347 resultados para Harmonious Worldview


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Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR


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Population aging and environmental protection have gained special importance after the economic, demographic and social recent changes. The objective of this paper was to promote theoretical and reflective review with emphasis on convergence between sustainable development and educational activities promoted by the University of the Third Age. We conducted a literature review to give full articles from the descriptors: aged, sustainable development indicators and environmental protection, published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, between January 1994 and June 2014, in national and international journals on the basis LiIlacs, Bireme and Medline. We used systematic data collection for sample analysis. The results indicate that the University of the Third Age develops teaching, research and extension, through actions based on aging and educational assumptions. In this context, environmental education is presented as a pedagogical process capable of awakening the critical capacity of the elderly, making it active social worker and leading him to a cultural design which ensures establishment of sustainable harmonious relationship with nature. It was concluded that the University of the Third Age contributes to initiatives that emphasize the relationships between systems and economic processes or social and natural processes, generating the construction of social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills aimed at the conservation of the environment.


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Próteses sobre implantes esteticamente favoráveis estão diretamente relacionadas com a condição dos tecidos moles e duros que as envolvem. A preservação dos tecidos mucogengivais ao redor de implantes dentários instalados na maxila anterior propicia um sorriso harmonioso, com uma estética bastante agradável. No entanto, em alguns casos, isso não ocorre principalmente pela grande reabsorção tecidual na região, na qual deveria ter sido realizado enxerto ósseo, antes mesmo da instalação dos implantes. Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma solução reabilitadora estética para essas possíveis falhas durante o planejamento com reabilitações sobre implantes, por meio de gengiva artificial cerâmica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The production of starch and cassava starch (Manihot esculenta) if has shown to an important business for the region the northwest of the Paraná, generating income and job for a significant agricultural producers. The production of the region is processed for industries at private capital and cooperatives of producers. The study involving agricultural producers and one of the most important cooperatives of the region (C-Vale) objectified to evaluate the relationships between cooperative and producers, and the mechanisms of coordination of the productive chain. The results had disclosed that the relationships are not harmonious, generating opportunism situations, high costs of transaction and diffidence in the operations between producers and cooperative. Also if it perceived a difficulty of coordination of the productive chain, due to lack of integration between the partners, what it affects the competitiveness and the efficiency of the sector.


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The decision-making process for the treatment of esthetic areas is based on the achievement of a healthy, harmonious, and pleasant smile. These conditions are directly associated with a solid knowledge of tooth anatomy and proportions, as well as the smile line, soft tissue morphology, and osseous architecture. To achieve these objectives, a multidisciplinary approach may be necessary to create long-term harmony between the final restoration and the adjacent teeth, and the health of the surrounding soft and hard tissues. This case report describes the application of a minimally invasive therapy on a 33-year-old woman seeking esthetic treatment. Minimally invasive periodontal plastic surgery associated with porcelain laminate veneers yielded satisfactory esthetics and minimal trauma to dental and periodontal tissues. Such a combined approach may be considered a viable option for the improvement of "white" and "red" esthetics.


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Abstract Background Facilitating the provision of appropriate health care for immigrant and Aboriginal populations in Canada is critical for maximizing health potential and well-being. Numerous reports describe heightened risks of poor maternal and birth outcomes for immigrant and Aboriginal women. Many of these outcomes may relate to food consumption/practices and thus may be obviated through provision of resources which suit the women's ethnocultural preferences. This project aims to understand ethnocultural food and health practices of Aboriginal and immigrant women, and how these intersect with respect to the legacy of Aboriginal colonialism and to the social contexts of cultural adaptation and adjustment of immigrants. The findings will inform the development of visual tools for health promotion by practitioners. Methods/Design This four-phase study employs a case study design allowing for multiple means of data collection and different units of analysis. Phase 1 consists of a scoping review of the literature. Phases 2 and 3 incorporate pictorial representations of food choices (photovoice in Phase 2) with semi-structured photo-elicited interviews (in Phase 3). The findings from Phases 1-3 and consultations with key stakeholders will generate key understandings for Phase 4, the production of culturally appropriate visual tools. For the scoping review, an emerging methodological framework will be utilized in addition to systematic review guidelines. A research librarian will assist with the search strategy and retrieval of literature. For Phases 2 and 3, recruitment of 20-24 women will be facilitated by team member affiliations at perinatal clinics in one of the city's most diverse neighbourhoods. The interviews will reveal culturally normative practices surrounding maternal food choices and consumption, including how women negotiate these practices within their own worldview and experiences. A structured and comprehensive integrated knowledge translation plan has been formulated. Discussion The findings of this study will provide practitioners with an understanding of the cultural differences that affect women's dietary choices during maternity. We expect that the developed resources will be of immediate use within the women's units and will enhance counseling efforts. Wide dissemination of outputs may have a greater long term impact in the primary and secondary prevention of these high risk conditions.


