy and the sodium salt derivative of PA were the most active compounds, displaying MIC values ranging from 2 to 8 mu g.mL(-1). Thus, this class of compounds seems promising as a class of new effective anticariogenic agents. Furthermore, our results also allow us to conclude that minor structural differences among these diterpenes significantly influence their antimicrobial activity, bringing new perspectives to the discovery of new natural compounds that could be employed in the development of oral care products.
In the present work, the anticariogenic activities of three pimarane-type diterpenes obtained by fungal biotransformation were investigated. Among these metabolites, ent-8(14), 15-pimaradien-19-ol was the most active compound, displaying very promising MIC values (ranging from 1.5 to 4.0 mu g mL(-1)) against the main microorganisms responsible for dental caries: Streptococcus salivarius, S. sobrinus, S. mutans, S. mitis, S. sanguinis, and Lactobacillus casei. Time kill assays performed with ent-8(14), 15-pimaradien-19-ol against the primary causative agent S. mutans revealed that this compound only avoids growth of the inoculum in the first 12 h (bacteriostatic effect). However, its bactericidal effect is clearly noted thereafter (between 12 and 24 h). The curve profile obtained by combining ent-8(14), 15-pimaradien-19-ol and chlorhexidine revealed a significant reduction in the time necessary for killing S. mutans compared with each of these two chemicals alone. However, no synergistic effect was observed using the same combination in the checkerboard assays against this microorganism. In conclusion, our results point out that ent-8(14), 15-pimaradien-19-ol is an important metabolite in the search for new effective anticariogenic agents.
This study investigates the kinetics of acidification, fatty acid (FA) profile and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, C18:2 c9, t11) content in fermented milks prepared from organic and conventional milk. Fermented milks were manufactured with five mixed cultures: four different strains of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BL04, B94, BB12 and HN019) and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus LB340, in co-culture with Streptococcus thermophilus TA040. The composition of milk was evaluated, and the kinetics of acidification was followed by continuous pH measurement using the Cinac system. The profile of FA, including CLA, was analyzed by gas chromatography. The chemical composition of conventional and organic milk was similar, with the exception of protein and Fe, the concentrations of which were higher in the organic milk. The rate of acidification was significantly influenced by the type of milk and the bacterial strain used. Co-cultures St-HN019 and St-BB12 showed higher maximal acidification rates in both milks. Final counts of S. thermophilus (9.0-10.1 log(10) colony forming units (CFU) . mL(-1), L)actobacillus bulgaricus (8.2-8.5 log(10) CFU . mL(-1)) and B. animalis subsp. lactis strains (8.3-9.3 log(10) CFU . mL(-1)) did not differ significantly in either milk. Unexpectedly, all fermented organic milks contained significantly higher amounts of CLA than the same milk before fermentation, whereas CLA amounts did not change during fermentation of conventional milk. Regardless of the type of milk, CLA was found to be significantly positively correlated with trans-vaccenic acid and negatively correlated with linoleic acid. Moreover, the CLA contents were significantly higher in fermented milks showing shorter fermentation times.