Background The hand is an element of great importance to humans, as it enables us to have different grips. Its analysis, based on an accelerometer and electromyography, is critical in order to determine its operation. The processing and analysis of variables obtained by these devices offer a different approach in functional assessment. Therefore, knowledge of the muscles and elements of the hand in the grip force will offer a better approach for different interventions. Method The functionality of the hand of seven healthy subjects was parameterized and synchronized in real time based on grip force. The AcceleGlove was used to register accelerometric (fingers and palm) values and the Mega ME6000 was used for the surface electromyography and maximum voluntary contraction for the hand and forearm muscles. A computer script based on “R” and MATLAB software was developed to enable the correct interpretation of the main variables (variation of acceleration and maximum peak value of electromyography). Results The muscles of greater activity in grip was found in the hypothenar region (0.313 ± 0.148%) and the flexor ulnaris carpi (0.360 ± 0.118%), based on maximum voluntary contraction. Reference values in the module vector of the palm have proved an essential element for the identification of the movement phases. The ring and index fingers were the elements with the greatest variation of acceleration in the movement phases. Conclusion: Parameterization of the force grip and fragmentation of the registered data has been made possible due to the development of a technical procedure.
Level of contribution of intrinsic risk factors to the management of patients with plantar heel pain
Introduction: Injuries in the lower extremity are considered to have multifactorial causes, whilst people with heel pain represent the most frequent cause of visits to health professionals. Managing these patients can be very difficult. The purpose of this research is to identify key variables which can influence foot health in patients with heel pain. Materials and method: A cross-sectional observational study was carried out with a sample of sixty-two participants recruited from the Educational Welfare Unit of the University of Malaga. The therapists, blinded for the study, fill in the data with anthropometric information and the FPI, while participants fill in the foot health status questionnaire, FHSQ. The most significant results reveal that there is a moderate relation between the clinical variables and the FHSQ commands. The most significant contribution is the BMI in the foot health status questionnaire. Conclusion: The variables which can help manage clinical subjects with heel pain are age, BMI, footwear and FPI (left foot).
The aim of this study was to describe school leadership on a practical level. By observing the daily behaviour of a principal minute by minute, the study tried to answer the following questions: how did the principals use their time, did they have time to develop their school after participating in the daily life of the school, and how did the previously studied challenges of modern leadership show in their practical work? Five principals in different areas of Helsinki were observed – two women and three men. The principals were chosen at random from three educational conferences. The main hypothesis of this research was that the work of the principal consists of solving daily problems and routines concerning the pupils, teachers and other interest groups and writing all kinds of bureaucratic reports. This means that the school and its principal do not have enough resources to give to a visionary development of teaching and learning – in other words pedagogical leading – even though every principal has the best knowledge about his or her own school’s status quo and the needs for development revealed by this status quo. The research material was gathered by applying the Peer-Assisted Leadership method. The researcher shadowed each principal for four days for three hours at a time. After each shadowing period, any unclear situations were clarified with a short interview. After all the shadowing periods, the principals participated in a semi-structured interview that covered the themes emerging from the shadowing material. In addition to this, the principals evaluated their own leading with a self-assessment questionnaire. The results gathered from the shadowing material showed that the actions of the principals were focused on bureaucratic work. The principals spent most of their time in the office (more than 50%). In the office they were sitting mainly by the computer. They also spent a significant mount of time in the office meeting teachers and occasional visitors. The time spent building networks was relatively short, although the principals considered it as an important domain of leadership according to their interviews. After the classification of the shadowing material, the activities of the principals were divided according to certain factors affecting them. The underlying factors were quality management, daily life management, strategic thinking and emotional intelligence. Through these factors the research showed that coping with the daily life of the school took about 40% of the principals’ time. Activities connected with emotional intelligence could be observed over 30% and activities which required strategic thinking were observed over 20% of the time. The activities which according to the criteria of the research consisted of quality management took only 8% of the principals’ time. This result was congruent with previous studies showing that the work of school leaders is focused on something other than developing the quality of teaching and learning. Keywords: distributed leadership, building community, network building, interaction, emotional intelligence, strategy, quality management
Background: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a causative agent of chronic tuberculosis disease, is widespread among some animal species too. There is paucity of information on the distribution, prevalence and true disease status of tuberculosis in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). The aim of this study was to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of serological tests to diagnose M. tuberculosis infection in captive elephants in southern India while simultaneously estimating sero-prevalence. Methodology/Principal Findings: Health assessment of 600 elephants was carried out and their sera screened with a commercially available rapid serum test. Trunk wash culture of select rapid serum test positive animals yielded no animal positive for M. tuberculosis isolation. Under Indian field conditions where the true disease status is unknown, we used a latent class model to estimate the diagnostic characteristics of an existing (rapid serum test) and new (four in-house ELISA) tests. One hundred and seventy nine sera were randomly selected for screening in the five tests. Diagnostic sensitivities of the four ELISAs were 91.3-97.6% (95% Credible Interval (CI): 74.8-99.9) and diagnostic specificity were 89.6-98.5% (95% CI: 79.4-99.9) based on the model we assumed. We estimate that 53.6% (95% CI: 44.6-62.8) of the samples tested were free from infection with M. tuberculosis and 15.9% (97.5% CI: 9.8 - to 24.0) tested positive on all five tests. Conclusions/Significance: Our results provide evidence for high prevalence of asymptomatic M. tuberculosis infection in Asian elephants in a captive Indian setting. Further validation of these tests would be important in formulating area-specific effective surveillance and control measures.
