978 resultados para Informaatiolukutaidon opintosuunnitelma (2004-2006) -hanke
To provide safe and modern transportation systems and services to individuals who travel in Iowa, the Iowa Department of Transportation has identified three broad-based and far-reaching strategic goals: accessibility, responsiveness and accountability. These goals are outlined in this plan, which is aligned with the Accountable Government Act. In addition, the plan specifically addresses strategic needs to serve our customers, and to respond to trends of a growing population and the ever changing need to enhance and expand Iowa's transportation systems. This plan is a living document, and therefore, will be updated periodically.
To provide safe and modern transportation systems and services to individuals who travel in Iowa, the Iowa Department of Transportation has identified three broad-based and far-reaching strategic goals: accessibility, responsiveness and accountability. These goals are outlined in this plan, which is aligned with the Accountable Government Act. In addition, the plan specifically addresses strategic needs to serve our customers, and to respond to trends of a growing population and the ever changing need to enhance and expand Iowa's transportation systems. This plan is a living document, and therefore, will be updated periodically.
This thesis analyses what local community theatre activity means to an area and its residents, and whether this kind of activity is meaningful. The objective was to explore whether and how community art can help urban areas to move in the direction of sustainable development: whether art can be part of regional policy development work. Hakunilan Kultsa was founded in 2003. It is an Urban II, European Union project and part of the Community Iniative Programme 2001-2006, financed by the EU. Hakunilan Kultsa is also a co-operation between Vantaa city council's culture and youth services. The project encourages Hakunila residents of different ages to take part in versatile art and cultural intrests in the Hakunila youth centre. People have the opportunity to participate in theatre, expression, arts, dance, performing arts and writing groups. One of the main aims is to found a sustainable community theatre in the area. The thesis examines what effects Hakunilan Kultsa has had so far. Inquiry form and thematical interviews have been used as research methods. Interviews and questionnaires were gathered between Autumn 2004 and Spring 2005. The whole process lasted from Spring 2004 until Spring 2006. The author also made participatory observations during the research process which in turn affected the conclusions. The thesis also deals with associated topics such as urban programmes, sustainable development, Hakunila as a suburban area, resident stimulation, and community thetare work. Hakunilan Kultsa has proved its importance. Based on the enquiries and interviews, the project has effectively presented the possibility for art forms to become hobbies. There is no cultural, age or economical discrimination. The easily accessible site and the low threshold principle make it easy for people to participate. The community theatre has improved the area's public image, increased participation and initiative, and given a voice to the community.
Community School District Audit Report - Special Investigation
City Audit Report - Special Investigation
Other Audit Reports - Special Investigation
Special investigation of selected accounts at Burlington High School for the period July 1, 2004 through February 16, 2006
Special investigation of Jasper County Transit for the period April 1, 2004 through April 1, 2006
Gestión del conocimiento
Commentaire de M. Timothy Mark Executive Director / Directeur général Canadian Association of Research Libraries / Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada. Room / Pièce 239. 65 University Private / 65 université privé. Ottawa ON K1N 9A5 Tel / tél : 613.562.5385 Fax / téléc : 613.562.5195 www.carl-abrc.ca «J'ai lu avec beaucoup d'intêret et d'enthousiasme l'article Statistiques 2004-2005 et 2005 des bibliothèques universitaires et de recherche au Canada qui vient de paraître dans la revue Documentation et bibliothèques. Permettez-moi de vous féliciter, madame, sur un article qui démontre un haut niveau de recherche et d'analyse. A titre d'intérêt, l'article sera mentionné dans notre publication hebdomadaire "Cyberavis" demain. ( Prière de consulter le site web de l'ABRC). Recevez, madame, mes salutations less meilleures. Tim Mark. (Courriel daté du 14 février 2008) ==========================================
Les mises en scène de Brigitte Haentjens placent la corporéité de l’acteur au centre de la représentation théâtrale et le travail sur le corps qu’elle opère transforme ce dernier en un matériau précis et original, touchant directement le spectateur. Afin de dégager une poétique du travail de la metteure en scène, trois transpositions scéniques partageant le thème de l’oppression féminine – La cloche de verre (2004), Malina (2000), Tout comme elle (2006) – sont analysées pour cerner les procédés scéniques grâce auxquels Brigitte Haentjens fait du corps un vecteur de signifiance. Un chapitre sera consacré à chacune des mises en scène afin de démontrer l’hypothèse avancée, qui veut que le contact créé entre le corps des acteurs et les spectateurs viendrait de la vulnérabilité des corps en scène. Ainsi, ce sont des corps féminins dispersés, opprimés et libérés qui seront ici scrutés. La vectorisation proposée par Patrice Pavis permettra de parcourir chacune des productions théâtrales, l’anthropologie théâtrale d’Eugenio Barba servira à nommer l’énergie déployée en scène et la sociologie servira à lier la soumission des personnages féminins aux règles instaurées par la société. Au terme de cette recherche, une poétique de la représentation des corps vulnérables mis en scène par Brigitte Haentjens sera tracée.
Se realiza una descripci??n de la situaci??n del sistema educativo extreme??o en los cursos 2004-2005 y 2005-2006. Se recogen datos del alumnado, de las ense??anzas de r??gimen especial, del uso de las nuevas tecnolog??as, de las actividades formativas complementarias, de la educaci??n compensatoria, de los centros educativos, del profesorado y de la financiaci??n de la educaci??n. Se incluyen valoraciones y recomendaciones que han contado con el apoyo de los sectores del Consejo Escolar. Se finaliza con una memoria de actividades del Consejo.