982 resultados para Inteligent Automatic Control
An ultrasonic thermometer has been developed for high temperature measurement over a wide temperature range. It is particularly suitable for use in measuring nuclear fuel rod centerline temperatures in advanced liquid metal and high flux nuclear reactors. The thermometer which was designed to determine fuel temperature up to the fuel melting point, utilizes the temperature dependence of the ultrasonic propagation velocity (related to the elastic modulus} in a thin rod sensor as the temperature transducing mechanism. A pulse excitation technique has been used, where the mechanical resonator at the remote end of the acoustic·line is madto vibrate. Its natural frequency is proportional to the ultrasonic velocity in the material. This is measured by the electronic instrumentation and enables a frequency temperature or period-temperature calibration to be obtained. A completely digital automatic instrument has been designed, constructed and tested to track the resonance frequency of the temperature sensors. It operates smoothly over a frequency range of about 30%, more than the maximum working range of most probe materials. The control uses the basic property of a resonator that the stored energy decays exponentially at the natural frequency of the resonator.The operation of the electronic system is based on a digital multichannel transmitter that is capable of operating with a predefined number of cycles in the burst. this overcomes a basic defect in the previous deslgn where the analogue time-delayed circuits failed to hold synchronization and hence automatic control could be lost. Development of a particular type of temperature probe, that is small enough to fit into a standard 2 mm reactor tube has made the ultrasonic thermometer a practicable device for measuring fuel temperature. The bulkiness of previous probes has been overcome, the new design consists of a tuning fork, integral with a 1mm line, while maintaining a frequency of no more than 100 kHz. A magnetostrictive rod, acoustically matched to the probe is used to launch and receive the acoustic oscillations. This requires a magnetic bias and the previously used bulky magnets have been replaced by a direct current coil. The probe is supported by terminating the launcher with a short heavy isolating rod which can be secured to the reactor structure. This support, the bias and launching coil and the launcher are made up into a single compact unit. On the material side an extensive study of a wide range of refractory materials identified molybdenum, iridium, rhenium and tungsten as satisfactory for a number of applications but mostly exhibiting to some degree a calibration drift with thermal cycling. When attention was directed to ceramic materials, Sapphire (single crystal alumina) was found to have numerous advantages, particularly in respect of stability of calibration which remained with ±2°C after many cycles to 1800oC. Tungsten and thoriated tungsten (W - 2% Tho2) were also found to be quite satisfactory to 1600oC, the specification for a Euratom application.
Rotating fluidised Beds offer the potential for high intensity combustion, large turndown and extended range of fluidising velocity due to the imposition of an artificial gravitational field. Low thermal capacity should also allow rapid response to load changes. This thesis describes investigations of the validity of these potential virtues. Experiments, at atmospheric pressure, were conducted in flow visualisation rigs and a combustor designed to accommodate a distributor 200mm diameter and 80mm axial length. Ancillary experiments were conducted in a 6" diameter conventional fluidised bed. The investigations encompassed assessment of; fluidisation and elutriation, coal feed requirements, start-up and steady-state combustion using premixed propane and air, transition from propane to coal combustion and mechanical design. Assessments were made of an elutriation model and some effects of particle size on the combustion of premixed fuel gas and air. The findings were: a) more reliable start-up and control methods must be developed. Combustion of premixed propane and air led to severe mechanical and operating problems. Manual control of coal combustion was inadequate. b) Design criteria must encompass pressure loss, mechanical strength and high temperature resistance. The flow characteristics of ancillaries and the distributor must be matcheo. c) Fluidisation of a range of particle sizes was investigated. New correlations for minimum fluidisation and fully supported velocities are proposed. Some effects on elutriation of particle size and the distance between the bed surface and exhaust port have been identified. A conic distributor did not aid initial bed distribution. Furthermore, airflow instability was encountered with this distributor shape. Future use of conic distributors is not recommended. Axial solids mixing was found to be poor. A coal feeder was developed which produced uniform fuel distribution throughout the bed. The report concludes that small scale inhibits development of mechanical design and exploration of performance. future research requires larger combustors and automatic control.
