969 resultados para Guidance parentale
One of the most common dental problems in today's clinics is tooth wear, specifically when related to bruxism. In such cases, the esthetics of anterior teeth may be compromised when excessive wear to the incisal surfaces occurs. Anterior tooth wear resulting from parafunctional bruxism can be conservatively treated with the use of direct resin composite restorations. This restorative approach has the advantages of presenting good predictability, load resistance, acceptable longevity, preservation of healthy dental tissues, and lower cost when compared with indirect restorations. The use of resin composites to solve esthetic problems, however, requires skill and practice. Thus, the present article demonstrates a conservative approach for restoring the esthetics and function of worn anterior teeth with the aid of direct resin composite restorations and selective occlusal adjustment. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE A conservative approach to restore anterior teeth with excessive wear is possible with direct resin composites. (J Esthet Restor Dent 24:171-184, 2011)
Objective To evaluate the perinatal outcomes in hydropic fetuses with congenital microcystic pulmonary lesions that underwent percutaneous, invasive, laser therapy. Method This retrospective study reviews the literature and our experience between 2004 and 2010. Characteristics of the cystic lung lesions, liquor volume (presence of polyhydramnios or not), localization of ablation (vascular vs interstitial) and gestational age at which the procedure was performed were related to outcome (survival). Results In total, 16 fetuses with congenital lung lesions underwent invasive percutaneous laser ablation, seven performed in our center and nine published cases. Survival rate was higher in fetuses with a subsequent postnatal diagnosis of bronchopulmonary sequestration (87.5%) compared with congenital adenomatoid malformation (28.6%; p?=?0.04). The technique of vascular ablation was more successful (100%) than interstitial ablation (25.0%, p?<?0.01). Conclusion Percutaneous vascular laser ablation seems to be effective for bronchopulmonary sequestration in hydropic fetuses. Outcomes were worst following interstitial ablation for microcystic congenital adenomatoid with hydrops. (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background: Repulsive guidance molecules (RGM) are high-affinity ligands for the Netrin receptor Neogenin, and they are crucial for nervous system development including neural tube closure; neuronal and neural crest cell differentiation and axon guidance. Recent studies implicated RGM molecules in bone morphogenetic protein signaling, which regulates a variety of developmental processes. Moreover, a role for RGMc in iron metabolism has been established. This suggests that RGM molecules may play important roles in non-neural tissues. Results: To explore which tissues and processed may be regulated by RGM molecules, we systematically investigated the expression of RGMa and RGMb, the only RGM molecules currently known for avians, in the chicken embryo. Conclusions: Our study suggests so far unknown roles of RGM molecules in notochord, somite and skeletal muscle development. Developmental Dynamics, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Patients with rare and complex diseases such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) often receive fragmented and inadequate care unless efforts are coordinated among providers. Translating the concepts of the medical home and comprehensive health care for individuals with CAH offers many benefits for the affected individuals and their families. This manuscript represents the recommendations of a 1.5 day meeting held in September 2009 to discuss the ideal goals for comprehensive care centers for newborns, infants, children, adolescents, and adults with CAH. Participants included pediatric endocrinologists, internal medicine and reproductive endocrinologists, pediatric urologists, pediatric surgeons, psychologists, and pediatric endocrine nurse educators. One unique aspect of this meeting was the active participation of individuals personally affected by CAH as patients or parents of patients. Representatives of Health Research and Services Administration (HRSA), New York-Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Genetics and Newborn Screening Services (NYMAC), and National Newborn Screening and Genetics Resource Center (NNSGRC) also participated. Thus, this document should serve as a "roadmap" for the development phases of comprehensive care centers (CCC) for individuals and families affected by CAH.
[EN] This article presents a practical case of a pervasive multimedia guidance system for public transport passengers. In order to provide useful information to passengers, the system is capable of operating and adapting spontaneously to the different parts of a public transport network, using local data communication technologies. The multimedia data provided by the system are highly accessible, and adapt to the passengers' preferences, and are consequently suitable for special needs passengers. To this end, a paradigm of pervasive computing has been applied.
A pursuer UAV tracking and loitering around a target is the problem analyzed in this thesis. The UAV is assumed to be a fixed-wing vehicle and constant airspeed together with bounded lateral accelerations are the main constraints of the problem. Three different guidance laws are designed for ensuring a continuos overfly on the target. Different proofs are presented to demonstrate the stability properties of the laws. All the algorithms are tested on a 6DoF Pioneer software simulator. Classic control design methods have been adopted to develop autopilots for implementig the simulation platform used for testing the guidance laws.
