1000 resultados para Exame papanicolaou
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are among the largest public health problems, especially in developing countries. The acquisition of these infections during early sexual activity is common and many infections have a benign course. However, in some pathogens remain in the state of latency can be reactivated and cause productive infection that may progress to severe forms. In addition, some of them are transmitted vertically resulting in congenital infection, causing immediate damage or long-term child. The classic risk factors for sexually transmitted agents are: early onset of sexual and reproductive health, multiple sexual partners throughout life, use of oral contraceptives and co-infections with different pathogens. We present the results of a cross-sectional study aimed to estimate the prevalence of genital infection by human papillomavirus (HPV), Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) in a segment of the female population of the metropolitan area Christmas, among those who enrolled voluntarily sought, Basic Health Units for the examination of cancer screening cervix in the period 2008 to 2010. All participants, a total of 261 women answered a standard questionnaire by which identified the socio-demographic characteristics, classical risk factors for STDs, reproductive and sexual activity and smoking. Of each patient were obtained two samples, one for the completion of the Pap test for detection of cellular changes and the other processed for DNA extraction and analyzed by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to detect the three pathogens studied. The population of the study was composed of sexually active women aged between 13 and 79 years, mean 38.7 years, most of them being married, low education levels and low incomes. The majority (87%) had normal results on cytology and only 2.7% had low-grade cytological abnormalities. Prevalence rates were 37.9% for HPV, 4.6% for CT and 26% for HSV. HPV prevalence was higher in women under 25, unmarried and in those who had multiple sexual partners. Women with simultaneous infection by HSV-1 and 2 had higher prevalence of HPV infection. The prevalence of HSV infection showed no association whatsoever with the risk factors analyzed and HSV-1 was the predominant type among the cases of genital HSV infection. The overall prevalence of C. Trachomatis was relatively low, thus providing greater value in younger women aged less than or equal to 20 years
This study assessed the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of Pap smear and human papillomavirus (HPV), in addition to analyzing the prevalence of genital HPV infection, Herpes Simplex Type 2 (HSV-2) and Chlamydia trachomatis in teenagers. The study consisted of two approaches, one based only on interviews conducted with adolescents enrolled in public schools or in public health facilities in the city of Natal. The other approach involved only a group of 132 adolescents enrolled among those admitted to two health units in Natal-RN. This second group of participants two specimens were collected for laboratory analysis: one was directed to prepare the blade for the Pap test, and other processed for DNA extraction for molecular analysis, focusing on the detection of HPV, HSV-2 and C . trachomatis. The presence of DNA of the three pathogens was investigated by the technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The presence of each of the three pathogens was analyzed in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, as well as sexual and reproductive activity to identify risk factors for infection and development of lesions of the uterine cervix. The results show that the adolescents in this study had levels of knowledge and attitude very low, both in relation to cytology to HPV as though they have made a reasonable percentage of adequate practice exam and prevention of HPV infection. The overall prevalence of HPV infection was 54.5% and 48.2% in adolescents with normal cytology and 86.4% in those with abnormal cytology. We observed a higher proportion of cases of infection in the age group of 18 to 21. The prevalence of HPV infection was slightly higher among pregnant teenagers. The overall prevalence of HSV-2 infection was 13.6% and 11.8% in women with normal cytology and 22.7% in those with abnormal cytology. A higher proportion of cases of infection was found in the age group from 14 to 17, with a slightly higher prevalence among pregnant women. The C. trachomatis was found with an overall prevalence of 19.7% and 21.8% in adolescents with normal cytology and 9.1% in those with abnormal cytology. The prevailing rate was highest in the age group 18 to 21 years and in nonpregnant
