911 resultados para Feelings attributed by women


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Understanding of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) is imperative in the arena of the monsoon field. Here, the features of the ABL are studied employing Conserved Variable Analysis (CVA) using equivalent potential temperature and humidity. In addition, virtual potential temperature and wind are used during active and weak phases of monsoon. The analysis is carried out utilising the radiosonde observations during the monsoon months for two stations situated in the west coast of India. All these parameters show considerable variations during active and weak monsoon phases in both the stations. The core speed and core height vary with these epochs. The core speed is found to be more than 38 knots in the active monsoon phase around 1.2 km over Trivandrum and around 2 km over Mangalore. But during weak monsoon phase the core wind speed is decreased and core height is elevated over both stations. The wind direction shows an additional along shore component during weak monsoon period. The Convective Boundary Layer (CBL) height shows increase during weak monsoon phase over both stations due to less cloudiness and subsequent insolation. The CBL height during the southwest monsoon is more over Mangalore and is attributed by the orographic lifting in the windward side of the Western Ghats while the influence of the Ghats is less over Trivandrum.


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Previous research has considered entrepreneurship as a way out of poverty and as a chance to foster economic growth. Moreover, specifically start-ups headed by women have played an important role in the economic development and it has been argued that gender-related issues, amongst others, play a significant role for the performance of a country or region. Against this background, this qualitative study explores desires, reluctances and constraints toward entrepreneurial activities of a comparably homogenous group of potential (poor) entrepreneurs in an emerging economy—cleaning ladies in Istanbul. We focus on this particular context as still rather little is known on reasons why women do not start a business (in Turkey). We believe exploring the reasons why certain individuals choose not to become entrepreneurs is at least as telling as investigating why they do so. We draw upon the social dimensions of entrepreneurship by Shapero and Sokol (1982) alongside Institutional Theory and posit that normative and cognitive forces may shape individual decisions on entrepreneurship. We identified two basic clusters of women and discuss possible hindrance factors undermining entrepreneurial desires and limitations for entrepreneurship as well as possible avenues for policy makers (and MNCs) to foster entrepreneurship in the given community.


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El Festival de Cine + Latina se concibe como un espacio vital para fomentar, rescatar y permutar las múltiples prácticas culturales y realidades; brindan un escenario de convergencia, articulación y difusión del cine creado, realizado y producido por mujeres. La finalidad del festival es realizar una compilación de materiales audiovisuales que puedan ser difundidos y expuestos a una gran cantidad de personas para que queden grabados en el tiempo, el espacio y memoria de los espectadores. Es así, como de esta manera se construirá una herramienta de comunicación educativa que nos hará pensar con otras sensibilidades.


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En Colombia, existen diferentes entidades e instituciones que trabajan para promover y desarrollar el comercio nacional e internacional de los productos artesanales elaborados por mujeres, entre ellos se destacan la labor que realiza la Consejería Presidencial para la Equidad de la Mujer, con programas de capacitación e innovación en marco al Programa Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer: Empresaria-EXPOEMPRESARIA entre otros, realizado durante 5 años consecutivos, para promover y apoyar la comercialización de productos de diferentes sectores económicos, en el cual, la artesanía participa activamente en ella. Adicional a esto, diferentes empresas y asociaciones trabajan para desarrollar y comercializar productos artesanales dentro de Colombia y por fuera de ella. Dentro de lo cual, realizan capacitaciones, ferias, convenios, sin embargo, pocos artesanos logran generar una visión empresarial integral, ya que no cuentan el conocimiento adecuado y para comercializar nacional e internacionalmente sus productos. Las Mujeres Artesanas de Colombia, no cuenten con la visión, con el conocimiento, la trayectoria, capacidad y la experiencia suficiente para desarrollar sus productos artesanales autónomamente, ya que estos son de muy baja cantidad y el concepto de calidad no es concientizado por ellas, además por lo que son de carácter artesanal y especialmente exclusivos, de mucho interés para el público importados especialmente interesados en el ámbito europeo y norteamericano. Para que lo anterior se pueda llevar a cabo con un verdadero impacto social, solo es posible promoviendo asociaciones de mujeres artesanas interesadas en prepararse y hacer sus productos más competitivos a nivel nacional y especialmente internacional. Ya que dichos productos no se venden en cantidades pero requieren una forma de promoción especial, donde la diversidad y la cualidad sumadas con la calidad hacen viable y sostenible la promoción y comercialización de un conjunto de productos distintos, estéticos, atractivos al gusto especial de la mujer y exclusivos en sus formas y material.


