368 resultados para Excitability


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Sleep-deprived rats exhibit defensive fighting as well as explosive flights very similar to the wild-running of audiogenic seizures. In order to determine why sleep deprivation is a common factor that facilitates both panic and convulsive manifestations, the present study was undertaken to investigate whether rats that display sleep deprivation-induced fighting (SDIF) are the same as those that are susceptible to audiogenic wild-running (WR). Twenty-eight male adult Wistar rats were divided into two groups assigned to two e-sleep deprivation for 5 days and had their SDIF evaluated in social experimental schemes. In the first, 18 subjects were submitted to REM grouping. After 1 week for recovery, their susceptibility to WR was tested in an acoustic stimulation trial ( 104 dB, 200 Hz, 60 S). Rats that did not present WR received a lactate infusion and were tested again by acoustic stimulation 40 min later. In the second experimental scheme, 10 subjects were initially evaluated for WR susceptibility and the number of SDIF was recorded in social grouping after I week. Three categories of WR-susceptibility were determined: WR-sensitive rats, intermediate WR-sensitive rats and WR-insensitive rats. T'he number of SDIF in each category was significantly different and there was a high positive correlation (r=0.89; Spearman test) between the number of SDIF and the level of WR-susceptibility. We conclude that the reasons why sleep deprivation exerts facilitatory effects on both panic and convulsive manifestations are due to overlappings of neural pathways responsible for both behavioral patterns and for the property of sleep deprivation to increase neuronal excitability. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Autism comprises a heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental disorders that affects the brain maturation and produces sensorial, motor, language and social interaction deficits in early childhood. Several studies have shown a major involvement of genetic factors leading to a predisposition to autism, which are possibly affected by environmental modulators during embryonic and post-natal life. Recent studies in animal models indicate that alterations in epigenetic control during development can generate neuronal maturation disturbances and produce a hyper-excitable circuit, resulting in typical symptoms of autism. In the animal model of autism induced by valproic acid (VPA) during rat pregnancy, behavioral, electrophysiological and cellular alterations have been reported which can also be observed in patients with autism. However, only a few studies have correlated behavioral alterations with the supposed neuronal hyper-excitability in this model. The aim of this project was to generate an animal model of autism by pre-natal exposure to VPA and evaluate the early post-natal development and pre-puberal (PND30) behavior in the offspring. Furthermore, we quantified the parvalbumin-positive neuronal distribution in the medial prefrontal cortex and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum of VPA animals. Our results show that VPA treatment induced developmental alterations, which were observed in behavioral changes as compared to vehicle-treated controls. VPA animals showed clear behavioral abnormalities such as hyperlocomotion, prolonged stereotipies and reduced social interaction with an unfamiliar mate. Cellular quantification revealed a decrease in the number of parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex and in the prelimbic cortex of the mPFC, suggesting an excitatory/inhibitory unbalance in this animal model of autism. Moreover, we also observed that the neuronal reduction occurred mainly in the cortical layers II/III and V/VI. We did not detect any change in the density of Purkinje neurons in the Crus I region of the cerebellar cortex. Together, our results strengthens the face validity of the VPA model in rats and shed light on specific changes in the inhibitory circuitry of the prefrontal cortex in this autism model. Further studies should address the challenges to clarify particular electrophysiological correlates of the cellular alterations in order to better understand the behavioral dysfunctions


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Background: In Brazil, coffee (Coffea arabica) husks are reused in several ways due to their abundance, including as stall bedding. However, field veterinarians have reported that horses become intoxicated after ingesting the coffee husks that are used as bedding. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether coffee husk consumption causes intoxication in horses.Results: Six horses fed coast cross hay ad libitum were given access to coffee husks and excitability, restlessness, involuntary muscle tremors, chewing movements and constant tremors of the lips and tongue, excessive sweating and increased respiration and heart rates were the most evident clinical signs. Caffeine levels were measured in the plasma and urine of these horses on two occasions: immediately before the coffee husks were made available to the animals (T0) and at the time of the clinical presentation of intoxication, 56 h after the animals started to consume the husks (T56). The concentrations of caffeine in the plasma (p < 0.001) and urine (p < 0.001) of these animals were significantly greater at T56 than at T0.Conclusions: It was concluded that consumption of coffee husks was toxic to horses due to the high levels of caffeine present in their composition. Therefore, coffee husks pose a risk when used as bedding or as feed for horses.