Herpes simplex is a virus that can be transmitted sexually and is potentially associated with vertical transmission. This study evaluated the prevalence of genital infection by herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 in pregnant and nonpregnant care in the city of Natal / RN, including a total of 222 women, 92 pregnant and 130 nonpregnant. The participants answered a questionnaire to obtain data and socio-demographic characteristics, as well as potential risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases. After the interview, we collected two cervical specimens, one for the Pap test and the other for DNA extraction and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect both virus serotypes. Then the women underwent a clinical examination by colposcopy. For statistical analysis, we used the chi-square and logistic regression by SSPS 17.0 Statistic. Most women were up to 30 years of age, nonwhite ethnicity, married, elementary education, family income below the poverty level; initiated sexual activity with age up to 18 years; had more than one sexual partner lifelong and was not pregnant, but has had at least one child. The HSV-1 showed a prevalence of 26.1% among pregnant women and 30.0% in non-pregnant women. While HSV-2 prevalence was found with 10.9% and 19.2% in pregnant and nonpregnant women, respectively. The largest proportion of morphological changes of the uterine cervix was detected among nonpregnant women, both in cytology and in colposcopy. The women were nonwhite ethnicity, married, became pregnant aged less than or equal to 18 years and who had one to two pregnancies had a lower risk of acquiring genital HSV infection. There was a high prevalence of genital HSV infection, HSV-1 is more prevalent than HSV-2. No association was found between morphological changes of the uterine cervix and the presence of the virus in pregnant and nonpregnant women, nor between genital HSV infection and the classic risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases
This study compared the evolution of posture, tone and neonatal reflexes in preterm infants without clinical or neurological complications before and after the age of term using the scale of Saint-Anne Dargassies. To reach the age of the term, was applied Scales Amiel-Barrier-Shnider changed and the Prechtl, traditionally used in the evaluation of term newborns, looking for possible changes to the term, while also evaluating the sensitivity of these scales. We studied 20 non-complicated preterm infants, both sexes aged 32-36 weeks, born in Januário Cicco Maternity School, from August 2006 to August 2007. Was applied to the scale of Saint-Anne Dargassies every two weeks until reach the term, and the range of Amiel-Barrier-Shnider changed and the Prechtl, after reaching 39 and 41 weeks. The evaluation result of articular angles was subjected to the test of Friedman ANOVA, significant differences between the three measurements of the scale of Saint-Anne Dargassies only for angles heel-to-ear to term. Neonatal reflexes changed in the period of prematurity were the cardinal points reflexes, Moro reflexes, cross extensions reflex and the automatic walking reflexes. The posture was the parameter which remained unchanged in the three scales. Considering a significance level of 5% by applying Cochran Q Test, it was found that the scale of Saint-Anne Dargassies is more sensitive to detect suspects. With this methodology and the results it was possible to prepare a manuscript: The neurological examination of non-complicated preterm newborns using the Sanit-Anne Dargssies Scale from birth to term: normal or altered? In which we describe that despite the good clinical condition, the RNP show changes in tone and neonatal reflexes. These data are important because though non-complicated RNP need further attention its maturation process, enabling us to detect and intervene early. With these results we can build a scale simplified neurological assessment made with items found most altered during the application of three scales. The development of this project has a multidisciplinary approach, because it involved Paediatric Neurologist, Physiotherapist and Neonatologist, as recommended by PPGCSA
Existem fortes evidências de que os programas de rastreamento baseados em citologia resultaram em diminuição significativa da incidência e mortalidade por câncer do colo do útero, no entanto, um excesso substancial de tratamento de lesões intraepiteliais de baixo grau que dificilmente progrediriam para carcinoma cervical resulta da baixa especificidade do tradicional rastreio citológico. A detecção precoce das lesões através do rastreamento citológico e a avaliação do grau histológico em espécimes cervicais são fundamentais, entretanto não permitem identificar quais pacientes terão maior probabilidade de progressão para lesões de alto grau e carcinoma invasivo. A busca de potenciais marcadores de prognóstico; objetivando o entendimento da progressão das lesões intraepiteliais é de suma importância. Acredita-se que fatores imunoregulatórios, imunogenéticos e proteínas do ciclo celular