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A medida que pasa el tiempo; la ciencia, el desarrollo tecnológico y la constante búsqueda de encontrar nuevas verdades, más fehacientes y que logren responder más asertivamente los diferentes cuestionamientos de la humanidad, han logrado redefinir las teorías y los axiomas que, en su momento, se tomaron como el dogma a seguir en diferentes disciplinas y cuestionamientos de la sociedad y la industria. La concepción tradicional que se tiene de la mente y el comportamiento del consumidor tenía vacios importantes en términos de aplicabilidad y generalización de sus teorías, pues pensar que la humanidad desarrolla sus decisiones de compra bajo análisis netamente racionales y apegados a estructuras temporales para manejar su dinero es un supuesto que no se emplea de manera general y concienzuda por el común. Antes que agentes 100% racionales, con un completo flujo de información y en un mercado perfecto bajo todos los preceptos económicos, somos personas de sentimientos y sentidos. Reaccionamos ante situaciones, estados de ánimo y estímulos, donde es nuestro cerebro quien recibe todo el contexto cognitivo que nos brinda el entorno y entonces actúa (y compra) de diferentes maneras. Es allí donde el Neuromarketing nace como un claro ejemplo de esa búsqueda por una nueva verdad. Una donde entender al consumidor no deje de lado su faceta más real; sus reacciones, pues son estas las que realmente definen qué le gusta o no y qué despierta en él un impulso lo suficientemente importante como para incidir en su decisión de compra. Es por ello que el Neuromarketing se ha adentrado a estudiar lo más profundo y verídico del consumidor, su cerebro. Alejándose de las técnicas tradicionales de investigación de mercados, donde el consumidor puede desvirtuar la información que percibe de un producto o una campaña publicitaría por diferentes razones sociales y psicológicas. El Neuromarketing se ha adentrado al estudio del consumidor y su cerebro mediante técnicas biométricas, en las cuales expone al consumidor al marketing y analiza sus reacciones cerebrales en términos de interés, adrenalina, memoria activa y sentimientos, apoyado por técnicas como el ¨eye tracking¨, donde las interacciones visuales del consumidor permiten identificar los puntos calientes y de interés en determinada pieza publicitaria. Pero el estudio, entendido por algunos como ¨invasivo¨ frente a las libertades en términos de privacidad y libertad de elección del consumidor deben ser responsablemente dirigidos y puestos bajo un contexto científico, donde el único fin sea el de generar nuevas hipótesis y teorías que permitan tener un mejor conocimiento del comportamiento del consumidor sin traspasar los límites del control del mismo. El Neuromarketing debate su existencia misma entre la creación de nuevas metodologías de acercamiento al pensamiento del consumidor, la efectividad de sus conocimiento dados a la industria y el yugo social que acarrea esta ciencia debido a la potencial coerción a los consumidores debido a sus hallazgos.


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A lo largo del siglo XIX, el proyecto de creación de nación incluyó varios elementos asociados a la cotidianidad y vida diaria de los habitantes de la república en construcción. La cocina como uno de estos elementos puesto en consideración, se construyó desde el imaginario de las élites masculinas, pero con la intervención directa del conocimiento femenino. Aunque la construcción de una identidad culinaria para el siglo XIX, fue un planteamiento femenino, se construyó basándose en el universo femenino de la cocina y sus conocimientos orales.


