973 resultados para Halogenated Natural-products


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En la hipótesis de trabajo del presente proyecto se considera la importancia del metabolismo de lípidos y proteínas en los insectos hematófagos, en particular en los vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas, para afrontar exitosamente la demanda energética de la reproducción. Las hembras de estas especies pueden ingerir una comida de sangre abundante en lípidos y proteínas, los que son modificados en el intestino para su utilización y posterior almacenamiento en estructuras organizadas en el tejido ovárico, sustentando así el rápido crecimiento de los ovocitos. Estos aspectos resultan críticos para el ciclo de vida del insecto y para el mantenimiento de la cadena epidemiológica de la enfermedad. En estas especies, recientemente hemos caracterizado a nivel bioquímico y celular la interacción entre lipoproteínas y tejidos [Fruttero y col., Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 39: 322-331 (2009); Fruttero y col. Biocel 33 (3): 260 (2009)] y las fases del ciclo reproductivo [Aguirre y col., J. Insect Physiol. 54: 393-402 (2008)]. No obstante, los factores que participan en su regulación son aún escasamente conocidos. En este contexto, el estudio propone emplear dos especies de triatominos con el objeto de: (1) caracterizar los factores involucrados en la formación y regulación de reservas nutricionales en los ovocitos; (2) analizar los eventos que participan en la regresión del tejido ovárico: atresia folicular y mecanismos de muerte celular. (3) evaluar el impacto de productos naturales (ureasas vegetales y péptidos derivados) en el desarrollo del tejido ovárico. Para la ejecución de los objetivos se llevarán a cabo ensayos in vivo e in vitro con trazadores fluorescentes, fraccionamiento subcelular, estudios de expresión de proteínas (mRNA y proteína), estudios histo-morfológicos, ultraestructurales e inmunocitoquímicos, microscopía láser confocalizada, ensayos de actividad enzimática, ELISA, western-blot, electroforesis bidimensional, espectrometria de masas en tándem, etc. También se evaluarán los mecanismos de muerte celular (apoptosis/autofagia) mediante microscopía electrónica, detección de apoptosis in situ (TUNEL), inmunofluorescencia, etc. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán un mejor conocimiento sobre la fisiología y bioquímica de estos vectores, los que resultan indispensables en el diseño de nuevas estrategias para su control. Debido a la carencia de un tratamiento específico para la enfermedad y a la falta de métodos preventivos (vacuna), el control del vector es una de las vías más importantes para reducir la incidencia de la enfermedad. Actualmente, la situación socio-económica que sufren amplios núcleos de nuestra población propicia condiciones de vida que facilitan la reproducción de los vectores y la transmisión vectorial del parásito. El estudio permitirá además explorar aspectos bioquímicos y celulares básicos, generando conocimientos que podrían ser extensivos a otros insectos de importancia económica en la ganadería y/o agricultura. The aim of this project is to analyze the biochemical and cellular events involved in the lipid and protein metabolism in Chagas' disease vectors, and to evaluate their impact on the physiology of reproduction, particularly in the formation of nutritional resources in developing oocytes. At present, little is known about these critical aspects for the life cycle of the insect and for the epidemiology of the disease. The experimental approaches, which will be carried out using two species of triatomines, were designed: (1) to characterize factors involved in the formation and regulation of nutritional resources in developing oocytes; (2) to analyze the biochemical and cellular events that play a role during the regression of ovarian tissue, including the processes of oocyte resorption and programmed cell death. (3) to evaluate the impact of natural products (ureases from jackbean and related peptides) in the development of ovarian tissue. Methods and techniques involved in the project are: in vivo and in vitro assays with fluorescent tracers, ELISA, chemical assays, enzyme activities, western-blot; protein expression (mRNA), histological techniques, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies. Cell death will be analyzed by detection of apoptosis in situ (TUNEL), immunofluorescence (for autophagy), among others. The results obtained from the study will offer the opportunity to explore important aspects in the biology and physiology of Chagas' disease vectors that could be of potential utility in designing alternative strategies for the control of the insect.