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Motion control is a sub-field of automation, in which the position and/or velocity of machines are controlled using some type of device. In motion control the position, velocity, force, pressure, etc., profiles are designed in such a way that the different mechanical parts work as an harmonious whole in which a perfect synchronization must be achieved. The real-time exchange of information in the distributed system that is nowadays an industrial plant plays an important role in order to achieve always better performance, better effectiveness and better safety. The network for connecting field devices such as sensors, actuators, field controllers such as PLCs, regulators, drive controller etc., and man-machine interfaces is commonly called fieldbus. Since the motion transmission is now task of the communication system, and not more of kinematic chains as in the past, the communication protocol must assure that the desired profiles, and their properties, are correctly transmitted to the axes then reproduced or else the synchronization among the different parts is lost with all the resulting consequences. In this thesis, the problem of trajectory reconstruction in the case of an event-triggered communication system is faced. The most important feature that a real-time communication system must have is the preservation of the following temporal and spatial properties: absolute temporal consistency, relative temporal consistency, spatial consistency. Starting from the basic system composed by one master and one slave and passing through systems made up by many slaves and one master or many masters and one slave, the problems in the profile reconstruction and temporal properties preservation, and subsequently the synchronization of different profiles in network adopting an event-triggered communication system, have been shown. These networks are characterized by the fact that a common knowledge of the global time is not available. Therefore they are non-deterministic networks. Each topology is analyzed and the proposed solution based on phase-locked loops adopted for the basic master-slave case has been improved to face with the other configurations.


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La mia tesi si riallaccia al dibattito teorico-letterario contemporaneo sulla possibilità di un approccio cognitivo alla narrativa e alla letteratura in particolare. Essa si propone di esplorare il rapporto tra narrazione ed esperienza, ridefinendo il concetto di “esperienzialità” della narrativa introdotto da Monika Fludernik nel suo Towards a “Natural” Narratology (1996). A differenza di Fludernik, che ha identificato l’esperienzialità con la rappresentazione dell’esperienza dei personaggi, la mia trattazione assegna un ruolo di primo piano al lettore, cercando di rispondere alla domanda: perché leggere una storia è – o si costituisce come – un’esperienza? L’intuizione dietro tutto ciò è che le teorizzazioni dell’esperienza e della coscienza nella filosofia della mente degli ultimi venti anni possano gettare luce sull’interazione tra lettori e testi narrativi. Il mio punto di riferimento principale è la scienza cognitiva “di seconda generazione”, secondo cui l’esperienza è un relazionarsi attivo e corporeo al mondo. La prima parte del mio studio è dedicata all’intreccio tra la narrativa e quello che chiamo lo “sfondo esperienziale” di ogni lettore, un repertorio di esperienze già note ai lettori attraverso ripetute interazioni con il mondo fisico e socio-culturale. Mi soffermo inoltre sul modo in cui relazionarsi a un testo narrativo può causare cambiamenti e slittamenti in questo sfondo esperienziale, incidendo sulla visione del mondo del lettore. Mi rivolgo poi al coinvolgimento corporeo del lettore, mostrando che la narrativa può attingere allo sfondo esperienziale dei suoi fruitori anche sul piano dell’esperienza di base: le simulazioni corporee della percezione contribuiscono alla nostra comprensione delle storie, incidendo sia sulla ricostruzione dello spazio dell’ambientazione sia sulla relazione intersoggettiva tra lettori e personaggi. Infine, mi occupo del rapporto tra l’esperienza della lettura e la pratica critico-letteraria dell’interpretazione, sostenendo che – lungi dal costituire due modalità opposte di fruizione dei testi – esse sono intimamente connesse.


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The survey approachs the issue of health and the problem of its effective protection in a context of deprivation of liberty and coercion, which is the prison. The theoretical reflection born from the reform of the Legislative Decree 230/99 which marked the transition from an employee by the Prison Health within prison a fully integrated in the National Health Service. The comparison between an institution of health promotion and institution of punishment which may operate on the same subject held produces multiple attrits, making their relationship problematic. The work shows the daily difficulties in the management of prison health within the institution, physician-patient between different health care roles, and between the latter and prison workers. The coexistence, in fact, is not always harmonious though quite often it is common sense and the willingness of operators to reduce barriers: overcrowding, limited resources and insufficient staff make the application of the rule and therefore the right to goal a difficult to be pursued. It is designed for a scheme of semi-structured interview essay is divided into 3 sections covering: "staff and its functions", "health reform" and "health of the prisoner"; questions were directed to doctors, nurses and psychologists engaged inside the prison of Rimini with the specific aim of examining the ambivalent relationship between the demand for health care in prisons and the need for security and a clear - albeit partial - point of view. We tried to reconstruct the situation of prison health care through the perception of prison operators, capturing the problematic issues that deal on both issues is instrumental to the experience of persons detained by analyzing, in terms of operators , what happens inside of a prison institution in everyday health care.


