970 resultados para KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION
Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli arvioida akvisition jälkeistä integraatioprosessia. Integraation tarkoitus on mukauttaa ostettu yritys toimivaksi osaksi konsernia. Työn empiirisenä ongelmana oli yleisesti tunnustettu integraatiojohtamisen kompleksisuus. Samoin myöskin akateemisesta kirjallisuudesta puuttui koherentti malli, jolla arvioida integraatiota. Tutkimuskohteena oli akvisitio, jossa suomalainen tietotekniikkan suuryritys osti osake-enemmistön tsekkiläisestä keskisuuresta ohjelmistoyrityksestä. Tutkimuksessa generoitiin integraatiojohtamisen malli tietopohjaiseen organisaatioon. Mallin mukaan integraatio koostuu kolmesta eriävästä, mutta toisiaan tukevasta alueesta: organisaatiokulttuurin yhdentyminen, tietopääoman tasaaminen ja konsernin sisäisten prosessien yhdenmukaistaminen. Näistä kaksi kaksi jälkimmäistä ovat johdettavissa, mutta kulttuurin yhdentymiseen integraatiojohtamisella voidaan vaikuttaa vain katalysoivasti. Organisaatiokulttuuri levittäytyy vain osallisten vuorovaikuksien kautta. Lisäksi tutkimus osoitti, miten akvisitio on revolutionaarinen vaihe yrityksen kehityksessä. Integraation ensimmäinen ajanjakso on revolutionaarista. Tällöin suurimmat ja näkyvimmät johdettavat muutokset pyritään saamaan aikaan, jotta integraatiossa edettäisiin evolutionaariseen kehitykseen. Revolutionaarisen intergaation vetojuhtana toimii integraatiojohto, kun taas evolutionaarinen integraatio etenee osallisten (organisaation jäsenten) itsensä toiminnan ja vuorovaikutusten kautta.
Globalization has increased transport aggregates’ demand. Whilst transport volumes increase, ecological values’im portance has sharpened: carbon footprint has become a measure known world widely. European Union together with other communities emphasizes friendliness to the environment: same trend has extended to transports. As a potential substitute for road transport is noted railway transport, which decreases the congestions and lowers the emission levels. Railway freight market was liberalized in the European Union 2007, which enabled new operators to enter the markets. This research had two main objectives. Firstly, it examined the main market entry strategies utilized and the barriers to entry confronted by the operators who entered the markets after the liberalization. Secondly, the aim was to find ways the governmental organization could enhance its service towards potential railway freight operators. Research is a qualitative case study, utilizing descriptive analytical research method with a normative shade. Empirical data was gathered by interviewing Swedish and Polish railway freight operators by using a semi-structured theme-interview. This research provided novel information by using first-hand data; topic has been researched previously by utilizing second-hand data and literature analyses. Based on this research, rolling stock acquisition, needed investments and bureaucracy generate the main barriers to entry. The research results show that the mostly utilized market entry strategies are start-up and vertical integration. The governmental organization could enhance the market entry process by organizing courses, paying extra attention on flexibility, internal know-how and educating the staff.
The ability of the supplier firm to generate and utilise customer-specific knowledge has attracted increasing attention in the academic literature during the last decade. It has been argued the customer knowledge should treated as a strategic asset the same as any other intangible assets. Yet, at the same time it has been shown that the management of customer-specific knowledge is challenging in practice, and that many firms are better at acquiring customer knowledge than at making use of it. This study examines customer knowledge processing in the context of key account management in large industrial firms. This focus was chosen because key accounts are demanding and complex. It is not unusual for a single key account relationship to constitute a complex web of relationships between the supplier and the key account – thus easily leading to the dispersion of customer-specific knowledge in the supplier firm. Although the importance of customer-specific knowledge generation has been widely acknowledged in the literature, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the processes through which firms generate, disseminate and use such knowledge internally for enhancing the relationships with their major, strategically important key account customers. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part comprises a theoretical overview and draws together the main findings of the study, whereas the second part consists of five complementary empirical research papers based on survey data gathered from large industrial firms in Finland. The findings suggest that the management of customer knowledge generated about and form key accounts is a three-dimensional process consisting of acquisition, dissemination and utilization. It could be concluded from the results that customer-specific knowledge is a strategic asset because the supplier’s customer knowledge processing activities have a positive effect on supplier’s key account performance. Moreover, in examining the determinants of each phase separately the study identifies a number of intra-organisational factors that facilitate the process in supplier firms. The main contribution of the thesis lies in linking the concept of customer knowledge processing to the previous literature on key account management. Moreover, given than this literature is mainly conceptual or case-based, a further contribution is to examine its consequences and determinants based on quantitative empirical data.
