909 resultados para International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
In this paper we analyze the spread of shocks across assets markets in eight Latin American countries. First, we measure the extent of markets reactions with the Principal Components Analysis. And second, we investigate the volatility of assets markets based in ARCH-GARCH models in function of the principal components retained in the first stage. Our results do not support the existence of financial contagion, but of interdependence in most of the cases and a slight increase in the sensibility of markets to recent shocks.
Esta obra de referencia puede ser utilizada por estudiosos, estudiantes graduados y profesionales con interés en el campo de la educación de adultos. Posee más de 170 entradas realizadas por autores de todo el mundo que representan a los departamentos de adultos más respetados. Es un recurso global que incluye diversas perspectivas lingüísticas, étnicas y nacionales y términos tales como diversidad y aprendizaje; se completa con amplias referencias bibliográficas para facilitar la investigación.
Monográfico con el título: 'Nuevas perspectivas en la sección de idiomas de la Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Electrical property derivative expressions are presented for the nuclear relaxation contribution to static and dynamic (infinite frequency approximation) nonlinear optical properties. For CF4 and SF6, as opposed to HF and CH4, a term that is quadratic in the vibrational anharmonicity (and not previously evaluated for any molecule) makes an important contribution to the static second vibrational hyperpolarizability of CF4 and SF6. A comparison between calculated and experimental values for the difference between the (anisotropic) Kerr effect and electric field induced second-harmonic generation shows that, at the Hartree-Fock level, the nuclear relaxation/infinite frequency approximation gives the correct trend (in the series CH4, CF4, SF6) but is of the order of 50% too small
Fiscal problems of cultural workers in the states of the European Economic Community. XII/1039/77-EN
Discussion of the numerical modeling of NDT methods based on the potential drop and the disruption of power lines to describe the nature, importance and application of modeling. La 1ère partie est consacrée aux applications aux contrôles par courants de Foucault. The first part is devoted to applications for inspection by eddy currents.