estejam intimamente envolvidos no processo de carcinogênese. Considerando o exposto, a proposta do projeto foi inicialmente avaliar a eficácia da citologia oncológica no rastreamento do câncer cervical, foi investigado ainda o polimorfismo do gene do fator de transcrição FOXP3 e a expressão da proteína do ciclo celular P63 (P63) associados respectivamente a diagnóstico e prognóstico das lesões cervicais. Em um primeiro momento foi realizado estudo transversal que envolveu 3194 mulheres. As participantes foram submetidas à citologia e biópsia de colo dirigida por colposcopia e os resultados foram comparados para verificar-se a acurácia do teste de Papanicolaou na detecção de lesões intraepiteliais e câncer cervical. Posteriormente, realizou-se estudo comparativo do tipo observacional estratificado em três grupos: Grupo 1: 16 casos com diagnóstico histopatológico de metaplasia/cervicite, considerados normais, Grupo 2: 11 casos com lesão de baixo grau (LSIL) e Grupo 3: 15 casos com lesão de alto grau (HSIL) ou carcinoma epidermoide de colo. Um total de 42 participantes respondeu a um questionário epidemiológico padronizado sobre as características demográficas, hábitos pregressos, história reprodutiva e de comportamento sexual. Após exame colposcópico, foram coletados fragmentos de espécimes cervicais para a pesquisa da expressão proteica da P63 por imunohistoquímica. Amostras de sangue periférico foram coletadas para extração do DNA e detecção do polimorfismo do gene FOXP3. No primeiro estudo em que se avaliou a acurácia do teste de Papanicolaou, encontrou-se sensibilidade de 0,83, valor preditivo positivo (VPP) de 0,77 e especificidade de 0,23 no rastreamento das lesões cervicais e câncer de colo. viii Melhores resultados foram observados quando se avaliou a acurácia diagnóstica para lesões de alto grau e carcinoma com VPP de 0,99 e especificidade de 0,84.No estudo subsequente onde se comparou a expressão da proteína P63 observou-se maior número de núcleos marcados no grupo com lesões intraepiteliais de alto grau e câncer quando comparado ao grupo com biópsias negativas (p=0,0004). No último estudo pesquisou-se a associação do polimorfismo do gene FOXP3 com lesões intraepiteliais cervicais sendo evidenciada maior prevalência do genótipo heterozigoto, CT, no grupo com lesões de colo na histopatologia (p=0,027). Mulheres com lesões intraepiteliais de baixo ou alto grau e câncer de colo de útero apresentam maior expressão da proteína P63 e maior prevalência de genótipo heterozigoto do gene FOXP3 em comparação com as sem lesões cervicais. A associação da pesquisa da expressão da proteína e do polimorfismo do gene pode tornar os exames utilizados atualmente para a avaliação diagnóstica e prognóstica das lesões de colo uterino mais efetivos em detectar quais as mulheres com maior risco para progressão para câncer
Leishmaniose é uma enfermidade multissistêmica cujas manifestações clínicas são extremamente variáveis. em cães sinais clínicos oftálmicos são relativamente frequentes, ainda que outros sinais sistêmicos não sejam identificados. Atualmente, o diagnóstico da doença baseia-se em métodos parasitológicos, sorológicos e moleculares, mas, até o momento, a identificação de formas amastigotas desse parasito em esfregaços feitos a partir de suabes conjuntivais não é empregada rotineiramente. Valendo-se de cães sorologicamente positivos para leishmaniose, portadores (G1) ou não (G2) de alterações oftálmicas, este estudo avaliou a viabilidade do esfregaço a partir de suabe conjuntival como método de diagnóstico para a enfermidade. O exame suprarreferido foi positivo em 60% dos animais do G1 e 38,1% do G2, no entanto não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa em relação à positividade nos dois grupos (P=0,2167). Os dados apontam para uma tendência de os cães com leishmaniose e com sinais oftálmicos serem positivos ao exame parasitológico de esfregaço a partir de suabe conjuntival, podendo esse método ser útil no diagnóstico parasitológico da leishmaniose canina.
Realizou-se exame microbiológico em 24 amostras de sorvetes não pasteurizados, todos preparados de maneira não industrial e à base de leite (creme, nata, chocolate), fabricados por 12 sorveterias diferentes da cidade de Araraquara, SP. Colheram-se duas amostras de cada sorveteria com intervalo de 15 dias entre as colheitas. Realizaram-se as seguintes provas: contagem de bactérias aeróbicas ou facultativas mesófilas e psicrófilas e de Staphylococcus aureus; determinação do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de coliformes totais e fecais e da presença de Salmonella. As técnicas utilizadas foram aquelas convencionalmente usadas para tais determinações. Não foi encontrada Salmonella em nenhuma das amostras e de cerca de 16,6% delas isolou-se Staphylococcus aureus. em proporções variáveis verificou-se a presença de microrgarnismos deteriorantes e daqueles indicadores de poluição de origem fecal.
