917 resultados para Francisco I, Emperador de Austria
Na Europa Central, onde ocorreram as principais batalhas terrestres, chamou-se Guerra dos Sete Anos; na Inglaterra, que foi a principal vencedora, chamou-se A Grande Guerra do Império; Nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, que passou a ser inglês ao final dos combates, chamou-se de Guerra Franco-Índia.
This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.
514 p.
Esta dissertação possui como objetivo oferecer uma contribuição para o estudo dos controles internos no setor público brasileiro, por meio de comparação entre os aspectos do sistema de controle interno de um órgão público com os conceitos disseminados pelo COSO e literatura correlata. O senso comum, apoiado em inúmeras denúncias veiculadas na mídia sobre superfaturamentos e fraudes ocorridas na Administração Pública, remete à ideia de que os órgãos desse setor não possuem mecanismos suficientes que visem evitar esses desvios de recurso do Erário. A pesquisa foi conduzida por meio de um estudo de caso, tendo como unidade de análise o processo de pagamento de pessoal de uma Organização Militar da Marinha. Para tanto, foi elaborado um instrumento de avaliação do controle interno, baseado no modelo COSO-I adequado à realidade da entidade estudada, para em seguida, com o apoio dessa ferramenta, verificar o nível de harmonização do sistema de controle interno da organização com a estrutura teórica, evidenciando as similaridades e diferenças entre eles. Os resultados apontam para um nível de harmonização de 76,58%. Das diferenças encontradas, 71% das diferenças podem ser explicadas por fatores externos à organização e 29% podem ser explicados pelo modelo interno de gestão, podendo ser convertidos em proximidades com ações executadas na própria organização.
Water beetle larvae and pupae were collected from the lotic biotopes in localities of the southern part of Ceylon. The species are described and findings are related to previous investigations. The following families were represented: Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae, Helodidae, Dascillidae (Eubrianacinae), Dryopidae and Lampyridae.
Autorka, stawiając pytanie o zasadność pojęcia Europy Środkowej, przypomina historię różnic poglądowych pomiędzy czeskimi a polskimi uczonymi na temat (nie)istnienia wspólnoty na tym terytorium: ci pierwsi w XIX wieku głosili ideę panslawizmu, w 30-tych latach XX wieku potrzebę syntezy kultur i literatur słowiańskich, a po II wojnie światowej przeciwstawiali słowiańskość Zachodowi, co wywoływało krytykę tych drugich. Stąd wynika odmienne rozumienie obszaru środkowoeuropejskiego – w Czechach przeważnie lokowanego w granicach Austro-Węgier, zaś w Polsce pojmowanego znacznie szerzej. Natomiast pewnego rodzaju spójny wyróżnik Europy Środkowej można znaleźć w literaturze, przytaczany bywa szczególnie gatunek powieści (np. Kafki, Haška, Musila, Gombrowicza), poprzedzony – jak przypomina autorka – polską gawędą i popularnym w Polsce szkicem fizjologicznym. Zawarty w nich element humoru, przeszedł w stadium satyry, a następnie groteski, tworząc dzięki temu niepowtarzalny odcień humoru środkowoeuropejskiego, często określanego jako drugi wyróżnik omawianego terytorium. Zdaniem autorki, środkowoeuropejska specyfika ściśle związana jest z kodem euroatlantyckim, a w tym właśnie kontekście zawsze powinna być rozpatrywana.
This paper reviews the fingerprint classification literature looking at the problem from a double perspective. We first deal with feature extraction methods, including the different models considered for singular point detection and for orientation map extraction. Then, we focus on the different learning models considered to build the classifiers used to label new fingerprints. Taxonomies and classifications for the feature extraction, singular point detection, orientation extraction and learning methods are presented. A critical view of the existing literature have led us to present a discussion on the existing methods and their drawbacks such as difficulty in their reimplementation, lack of details or major differences in their evaluations procedures. On this account, an experimental analysis of the most relevant methods is carried out in the second part of this paper, and a new method based on their combination is presented.
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Wydział Neofilologii:Instytut Filologii Germańskiej
En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de los resultados obtenidos en el examen diagnóstico de matemáticas, aplicado a los alumnos de nuevo ingreso en el CECYT “Juan de Dios Bátiz Paredes”, del I.P.N. Este análisis se realiza considerando los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación del mismo, durante un período de tres años. Los reactivos del examen están elaborados considerando los temas y clasificación especificados en el plan de estudios de la Secundaria, según el Ceneval. En habilidad matemática podemos mencionar: sucesiones numéricas, patrones numéricos, series espaciales, patrones espaciales, problemas aritméticos y problemas de razonamiento. El examen está dividido en: aritmética, álgebra y geometría. También se evalúa conceptos y operaciones y resolución de problemas. El informe destaca los reactivos con mayores y menores porcentajes de aciertos, documentando el tipo de errores más comunes que incurren y su relación que guarda con la enseñanza de las matemáticas. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se plantean acciones para que los alumnos puedan afrontar con buenos resultados los cursos de matemáticas del bachillerato.