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El tema principal del treball és sobre l'estudi teòric de l'estructura i reactivitat en carbens de Fischer de la forma (CO)5Cr=C(X)R (X= OH, NH2, OMe, NMe2 i R= CHCH2 i Ph). Particularment, el nostre interès va sorgir del tipus de reaccions de cicloadicció que donen lloc a la síntesi de productes naturals i fàrmacs de gran valor afegit. Hem estudiat els mecanismes de reacció dels casos més comuns de cicloanul•lació: la reacció de benzanul•lació de Dötz i ciclopentanulacions que es troben en competència amb el primer cas, derivats de l'inserció de acetilè i fenilacetilè. En l'últim pas de les reaccions que comporten la formació d'un sistema de més d'un anell, hi tenim una migració del complex metàl•lic de crom d'un extrem a un altre anomenat com rearranjament haptotròpic. Aleshores, hem investigat sobre els mecanismes de migració haptotròpica de Cr(CO)3 sobre hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics analitzant l'efecte de la mida i la curvatura del sistema així com la complexació d'un segon fragment metàl•lic a la manera de coordinació als anells. D'una altre banda, vam estudiar l'aromaticitat en 54 cúmuls cíclics de molecules inorgàniques mitjançant metodologia desenvolupada al nostre grup de recerca i altres. Vam proposar la tècnica del scan-NICS com nova mesura quantitativa d'aromaticitat i reportar l'escassa correlació entre els distints índexs d'aromaticitat a la literatura. Finalment, com resultat de col•laboracions en estades de recerca, he desenvolupat propostes de mecanismes de reacció en sistemes catalítics de isonitrils i fosfinetà-amides i en dímers de gassos nobles.


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Fructus Schisandrae sinensis Baill, a traditional Chinese medicine, used as tonic and sedative, has been shown at the beginning of 70's to lower the elevated serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) levels of patients suffering from chronic viral hepatitis. Durign past 20 years, a series of neolignans have been isolated and identified as effective principles. Pharmacological studies revealed that they increased liver protein and glicogen synthesis, antagonized liver injuries from CCl4 and thioacetamide. The mechanism of SGPT lowering was considered as a hepato-protective and membrane stabilize action, although inhibition of the activity of liver GPT may also be existed. It was found that some principles of Schisandrae have an inducing effect on hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzynme system P-450, thus explained their anti-toxic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic effects. A synthetic derivative compound of Schisandrin called DDB has most of the above mentioned actions now used widely in Chine as a hepato-protective drug with high effectiveness in normalizing liver functions and very low side effects. From Schisandrin to synthesized DDB, pointed out a successful way in the development of new drugs from natural products.


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Crude ethanolic extracts (CEEs) from two species of Cucurbitaceae, Cucurbita maxima and Momordica charantia (commonly called "abóbora moranga" and melão de São Caetano", respectively) were assayed for antimalarial activity by the 4-d suppressive test. The CEE of dry C. maxima seeds showed strong antimalarial activity following oral administration (259 and 500 mg/kg), reducing by 50% the levels of parasistemia in Plasmodium berghey-infected mice. Treatment of normal animals with 500 mg/Kg of the extract three days before intravenous injection of P. berghei caused a significant 30% reduction in parasitemic levels. No effect was observed when the animals were treated with the CEE only on the day of inoculation. Oral administration of the CEE of dry M. charantia leaves adminstered orally was ineffective up to 500 mg/Kg in lowering the parasitemic levels of malarious mice.