The escalation in the number of mergers and acquisition transactions involving emerging market firms is a relatively recent phenomenon; as a consequence academic research in such topic is rather limited. The purpose of this research study was to discuss the possible reasons that led the acquisition failure of an emerging multinational firm and an Indonesian player. Extensive theoretical research was performed and it had been achieved, based on this, the finding of a framework that facilitated to understand the way in which the concepts of cultural distances and relate liabilities of foreignness in the process of acquisitions of foreign companies in emerging markets. The theoretical background collects literature related to acquisitions, models of cultural studies between nations and liabilities of foreignness. It has been generated a variety of frameworks that aid to understand the way that the institutional distance and cultural factors together with the concept of liabilities of foreignness can affect the process of market entry of an emerging multinational company to the extent that the best way to stop losing money is to abandon the project. The empirical research consisted of selective semi-structured interviews and an extensive research in available public data on the chosen study case of this research. There were several factors that were identified as the cause of the failure in the market entry of a Mexican multinational firm in Indonesia. The weakness shown by the local government authorities was used by the local community leaders who rioted because of discomfort. These groups were the ones who made the government submit to the extent that the agreements reached at the beginning of the deal were either canceled or modified in a way that favored always the local community. The contributions of this study fall into the knowledge field of emerging multinational firms and market entry process.
One group of 12 non learning disabled students and two groups of 12 learning disabled students between the ges of 10 and 12 were measured on implicit and explicit knowledge cquisition. Students in each group implicitly cquired knowledge bout I of 2 vocabulary rules. The vocabulary rules governed the pronunciation of 2 types of pseudowords. After completing the implicit acquisition phase, all groups were administered a test of implicit knowledge. The non learning disabled group and I learning disabled group were then asked to verbalize the knowledge acquired during the initial phase. This was a test of explicit knowledge. All 3 groups were then given a postlest of implicit knowledge. This tcst was a measure of the effectiveness of the employment of the verbalization technique. Results indicate that implicit knowledge capabilities for both the learning disabled and non learning disabled groups were intact. However. there were significant differences between groups on explicit knowledge capabilities. This led to the conclusion that implicit functions show little individual differences, and that explicit functions are affected by ability difference. Furthermore, the employment of the verbalization technique significantly increased POStlest scores for learning disabled students. This suggested that the use of metacognitive techniques was a beneficial learning tool for learning disabled students.
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have restricted and repetitive behaviours (RRBs) which may be similar to obsessions and compulsions in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). These behaviours can be intrusive and interfere in the lives of the child and their family. Preliminary studies have shown success in using adapted Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to treat these behaviors in children with high functioning ASD. Using a hypothetical vignette, this thesis attempted to examine procedural knowledge that the children and their parents gained while participating in a CBT treatment that was evaluated in a Randomized Controlled Trial. For both parents and children, there was a significant increase in number of strategies generated from pre to post-treatment. Further, children in the experimental group generated significantly more strategies than the treatment as usual (TAU) group post-intervention. There was no significant correlation between number of strategies generated and the child’s treatment success, age, or IQ.