This study s main goal is to analyze the way the limits between Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte states, the so called Grossos matter, has been associated to the norte-rio-grandense spacial and identity formation during the first republic period. Thus, a consistet number of sources: RN and CE old newspapers, as well as a república from Natal and Fortaleza and o mossoroense ; historical drafts from the historical and geographical institute associated and historical, gographical and anthropological institute of Ceará; the Ação Cível Originária de nº 6 from the supreme federal tribunal and many other cartographies. The documents haven t been hierarchized, neither accepted as proof effects, but understood as the base matter for this text composition by the deconstruction of the analyzed discusses. In order to do that the ablação or bricolagem method, without quotations marks or long quotations themselves, has been used. Along the three analyzed charpters: the two phases the litigious was found, since its beginning yet in the XVIII century until 1888 and its return within the republic proclamation, in the 1920 resolution; the development of the documental, historical and identity dispute between IHGA-CE and IHG-RN; and, at last, the political game existing between the Albuquerque Maranhão oligarchy , Manuel Pereira Reis and Rui Barbosa, explaining the intentions, silent and miths built along the time by these intellectual participations
Objetivou-se identificar a prevalência das alterações de flora vaginal em gestantes de baixo risco, sua associação à sintomatologia referida e exame ginecológico. É estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal, desenvolvido no serviço público de atenção básica de Botucatu, SP, no período de 2006 a 2008, com 289 gestantes, amostradas de forma estratificada por unidade. Realizou-se exame do conteúdo vaginal, utilizando-se coloração pelo método de Gram e pesquisa de Trichomonas vaginalis em meio líquido de Diamond. Desconsiderando-se as associações, a prevalência de flora vaginal alterada foi de 49,5%, sendo as mais frequentes: vaginose bacteriana (20,7%), candidíase vaginal (11,8%) e flora intermediária (11,1%). Os dados apontam elevada prevalência das alterações de flora vaginal, com pouca associação à sintomatologia, mas associação com achados do exame ginecológico. Considerando-se as repercussões maternas e perinatais indesejáveis e a prática laboratorial exequível, sugere-se o estabelecimento de rotina para diagnóstico das alterações de flora vaginal em gestantes de baixo risco.
Estudou-se retrospectivamente a evolução clínica de dois pacientes, até sua falência cardíaca irreversível (FCI), submetidos à monitorização contínua da pressão intracraniana (PIC). O estudo detalhado desses traçados mostrou que, nos dois casos a PIC atingiu valores máximos 5 e 12 h antes de ocorrer diminuição na amplitude das ondas, observada 47 e 60 h pré-FCI. Essa diminução foi progressiva e tornou-se linear cerca de 30 h antes da FCI, em ambos os casos. O diagnóstico clínico de morte encefálica (ME) foi obtido 3 e 28 hs após a linearidade do traçado. Os autores sugerem que o diagnóstico de ME pode ser definido mais precocemente com o uso da monitorização da PIC desde que o paciente não esteja sob sedação, e salientam a necessidade de mais observações, em número maior de pacientes.
Purpose: To describe the implantation of the red reflex test in 30 cities in the area of Botucatu Medical School Clinical Hospital, (480,337 inhabitants) and the creation of a reference Center for children with red reflex changes, the Red reflex screening and another Center for treatment of childhood cataract.Methods: The red reflex exam was released in 30 cities of the surrounding Botucatu area, lectures were done in the cities invited to participate by the Regional Department of Health. 109 pen torch ophthalmoscopes were distributed to the hospital maternities and primary care units. The Red reflex screening attended cases of altered or doubtful red reflex and established the diagnosis. The Center for treatment of childhood cataract performed the preoperative examination, surgical treatment and follow-up of children with cataracts.Results: After one year the Red reflex screening attended 29 children, 17 males and 12 females, mean age and pattern deviation (PD) of 10.09 +/- 20.35 months (7 days - 98 months old). 16 patients were referred with altered red reflex, with a mean age and pattern deviation of 13.17 +/- 24.14 months (7 days - 98 months old). The alteration was confirmed in all of these cases. 13 children had cataract. In 13 children with doubtful exam, with a mean age and PD of 6.29 +/- 14.46 months (7 days - 54 months old), the alteration was not confirmed in any of these patients. The incidence of negative red reflex found among newborns was 9.2/10,000 and the incidence cataracts in this same group was 7.9/10,000.Conclusion: We described the implantation of the red reflex exam in the Botucatu area, and the creation of a reference Center for eye examination of children with changes in the red reflex, and the creation of a reference Center for treatment of childhood cataract and difficulties.
The study's objective was to realize comparisons among different acepromazine, chlorpromazine and methotrimeprazine doses, evaluate parametric changes, test analgesia using press and term algimetry, and evaluate bispectral condition. 90 mongrel dogs were used, male and female, adult, weighting 10 to 15 Kg as a rule, distributed in 9 groups with 10 animals each. At first, second and third groups acepromazine was used at 0,1; 0,05 e 0,025 mg/Kg, respectively. At forth, fifth and sixth groups, chlorpromazine was used at 1,0; 0,5 and 0,25 mg/Kg, respectively. At seventh, eighth and ninth groups, methotrimeprazine at 1,0; 0,5 and 0,25 mg/Kg was used, respectively. All drugs were administered intravenously. objects of study: heart rate (HR), non invasive blood pressure (SAP, MAP, DAP), respiratory rate (f), capnography (ETCO(2)), pulse oxymetry (SatO(2)), mouth and rectal temperature, bispectral index (BIS), electromyography (EMG%), press and term algimetry. Somatic analgesia was evaluated by animal's response to nociceptives stimulus. We concluded that chlorpromazine had more bypotension. Dogs showed higher hypnosis level at: chlorpromazine group, with evident myorelaxation. All groups showed analgesia to thermic and mechanic stimulus. Acepromazine group showed high duration to both pain stimuli. Bispectral index was shorten at chlorpromazine group at 1,0 mg/kg doses, showing higher hypnosis index, and acepromazine was the less depressing considering the bispectral index.
Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo dos resultados dos exames citológicos provenientes dos arquivos do Serviço de Citopatologia do Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, São Paulo, entre janeiro de 1994 e dezembro de 2008. do total de 139.986 animais atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da instituição, 11.468 (8,2%) foram encaminhados para exame citológico. Desses diagnósticos, 57,28% corresponderam a lesões neoplásicas, 19,28% a lesões inflamatórias e 14,79% a processos não neoplásicos (imunológicos, degenerativos, hiperplásicos ou displásicos). Não foi possível concluir o diagnóstico por meio do exame citológico em 7,28% dos casos e não haviam informações diagnósticas registradas em 1,37% dos casos. Dentre os animais que mais receberam indicação para exame citológico destacaram-se os caninos (92,06%), seguidos pelos felinos (4,08%), bovinos (1,77%) e equinos (1,30%). Lesoes neoplásicas foram as mais comumente observadas e foram mais prevalentes nos cães (59,18%), afetando principalmente animais com idade média de 119,60 meses e principalmente fêmeas (61,61%). O incremento anual observado ao longo dos 15 anos de aplicação da citologia demonstra que o exame citológico é um método de suma importância para confirmar, sugerir ou afastar o diagnóstico de diversas afecções, inclusive neoplasia, em todas as espécies animais.
The objective of this study was to determinate the occurrence of hepatic lesions caused by migratory large Strongyle larvaes in horses slaughtered in city of Apucarana in state of Parana. The lesions were diagnostic in post mortem exam by macro and microscopic analysis. From April 2003 to April 2004,38,363 animals, coming from different regions of Brazil, were examined. The occurrence of granulomas in liver was observed in 14,443 (37.64%), with adhesions and spot in 6,645 (17,32%), and 17,275 (45.03%) without macroscopic lesions. Macroscopic analysis revealed the presence of livers with calcified nodules, the presence of whitish spots, and adhesions in the format of "lines" over the hepatic capsule. No larvae were found in the livers. Hepatic fragments were histologically processed and revealed, by optical microscopy, inflammatory cells with predominance of eosinophils around the granulomas with a moderate amount of macrophages and the presence of fibroblasts.
Introdução: O exame colpocitológico ou teste de Papanicolaou permite o diagnóstico precoce do câncer de colo do útero. O êxito no rastreamento desta doença dependerá, além de outros fatores, da acuidade diagnóstica do exame colpocitológico. Objetivos: Avaliar a acurácia diagnóstica da citologia cervicovaginal na detecção de lesões cervicais através da comparação citoistopatológica. Material e métodos: Avaliou-se o grau de concordância entre os exames citológico e histopatológico de 373 pacientes atendidas em um hospital universitário no período de 1990 a 1997 e foram calculados os indicadores: sensibilidade, especificidade, valores preditivos positivos e negativos e as taxas de falsos positivos e falsos negativos do exame. Resultados: A taxa bruta de concordância citoistopatológica foi de 65,1%. A sensibilidade do exame foi alta (96,0%), no entanto sua especificidade foi baixa (51,5%), significando a inclusão de muitos resultados falsos positivos. A taxa de falsos positivos foi de 48,4%, enquanto a de falsos negativos foi de 4%. Discussão: Apesar de a sensibilidade do teste ser alta, sua especificidade é baixa, significando que muitas mulheres seriam falsamente diagnosticadas como doentes, levando a um número elevado de resultados falsos positivos e custos desnecessários, além do potencial caráter iatrogênico que esta ação poderia assumir. No entanto, um exame altamente sensível é o teste de escolha para programas de rastreamento de câncer cervical na população feminina. Conclusões: Para garantir a acuidade diagnóstica do teste de Papanicolaou são essenciais atividades de controle de qualidade nos laboratórios, tanto do procedimento colpocitológico quanto do histopatológico, permitindo, assim, o êxito na detecção precoce e no tratamento das lesões cervicais.