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The present study was carried out to determine possible panicogenic effects of strychnine administered in subconvulsive doses to rats. Two experiments were conducted to assess two major features of panic in animal models: panic-related flight (through the observation of wild running [WR]) and defensive fights. In the first one, 20 adult male Wistar rats were injected with six different doses of strychnine ranging from 0.5 to 4.0 mg/kg. After 15 min of free observation, the animals were submitted to high-intensity acoustic stimulation and the incidence of WR was recorded. Higher doses of strychnine (above 2.5 mg/kg) easily evoked seizures, but lower doses raised the incidence of WR in a dose-dependent manner. The most effective dose for WR (1.5 mg/kg) was used in the second experiment, in which we investigated the effects of strychnine on sleep-deprivation-induced fights (SDIFs) that have defensive characteristics. For this purpose, 40 subjects were submitted to 5 days of REM-sleep deprivation by the single-platform method and were then assigned into two groups, i.e., strychnine vs. control. After the injections, the animals were observed in social groupings for SDIF recordings over a period of 60 min. The strychnine-treated groups had more SDIF than the control groups (P<.05, Mann-Whitney U test). We conclude that the high level of neural excitability promoted by partial blockade of the glycinergic system can contribute to the manifestation of panic reactions. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The NMDA receptor (NMDAR) channel has been proposed to function as a coincidence-detection mechanism for afferent and reentrant signals, supporting conscious perception, learning, and memory formation. In this paper we discuss the genesis of distorted perceptual states induced by subanesthetic doses of ketamine, a well-known NMDA antagonist. NMDAR blockage has been suggested to perturb perceptual processing in sensory cortex, and also to decrease GABAergic inhibition in limbic areas (leading to an increase in dopamine excitability). We propose that perceptual distortions and hallucinations induced by ketamine blocking of NMDARs are generated by alternative signaling pathways, which include increase of excitability in frontal areas, and glutamate binding to AMPA in sensory cortex prompting Ca++ entry through voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs). This mechanism supports the thesis that glutamate binding to AMPA and NMDARs at sensory cortex mediates most normal perception, while binding to AMPA and activating VDCCs mediates some types of altered perceptual states. We suggest that Ca++ metabolic activity in neurons at associative and sensory cortices is an important factor in the generation of both kinds of perceptual consciousness.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Dentre as várias espécies de plantas medicinais, encontra-se a espécie Spilanthes acmella, conhecida popularmente como jambú que se destaca por apresentar inúmeras aplicações na área da medicina popular. A medicina tradicional recomenda suas folhas e flores na elaboração de infusões no tratamento de anemia, dispepsia, malária, afecções da boca (dor de dente) e da garganta, contra escorbuto e também como antibiótico e anestésico. Sendo seus principais efeitos atribuídos ao espilantol, que é um representante importante das substâncias presentes nessas plantas. Alguns estudos já foram realizados utilizando o espilantol, possibilitando algumas informações da ação dessa substância, como seu efeito e imunomodulador devido sua interação funcional com monócitos, granulócitos e células killers. Porém, ainda não existem estudos eletrofisiológicos acerca de sua ação ictiotóxica, utilizando, por exemplo, o eletroencefalograma para demonstrar sua ação ao nível de Sistema Nervoso Central ou eletromiograma para verificar a ocorrência de sua ação a nível muscular no Zebrafish, evocando a necessidade dessa pesquisa a respeito do assunto. Com base nisso, o presente trabalho objetivou investigar a ação ictiotóxica do extrato etanólico da raiz de Spilanthes acmella em Zebrafish através da análise eletrofisiológica e comportamental. Os resultados mostraram que o extrato etanólico de Spilanthes acmella é um potente indutor de excitabilidade central no zebrafish, sendo isso constatado a partir das mudanças de padrões de atividade elétrica vistas no eletroencefalograma do animal submetido à droga e através do aumento da atividade encefálica visto no espectograma. O extrato também causou alterações, em menor escala, nos traçados eletromiográficos do zebrafish submetido à mesma concentração da droga, com aparecimento de contrações musculares esparsas e de mioclonias breves. Eos achados comportamentais, a partir da delimitação de três estágios de comportamentos, os quais se iniciaram com o aumento da excitabilidade do animal e culminam com a convulsão e morte do peixe, serviram para corroborar com os achados eletrofisiológicos de que o extrato etanólico de Spilanthes acmellaatua como potente droga com ação no sistema nervoso do zebrafish, com atividade convulsivante.