La présente thèse a pour objectif d’étudier le rôle des facteurs cognitifs (traitement phonologique et visuoattentionnel et mémoire lexicale orthographique) dans l’acquisition des connaissances orthographiques implicites et explicites. Afin d’examiner les liens entre les différents facteurs cognitifs et les connaissances orthographiques, une étude longitudinale a été réalisée à l’aide d’un échantillon de 338 enfants suivis de la maternelle 5 ans à la fin de la deuxième année du primaire. À la fin de la maternelle, les enfants ont été évalués à l’aide d’une épreuve d’orthographe approchée et d’épreuves évaluant les facteurs cognitifs en jeu dans l’apprentissage du langage écrit (traitement phonologique, traitement visuoattentionnel et mémoire à court et à long terme). Les connaissances lexicales orthographiques explicites de ces mêmes enfants ont été évaluées en fin de première et de deuxième années. Le premier article de cette thèse rapporte les données d’une étude réalisée auprès des enfants scolarisés en maternelle 5 ans. Cette étude vise l’établissement d’un lien entre, d’une part, la capacité de traitement phonologique, visuoattentionnel et de mémoire lexicale orthographique et, d’autre part, les connaissances orthographiques implicites des enfants qui n’ont pas encore eu d’enseignement formel de l’écriture. Les résultats indiquent que, contrairement à ce qui a été longtemps avancé, la capacité de traitement phonologique n’est pas le seul facteur cognitif à intervenir, puisque la capacité de mémoire lexicale orthographique à long terme ainsi que la capacité visuoattentionnelle contribuent de façon importante et indépendante à l’acquisition des connaissances orthographiques implicites des enfants de la maternelle 5 ans. La mémoire lexicale orthographique est même le facteur qui apporte la plus forte contribution. La deuxième étude de cette thèse vise à déterminer, parmi les facteurs cognitifs évalués en maternelle, celui ou ceux qui permettent de prédire les connaissances orthographiques explicites ultérieures, c'est-à-dire celles de première et de deuxième années du primaire. Les résultats de cette deuxième étude indiquent que les préalables nécessaires à l’acquisition des connaissances orthographiques lexicales sont les capacités de traitement phonologique ainsi que les capacités de la mémoire à court et à long terme. La troisième étude de cette thèse a pour but de mettre en lumière le rôle prédictif que joue le niveau des connaissances orthographiques des enfants de maternelle quant au niveau ultérieur de leurs connaissances orthographiques en première et deuxième années, en lien avec les capacités cognitives qui sous-tendent l’apprentissage du langage écrit, en particulier le traitement phonologique, le traitement visuoattentionnel et la mémoire lexicale orthographique. Les résultats de cette dernière étude permettent de montrer que, parmi les facteurs évalués en maternelle, le niveau des connaissances orthographiques implicites apporte une contribution unique à l’ensemble du niveau des connaissances orthographiques ultérieures. L’influence des connaissances orthographiques précoces sur l’acquisition ultérieure n’est pas surprenante. En effet, la première étude avait montré que le niveau de ces connaissances est fonction non seulement de la capacité de mémoire orthographique lexicale mais également de la capacité de traitement phonologique et visuottentionnel. Les résultats issus de ces trois études présentent un intérêt non négligeable dans la compréhension de l’acquisition du langage écrit. En effet, ces recherches ont permis de montrer qu’avant même l’apprentissage formel de l’écrit, l’enfant témoigne de connaissances implicites non négligeables sur la langue écrite et que c’est à partir de ces connaissances que s’élaboreront ses connaissances explicites ultérieures. Ces connaissances sont tributaires de multiples facteurs parmi lesquels la capacité de mémoire lexicale orthographique, facteur cognitif dont la contribution n’avait pas été démontrée jusqu’à présent. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent qu’il est possible d’envisager des outils de dépistage précoce qui permettront d’identifier les enfants à risque de présenter des difficultés spécifiques d’apprentissage du langage écrit. Ce dépistage permettrait de mettre en place des interventions mieux ciblées et précoces, ce qui réduirait ainsi l’impact des difficultés sur les apprentissages scolaires.