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El propósito del presente texto es problematizar la noción de mujer-objeto bajo la perspectiva de las teorías feministas y los trabajos de Jean Baudrillard. Esto con el fin de mostrar que en los tres modos de producción como son el intercambio primitivo, el capitalismo y el post-fordismo, se identifican diferentes procesos de simbolización –prácticas y relaciones sociales– que son agenciados por la mujer durante los intercambios. Agenciamientos que demuestran como la definición economicista de mujer-mercancía es excedida por los matices de mujer-símbolo y mujer-signo. En ese sentido, se afirma que la desacreditada noción de mujer - objeto no se reduce a la noción de mujer-mercancía o mujer-objeto-sexual, ni a la historia de dominación y opresión en la que usualmente se le encasilla.


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La venta directa por catálogo es presentada a las mujeres por medio de un discurso que caracteriza a la actividad como la posibilidad de crear un negocio, el cual oculta diferentes aspectos de las condiciones laborales de la actividad. En este marco, este trabajo de grado preguntar por los motivos de vinculación y permanencia de las mujeres de Tunjuelito a esta actividad. Esta pregunta se estructura a partir de una comprensión de la actividad desde una dimensión objetiva y subjetiva. El análisis de la actividad se propone a partir de 3 caras que ilustran la heterogeneidad de estrategias de permanencia y prácticas que utilizan las mujeres para desarrollar la actividad. La discusión se da desde las perspectivas teóricas de trabajo informal, precariedad y tercerizacion en conjunto con un trabajo de campo realizado con las vendedoras en la localidad.


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This article lies within the sphere of studies initiated recently in various social sciences and which aim to introduce women's problems as an element of analysis, or in other words, the gender perspective. In the field of geography, the earliest contributions of this nature were made in English-speaking countries. It is only in the 1980s that similar contributions begin to appear in Spanish geography, albeit sporadically . In the first part of this article, an analysis is made of the presence of women geographers in Spanish universities, based on a questionnaire submitted to twenty-six departments of geography. The questionnaires provide information on the age, sex and marital status of women staff, and other relevant facts. It becomes evident that women lecturers are in the minority in Spanish university Geography Departments, especially in the top posts, although the percentage compares favourably with English-speaking countries. The second part of the article consists of a study of the written contributions of women geographers through the analysis of the various geographical magazines published by geography departments and other related bodies. The author reaches the conclusion that the percentage of articles written by women geographers is even lower than the corresponding percentage of staff members. Especially noteworthy is the very limited number of articles in the fields of physical geography and geographical theory, in contrast to a certain tendency to publish studies on, for example, population or urban topics with a highly restricted territorial scope


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Work document prepared at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias in its role as Consulting Observer attributed by the Council of Ministers of the CPLP gathered in Bissau for the 11th General Meeting on 16. and 17. July, 2006.


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“I’m all lost in the supermarket. I can no longer shop happily. I came in here for the special offer. A guaranteed personality”. The song by The Clash, released in 1979, “Lost in the Supermarket” describes the protagonist struggle to deal with an increasingly commercialized society and the depersonalization of the world around him. The song speaks about alienation and the feelings of disillusionment and lack of identity that come through modern society. There are different ways which one can decrease those feelings and promote knowledge, self-awareness and understanding. The museum, when used with all its potential, is one of the ways. But how to do that? That is the question museum professionals ask themselves. This paper analyses how the traditional museum can use the new museology concepts, and the challenges of this approach, to become a vehicle for community development and empowerment, diminishing the feelings sang by The Clash.