El siguiente documento presenta una secuencia de actividades para trabajar la noción del concepto de limite involucrado en el pensamiento variacional en grado once, donde se toma como punto de partida el trabajo con sucesiones, permitiendo desarrollar a través del uso de diferentes tipos de sucesiones y la noción de convergencia; dicho concepto, tomado desde la definición de (Steward, Redlin, & Watson, 2001). Basado en la metodología propuesta por el grupo (DECA, 1992), la cual, no solo muestra el enseñar matemáticas, como entregar algoritmos al estudiante, sino que por el contrario, un aprendizaje desde la construcción del objeto matemático, resaltando la participación activa y critica del estudiante.
Reality shows are TV programs which represent a format used in television nowadays; however, the observation practices of individual and/or group intimacy dates from thousands years ago. Sometimes this was driven by voyeurism or morbid fascination, some others, by the purpose of guarding, supervising and maintaining status quo. This work offers an alternative answer to the explanation of this type of TV program emergence and relates this appearance to a government procedure bound up with modern State terrorism which began at the end of the eighteenth century and has been recalled by different regimes until present days.
Drill cores from the inner-alpine valley terrace of Unterangerberg, located in the Eastern Alps of Austria, offer first insights into a Pleistocene sedimentary record that was not accessible so far. The succession comprises diamict, gravel, sand, lignite and thick, fine grained sediments. Additionally, cataclastic deposits originating from two paleo-landslide events are present. Multi-proxy analyses including sedimentological and palynological investigations as well as radiocarbon and luminescence data record the onset of the last glacial period (Wurmian) at Unterangerberg at similar to 120-110 ka. This first time period, correlated to the MIS 5d, was characterised by strong fluvial aggradation under cold climatic conditions, with only sparse vegetation cover. Furthermore, two large and quasi-synchronous landslide events occurred during this time interval. No record of the first Early Wiirmian interstadial (MIS 5c) is preserved. During the second Early Wiirmian interstadial (MIS 5a), the local vegetation was characterised by a boreal forest dominated by Picea, with few thermophilous elements. The subsequent collapse of the vegetation is recorded by sediments dated to similar to 70-60 ka (i.e. MIS 4), with very low pollen concentrations and the potential presence of permafrost. Climatic conditions improved again between similar to 55 and 45 ka (MIS 3) and cold-adapted trees re-appeared during interstadials, forming an open forest vegetation. MIS 3 stadials were shorter and less severe than the MIS 4 at Unterangerberg, and vegetation during these cold phases was mainly composed of shrubs, herbs and grasses, similar to what is known from today's alpine timberline. The Unterangerberg record ended at similar to 45 ka and/or was truncated by ice during the Last Glacial Maximum. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Our aim was to test the prediction and clinical applicability of high-sensitivity assayed troponin I for incident cardiovascular events in a general middle-aged European population.
Methods and results
High-sensitivity assayed troponin I was measured in the Scottish Heart Health Extended Cohort (n = 15 340) with 2171 cardiovascular events (including acute coronary heart disease and probable ischaemic strokes), 714 coronary deaths (25% of all deaths), 1980 myocardial infarctions, and 797 strokes of all kinds during an average of 20 years follow-up. Detection rate above the limit of detection (LoD) was 74.8% in the overall population and 82.6% in men and 67.0% in women. Troponin I assayed by the high-sensitivity method was associated with future cardiovascular risk after full adjustment such as that individuals in the fourth category had 2.5 times the risk compared with those without detectable troponin I (P < 0.0001). These associations remained significant even for those individuals in whom levels of contemporary-sensitivity troponin I measures were not detectable. Addition of troponin I levels to clinical variables led to significant increases in risk prediction with significant improvement of the c-statistic (P < 0.0001) and net reclassification (P < 0.0001). A threshold of 4.7 pg/mL in women and 7.0 pg/mL in men is suggested to detect individuals at high risk for future cardiovascular events.
Troponin I, measured with a high-sensitivity assay, is an independent predictor of cardiovascular events and might support selection of at risk individuals.
The member states of the European Union are faced with the challenges of handling “big data” as well as with a growing impact of the supranational level. Given that the success of efforts at European level strongly depends on corresponding national and local activities, i.e., the quality of implementation and the degree of consistency, this chapter centers upon the coherence of European strategies and national implementations concerning the reuse of public sector information. Taking the City of Vienna’s open data activities as an illustrative example, we seek an answer to the question whether and to what extent developments at European level and other factors have an effect on local efforts towards open data. We find that the European Commission’s ambitions are driven by a strong economic argumentation, while the efforts of the City of Vienna have only very little to do with the European orientation and are rather dominated by lifestyle and administrative reform arguments. Hence, we observe a decoupling of supranational strategies and national implementation activities. The very reluctant attitude at Austrian federal level might be one reason for this, nationally induced barriers—such as the administrative culture—might be another. In order to enhance the correspondence between the strategies of the supranational level and those of the implementers at national and regional levels, the strengthening of soft law measures could be promising.