Depuis que l'animal humain a conçu un système de technologies pour la pensée abstraite grâce au langage, la guerre contre le monde sauvage est devenu une voie à sens unique vers l'aliénation, la civilisation et la littérature. Le but de ce travail est d'analyser comment les récits civilisationnels donnent une structure à l'expérience par le biais de la ségrégation, de la domestication, de la sélection, et de l'extermination, tandis que les récits sauvages démontrent les possibilités infinies du chaos pour découvrir le monde en toute sa diversité et en lien avec sa communauté de vie. Un des objectifs de cette thèse a été de combler le fossé entre la science et la littérature, et d'examiner l'interdépendance de la fiction et la réalité. Un autre objectif a été de mettre ces récits au cœur d'un dialogue les uns avec les autres, ainsi que de tracer leur expression dans les différentes disciplines et œuvres pour enfants et adultes mais également d’analyser leur manifestations c’est redondant dans la vie réelle. C'est un effort multi-disciplinaires qui se reflète dans la combinaison de méthodes de recherche en anthropologie et en études littéraires. Cette analyse compare et contraste trois livres de fiction pour enfants qui présentent trois différents paradigmes socio-économiques, à savoir, «Winnie-l'Ourson» de Milne qui met en place un monde civilisé monarcho-capitaliste, la trilogie de Nosov sur «les aventures de Neznaika et ses amis» qui présente les défis et les exploits d'une société anarcho-socialiste dans son évolution du primitivisme vers la technologie, et les livres de Moomines de Jansson, qui représentent le chaos, l'anarchie, et l'état sauvage qui contient tout, y compris des épisodes de civilisation. En axant la méthodologie de ma recherche sur la façon dont nous connaissons le monde, j'ai d'abord examiné la construction, la transmission et l'acquisition des connaissances, en particulier à travers la théorie de praxis de Bourdieu et la critique de la civilisation développée dans les études de Zerzan, Ong, et Goody sur les liens entre l'alphabétisation, la dette et l'oppression. Quant à la littérature pour enfants, j'ai choisi trois livres que j’ai connus pendant mon enfance, c'est-à-dire des livres qui sont devenus comme une «langue maternelle» pour moi. En ce sens, ce travail est aussi de «l’anthropologie du champ natif». En outre, j’analyse les prémisses sous-jacentes qui se trouvent non seulement dans les trois livres, mais dans le déroulement des récits de l'état sauvage et de la civilisation dans la vie réelle, des analyses qui paraissent dans cette thèse sous la forme d'extraits d’un journal ethnographique. De même que j’examine la nature de la littérature ainsi que des structures civilisées qui domestiquent le monde au moyen de menaces de mort, je trace aussi la présence de ces récits dans l'expression scientifique (le récit malthusien-darwinien), religieuse, et dans autres expressions culturelles, et réfléchis sur les défis présentés par la théorie anarchiste (Kropotkine) ainsi que par les livres pour enfants écrits du point de vue sauvage, tels que ceux des Moomines.
Multi-rate multicarrier DS-CDMA is a potentially attractive multiple access method for future wireless networks that must support multimedia, and thus multi-rate, traffic. Considering that high performance detection such as coherent demodulation needs the explicit knowledge of the channel, this paper proposes a subspace-based blind adaptive algorithm for timing acquisition and channel estimation in asynchronous multirate multicarrier DS-CDMA systems, which is applicable to both multicode and variable spreading factor systems.
This chapter compares lexical diversity of French words used by Dutch-French bilinguals, English-French bilinguals and Flemish L2 learners of French.
This special issue of JFLS focuses on what learners know about French words, on how they use that knowledge and on how it can be investigated and assessed. In many ways, it is a sequel to the special issue on the Acquisition of French as a Second Language edited by Myles and Towell that appeared in JFLS in 2004. While articles on the L2 acquisition of the French lexicon have appeared in a variety of journals, including JFLS, this special issue (SI) is the first volume which specifically focuses on lexical knowledge and use among learners of French as a second language. The issue is timely, because of the growing importance of vocabulary in the SLA research agenda, but also because research into vocabulary acquisition appears at the top of a list of areas in which teachers of Modern Foreign Languages are most interested.