Anthropogenic aerosols play a crucial role in our environment, climate, and health. Assessment of spatial and temporal variation in anthropogenic aerosols is essential to determine their impact. Aerosols are of natural and anthropogenic origin and together constitute a composite aerosol system. Information about either component needs elimination of the other from the composite aerosol system. In the present work we estimated the anthropogenic aerosol fraction (AF) over the Indian region following two different approaches and inter-compared the estimates. We espouse multi-satellite data analysis and model simulations (using the CHIMERE Chemical transport model) to derive natural aerosol distribution, which was subsequently used to estimate AF over the Indian subcontinent. These two approaches are significantly different from each other. Natural aerosol satellite-derived information was extracted in terms of optical depth while model simulations yielded mass concentration. Anthropogenic aerosol fraction distribution was studied over two periods in 2008: premonsoon (March-May) and winter (November-February) in regard to the known distinct seasonality in aerosol loading and type over the Indian region. Although both techniques have derived the same property, considerable differences were noted in temporal and spatial distribution. Satellite retrieval of AF showed maximum values during the pre-monsoon and summer months while lowest values were observed in winter. On the other hand, model simulations showed the highest concentration of AF in winter and the lowest during pre-monsoon and summer months. Both techniques provided an annual average AF of comparable magnitude (similar to 0.43 +/- 0.06 from the satellite and similar to 0.48 +/- 0.19 from the model). For winter months the model-estimated AF was similar to 0.62 +/- 0.09, significantly higher than that (0.39 +/- 0.05) estimated from the satellite, while during pre-monsoon months satellite-estimated AF was similar to 0.46 +/- 0.06 and the model simulation estimation similar to 0.53 +/- 0.14. Preliminary results from this work indicate that model-simulated results are nearer to the actual variation as compared to satellite estimation in view of general seasonal variation in aerosol concentrations.
Caminhos da formação de gestores de sistemas e serviços de saúde: uma análise da adequação entre teoria e a prática?. O cotidiano da gestão dos sistemas serviços de saúde é constituído de questões que perpassam o contexto das políticas econômicas, interagem com as faces das incorporações tecnológicas, estando intimamente relacionado ao componente regional e social. Nesse ambiente de alta labilidade torna-se importante a utilização de mecanismos que reforcem a interação entre educação e trabalho. A responsabilidade da formação profissional deve relacionar-se aos resultados das necessidades da assistência à saúde, guiadas pelos resultados de avaliações sistemáticas. O objetivo principal desta tese consistiu em analisar a adequação do conteúdo teórico representado nas dimensões de competências do Curso de Especialização em Gestão em Saúde do IMS/UERJ face às reais necessidades de aplicação das competências gerenciais dos egressos no desempenho de suas funções no dia a dia de trabalho. O estudo a adequação dos conteúdos educacionais ás necessidades contextuais dos processos de trabalho, importa na leitura das condições de enfrentamento dos problemas cotidianos, as dificuldades ou facilidades de soluções podem variar em função do nível de apropriação dos saberes trabalhados no processo aprendizagem. Ainda que as dificuldades da gestão no ambiente da saúde não resultem apenas de fatores ligados á formação profissional, essa vertente precisar ser monitorada visando contribuir com as reais necessidades de desempenho dos gerentes. Tais necessidades podem ser facilitadas pelo aumento da