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In vorliegender Dissertation werden die von Albert Schweitzer ersonnene Weltanschauungsphilosophie sowie dessen Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben untersucht und auf ihre Kohärenz sowie auf ihre argumentative Tragfähigkeit geprüft. Es zeigt sich dabei, dass dieselben, entgegen der Meinung vieler Kritiker, keineswegs nur weltfremde Gedankenkonstrukte sind, sondern sehr wohl Orientierung hinsichtlich der ethischen Ausrichtung unserer Zeit zu geben vermögen und insbesondere die Schweitzer’sche Ehrfurchtsethik aus diesem Grunde als theoretisch vollwertiges Konzept einer philosophischen Ethik respektiert zu werden verdient. Schweitzer hat als Hintergrund all seiner Ausführungen die Vorstellung vom "Verfall der Kultur", daher sind sämtliche seiner philosophischen Überlegungen als Antwortversuche auf diesen von ihm konstatierten Kulturverfall zu verstehen. Ist der Verfall der Kultur seiner Zeit für Schweitzer bedingt durch das Fehlen einer lebens- und weltbejahenden Weltanschauung, so kann ein entsprechender Wiederaufbau der Kultur für ihn nur über den Weg der Konzeption einer aus tiefstem Denken ersonnenen lebens- und weltbejahenden Weltanschauung führen; das Kernstück dieser gesuchten neuen Weltanschauung ist für Schweitzer schließlich die Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben. Es entbehrt indes nicht einer gewissen Tragik, dass diese Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben, welche Schweitzer selbst ein Herzensanliegen war und um die sein gesamtes Denken seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts kreiste, weder bei philosophisch interessierten Laien noch bei den Gelehrten dieser Zunft auf reges Interesse stieß. Mit Verweis auf die unsystematische Verfasstheit sowie den unausgereiften bzw. unvollkommenen Zustand dieses Ethikkonzepts schenkte (und schenkt) man demselben in Fachkreisen so gut wie keine Beachtung und auch im Blickpunkt des öffentlichen Interesses standen (und stehen) für gewöhnlich die greif- und sichtbaren Aktivitäten Schweitzers – so etwa sein humanitäres Engagement in Afrika oder seine Rolle als "kritisches Gewissen" seiner Zeit hinsichtlich der damals mehr oder minder akuten Bedrohung der Menschheit durch das atomare Wettrüsten der beiden Supermächte USA und UdSSR – wobei man jedoch verkennt, dass diese letztlich nur verstehbar sind vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben und nur von dort einen Sinn erhalten. Um diese überragende Bedeutung der Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben im Gesamtgefüge des Schweitzer’schen Denkens angemessen einschätzen zu können, werden die tragenden Begriffe dieser Ethikkonzeption aus den Texten Schweitzers heraus so exakt als möglich bestimmt sowie der innere Zusammenhang derselben aufgezeigt, um wiederum die diese Begriffe fundierende Architektonik freizulegen.