Summary 1. Agent-based models (ABMs) are widely used to predict how populations respond to changing environments. As the availability of food varies in space and time, individuals should have their own energy budgets, but there is no consensus as to how these should be modelled. Here, we use knowledge of physiological ecology to identify major issues confronting the modeller and to make recommendations about how energy budgets for use in ABMs should be constructed. 2. Our proposal is that modelled animals forage as necessary to supply their energy needs for maintenance, growth and reproduction. If there is sufficient energy intake, an animal allocates the energy obtained in the order: maintenance, growth, reproduction, energy storage, until its energy stores reach an optimal level. If there is a shortfall, the priorities for maintenance and growth/reproduction remain the same until reserves fall to a critical threshold below which all are allocated to maintenance. Rates of ingestion and allocation depend on body mass and temperature. We make suggestions for how each of these processes should be modelled mathematically. 3. Mortality rates vary with body mass and temperature according to known relationships, and these can be used to obtain estimates of background mortality rate. 4. If parameter values cannot be obtained directly, then values may provisionally be obtained by parameter borrowing, pattern-oriented modelling, artificial evolution or from allometric equations. 5. The development of ABMs incorporating individual energy budgets is essential for realistic modelling of populations affected by food availability. Such ABMs are already being used to guide conservation planning of nature reserves and shell fisheries, to assess environmental impacts of building proposals including wind farms and highways and to assess the effects on nontarget organisms of chemicals for the control of agricultural pests. Keywords: bioenergetics; energy budget; individual-based models; population dynamics.
This experimental study tests the Interface Hypothesis by looking into processes at the syntax– discourse interface, teasing apart acquisition of syntactic, semantic and discourse knowledge. Adopting López’s (2009) pragmatic features [±a(naphor)] and [±c(ontrast)], which in combination account for the constructions of dislocation and fronting, we tested clitic left dislocation and fronted focus in the comprehension of English native speakers learning Spanish. Furthermore, we tested knowledge of an additional semantic property: the relationship between the discourse anaphor and the antecedent in clitic left dislocation (CLLD). This relationship is free: it can be subset, superset, part/whole. Syntactic knowledge of clitics was a condition for inclusion in the main test. Our findings indicate that all learners are sensitive to the semantic constraints. While the near-native speakers display native-like discourse knowledge, the advanced speakers demonstrated some discourse knowledge, and intermediate learners did not display any discourse knowledge. The findings support as well as challenge the Interface Hypothesis.
Much contemporary L1 acquisition theory and empirical research are guided by the hypothesis that acquisition delays in children are often related to the integration of information across grammatical and other cognitive modules, such as syntax and discourse-pragmatics (see e.g., Grinstead, 2010). This special issue brings together cutting edge research from all relevant paradigms addressing interface issues in child language acquisition and provides a platform for the study of the interaction between different levels of linguistic knowledge. In this introduction, we present the reader with the tools needed to best understand the contributions of the individual studies and what they bring to bear on larger theoretical questions as a collective.
This study investigates the child (L1) acquisition of properties at the interfaces of morpho-syntax, syntax-semantics and syntax-pragmatics, by focusing on inflected infinitives in European Portuguese (EP). Three child groups were tested, 6–7-year-olds, 9–10-year-olds and 11–12-year-olds, as well as an adult control group. The data demonstrate that children as young as 6 have knowledge of the morpho-syntactic properties of inflected infinitives, although they seem at first glance to show partially insufficient knowledge of their syntax–semantic interface properties (i.e. non-obligatory control properties), differently from children aged 9 and older, who show clearer evidence of knowledge of both types of properties. However, in general, both morpho-syntactic and syntax–semantics interface properties are also accessible to 6–7-year-old children, although these children give preference to a range of interpretations partially different from the adults; in certain cases, they may not appeal to certain pragmatic inferences that permit additional interpretations to adults and older children. Crucially, our data demonstrate that EP children master the two types of properties of inflected infinitives years before Brazilian Portuguese children do (Pires and Rothman, 2009a and Pires and Rothman, 2009b), reasons for and implications of which we discuss in detail.