1000 resultados para Imposición sobre la renta


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Aquest treball vol implementar un projecte de mineria de dades en l'àrea de la petrologia ígnia, especialitat englobada dins la geologia clàssica.


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Anàlisi d'una PDA amb funcions de telefonia mòbil, en el nostre cas la HTC TyTN, valorant la seva usabilitat a l'hora de realitzar la seva configuració per a l'ús d'un servei, tant en un mode d'usuari normal com avançat. S'analitza també el sistema operatiu de què disposa (Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional).


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S'examinen les possibles influències del canvi climàtic en l'extensió del budisme als països de l'extrem est asiàtic (Corea, Japó), a través de com varen condicionar les condicions de viatge i l'establiment de rutes de comerç entre els diferents països.


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Hipòtesi afirmativa de partida amb l'objectiu de justificar i demostrar les dades que la confirmin, sobre dos temes principals (conducta i expectatives). Presentació de la mostra, de les variables, del procediment, resultats, discussió, conclusions i prospectiva. Les conclusions és que si Influeix en la conducta del subjecte les expectatives externes, amb la conseqüent modificació de la conducta.


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La guía se apoya en los contenidos del Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica: Proceso Asistencial Integrado. http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/219


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The scientific evidence, demonstrates that the obesity reduces the possibility that a woman, conceive naturally and diminishes the success of the treatment for the fertility. Nurses of the Unit of Attended Reproduction and of the Units of Nutrition and Dietary, they consider necessary to design an educational program of Formation and Information, to change attitudes related with the overweight and the obesity, in even not fertile. The strategy of this Program is based in the control and reduction of the weight, assuring the adhesion to the treatment of fertility, with interactive works shops for the change of alimentary habits, giving emotional support and indications to practice adapted physical exercise. This Nursing Intervention is applied like one tool that develops abilities for the learning and training; never using diets or products of the denominated miracle. The narrow collaboration and investigating participation among the nurses of these Units, bear the design of a methodology channeled to the obtaining of some prospective results that can be evaluated regarding the obtained results.


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Background: The lack of adequate instruments prevents the possibility of assessing the competence of health care staff in evidence-based decision making and further, the identification of areas for improvement with tailored strategies. The aim of this study is to report about the validation process in the Spanish context of the Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire (EBPQ) from Upton y Upton. Methods: A multicentre, cross-sectional, descriptive psychometric validation study was carried out. For cultural adaptation, a bidirectional translation was developed, accordingly to usual standards. The measuring model from the questionnaire was undergone to contrast, reproducing the original structure by Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factorial Analysis (CFA), including the reliability of factors. Results: Both EFA (57.545% of total variance explained) and CFA (chi2=2359,9555; gl=252; p<0.0001; RMSEA=0,1844; SRMR=0,1081), detected problems with items 7, 16, 22, 23 and 24, regarding to the original trifactorial version of EBPQ. After deleting some questions, a reduced version containing 19 items obtained an adequate factorial structure (62.29% of total variance explained), but the CFA did not fit well. Nevertheless, it was significantly better than the original version (chi2=673.1261; gl=149; p<0.0001; RMSEA=0.1196; SRMR=0.0648). Conclusions: The trifactorial model obtained good empiric evidence and could be used in our context, but the results invite to advance with further refinements into the factor “attitude”, testing it in more contexts and with more diverse professional profiles.


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L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és analitzar la qualitat literària dels best sellers i observar les limitacions d’aquest anàlisi. Deguda la complexitat del fenòmen best seller, i tot i ser conscients de que són obres que s’han d’abordar des d’una perspectiva pluridisciplinar, vam decidir començar aquest projecte analitzant tres best sellers espanyols des de la metodologia de l’estilística i de la narratologia. Les obres analitzades són 'La sombra del viento' de Carlos Ruiz Zafón, 'Un milagro en equilibrio', de Lucía Etxevarría, i 'El capitán Alatriste', de Pérez Reverte, i l’anàlisi és de tipus quantitatiu, de les estructures emprades per a l’expressió de lo metafòric, dels personatges, trames i tòpics. Les conclusions varen ser que, des d’un punt de vista estilístic, es pot demostrar la mala qualitat literària d’aquestes obres, així com la seva relació amb la tradició del gènere del folletí, amb el que comparteixen moltes característiques. Tanmateix, una altra de les conclusions de l’estudi fou que abordar el best seller des de l’estilística no ofereix una visió completa d’aquest fenòmen. Aquest projecte doncs, que té per títol “Estudio estilístico de tres casos de best seller en el ámbito español: 'La sombra del viento', 'Un milagro en equilibrio' y 'El capitán Alatriste'” ha d’ampliar-se en catàleg i en metodologia, adoptant vàries perspectives simultàneament, que ofereixin una visió adecuada de la complexitat del fenòmen. El catàleg s’ha extès a 15 obres en l’àmbit espanyol, i a 15 més en l’àmbit francès, durant el 2008, i la perspectiva multidisciplinar engloba estudis culturals, de recepció i sociologia. Des d’aquesta nova base metodològica i teòrica, s’han realitzat 500 enquestes a lectors a Barcelona i a París, en diferents punts de venta de llibres, durant el 2010.