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This study seeks to address a gap in the study of nonviolent action. The gap relates to the question of how nonviolence is performed, as opposed to the meaning or impact of nonviolent politics. The dissertation approaches the history of nonviolent protest in South Asia through the lens of performance studies. Such a shift allows for concepts such as performativity and theatricality to be tested in terms of their applicability and relevance to contemporary political and philosophical questions. It also allows for a different perspective on the historiography of nonviolent protest. Using concepts, modes of analysis and tropes of thinking from the emerging field of performance studies, the dissertation analyses two different cases of nonviolent protest, asking how politics is performatively constituted. The first two sections of this study set out the parameters of the key terms of the dissertation: nonviolence and performativity, by tracing their genealogies and legacies as terms. These histories are then located as an intersection in the founding of the nonviolent. The case studies at the analytical core of the dissertation are: fasting as a method in Gandhi's political arsenal, and the army of nonviolent soldiers in the North-West Frontier Province, known as the Khudai Khidmatgar. The study begins with an overview of current theorisations of nonviolence. The approach to the subject is through an investigation of commonly held misconceptions about nonviolent action, such as its supposed passivity, the absence of violence, its ineffectiveness and its spiritual basis. This section addresses the lacunae within existing theories of nonviolence and points to possible fertile spaces for further exploration. Section 3 offers an overview of the different shades of the concept of performativity, asking how it is used in various contexts and how these different nuances can be viewed in relation to each other. The dissertation explores how a theory of performativity may be correlated to the theorisation of nonviolence. The correlations are established in four boundary areas: action/inaction, violence/absence of violence, the actor/opponent and the body/spirit. These boundary areas allow for a theorising of nonviolent action as a performative process. The first case study is Gandhi's use of the fast as a method of nonviolent protest. Using a close reading of his own writings, speeches and letters, as well as a reading of responses to his fast in British newspapers and within India, the dissertation asks what made fasting into Gandhi's most favoured mode of protest and political action. The study reconstructs his unique praxis of the fast from a performative perspective, demonstrating how display and ostentation are vital to the political economy of the fast. It also unveils the cultural context and historical reservoir of body practices, which Gandhi drew from and adapted into 'weapons' of political action. The relationship of Gandhian nonviolence to the body forms a crucial part of the analysis. The second case study is the nonviolent army of the Pashtuns, Khudai Khidmatgar (KK), literally Servants of God. This anti-imperialist movement in the North-West Frontier Province of what is today the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan existed between 1929 and 1948. The movement adopted the organisational form of an army. It conducted protest activities against colonial rule, as well as social reform activities for the Pashtuns. This group was connected to the Congress party of Gandhi, but the dissertation argues that their conceptualisation and praxis of nonviolence emerged from a very different tradition and worldview. Following a brief introduction to the socio-political background of this Pashtun movement, the dissertation explores the activities that this nonviolent army engaged in, looking at their unique understanding of the militancy of an unarmed force, and their mode of combat and confrontation. Of particular interest to the analysis is the way the KK re-combined and mixed what appear to be contradictory ideologies and acts. In doing so, they reframed cultural and historical stereotypes of the Pashtuns as a martial race, juxtaposing the institutional form of the army with a nonviolent praxis based on Islamic principles and social reform. The example of the Khudai Khidmatgar is used to explore the idea that nonviolence is not the opposite of violent conflict, but in fact a dialectical engagement and response to violence. Section 5, in conclusion, returns to the boundary areas of nonviolence: action, violence, the opponent and the body, and re-visits these areas on a comparative note, bringing together elements from Gandhi's fasts and the practices of the KK. The similarities and differences in the two examples are assessed and contextualised in relation to the guiding question of this study, namely the question of the performativity of nonviolent action.


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Species coexistence has been a fundamental issue to understand ecosystem functioning since the beginnings of ecology as a science. The search of a reliable and all-encompassing explanation for this issue has become a complex goal with several apparently opposing trends. On the other side, seemingly unconnected with species coexistence, an ecological state equation based on the inverse correlation between an indicator of dispersal that fits gamma distribution and species diversity has been recently developed. This article explores two factors, whose effects are inconspicuous in such an equation at the first sight, that are used to develop an alternative general theoretical background in order to provide a better understanding of species coexistence. Our main outcomes are: (i) the fit of dispersal and diversity values to gamma distribution is an important factor that promotes species coexistence mainly due to the right-skewed character of gamma distribution; (ii) the opposite correlation between species diversity and dispersal implies that any increase of diversity is equivalent to a route of “ecological cooling” whose maximum limit should be constrained by the influence of the third law of thermodynamics; this is in agreement with the well-known asymptotic trend of diversity values in space and time; (iii) there are plausible empirical and theoretical ways to apply physical principles to explain important ecological processes; (iv) the gap between theoretical and empirical ecology in those cases where species diversity is paradoxically high could be narrowed by a wave model of species coexistence based on the concurrency of local equilibrium states. In such a model, competitive exclusion has a limited but indispensable role in harmonious coexistence with functional redundancy. We analyze several literature references as well as ecological and evolutionary examples that support our approach, reinforcing the meaning equivalence between important physical and ecological principles.


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Based on anthropological fieldwork between 2008 and 2011, this article focuses on how people in Tajikistan's eastern Pamirs conceptualize well-being through the establishment of peace and harmony. An exploration of the interactional use of the terms ‘peace’ and ‘harmony’ in Kyrgyz and Tajik (tynchtyk, yntymak, tinji, and vahdat) makes manifest that the meanings of these terms are connected to the fields of ‘family’, ‘leadership’, and ‘state’. Basing their reasoning on the officially promoted analogy between family and state, people in the eastern Pamirs distinguish between social spaces that are related to well-being and those that are not. As a factor of distinction, and crucial to the establishment of peace and harmony, the moral quality of leadership plays an important role. Positive experiences of such leadership as balanced and morally pure are mainly identified and witnessed within families and neighbourhoods and only occasionally in state institutions. This discrepancy raises the question of where to locate boundaries between good and bad, moral and immoral, harmonious and conflictual. Thus, this article contributes not only to the study of local concepts of well-being in Central Asia but also to the study of local concepts of ‘ill-being’ which challenge them.