320 resultados para KTP-Láser


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Syftet med den här studien var att ta reda på vad verksamma lågstadielärare läser in i begreppet hållbar utveckling och hur de tänker sig kunna tillämpa detta i verksamheten, och slutligen vilja skillnader och likheter som går att finna mellan deras uttalanden. Tre verksamma lärare intervjuades och detta sattes sedan i relation till litteratur om hållbar utveckling i skolan. Ett av studiens resultat var att lärarna talade om den ekologiska dimensionen av hållbar utveckling först och främst för att sedan lite längre in i samtalet, också föra in den ekonomiska och sociala dimensionen. Detta resultat bekräftas av övrig forskning på området. Den sociala dimensionen av hållbar utveckling var den dimension som lärarna pratade minst om under intervjuerna, trots att den enligt forskare kan anses vara målet för arbetet med hållbar utveckling. De tre intervjuade lärarna i den här studien talade alla tre mer eller mindre om alla tre dimensionerna som brukar läggas in i begreppet hållbar utveckling, vilket kan ses som att även om de kommer upp olika fort under intervjuens gång, så finns de ändå med när lärarna pratar om undervisningen alla tre.


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Syftet med studien är att få kunskap om gymnasieelevers skriftliga förmåga att kommentera och ge förslag på hur andra elevers lösningar av matematikproblem kan förbättras. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns olika arbetssätt som man kan använda för att uppfylla olika undervisningsmål när det gäller bedömning. Kamratbedömning involverar medvetenhet, kommunikation och ger återkoppling som utvecklar lärandet. Resultat av tidigare forskning används för att formulera syfte och frågeställning samt utforma den empiriska studien. De 18 elever som deltar i undersökningen läser högskoleförberedande program och går första året på gymnasiet. Lösningarna som eleverna granskar kommer från en annan elevgrupp. Data analyseras med hjälp av kriterier från styrdokument samt definition av de olika matematiska representationerna. Resultatet visar att eleverna inte behöver vara personligt engagerade i uppgiften för att vara kompetenta att bedöma. Faktorer som metoder, tid, lärmiljö, elevers förutsättningar och attityd är några exempel som gör det svårt att precisera klart och tydligt vad som påverkar elevers bedömningsförmåga. En möjlig förklaring till varför en andel elever inte kommenterar eller har svårt att lämna förbättringsförslag kan vara bristen på förståelse och/eller kunskap omhanteringen av de olika matematiska representationer som finns i lösningarna. En kontinuerlig uppföljning krävs för att kunna avgöra elevers bedömningsförmåga.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As cirurgias com a utilização do laser apresentam riscos para o paciente e para a equipe médica. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar noções básicas sobre o laser e regras para aumentar a segurança dos procedimentos com sua utilização. CONTEÚDO: O presente artigo contém noções de física aplicadas ao laser, regras de segurança e a conduta em caso de ocorrência de eventos adversos com a utilização do laser. CONCLUSÕES: Concluímos que, quando manipulado por profissionais treinados, e respeitadas as normas de segurança, o laser é útil e seguro, tanto para o paciente quanto para a equipe médica.


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The endodontic surgery is indicated in cases of failure and/or impossibility of conventional endodontic treatment. Among the existent modalities in the endodontic surgery, the retrograde filling consists on preparation of apical cavity and filling with a retrofilling material. The technical-scientific progress in Endodontics become possible the use of retrotips activated with ultrasonic for retrocavities preparation with appropriate extension and following the long axis of the root. The aim of the study was to present the current resources in the preparation of the retrograde cavity in endodontic surgery, detaching their advantages in comparison with the use of conventional preparation with burns. A review of the literature will be presented, considering the use of ultrasound and laser for retrograde preparation, seeking the current resources that provide better apical preparation, resulting in better prognostic of the endodontic surgery (AU)


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Low-intensity laser has been used as a physical agent in various fields of medical sciences such as bone and tissue repair. Meanwhile little is known about its effects in adverse conditions such as abolition of load and osteopenic. With the assumption that the laser Ga-Al-As accelerates the process of bone consolidation, goal of this study was to evaluate bone mineral density (BMD) in incomplete transverse osteotomies of tibia in adult rats, treated with low power laser therapy in three different groups: G1 (n = 10), reference 15 days; G2 (n=10), suspended by the tail and, accordingly, treated with laser for 12 days; G3 (n = 10), suspended by the tail by 36 days and that after 21 days, there was laser treatment for 12 days. The right tibia treated with laser and left served as control. The laser was used to Ga-Al-As, DMC - Flash Lase® III, with wavelength 830nm, 100 mW, 4J, 140 J / cm ², 40s of application in 12 sessions. It was used densitometer-Lunar DPX®, with computer program for "small animals", and the analysis of BMD was made in the bone throughout the region and the osteotomy. The results showed no efficacy of laser therapy in the process of bone repair, both in animals of group 1, as in group 2 and 3. It follows that either the low-power laser was not an effective performance or the effects of laser therapy is not only manifested at the site of irradiation as well as the systemic level.


