986 resultados para III-V Semiconductors
I. Aepfel. 2 v.--II. Birnen. 2 v.--III. Apricosen.--IV. Pfirsiche.--V. Wein. [III-V in 1 v.]--VI. Kirschen.--VII. Pflaumen [VI-VII in 1 v.]
I.-III., v. Bd. are Schriften des Deutschen lehrervereins für Naturkunde. XXII., XXIV., XXVI., XXXIII. Bd.
v. 1. Legender och visor and Nya dikter -- v. 2. Dikter, Sista dikter and Kung Salomo och Morolf -- v. 3. Ungdomsnoveller -- v. 4. Lifvets fiender and Magistrarne i Österås (2 v.) -- v. 5. Rococonoveller -- v. 6. Sista noveller -- v. 7. Från Gustaf III:s dagar -- v. 8. Diktare och drömmare -- v. 9. Svenska gestalter -- v. 10. Essayer I -- v. 11. Essayer II -- v. 12. Carl von Linné and Johan Wellander (2 v.) -- v. 13. Svensk litteratur I -- v. 14. Svensk litteratur II -- v. 15. Nordisk litteratur -- v. 16. Utländsk litteratur -- v. 17. Teater och drama under Gustaf III -- v. 18. Gustaf III som dramatisk författare -- v. 19. Svensk konst och svensk natur -- v. 20. Niclas Lafrensen d.y. och förbindelserna mellan Svensk och Fransk målarkonst på 1700-talet --v. 21. Utländsk konst -- v. 22. Studier öfver Jacques Callot -- v. 23. Resebref -- v. 24. För och mot.
Vols. 2-5 have imprint: London, W. Heinemann; New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, v. 6 has imprint: London, W. Heinemann ltd.; Cambridge, Mass., Harvard university press.
Edited by George Stillman Hillard.
The plates were also issued without text in "A series of engravings, by Heath and Bartolozzi, from paintings by Stothard to illustrate the works of Shakspeare and Milton ... London, 1818."
"Tiré à deux cents exemplaires sur papier de Holland et à dix sur papier de Chine." This copy not numbered.
Imprint varies: [v.20] Gent, A. Siffer.
Vol. 4 and 5 by Henry Newbolt.
Imprint dates from: BLC, v. 299.
Issued with less exhaustive notes in 12 vols. as the Pembroke edition.
v. 1-2. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy.--v. 3. A sentimental journey through France and Italy and The letters of Laurence Sterne to his most intimate friends, vol. I.--v. 4. The letters of Laurence Sterne to his most intimate friends, vols. II and III.--v. 5. The sermons of Mr. Yorick.--v. 6. Life, by Percy Fitzgerald, including memoirs of the life of the family of the late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne written by himself.
Special editors approved by authorities of the respective universities: Harvard, William Roscoe Thayer, Yale, Charles Henry Smith: Princeton, John De Witt, Jesse Lynch Williams: Columbia, J. Howard Van Amringe. Biographical editors, Charles E. L. Wingate, Albert Lee, Jesse Lynch Williams and Henry G. Paine.
"Statement of the actions of the Signal committee of the Presidents' conference committee, and the Division of valuation of the interstate commerce commission, in respect to the organisation of the Joint committee for the consideration and determination of prices, weights, and cost of signaling and interlocking apparatus": p. i-iii., v. 1.
v. 1. Epistulum moralium.--v. 2. Ad aebutium liberalem De beneficiis libri VII; Ad neronem Caesarem De clementia libri II; Ad novatum De ira libri III.--v. 3. Ad lucilium Naturalium quaestionum libri VII; Ludus de morte Claudii.