The methods of the application of the Combined didactic interactive programme system on electrical engineering disciplines has been worked out and the possibility of its application for providing a complex of different kinds of studies: lectures, tutorials, laboratory studies and also for organizing students’ independent work has been verified. The given methods provide the organization of the reproductive (recognition and reproduction) and productive heuristic educational-cognitive students’ activity in conditions of gradualness and completeness of education with the closed directed automatic control.
Architecture and learning algorithm of self-learning spiking neural network in fuzzy clustering task are outlined. Fuzzy receptive neurons for pulse-position transformation of input data are considered. It is proposed to treat a spiking neural network in terms of classical automatic control theory apparatus based on the Laplace transform. It is shown that synapse functioning can be easily modeled by a second order damped response unit. Spiking neuron soma is presented as a threshold detection unit. Thus, the proposed fuzzy spiking neural network is an analog-digital nonlinear pulse-position dynamic system. It is demonstrated how fuzzy probabilistic and possibilistic clustering approaches can be implemented on the base of the presented spiking neural network.
This paper describes a model designed to recommend solutions to an organisation's e-business needs. It is designed to produce objective results based on perceived characteristics, unbiased by prejudice on the part of the person using the model. The model also includes a way of encapsulating the potential management concerns that may change for good or ill the likely relevance and probability of success of such solutions. The model has been tested on 13 case studies in small, medium and large organizations. © IFAC.
One of the challenges to biomedical engineers proposed by researchers in neuroscience is brain machine interaction. The nervous system communicates by interpreting electrochemical signals, and implantable circuits make decisions in order to interact with the biological environment. It is well known that Parkinson’s disease is related to a deficit of dopamine (DA). Different methods has been employed to control dopamine concentration like magnetic or electrical stimulators or drugs. In this work was automatically controlled the neurotransmitter concentration since this is not currently employed. To do that, four systems were designed and developed: deep brain stimulation (DBS), transmagnetic stimulation (TMS), Infusion Pump Control (IPC) for drug delivery, and fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) (sensing circuits which detect varying concentrations of neurotransmitters like dopamine caused by these stimulations). Some softwares also were developed for data display and analysis in synchronously with current events in the experiments. This allowed the use of infusion pumps and their flexibility is such that DBS or TMS can be used in single mode and other stimulation techniques and combinations like lights, sounds, etc. The developed system allows to control automatically the concentration of DA. The resolution of the system is around 0.4 µmol/L with time correction of concentration adjustable between 1 and 90 seconds. The system allows controlling DA concentrations between 1 and 10 µmol/L, with an error about +/- 0.8 µmol/L. Although designed to control DA concentration, the system can be used to control, the concentration of other substances. It is proposed to continue the closed loop development with FSCV and DBS (or TMS, or infusion) using parkinsonian animals models.
This document is the Online Supplement to ‘Myopic Allocation Policy with Asymptotically Optimal Sampling Rate,’ to be published in the IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control in 2017.