Die Neurogenese und axonale Wegfindung sind in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten Thema einer Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen in den verschiedensten Organismen gewesen. Die zusammengetragenen Daten in Insekten und Crustaceen geben eine gute Übersicht darüber, wie das Nervensystem in Arthropoden aufgebaut wird. Die entwicklungsbiologischen Prozesse, die daran beteiligt sind, sind in den beiden genannten Gruppen sehr gut verstanden. In den Gruppen der Cheliceraten und Myriapoden jedoch wurden ähnliche Analysen bisher kaum durchgeführt. Das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit war es daher, Mechanismen in den Spinnen Achaearanea tepidariorum und Cupiennius salei, zwei Vertretern der Cheliceraten, zu untersuchen, die eine Rolle im Leitsystem der ventralen Mittellinie und bei der axonalen Wegfindung spielen. Eine Vorraussetzung hierfür sind Kenntnisse über die Architektur des Zentralnervensystems. In einem ersten Schritt beschrieb ich daher grundlegend die Morphologie des Nervensystems im Verlauf der gesamten Embryoalentwicklung. Ich konnte zeigen, dass in Spinnen ein für Arthropoden typisches Strickleiternervensystem gebildet wird. Dieses wird von segmental angelegten Neuronen geformt, wobei sowohl Gruppen von Zellen als auch einzelne Neurone daran beteiligt sind, die primären axonalen Trakte zu etablieren. Im Besonderen konnte ich eine Zelle identifizieren, die in Position, Projektionsmuster und der Expression des Markergens even-skipped vergleichbar zum PR2 Neuron in Drosophila ist, welches die posteriore Wurzel des Segmentalnervs anlegt.rnrnIn einem zweiten Ansatz untersuchte ich die ventrale Mittellinie in Spinnen im Bezug auf ihre mögliche Funktion in der axonalen Wegfindung. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es sich beim Epithel der Mittellinie, das die Lücke zwischen beiden Keimstreifhälften während des gesamten Prozesses der Inversion überspannt, um eine transiente Struktur handelt, die keine neuralen Zellen hervorbringt. Es ist daher vergleichbar mit der so genannten Floor plate in Vertebraten, die ebenfalls nur vorübergehend existiert. Die Untersuchung von single minded (sim) zeigte, dass es, anders als in Drosophila, wo sim ein wichtiges regulatorisches Gen für die korrekte Spezifizierung von Mittellinienzellen ist, nicht in den Zellen der Mittellinie, sondern in diesen benachbarten Zellen, exprimiert wird. Das ist vergleichbar mit Vertebraten. Zusätzlich konnte ich Expression von sim an den Basen der Gliedmassen und im Kopf nachweisen. Wie in Vertebraten könnte sim an der Musterbildung dieser Gewebe beteiligt sein. Dennoch spielt die Mittellinie in Spinnen eine wichtige Rolle als Organisator für auswachsende, kommissurale Axone. Diese Funktion teilt sie mit anderen Invertebraten und Vertebraten.rnrnDie Signaltransduktionskaskade, die an der axonalen Wegfindung an der Mittellinie beteiligt ist, ist in den verschiedensten Organismen hoch konserviert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte ich sowohl in Achaearanea als auch in Cupiennius ein netrin Homolog identifizieren und eine konservierte Funktion des Wegfindungsmoleküls während der Bildung der Kommissuren aufzeigen. RNAi Experimente belegen, dass, wird die Funktion von netrin herunterreguliert, das Strickleiternervensystem nicht korrekt gebildet wird, ins Besondere die kommissuralen Faszikel. Des Weiteren konnte ich eine neue Funktion von netrin, die bisher in anderen Organsimen noch nicht beschrieben wurde, identifizieren. Neben seiner Rolle in der axonalen Wegfindung, scheint netrin auch an der epithelialen Morphogenese im zentralen Nervensystem beteiligt zu sein. In dieser Funktion scheint netrin in Gliazellen, die die epithelialen Vesikel der Invaginationsgruppen umhüllen, wichtig zu sein, um neurale Vorläuferzellen in einem undifferenzierten Zustand zu halten. Der Abbau von netrin Transkript durch RNA Interferenz führt zu einer verfrühten Segregation neuraler Vorläuferzellen aus dem epithelialen Verband der Invaginationsgruppen und zu einer Zunahme an Zellen, die den frühen Differenzierungsmarker islet exprimieren.
Questo lavoro cerca di identificare elementi che confermino una provenienza univoca del sedimento della Pianura Padana centrale e di verificarne la qualità tramite analisi
to report acute and late toxicity in prostate cancer patients treated by high-dose intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with daily image-guidance.
Little is known about the learning of the skills needed to perform ultrasound- or nerve stimulator-guided peripheral nerve blocks. The aim of this study was to compare the learning curves of residents trained in ultrasound guidance versus residents trained in nerve stimulation for axillary brachial plexus block. Ten residents with no previous experience with using ultrasound received ultrasound training and another ten residents with no previous experience with using nerve stimulation received nerve stimulation training. The novices' learning curves were generated by retrospective data analysis out of our electronic anaesthesia database. Individual success rates were pooled, and the institutional learning curve was calculated using a bootstrapping technique in combination with a Monte Carlo simulation procedure. The skills required to perform successful ultrasound-guided axillary brachial plexus block can be learnt faster and lead to a higher final success rate compared to nerve stimulator-guided axillary brachial plexus block.
The role of low-level stimulus-driven control in the guidance of overt visual attention has been difficult to establish because low- and high-level visual content are spatially correlated within natural visual stimuli. Here we show that impairment of parietal cortical areas, either permanently by a lesion or reversibly by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), leads to fixation of locations with higher values of low-level features as compared to control subjects or in a no-rTMS condition. Moreover, this unmasking of stimulus-driven control crucially depends on the intrahemispheric balance between top-down and bottom-up cortical areas. This result suggests that although in normal behavior high-level features might exert a strong influence, low-level features do contribute to guide visual selection during the exploration of complex natural stimuli.