981 resultados para Folklore -- Andalusia


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This article analyzes the historical, social and cognitive dimensions of the sociology of medicine in the construction of its identity, from Wolf Lepenies' perspective. It is understood that the construction of an identity does not end with the first historical manifestations, but is consolidated when it is institutionalized and structured as a field of knowledge by creating its own forms of cognitive expression. The text is divided into three parts: in the first the precursors are presented, highlighting the role played by some travelers, naturalists and folklore scholars, followed by social physicians-scientists and the first social scientists (1940-1969). In the second part, aspects of the consolidation of the social sciences in health are presented at two significant moments, namely the 1970s and 1980s. In the third part, the issues raised by the field are addressed in general terms. It is considered that once the main structural stages are in place there is still a need for the formation of new generations of social scientists in health. It is also essential to disseminate scientific production and to ensure that the relations are studied in depth and institutionalized with the sociological matrices on the one hand and with the field of health on the other.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Esse estudo avaliou as práticas populares nos cuidados com a saúde bucal decorrentes de patologias como a cárie dentária, doença periodontal, entre outras, no distrito de Tabajara, Estado de Rondônia, Brasil, tendo em vista que o folclore é muito presente na cultura popular, sendo considerado um fato social e cultural, ao mesmo tempo atingindo e influenciando os cuidados quanto à saúde bucal. Realizou-se um estudo quanti-qualitativo, sendo a amostra composta por catorze mulheres e seis homens. O instrumento de pesquisa compreendeu um questionário, com questões objetivas e subjetivas, sendo os dados analisados sob a forma descritiva. Observou-se um baixo nível de conhecimento em aspectos relacionados à saúde bucal nas pessoas analisadas, bem como uma variedade de métodos alternativos para "tratamento" e "prevenção" de afecções bucais. Concluiu-se que há necessidade de um conhecimento mais aprofundado da população-alvo dos programas em saúde, haja vista que introduzem, quase sempre, mudanças culturais, e para que sejam construtivos e não desintegradores, devem levar em conta a estrutura sociocultural da comunidade onde serão executados.


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Notas sobre o bicho-da-seda no folclore chinês. Duas lendas sobre o bicho-da-seda (Bombyx mori Linnaeus, 1758) no folclore chinês são apresentadas: uma sobre a sua origem, a outra sobre os gatos como protetores do bicho-da-seda e da sericultura.


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Encontrados no Brasil desde os primórdios da colonização portuguesa, os presépios logo tiveram de adaptar-se à realidade local, circunstância muito propícia ao aparecimento de concepções heterodoxas e ao emprego de elementos exóticos da fauna e flora de cada região. Como registros envolvendo insetos são muito pouco comuns, chama a atenção que fêmeas de saúva, Atta sp. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), tenham sido aproveitadas na composição de presépios no estado de São Paulo. Tendo subsistido pelo menos até a década 1960, os "presépios de formigas" existentes em cidades como Embu das Artes poderiam estar relacionados às "formigas vestidas" criadas por Jules Martin, curiosa manufatura paulistana do último quartel do século XIX.


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A method was optimized for the analysis of omeprazole (OMZ) by ultra-high speed LC with diode array detection using a monolithic Chromolith Fast Gradient RP 18 endcapped column (50 x 2.0 mm id). The analyses were performed at 30 degrees C using a mobile phase consisting of 0.15% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in water (solvent A) and 0.15% (v/v) TFA in acetonitrile (solvent B) under a linear gradient of 5 to 90% B in 1 min at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and detection at 220 nm. Under these conditions, OMZ retention time was approximately 0.74 min. Validation parameters, such as selectivity, linearity, precision, accuracy, and robustness, showed results within the acceptable criteria. The method developed was successfully applied to OMZ enteric-coated pellets, showing that this assay can be used in the pharmaceutical industry for routine QC analysis. Moreover, the analytical conditions established allow for the simultaneous analysis of OMZ metabolites, 5-hydroxyomeprazole and omeprazole sulfone, in the same run, showing that this method can be extended to other matrixes with adequate procedures for sample preparation.