Os controladores de caudal, normalmente implementados em sistemas Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), apresentam uma grande relevância no controlo automático de canais de adução. Para garantir que os controladores de caudal sejam fiáveis em todo o seu domínio de funcionamento (em situações de escoamento com ressalto livre ou submerso e de transição entre escoamentos com ressalto livre e ressalto submerso) foram comparados os resultados dos ensaios experimentais com diferentes métodos de cálculo da vazão em comportas e/ou sobre soleiras. O programa de ensaios foi realizado nos canais laboratorial e experimental da Universidade de Évora. Foram realizados ensaios em comportas planas verticais e em soleiras do tipo Waterways Experiment Station (WES) controladas ou não por comportas planas verticais. Em ambos os casos, foram contempladas as situações de escoamento com ressalto livre e submerso. Os resultados obtidos mostram que: a) para as comportas, o método Rajaratnam e Subramanya (1967a) conduz a bons resultados com um erro percentual médio absoluto MAPE < 1% para o escoamento com ressalto livre e MAPE < 4% para o submerso; a transição entre escoamentos foi identificada corretamente por este método; b) para as soleiras, obtiveram-se bons resultados para o escoamento com ressalto livre para o método USACE (1987), com MAPE < 2%, e para o submerso através do método Alves e Martins (2011), com MAPE < 5%; a transição entre escoamentos pode ser considerada adequada de acordo com a curva experimental de Grace (1963); c) para soleiras controladas por comporta, conseguiram-se bons resultados para o escoamento com ressalto livre recorrendo à equação dos orifícios de pequenas dimensões, com MAPE < 1, 5%, e para o submerso com a equação dos orifícios totalmente submersos com MAPE < 1, 6%; em ambos os casos foi necessária calibração do coeficiente de vazão; a transição entre escoamentos foi adequada pelo método de Grace (1963). Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi possível definir um algoritmo de vazão generalizado para comportas e/ou soleiras que permite a determinação da vazão para as situações de escoamento com ressalto livre e submerso incluindo a transição entre escoamentos; ABSTRACT: Flow controllers, usually implemented in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, are very important in the automatic control of irrigation canal systems. To ensure that flow controllers are reliable for the entire operating range (free or submerged flow and flow transitions) the experimental results were compared with different methods of flow measurement for gates and/or weirs. The test program was conducted in the laboratory flume and in the automatic canal of the University of ´Evora. Tests were carried in sluice gates and in broad-crested weirs controlled or not by sluice gate. In both cases free and submerged flow conditions were analyzed. The results show that: a) for the sluice gates, the method of Rajaratnam e Subramanya (1967a) leads to good results with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) < 1% for free flow and MAPE < 4% for submerged flow. The transition between flows is correctly identified by this method; b) for the uncontrolled weir, good results were obtained for free flow with the method USACE (1987) with MAPE < 2%, and for submerged flow by the method Alves e Martins (2011) with MAPE < 5%. The transition between flows can be accurately defined by the experimental curve of Grace (1963); c) for the controlled weir, good results were achieved for the free flow with the small orifice equation with MAPE < 1.5% and for submerged flow with the submerged orifice equation with MAPE < 1.6%; in both cases the calibration of the discharge coefficient is needed. The transition between flows can be accomplished through Grace (1963) method. Based on the obtained results, it was possible to define a generalized flow algorithm for gates and/or weirs that allows flow determination for free and submerged flow conditions including the transition between flows.
At the present there is a high pressure toward the improvement of all production processes. Those improvements can target distinct factors along the production chain. In particular, and due to recent tight energy efficiency policies, those that involve energy efficiency. As can be expected, agricultural processes are not immune to this tendency. Even more when dealing with indoor productions. In this context, this work presents an innovative system that aims to improve the energy efficiency of a trees growing platform. This improvement in energy consumption is accomplished by replacing an electric heating system by one based on thermodynamic panels. The assessment of the heating fluid caudal and its temperature was experimentally obtained by means of a custom made scaled prototype whose actuators status are commanded by a Fuzzy-based controller. The obtained results suggest that the change in the heating paradigm will lead to overall savings that can easily reach 60% on the energy bill.
As mechatronic devices and components become increasingly integrated with and within wider systems concepts such as Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things, designer engineers are faced with new sets of challenges in areas such as privacy. The paper looks at the current, and potential future, of privacy legislation, regulations and standards and considers how these are likely to impact on the way in which mechatronics is perceived and viewed. The emphasis is not therefore on technical issues, though these are brought into consideration where relevant, but on the soft, or human centred, issues associated with achieving user privacy.