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Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis is associated with bacteria and predisposing risk factors. The treatment is centered in elimination and/or control of the bacteria and predisposing risk factors. However the disease acute phase could induce sequelae as periodontal tissue destruction which may be treated by periodontal surgical procedures.


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Multiple gingival recessions may cause mainly dentinary sensibility and aesthetic alterations. The subepithelial graft is a mucogingival technique which can be used to treat multiple gingival recessions. In this case report the Erbium YAG laser was applied to promote radicular surface decontamination, an important step to reach reinsertion of the gingival tissues on exposed radicular surface.


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Mucocele is a retention phenomenon from minor salivary gland caused by the excretory ducts rupture. This phenomenon may be caused by local trauma and its location is usually more frequent in the lower lip. Clinically, they appear as nodular lesions and may be exophytic and pedunculated. Histologically, this lesion can be classified as mucus extravasation phenomenon and mucus retention cyst. The treatments described in the literature are total lesion excision, marsupialization, cryosurgery, laser or micromarsupialização. To report a case of mucocele by mucus extravasation developed after a local trauma. A 7 years old Male was attended in the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, Araçatuba School of Dentistry, complaining about the appearance of lesion in the lower lip since 40 days approximately. During clinical oral examination, it was observed that the lesion was pedunculated, nodular, fibrous to palpation, around 2 cm in diameter, similar in color to the surrounding mucosa, smoothly in surface, non-ulcerated and asymptomatic. As treatment, it was chosen the total lesion excision. Histopathology test confirmed the clinical diagnosis of: mucocele. Since mucocele is a frequent lesions in the oral cavity, it is extremely important that the professionals can to recognize this lesion (its pathogenesis and clinical features), to achieve a definitive diagnosis and perform an appropriate treatment.


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Abstract Background Mycelium-to-yeast transition in the human host is essential for pathogenicity by the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and both cell types are therefore critical to the establishment of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), a systemic mycosis endemic to Latin America. The infected population is of about 10 million individuals, 2% of whom will eventually develop the disease. Previously, transcriptome analysis of mycelium and yeast cells resulted in the assembly of 6,022 sequence groups. Gene expression analysis, using both in silico EST subtraction and cDNA microarray, revealed genes that were differential to yeast or mycelium, and we discussed those involved in sugar metabolism. To advance our understanding of molecular mechanisms of dimorphic transition, we performed an extended analysis of gene expression profiles using the methods mentioned above. Results In this work, continuous data mining revealed 66 new differentially expressed sequences that were MIPS(Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences)-categorised according to the cellular process in which they are presumably involved. Two well represented classes were chosen for further analysis: (i) control of cell organisation – cell wall, membrane and cytoskeleton, whose representatives were hex (encoding for a hexagonal peroxisome protein), bgl (encoding for a 1,3-β-glucosidase) in mycelium cells; and ags (an α-1,3-glucan synthase), cda (a chitin deacetylase) and vrp (a verprolin) in yeast cells; (ii) ion metabolism and transport – two genes putatively implicated in ion transport were confirmed to be highly expressed in mycelium cells – isc and ktp, respectively an iron-sulphur cluster-like protein and a cation transporter; and a putative P-type cation pump (pct) in yeast. Also, several enzymes from the cysteine de novo biosynthesis pathway were shown to be up regulated in the yeast form, including ATP sulphurylase, APS kinase and also PAPS reductase. Conclusion Taken together, these data show that several genes involved in cell organisation and ion metabolism/transport are expressed differentially along dimorphic transition. Hyper expression in yeast of the enzymes of sulphur metabolism reinforced that this metabolic pathway could be important for this process. Understanding these changes by functional analysis of such genes may lead to a better understanding of the infective process, thus providing new targets and strategies to control PCM.