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Els brassinoesteroides són productes naturals que actuen com a potents reguladors del creixement vegetal. Presenten aplicacions prometedores en l’agricultura degut a que, aplicats exògenament, augmenten la qualitat i la quantitat de les collites. Ara bé, el seu ús s’ha vist restringit degut a la seva costosa obtenció. Aquest fet ha motivat la recerca de nous compostos actius més assequibles. En aquest projecte es planteja el disseny i obtenció de nous anàlegs seguint diferents estratègies que impliquen tant l’ús de mètodes de modelització molecular com de síntesi orgànica. La primera d’aquestes estratègies consisteix en buscar compostos actius en bases de dades de compostos comercials a través de processos de Virtual Screening desenvolupats amb mètodes computacionals basats en Camps d’Interacció Molecular. Així, es van establir i interpretar models de Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat (QSAR) emprant descriptors independents de l’alineament (GRIND) i, amb col•laboració amb la Universitat de Perugia, aquest criteri de cerca es va ampliar amb l’aplicació de descriptors FLAP de nova generació. Una altra estratègia es va basar en intentar substituir l’esquelet esteroide dels brassinoesteroides per una estructura equivalent, fixant com a cadena lateral el grup (R)-hexahidromandelil. S’han aplicat dos criteris: mètodes computacionals basats en models QSAR establerts amb descriptors GRIND i també en la metodologia SHOP (scaffold hopping), i, per altra banda, anàlegs proposats racionalment a partir d’un estudi efectuat sobre disruptors endocrins no esteroïdals. Sobre les estructures trobades s’hi va unir la cadena lateral comercial esmentada per via sintètica, en la qual s’ha hagut de fer un èmfasi especial en grups protectors. En total, 49 estructures es proposen per a ser obtingudes sintèticament. També s’ha treballat en l’obtenció un agonista derivat de l’hipotètic antagonista KM-01. Totes les molècules candidates, ja siguin comercials o obtingudes sintèticament, estant sent avaluades en el test d’inclinació de la làmina d’arròs (RLIT).


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Goyazensolide, a component extracted of Eremanthus goyazensis showed a significant inhibitory effect on egg-laying of Schistosoma mansoni during in vitro cultivation of this parasite. Motility of the worms was also reduced under treatment with goyazensolide and 90% of mortality was reached with concentrations up to 4mg/ml. It has found that separated worms were more susceptible than worms pairing during drug exposition and female alone was significantly more susceptible than male worm in the same conditions of in vitro cultivation. Natural products isolated from plants represent potential sources for the identification of structures useful for the design of alternative molecules to be used as new drug substances against several infectious diseases


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The anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity of natural products isolated from Azorella compacta was evaluated, with particular emphasis on their effect against intracellular amastigotes. Five diterpenoids from A. compacta derived from mulinane and azorellane were isolated and identified. Only two products, named azorellanol (Y-2) and mulin-11,3-dien-20-oic acid (Y-5), showed trypanocidal activity against all stages of T. cruzi including intracellular amastigotes. At 10 µM, these compounds displayed a strong lytic activity. It ranged from 88.4 ± 0.6 to 99.0 ± 1 % for all strains and stages evaluate, with an IC50 /18 h values of 20-84 µM and 41-87 µM, respectively. The development of intracellular amastigotes was also inhibited by nearly 60% at 25 µM. The trypanocidal molecules Y-2 and Y-5 did show different degrees of cytotoxicity depending on the cell line tested, with an IC50 /24 h ranging from 33.2 to 161.2 µM. We evaluated the effect of diterpenoids against intracellular T. cruzi forms by immunofluorescent identification of a specific membrane molecular marker (Ssp-4 antigen) of the T. cruzi amastigote forms. The accuracy and reproducibility of the measurements were found to be outstanding when examined by confocal microscopy.