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This experiment evaluated temperament, vaginal temperature, and plasma cortisol in beef cows from wolf-naive and wolf-experienced origins that were subjected to a simulated wolf encounter. Multiparous, pregnant, nonlactating Angus-crossbreed cows from the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center located near Burns, OR (CON; n = 50), and from a commercial operation near Council, ID (WLF; n = 50), were used. To date, grey wolves are not present around Burns, OR, and thus CON were naive to wolves. Conversely, wolves are present around Council, ID, and WLF cows were selected from a herd that had experienced multiple confirmed wolf-predation episodes from 2008 to 2012. Following a 50-d commingling and adaptation period, CON and WLF cows were ranked by temperament, BW, and BCS and allocated to 5 groups (d 0; 10 CON and 10 WLF cows/group). Groups were individually subjected to the experimental procedures on d 2 (n = 3) and d 3 (n = 2). Before the simulated wolf encounter, cow temperament was assessed and blood samples and vaginal temperatures (using intravaginal data loggers) were collected (presimulation assessments). Cows were then sorted by origin, moved to 2 adjacent drylot pens (10 WLF and 10 CON cows/pen), and subjected to a simulated wolf encounter event for 20 min, which consisted of 1) cotton plugs saturated with wolf urine attached to the drylot fence, 2) continuous reproduction of wolf howls, and 3) 3 leashed dogs that were walked along the fence perimeter. Thereafter, WLF and CON cows were commingled and returned to the handling facility for postsimulation assessments, which were conducted immediately after exposure to wolf-urine-saturated cotton plugs, wolf howl reproduction, and 20-s exposure to the 3 dogs while being restrained in a squeeze chute. Chute score, temperament score, and plasma cortisol concentration increased (P <= 0.01) from pre- to postsimulation assessment in WLF but did not change in CON cows (P >= 0.19). Exit velocity decreased (P = 0.01) from pre-to postsimulation assessment in CON but did not change (P = 0.79) in WLF cows. In addition, WLF cows had a greater (P = 0.03) increase in temperature from pre-to postsimulation assessments compared with CON cows. In conclusion, the simulated wolf encounter increased excitability and fear-related physiological stress responses in cows that originated from a wolf-experienced herd but not in cows that originated from a wolf-naive herd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The heart of the insect is essentially myogenic, in others words, electrical activity and spontaneous contractions are generated by their muscle cells. However, the nature of pacemaker activity is not yet fully elucidated. One aspect that deserves attention, beyond the pacemaker activity, is the amplitude of heart contractions of the insect. For this, it is necessary that the heart to be stimulated electrically to the frequency to be controlled. In the present work, it was developed a method of stimulation (preparation and instrumentation). The contractile activity of the heart of the insect remained regular when stimulated at frequencies lightly above the spontaneous frequency. To characterize excitability of the preparation the intensity-duration curve was determined


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Hyperkalemia is a common electrolyte imbalance in cats with obstructive feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). The effects of serum potassium elevation in heart rhythm are serious and potentially lethal. The clinical manifestations reflect changes in the excitability of the cell membrane. Increased potassium levels lead to a reduction of the resting membrane potential of heart muscle cells, making them less excitable and resulting in cardiac arrhythmias. The sinoventricular rhythm with atrial arrest is among the types of arrhythmias caused by hyperkalemia. The purpose of this report was to highlight the importance of electrocardiographic monitoring for the early detection of potentially lethal arrhythmias in cats with obstructive FLUTD. We hereby describe the occurrence of three cases treated at the Small Animal Clinic of FMVZ/Unesp, Botucatu Campus.


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Smoking cue-provoked craving is an intricate behavior associated with strong changes in neural networks. Craving is one of the main reasons subjects continue to smoke; therefore interventions that can modify activity in neural networks associated with craving can be useful tools in future research investigating novel treatments for smoking cessation. The goal of this study was to use a neuromodulatory technique associated with a powerful effect on spontaneous neuronal firing - transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) - to modify cue-provoked smoking craving. Based on preliminary data showing that craving can be modified after a single tDCS session, here we investigated the effects of repeated tDCS sessions on craving behavior. Twenty-seven subjects were randomized to receive sham or active tDCS (anodal tDCS of the left DLPFC). Our results show a significant cumulative effect of tDCS on modifying smoking cue-provoked craving. In fact, in the group of active stimulation, smoking cues had an opposite effect on craving after stimulation - it decreased craving - as compared to sham stimulation in which there was a small decrease or increase on craving. In addition, during these 5 days of stimulation there was a small but significant decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked in the active as compared to sham tDCS group. Our findings extend the results of our previous study as they confirm the notion that tDCS has a specific effect on craving behavior and that the effects of several sessions can increase the magnitude of its effect. These results open avenues for the exploration of this method as a therapeutic alternative for smoking cessation and also as a mean to change stimulus-induced behavior. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.