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Temat för denna uppsats var att undersöka ett systemteoretiskt arbetssätt i rehabilitering. I den här undersökningen har tre kvinnor som tidigare varit sjukskrivna av psykiska orsaker, intervjuats för att de skulle få ge sin syn på hur ett systemteoretiskt arbetssätt skulle kunna ha hjälpt dem i deras rehabilitering. Vidare vilken funktion deras sjukdom fyllt i deras system och för dom själva. Det fanns en tanke om att deras sjukdom var orsakad av många faktorer, vilket visade sig vara fallet. Urvalet var ett så kallat bekvämlighets urval. Metoden som använts var halvstrukturerade intervjuer med hjälp av en intervju guide. Tolkningen som användes var hermeneutisk. Arbetet begränsades genom att kvinnor som varit sjukskrivna valdes ut. Andra kriterier var att dom skulle ha familj som bodde hemma, minst tre barn och en sambo eller man, vidare att dom kom från små orter i Västernorrlands inland. Resultatet visar att de överlag var positivt inställda till ett systemteoretiskt synsätt, att de saknade att vissa instanser inom rehabilitering inte tog hänsyn till komplexitet i deras liv, och att de känner sig misstrodda av försäkringskassan. Sjukdomen fyllde för alla tre en funktion av signal på obalans i ett snedbelastat system. Vidare var de tre kvinnorna sjukare än vad omgivningen och dom själva trott. De saknade alla tre, från de rehabiliterande enheterna, en helhetssyn på dem och deras situation. Systemteorin kan verka ytterst komplicerad när man läser om cybernetiken till exempel. Men som behandlare behöver man inte lägga det på en komplicerad nivå. Det räcker att man i stora drag vet vad systemteorin handlar om och att man är medveten om vilken roll kommunikation och interaktion spelar, och vilken roll man hamnar i som behandlare i det psykosociala arbetet.


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Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía


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Programa de doctorado: Ingeniería de Telecomunicación Avanzada


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[ES]Presentación. BIM: Situación en el panorama nacional e internacional, Sergio Muñoz, Presidente de la BuildingSmart Spanish Chapter. ¿Qué BIM implantamos? Jesús Martínez, Arquitecto BIM Manager. BIM. Casos prácticos. Ciclo de vida de la edificación, Alejandro Núñez Noda, Director Técnico IMC Gestión Integral de la edificación. BG. BIM. Casos prácticos. Modelos BIM As-Built, Josep Coll, EiPM. BG. Smart Cities ¿Burbuja o Tendencia? Félix Herrera, responsable del Área de Ingeniería Telemática, Universidad de La Laguna. Láser Scaner 3D en la conservación del patrimonio y trabajo en grandes infraestructuras, Raúl Rubio, Captae. BG. Virtual BIM – Realidad Aumentada, Sergi Florensa, Virtual BIM.


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The use of linear programming in various areas has increased with the significant improvement of specialized solvers. Linear programs are used as such to model practical problems, or as subroutines in algorithms such as formal proofs or branch-and-cut frameworks. In many situations a certified answer is needed, for example the guarantee that the linear program is feasible or infeasible, or a provably safe bound on its objective value. Most of the available solvers work with floating-point arithmetic and are thus subject to its shortcomings such as rounding errors or underflow, therefore they can deliver incorrect answers. While adequate for some applications, this is unacceptable for critical applications like flight controlling or nuclear plant management due to the potential catastrophic consequences. We propose a method that gives a certified answer whether a linear program is feasible or infeasible, or returns unknown'. The advantage of our method is that it is reasonably fast and rarely answers unknown'. It works by computing a safe solution that is in some way the best possible in the relative interior of the feasible set. To certify the relative interior, we employ exact arithmetic, whose use is nevertheless limited in general to critical places, allowing us to rnremain computationally efficient. Moreover, when certain conditions are fulfilled, our method is able to deliver a provable bound on the objective value of the linear program. We test our algorithm on typical benchmark sets and obtain higher rates of success compared to previous approaches for this problem, while keeping the running times acceptably small. The computed objective value bounds are in most of the cases very close to the known exact objective values. We prove the usability of the method we developed by additionally employing a variant of it in a different scenario, namely to improve the results of a Satisfiability Modulo Theories solver. Our method is used as a black box in the nodes of a branch-and-bound tree to implement conflict learning based on the certificate of infeasibility for linear programs consisting of subsets of linear constraints. The generated conflict clauses are in general small and give good rnprospects for reducing the search space. Compared to other methods we obtain significant improvements in the running time, especially on the large instances.