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Natural products are an inexhaustible source of compounds with promising pharmacological activities including antiviral action. Violacein, the major pigment produced by Chromobacterium violaceum, has been shown to have antibiotic, antitumoral and anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activities. The goal of the present work was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of violacein and also its potential antiviral properties.The cytotoxicity of violacein was investigated by three methods: cell morphology evaluation by inverted light microscopy and cell viability tests using the Trypan blue dye exclusion method and the MTT assay. The cytotoxic concentration values which cause destruction in 50% of the monolayer cells (CC50) were different depending on the sensitivity of the method. CC50 values were > 2.07 ± 0.08 µM for FRhK-4 cells: > 2.23 ± 0.11 µM for Vero cells; > 2.54 ± 0.18 µM for MA104 cells; and > 2.70 ± 0.20 µM for HEp-2 cells. Violacein showed no cytopathic inhibition of the following viruses: herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) strain 29-R/acyclovir resistant, hepatitis A virus (strains HM175 and HAF-203) and adenovirus type 5 nor did it show any antiviral activity in the MTT assay. However violacein did show a weak inhibition of viral replication: 1.42 ± 0.68%, 14.48 ± 5.06% and 21.47 ± 3.74% for HSV-1 (strain KOS); 5.96 ± 2.51%, 8.75 ± 3.08% and 17.75 ± 5.19% for HSV-1 (strain ATCC/VR-733); 5.13 ± 2.38 %, 8.18 ± 1.11% and 8.51 ± 1.94% for poliovirus type 2; 8.30 ± 4.24%; 13.33 ± 4.66% and 24.27 ± 2.18% for simian rotavirus SA11, at 0.312, 0.625 and 1.250 mM, respectively, when measured by the MTT assay.


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Propolis has shown activity against pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases in humans and animals. The ethanol (Et-Blg) and acetone (Ket-Blg) extracts from a Bulgarian propolis, with known chemical compositions, presented similar activity against tissue culture-derived amastigotes. The treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected skeletal muscle cells with Et-Blg led to a decrease of infection and of the intracellular proliferation of amastigotes, while damage to the host cell was observed only at concentration 12.5 times higher than those affecting the parasite. Ultrastructural analysis of the effect of both extracts in epimastigotes revealed that the main targets were the mitochondrion and reservosomes. Et-Blg also affected the mitochondrion-kinetoplast complex in trypomastigotes, offering a potential target for chemotherapeutic agents.


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Extracts of propolis samples collected in Brazil and Bulgaria were assayed against four Leishmania species - Leishmania amazonensis, L. braziliensis, L. chagasi from the New World, and L. major from the Old World - associated to different clinical forms of leishmaniasis. The composition of the extracts has been previously characterized by high temperature high resolution gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Considering the chemical differences among the extracts and the behavior of the parasites, it was observed significant differences in the leishmanicidal activities with IC50/1 day values in the range of 2.8 to 229.3 µg/ml . An overall analysis showed that for all the species evaluated, Bulgarian extracts were more active than the ethanol Brazilian extract. As the assayed propolis extracts have their chemical composition determined it merits further investigation the effect of individual components or their combinations on each Leishmania species.


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Rheedia longifolia Planch et Triana belongs to the Clusiaceae family. This plant is widely distributed in Brazil, but its chemical and pharmacological properties have not yet been studied. We report here that leaves aqueous extract of R. longifolia (LAE) shows analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Oral or intraperitoneal administration of this extract dose-dependently inhibited the abdominal constrictions induced by acetic acid in mice. The analgesic effect and the duration of action were similar to those observed with sodium diclofenac, a classical non-steroidal analgesic. In addition to the effect seen in the abdominal constriction model, LAE was also able to inhibit the hyperalgesia induced by lipopolysaccharide from gram-negative bacteria (LPS) in rats. We also found that R. longifolia LAE inhibited an inflammatory reaction induced by LPS in the pleural cavity of mice. Acute toxicity was evaluated in mice treated with the extract for seven days with 50 mg/kg/day. Neither death, nor alterations in weight, blood leukocyte counts or hematocrit were noted. Our results suggest that aqueous extract from R. longifolia leaves has analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity with minimal toxicity and are therefore endowed with a potential for pharmacological control of pain and inflammation.