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This article analyses the painted panels of the moliceiro boat, a traditional working boat of the Ria de Aveiro region of Portugal. The article examines how the painted panels have been invented and reinvented over time. The boat and its panels are contextualized both within the changing socio-economic conditions of the Ria de Aveiro region, and the changing socio-political conditions of Portugal throughout the 20th century and until the present day. The article historically analyses the social significance of ‘moliceiro culture’, examining in particular the power relations it expresses and its ambiguous past and present relationships with the political and the economic powers of the Portuguese state. The article unpacks some of the complexity of the relations that have pertained between public and private, local and national, folk culture and ‘art’, and popular and institutional in the Ria de Aveiro region in particular, and Portugal more generally.


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A brincadeira, expressão maior das culturas lúdicas da infância e do saber popular infantil que colora o folclore das crianças e que entre elas constitui prática singular, tem marcos temporais indeléveis que lhe (de)marcaram um tempo e que a memória guardou para sempre. A linearidade que, durante quase todo o tempo antes da chegada da TV, a brincadeira transportou, a revolução das suas práticas que a partir daí se operou e acentuou com a chegada das novas tecnologias da comunicação e informação à vida das crianças e a consequente transformação radical do seu habitus lúdico (da rua para casa e daqui para o quarto) balizam eras distintas de tempos sociais paralelas às que ditaram, consequentemente, a transformação que as artes de e para brincar foram, historicamente, sofrendo. Ao resgatar a brincadeira pela voz das crianças, muitas das vezes expressa pela voz dos adultos que hoje são, faz-se o registo, que neste artigo se guarda, de um pedaço da herança cultural lúdica que foi passando entre as quatro gerações que estudamos qualitativamente a partir de entrevistas grupais feitas em contexto familiar, que serviram de base para o que a seguir fica relatado. A brincadeira e a parafernália que a acompanha fazem parte da história de vida de todos nós e, por isso, a cada um cabe velar para que nunca pereça.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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Etnográfica, Vol. IX, N.1, pp. 171-193


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Trabalho de Projeto submetida(o) à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Projecto Cinematográfico - especialização em Narrativas Cinematográficas.


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Determining the timing, identity and direction of migrations in the Mediterranean Basin, the role of "migratory routes" in and among regions of Africa, Europe and Asia, and the effects of sex-specific behaviors of population movements have important implications for our understanding of the present human genetic diversity. A crucial component of the Mediterranean world is its westernmost region. Clear features of transcontinental ancient contacts between North African and Iberian populations surrounding the maritime region of Gibraltar Strait have been identified from archeological data. The attempt to discern origin and dates of migration between close geographically related regions has been a challenge in the field of uniparental-based population genetics. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) studies have been focused on surveying the H1, H3 and V lineages when trying to ascertain north-south migrations, and U6 and L in the opposite direction, assuming that those lineages are good proxies for the ancestry of each side of the Mediterranean. To this end, in the present work we have screened entire mtDNA sequences belonging to U6, M1 and L haplogroups in Andalusians--from Huelva and Granada provinces--and Moroccan Berbers. We present here pioneer data and interpretations on the role of NW Africa and the Iberian Peninsula regarding the time of origin, number of founders and expansion directions of these specific markers. The estimated entrance of the North African U6 lineages into Iberia at 10 ky correlates well with other L African clades, indicating that U6 and some L lineages moved together from Africa to Iberia in the Early Holocene. Still, founder analysis highlights that the high sharing of lineages between North Africa and Iberia results from a complex process continued through time, impairing simplistic interpretations. In particular, our work supports the existence of an ancient, frequently denied, bridge connecting the Maghreb and Andalusia.


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This article aims to describe important points in the history of panic disorder concept, as well as to highlight the importance of its diagnosis for clinical and research developments. Panic disorder has been described in several literary reports and folklore. One of the oldest examples lies in Greek mythology - the god Pan, responsible for the term panic. The first half of the 19th century witnessed the culmination of medical approach. During the second half of the 19th century came the psychological approach of anxiety. The 20th century associated panic disorder to hereditary, organic and psychological factors, dividing anxiety into simple and phobic anxious states. Therapeutic development was also observed in psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic fields. Official classifications began to include panic disorder as a category since the third edition of the American Classification Manual (1980). Some biological theories dealing with etiology were widely discussed during the last decades of the 20th century. They were based on laboratory studies of physiological, cognitive and biochemical tests, as the false suffocation alarm theory and the fear network. Such theories were important in creating new diagnostic paradigms to modern psychiatry. That suggests the need to consider a wide range of historical variables to understand how particular features for panic disorder diagnosis have been developed and how treatment has emerged.