This paper presents a development of a semi-active prosthetic knee, which can work in both active and passive modes based on the energy required during the gait cycle of various activities of daily livings (ADLs). The prosthetic limb is equipped with various sensors to measure the kinematic and kinetic parameters of both prosthetic limbs. This prosthetic knee is designed to be back-drivable in passive mode to provide a potential use in energy regeneration when there negative energy across the knee joint. Preliminary test has been performed on transfemoral amputee in passive mode to provide some insight to the amputee/prosthesis interaction and performance with the designed prosthetic knee.
The scope of this study is to design an automatic control system and create an automatic x-wire calibrator for a facility named Plane Air Tunnel; whose exit creates planar jet flow. The controlling power state as well as automatic speed adjustment of the inverter has been achieved. Thus, the wind tunnel can be run with respect to any desired speed and the x-wire can automatically be calibrated at that speed. To achieve that, VI programming using the LabView environment was learned, to acquire the pressure and temperature, and to calculate the velocity based on the acquisition data thanks to a pitot-static tube. Furthermore, communication with the inverter to give the commands for power on/off and speed control was also done using the LabView VI coding environment. The connection of the computer to the inverter was achieved by the proper cabling using DAQmx Analog/Digital (A/D) input/output (I/O). Moreover, the pressure profile along the streamwise direction of the plane air tunnel was studied. Pressure tappings and a multichannel pressure scanner were used to acquire the pressure values at different locations. Thanks to that, the aerodynamic efficiency of the contraction ratio was observed, and the pressure behavior was related to the velocity at the exit section. Furthermore, the control of the speed was accomplished by implementing a closed-loop PI controller on the LabView environment with and without using a pitot-static tube thanks to the pressure behavior information. The responses of the two controllers were analyzed and commented on by giving suggestions. In addition, hot wire experiments were performed to calibrate automatically and investigate the velocity profile of a turbulent planar jet. To be able to analyze the results, the physics of turbulent planar jet flow was studied. The fundamental terms, the methods used in the derivation of the equations, velocity profile, shear stress behavior, and the effect of vorticity were reviewed.
This paper proposes an approach of optimal sensitivity applied in the tertiary loop of the automatic generation control. The approach is based on the theorem of non-linear perturbation. From an optimal operation point obtained by an optimal power flow a new optimal operation point is directly determined after a perturbation, i.e., without the necessity of an iterative process. This new optimal operation point satisfies the constraints of the problem for small perturbation in the loads. The participation factors and the voltage set point of the automatic voltage regulators (AVR) of the generators are determined by the technique of optimal sensitivity, considering the effects of the active power losses minimization and the network constraints. The participation factors and voltage set point of the generators are supplied directly to a computational program of dynamic simulation of the automatic generation control, named by power sensitivity mode. Test results are presented to show the good performance of this approach. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This project was funded under the Applied Research Grants Scheme administered by Enterprise Ireland. The project was a partnership between Galway - Mayo Institute of Technology and an industrial company, Tyco/Mallinckrodt Galway. The project aimed to develop a semi - automatic, self - learning pattern recognition system capable of detecting defects on the printed circuits boards such as component vacancy, component misalignment, component orientation, component error, and component weld. The research was conducted in three directions: image acquisition, image filtering/recognition and software development. Image acquisition studied the process of forming and digitizing images and some fundamental aspects regarding the human visual perception. The importance of choosing the right camera and illumination system for a certain type of problem has been highlighted. Probably the most important step towards image recognition is image filtering, The filters are used to correct and enhance images in order to prepare them for recognition. Convolution, histogram equalisation, filters based on Boolean mathematics, noise reduction, edge detection, geometrical filters, cross-correlation filters and image compression are some examples of the filters that have been studied and successfully implemented in the software application. The software application developed during the research is customized in order to meet the requirements of the industrial partner. The application is able to analyze pictures, perform the filtering, build libraries, process images and generate log files. It incorporates most of the filters studied and together with the illumination system and the camera it provides a fully integrated framework able to analyze defects on printed circuit boards.