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Leishmaniasis, an endemic parasitosis that leads to chronic cutaneous, mucocutaneous or visceral lesions, is part of those diseases, which still requires improved control tools. Propolis has shown activities against different bacteria, fungi, and parasites. In this study we investigated the effect of four ethanolic extracts of typified propolis collected in different Brazilian states, on Leishmania amazonensis performing assays with promastigote forms, extracellular amastigotes, and on infected peritoneal macrophages. Ethanolic extracts of all propolis samples (BRG, BRPG, BRP-1, and BRV) were capable to reduce parasite load as monitored by the percentage of infected macrophages and the number of intracellular parasites. BRV sample called red propolis, collected in the state of Alagoas, and containing high concentration of prenylated and benzophenones compounds, was the most active extract against L. amazonensis. The anti-Leishmania effect of BRV sample was increased in a concentration and time dependent manner. BRV treatment proved to be non-toxic to macrophage cultures. Since BRV extract at the concentration of 25 µg/ml reduced the parasite load of macrophages while presented no direct toxic to promastigotes and extracellular amastigotes, it was suggested that constituents of propolis intensify the mechanism of macrophage activation leading to killing of L. amazonensis. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that ethanolic extracts of Brazilian propolis reduce L. amazonensis infection in macrophages, and encourage further studies of this natural compound in animal models of leishmaniasis.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis is responsible for over 8 million cases of tuberculosis (TB) annually. Natural products may play important roles in the chemotherapy of TB. The immunological activity of Davilla elliptica chloroform extract (DECE) was evaluated in vitro by the determination of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) release in peritoneal macrophages cultures. DECE was also tested for its antimycobacterial activity against M. tuberculosis using the microplate alamar blue assay. DECE (50, 150, 250 µg/ml) stimulated the production of H2O2 (from 1,79 ± 0,23 to 7,27 ± 2,54; 15,02 ± 2,86; 20,5 ± 2,1 nmols) (means ± SD), NO (from 2,64 ± 1,02 to 25,59 ± 2,29; 26,68 ± 2,41; 29,45 ± 5,87 µmols) (means ± SD) and TNF-alpha (from 2,44 ± 1,46 to 30,37 ± 8,13; 38,68 ± 1,59; 41,6 ± 0,90 units/ml) (means ± SD) in a dose-dependent manner and also showed a promising antimycobacterial activity with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 62,5 µg/ml. This plant may have therapeutic potential in the immunological and microbiological control of TB.


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The fungus Lentinus strigosus (Pegler 1983) (Polyporaceae, basidiomycete) was selected in a screen for inhibitory activity on Trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase (TR). The crude extract of L. strigosus was able to completely inhibit TR at 20 µg/ml. Two triquinane sesquiterpenoids (dihydrohypnophilin and hypnophilin), in addition to two panepoxydol derivatives (neopanepoxydol and panepoxydone), were isolated using a bioassay-guided fractionation protocol. Hypnophilin and panepoxydone displayed IC50 values of 0.8 and 38.9 µM in the TR assay, respectively, while the other two compounds were inactive. The activity of hypnophilin was confirmed in a secondary assay with the intracellular amastigote forms of T. cruzi, in which it presented an IC50 value of 2.5 µ M. Quantitative flow cytometry experiments demonstrated that hypnophilin at 4 µM also reduced the proliferation of human peripheral blood monocluear cells (PBMC) stimulated with phytohemaglutinin, without any apparent interference on the viability of lymphocytes and monocytes. As the host immune response plays a pivotal role in the adverse events triggered by antigen release during treatment with trypanocidal drugs, the ability of hypnophilin to kill the intracellular forms of T. cruzi while modulating human PBMC proliferation suggests that this terpenoid may be a promising prototype for the development of new chemotherapeutical agents for Chagas disease.


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Natural products have long been providing important drug leads for infectious diseases. Leishmaniasis is a protozoan parasitic disease found mainly in developing countries, and it has toxic therapies with few alternatives. Fungal infections have been the main cause of death in immunocompromised patients and new drugs are urgently needed. In this work, a total of 16 plant species belonging to 11 families, selected on an ethnopharmacological basis, were analyzed in vitro against Leishmania (L.) chagasi, Leishmania (L.) amazonensis, Candida krusei, and C. parapsilosis. Of these plant species, seven showed antifungal activity against C. krusei, five showed antileishmanial activity against L. chagasi and four against L. amazonensis, among them species of genus Plectranthus. Our findings confirm the traditional therapeutic use of these plants in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory disorders and also offer insights into the isolation of active and novel drug prototypes, especially those used against neglected diseases as Leishmaniasis.