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Estudi comparatiu de les dues traduccions catalanes publicades de David Copperfield de Charles Dickens. La primera de Josep Carner feta l’any 1930 però publicada el 1964 i la segona obra deJoan Sellent del 2003. L’anàlisi mostra que ambdues traduccions, excel·lents, reflecteixen una evolució singular i força accelerada del model de llengua que els traductors fan arribar al seu públic, que és reflex de la complexa història de la llengua catalana del segle xx, que encara s’had’escriure.


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Se cita una nova captura de Cetorhinus maximus (Gunner, 1765) prop de les illes Medes (mar català). Es detallen en una taula totes les dades que s'obtingueren referents a la seva biometria, i es remarca la presencia d'algues d'origen atlantic en el seu tracte intestinal


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Background: Hand hygiene in the health context is a complex behaviour. There have been rarely given the role of the knowledge and attitudes as predictors of hand hygiene behaviour. The main objective of this work is the description of the development of a questionnaire on hand hygiene and the analysis of their measurement properties. Method: An instrument which was designed and validated a questionnaire. It was held in January 2009. It finally has had 50 items that assess risk behaviour intention before and after contact with the patient, declarative knowledge and attitudes about hand hygiene. It has been applied to 431 students of health sciences at the University of Granada. Results: There were three factor analysis, ultimately obtaining a general convergence value that explains 46.01% of the total variance and high reliability (a=0,843). There is correlation between knowledge and behavior intentions before and after patient contact (p <0.01).In turn, the attitude correlates only with behavioral intention before (p <0.05). The hand hygiene behavior refers to a higher mean after the completion of various health activities before the same (4.26 and 3.96 respectively). Both declarative knowledge and attitudes significantly predict behavioral intention, in particular the conduct before the contact with the patient (R2 = 0.100, standardized Beta 0.256 for knowledge and 0.145 for attitudes). Conclusions: The questionnaire shows high internal consistency. We have obtained a valid tool for assessing risk behavior, knowledge and attitudes about students’ hand hygiene in health sciences. The tool detects deficiencies in basic skills in students.


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Article que analitza la crítica d'art a la Girona franquista


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Sobre la Girona Constitucional del trienni 1820-1823, en base la documentació existent a l'Arxiu Municipal i a l'Arxiu Diocesà


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This article summarizes the main results and conclusions presented in the Symposium "Nutritional supplementation: evidences and experiences" that took place in the XXIIIrd SENPE Congress (2008). Protein energy malnutrition, that can affect 30-50% of hospitalized patients, increases both time of hospitalization and costs of medical care of this kind of patients. There is a lot of scientific evidences demonstrating that the use of nutritional supplementation improves nutritional status or prevents malnutrition in those patients who do not meet their nutritional needs with a conventional diet or an adapted one with no replacing intake from normal food. This is strengthened by the results that demonstrate the rol of nutritional supplements improving nutritional and functional parameters. Current bibliographic reviews focused on certain clinical frameworks (i.g. geriatrics, oncology), prove that nutritional supplements reduce complications related to pathology and to nutritional status, and also reduce length of hospitalization and mortality. More studies regarding to efficacy of oral nutritional supplements are needed. These studies should be carried out with a period of follow-up longer than the current published studies have. As well as effective, nutritional supplements become a save therapeutic intervention with no important adverse events that, according to bibliography, improve patient's functionality and quality of life. It is worth mentioning that nutritional supplements can be effective on certain kind of patients, for instance, malnourished elderly or elderly in risk of malnourishment, and hospitalized surgical patients. Scientific literature refers that it is necessary to carry out more studies, with an accurate methodology, which assess the effect of nutritional supplements on quality of life and its cost-effectiveness on malnourished patients regarding specific clinical situations. That would allow physicians to make clinical decisions based on evidences and cost analysis.


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Patients with intestinal failure who receive HPN are at high risk of developing MBD. The origin of this bone alteration is multifactorial and depends greatly on the underlying disease for which the nutritional support is required. Data on the prevalence of this disease in our environment is lacking, so NADYA-SEMPE group has sponsored this transversal study with the aim of knowing the actual MBD prevalence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective data from 51 patients from 13 hospitals were collected. The questionnaire included demographic data as well as the most clinically relevant for MBD data. Laboratory data (calciuria, PTH, 25 -OH -vitamin D) and the results from the first and last bone densitometry were also registered. RESULTS: Bone mineral density had only been assessed by densitometry in 21 patients at the moment HPN was started. Bone quality is already altered before HPN in a significant percentage of cases (52%). After a mean follow up of 6 years, this percentage increases up to 81%. Due to retrospective nature of the study and the low number of subjects included it has not been possible to determine the role that HPN plays in MBD etiology. Only 35% of patients have vitamin D levels above the recommended limits and the majority of them is not on specific supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: HPN is associated with very high risk of MBD, therefore, management protocols that can lead to early detection of the problem as well as guiding for follow up and treatment of these patients are needed.