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THIS PAPER EXAMINES patterns in the placement of apotropaic objects and materials in high- to late-medieval burials in Britain (11th to 15th centuries). It develops an interdisciplinary classification to identify: (1) healing charms and protective amulets; (2) objects perceived to have occult natural power; (3) 'antique' items that were treated as possessing occult power; and (4) rare practices that may have been associated with the demonic magic of divination or sorcery. Making comparisons with amulets deposited in conversion-period graves of the 7th to 9th centuries it is argued that the placement of amulets with the dead was strategic to Christian belief, intended to transform or protect the corpse. The conclusion is that material traces of magic in later medieval graves have a connection to folk magic, performed by women in the care of their families, and drawing on knowledge of earlier traditions. This popular magic was integrated with Christian concerns and tolerated by local clergy, and was perhaps meant to heal or reconstitute the corpse, to ensure its reanimation on judgement day, and to protect the vulnerable dead on their journey through purgatory.


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The article traces the beginnings and early history of feminist geography in the United Kingdom through the memories and personal narratives of two women who were heavily involved in this field of geographical research, in the 1970s, and were founder members of the Women and Geography Study Group of the Institute of British Geographers. The article begins by considering the context (both political and academic) within which feminist geography was born. Second-wave feminism and the rise of the women’s movement, initially in the United States, is seen as a major influence on the development of feminist geography. In the academic world, it was the dominance of quantitative geography in the 1960s, and the related opposition to this positivist paradigm by humanistic and socialist geographers, which led to calls for a recognition of the inequalities faced by women in society and an understanding of the differences in men’s and women’s lives. Through personal narratives, the authors seek to illustrate the obstacles and disagreements, as well as the encouragements and opportunities, which led to the birth of UK-feminist geography. Many individual geographers, influential to the story, are referred to, seen through the eyes of the authors at that time.


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Interaction force constants between bond-stretching and angle-bending co-ordinates in polyatomic molecules have been attributed, by some authors, to changes of hybridization due to orbital-following of the bending co-ordinate, and consequent changes of bond length due to the change of hybridization. A method is described for using this model quantitatively to reduce the number of independent force constants in the potential function of a polyatomic molecule, by relating stretch-bend interaction constants to the corresponding diagonal stretching constants. It is proposed to call this model the Hybrid Orbital Force Field. The model is applied to the tetrahedral four co-ordinated carbon atom (as in methane) and to the trigonal planar three coordinated carbon atom (as in formaldehyde).


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Objectives: This study reports the cost-effectiveness of a preventive intervention, consisting of counseling and specific support for the mother-infant relationship, targeted at women at high risk of developing postnatal depression. Methods: A prospective economic evaluation was conducted alongside a pragmatic randomized controlled trial in which women considered at high risk of developing postnatal depression were allocated randomly to the preventive intervention (n = 74) or to routine primary care (n = 77). The primary outcome measure was the duration of postnatal depression experienced during the first 18 months postpartum. Data on health and social care use by women and their infants up to 18 months postpartum were collected, using a combination of prospective diaries and face-to-face interviews, and then were combined with unit costs ( pound, year 2000 prices) to obtain a net cost per mother-infant dyad. The nonparametric bootstrap method was used to present cost-effectiveness acceptability curves and net benefit statistics at alternative willingness to pay thresholds held by decision makers for preventing 1 month of postnatal depression. Results: Women in the preventive intervention group were depressed for an average of 2.21 months (9.57 weeks) during the study period, whereas women in the routine primary care group were depressed for an average of 2.70 months (11.71 weeks). The mean health and social care costs were estimated at 2,396.9 pound per mother-infant dyad in the preventive intervention group and 2,277.5 pound per mother-infant dyad in the routine primary care group, providing a mean cost difference of 119.5 pound (bootstrap 95 percent confidence interval [Cl], -535.4, 784.9). At a willingness to pay threshold of 1,000 pound per month of postnatal depression avoided, the probability that the preventive intervention is cost-effective is .71 and the mean net benefit is 383.4 pound (bootstrap 95 percent Cl, -863.3- pound 1,581.5) pound. Conclusions: The preventive intervention is likely to be cost-effective even at relatively low willingness to pay thresholds for preventing 1 month of postnatal depression during the first 18 months postpartum. Given the negative impact of postnatal depression on later child development, further research is required that investigates the longer-term cost-effectiveness of the preventive intervention in high risk women.