capacidade de análise contextuais e pelo domínio de manuseio de ferramentas técnicas que se configurem como instrumentos de resolução de problemas na realidade cotidianas. A partir do problema pesquisado, e dos resultados encontrados foi possível concluir, respondendo às questões de partida: (i) O curso de Especialização em gestão de saúde do IMS/UERJ atende as necessidades de desempenho profissional de seus egressos em suas funções cotidianas gerenciais considerando as respostas destes, classificando em mais 80% das dimensões de competência componentes do conteúdo programático como muito importante e indispensável no desempenho pratico de suas funções cotidianas. (ii) Os ajustes á serem inseridos ao conteúdo programático do Curso de Especialização em Gestão de Saúde, segundo seus egressos, e demais entrevistados para o atendimento das reais necessidades de capacitação dos gerentes de sistemas e serviços de saúde, está configurado nas considerações finais desta tese. Os resultados dessa tese oferecem subsídios para formulação de conteúdo programático que fomentem as necessidades de profissionalização da gestão na saúde. O estudo dessas situações, no campo prático, aponta perspectivas positivas com a busca de aperfeiçoamento de programa de capacitação de gestão de saúde e, por conseguinte representa um investimento importante para a melhoria da assistência à saúde da população.
O presente estudo aborda a introdução de ações de regulação na gestão de saúde de um município do interior do estado do Rio de Janeiro, de 2009 a 2012. Mais especificamente, são analisadas a responsabilização sanitária do ente municipal a partir da aquisição da gestão plena do sistema (Pacto de Gestão) e as ações desencadeadas pela implantação do Controle, Avaliação e Auditoria, e pela criação do Complexo Regulador, tendo como referência a Política Nacional de Regulação. A metodologia empregada envolveu análise documental e entrevistas com informantes-chave. Os resultados demonstram o desenvolvimento de ações em todas as dimensões da regulação e o amadurecimento da função reitora da secretaria municipal de saúde sobre o sistema, através do direcionamento qualitativo e quantitativo dos prestadores privados.
The 1997 International Year of the Reef sees the release of ReefBase 2.0: a global database on coral reefs and their resources. It provides the most comprehensive and accessible repository of information to date. Containing information on over 7000 coral reefs in more than 123 countries, ReefBase 2.0 offers an extensive range of time-related data pertaining to coastal tourism, benthic environment ecology, fish population statistics, oceanography, socioeconomics, mariculture, and harvest activities. It also outlines the stresses causing reef degradation as well as management initiatives. Complemented by hundreds of digitized maps provided by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) and over 500 high quality photographs, ReefBase 2.0 is not only an essential tool for coral reef management but also an comprehensive guide for tourists, scuba divers and snorkelers alike. ReefBase has contributed substantially to the success of the International Coral Reef Institute (ICRI) and serves as the official database of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), bringing together an increasing volume of data on coral reef health, management and significance to humanity, and making it widely available. Over the next five years, the information contained within ReefBase will be utilized as an instrument for developing coral reef health assessment criteria, sustainable management criteria, and providing continuously updated summaries of threats endangering coral reefs around the globe. This will be a strong basis for focused corrective action in an attempt to conserve coral reefs and properly manage their resources for future generations.
A dissertação tem como objetivo aplicar um método de custeio aos gastos atribuídos, pelo Hospital Nelson Salles, na execução do serviço público de saúde, em apoio ao Município Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin. Para a realização deste trabalho, o estudo utilizou-se da pesquisa bibliográfica para fundamentar e ilustrar o tema proposto, bem como, do método exploratório descritivo para reconhecer a situação da instituição e identificar uma metodologia de controle dos custos adequada à realidade da organização estudada. A apuração de custos em organizações hospitalares justifica-se: pelo aumento na demanda de clientes; pelo crescimento dos gastos na área da saúde e pelas limitações decorrentes dos orçamentos das entidades públicas, onde as organizações necessitam adotar um sistema que forneça informações úteis referentes aos custos, em especial ao hospital, objeto de estudo, por não dispor de um sistema de custos. Um sistema de apuração de custos pode trazer aos gestores hospitalares informações relevantes ao planejamento, controle e tomada de decisão com vistas à otimizar os recursos limitados e a manutenção da qualidade no atendimento ao paciente. Neste contexto, foram apresentados os principais métodos de custeio utilizados para a implementação do sistema de gestão de custos hospitalares, que são custeio por absorção; com apropriação por centro de custos, o custeio variado e o custeio baseado em atividades (ABC).Como resultado alcançado foi aplicado o tradicional método de custeio adotado para implementar um sistema de gestão de custos hospitalar, que é o custeio por absorção, pois o hospital em estudo não apresenta controle de custos e, portanto, o sistema tradicional é o mais adequado para uma primeira avaliação dos custos; para melhor visualização dos custos executados na atividade de saúde foi aplicado o critério de rateio por departamentalização dos custos indireto. Depende de cada hospital identificar qual o método mais adequado a sua estrutura organizacional. Em relação às considerações finais, sugeriu-se a utilização da departamentalização, que proporcionará ao Hospital Nelson Salles importantes informações gerenciais. No atual contexto organizacional, identificou-se que o recomendável é o método de custeio por absorção, por ser o mais tradicional, atender a legislação fiscal e demanda menores investimentos para sua implementação.
Sentinel species such as bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) can be impacted by large-scale mortality events due to exposure to marine algal toxins. In the Sarasota Bay region (Gulf of Mexico, Florida, USA), the bottlenose dolphin population is frequently exposed to harmful algal blooms (HABs) of Karenia brevis and the neurotoxic brevetoxins (PbTx; BTX) produced by this dinoflagellate. Live dolphins sampled during capture-release health assessments performed in this region tested positive for two HAB toxins; brevetoxin and domoic acid (DA). Over a ten-year study period (2000–2009) we have determined that bottlenose dolphins are exposed to brevetoxin and/or DA on a nearly annual basis (i.e., DA: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009; brevetoxin: 2000, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009) with 36% of all animals testing positive for brevetoxin (n = 118) and 53% positive for DA (n = 83) with several individuals (14%) testing positive for both neurotoxins in at least one tissue/fluid. To date there have been no previously published reports of DA in southwestern Florida marine mammals, however the May 2008 health assessment coincided with a Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima bloom that was the likely source of DA observed in seawater and live dolphin samples. Concurrently, both DA and brevetoxin were observed in common prey fish. Although no Pseudo-nitzschia bloom was identified the following year, DA was identified in seawater, fish, sediment, snails, and dolphins. DA concentrations in feces were positively correlated with hematologic parameters including an increase in total white blood cell (p = 0.001) and eosinophil (p<0.001) counts. Our findings demonstrate that dolphins within Sarasota Bay are commonly exposed to two algal toxins, and provide the impetus to further explore the potential long-term impacts on bottlenose dolphin health.
A survey study of cancer survivors was conducted to explore the coping resources, which buffers the life of cancer survivors against stressful situation. Participants reported coping strategies, positive affect and negative affect, personality, perceived social support, fighting spirit and helpless/hopeless as well as quality of life through a set of self-assessment questionnaire. The results indicated that the frequency of coping strategies used by cancer survivors from high to low were: growing, problem solving, seeking support,self-controlling, wishful thinking, and distancing. The correlational analysis indicated that among the six sets of coping strategies, growing was positively correlated most strongly with most of the dimensions in quality of life as well as positive affect. Among the five personality, Neuroticism was positively correlated most strongly with helpless/hopeless and negative affect; and was negatively correlated most strongly with fighting spirit and positive affect. Extraversion was positively correlated most strongly with positive affect and negatively correlated most strongly with helpless/hopeless; Agreeableness was negatively correlated most strongly with negative affect; Conscientiousness was positively correlated most strongly with fighting spirit. Subjects with higher score in quality of life reported higher frequency of coping strategies in growing and problem solving and less in wishful thinking. They also reported higher scores in Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness as well as lower scores in Neuroticism. The regression analysis displayed that not negative affect but positive affect entered the regression model when all the psychological and social variables in the study were accounted for. Taken together, these data suggested that, growing was the most effective coping strategy among the six sets of strategies for cancer survivors to improve quality of life, to maintain positive affect and to enhance fighting spirit. Neuroticism was vulnerable to resist stressors; Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness were stress-resisted factors. Positive affect may has more adaptational significance than negative affect during chronic stress. These data also implicated that positive affect should be paid more attention to in coping research.