1000 resultados para Enfermedad arterial periférica
Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is an important cause of renal artery stenosis, particularly in young females. Polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin (RA) system have been implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension and atherosclerotic vascular disease, and may play a role in the development of FMD. Examination of polymorphisms by PCR for angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) I/D, angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT(1)R) A1166C and angiotensinogen (AGT) M235T and T174M was undertaken in 43 patients with typical multifocal renal arterial FMD (MF-FMD) and in 89 controls. The age of NIF-FMD patients at the time of diagnosis of hypertension did not differ (38.6 + 11.1 years vs 35.5 +/- 10.3 years, P = 0.12) from controls and the proportion (95% vs 86%, P = 0.14) of females was similar. Allele frequencies did not differ significantly between groups, except that MF-FMD patients had a significantly higher frequency of the ACE I allele than control subjects (0.62 vs 0.47, P = 0.026). Since the ACE I allele is associated with lower circulating ACE levels and possibly lower tissue levels of angiotensin II (Ang II), and since Ang II modulates vascular smooth muscle cell growth and synthetic activity, the I allele might predispose to defective remodelling of the arterial media, and thus to the development of MF-FMD. This contrasts with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis, coronary stent restenosis and carotid intimal thickening, which are diseases affecting the arterial intima, and which are associated with increased frequency of the D allele.
Background: Supplementation with propionyl-L-carnitine (PLC) may be of use in improving the exercise capacity of people with peripheral arterial disease. Methods: After a 2-wk exercise familiarization phase, seven subjects displaying intermittent claudication were studied over a 12-wk period consisting of three 4-wk phases, baseline (B), supplementation (S), and placebo (P). PLC was supplemented at 2 g(.)d(-1), and subjects were blinded to the order of supplementation. Unilateral calf strength and endurance were assessed weekly. Walking performance was assessed at the end of each phase using an incremental protocol, during which respiratory gases were collected. Results: Although there was not a significant increase in maximal walking time (similar to 14%) in the whole group, walking time improved to a greater extent than the individual baseline coefficient of variation in four of the seven subjects. The changes in walking performance were correlated with changes in the respiratory exchange ratio both at steady state (r = 0.59) and maximal exercise (r = 0.79). Muscle strength increased significantly from 695 +/- 198 N to 812 +/- 249 N by the end of S. Changes in calf strength from B to S were modestly related to changes in walking performance (r = 0.56). No improvements in calf endurance were detected throughout the study. Conclusions: These preliminary data suggest that, in addition to walking performance, muscle strength can be increased in PAD patients after 4 wk of supplementation with propionyl-L-carnitine.
This study tested the hypotheses that skeletal muscle mitochondrial ATP production rate (MAPR) is impaired in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and that it relates positively to their walking performances. Seven untrained patients, eight exercise-trained patients and 11 healthy controls completed a maximal walking test and had muscle sampled from the gastrocnemius medialis muscle. Muscle was analysed for its MAPR in the presence of pyruvate, palmitoyl-L-carnitine or both, as well as citrate synthase (CS) activity. MAPRs were not different between untrained PAD and controls. In contrast, MAPRs (pyruvate) were significantly higher in trained PAD vs. controls. MAPR (pyruvate combinations) was also significantly higher in trained than untrained PAD muscle. MAPR and CS activity were highly correlated with walking performance in patients, but not in controls. These data do not support the hypothesis that isolated mitochondria are functionally impaired in PAD and demonstrate that the muscle mitochondrial capacity to oxidize carbohydrate is positively related to walking performance in these patients.
Injury to endothelial calls is thought to be important to the development of the vascular lesion of chronic rejection. It was the aim of this study to develop a semiquantitative method to assess endothelial injury in arterial grafts and to document the injury produced by cold storage preservation and additional warm ischaemia. Twelve- and 24-h cold preservation of rat aortic segments, together with an additional 1 h of warm ischaemia, were assessed. Electron micrographs of representative endothelial cells were scored for cytoplasmic, nuclear and mitochondrial injury. The overall injury score was obtained by addition of the individual scores. Storage for up to 24 h in University of Wisconsin (UW) and Terasaki did not produce any injury. Twenty-four hours of storage in Euro-Collins resulted in endothelial cell death. Injury occurred after 12 h of storage in Ross, Collins and normal saline, and the injury increased following 24 h of storage. One hour of warm ischaemia did not increase the injury. Injury to endothelial cells varies with the preservation solution used and the time of cold storage, so that both the type of solution and the storage time should be taken into account in clinical studies looking at the influence of cold ischaemia time and graft outcome.
Ouabain increases vascular resistance and may induce hypertension by inhibiting the Na+ pump. The effects of 0.18 and 18 µg/kg, and 1.8 mg/kg ouabain pretreatment on the phenylephrine (PHE; 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 µg, in bolus)-evoked pressor responses were investigated using anesthetized normotensive (control and uninephrectomized) and hypertensive (1K1C and DOCA-salt treated) rats. Treatment with 18 µg/kg ouabain increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure in all groups studied. However, the magnitude of this increase was larger for the hypertensive 1K1C and DOCA-salt rats than for normotensive animals, while the pressor effect of 0.18 µg/kg ouabain was greater only in DOCA-salt rats. A very large dose (1.8 mg/kg) produced toxic effects on the normotensive control but not on uninephrectomized or 1K1C rats. Rat tail vascular beds were perfused to analyze the effects of 10 nM ouabain on the pressor response to PHE. In all animals, 10 nM ouabain increased the PHE pressor response, but this increase was larger in hypertensive DOCA-salt rats than in normotensive and 1K1C rats. Results suggested that a) increases in diastolic blood pressure induced by 18 µg/kg ouabain were larger in hypertensive than normotensive rats; b) in DOCA-salt rats, smaller ouabain doses had a stronger effect than in other groups; c) hypertensive and uninephrectomized rats were less sensitive to toxic doses of ouabain, and d) after treatment with 10 nM ouabain isolated tail vascular beds from DOCA-salt rats were more sensitive to the pressor effect of PHE than those from normotensive and 1K1C hypertensive rats. These data suggest that very small doses of ouabain, which might produce nanomolar plasma concentrations, enhance pressor reactivity in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, supporting the idea that endogenous ouabain may contribute to the increase and maintenance of vascular tone in hypertension.
The available data suggests that hypotension caused by Hg2+ administration may be produced by a reduction of cardiac contractility or by cholinergic mechanisms. The hemodynamic effects of an intravenous injection of HgCl2 (5 mg/kg) were studied in anesthetized rats (N = 12) by monitoring left and right ventricular (LV and RV) systolic and diastolic pressures for 120 min. After HgCl2 administration the LV systolic pressure decreased only after 40 min (99 ± 3.3 to 85 ± 8.8 mmHg at 80 min). However, RV systolic pressure increased, initially slowly but faster after 30 min (25 ± 1.8 to 42 ± 1.6 mmHg at 80 min). Both right and left diastolic pressures increased after HgCl2 treatment, suggesting the development of diastolic ventricular dysfunction. Since HgCl2 could be increasing pulmonary vascular resistance, isolated lungs (N = 10) were perfused for 80 min with Krebs solution (continuous flow of 10 ml/min) containing or not 5 µM HgCl2. A continuous increase in pulmonary vascular resistance was observed, suggesting the direct effect of Hg2+ on the pulmonary vessels (12 ± 0.4 to 29 ± 3.2 mmHg at 30 min). To examine the interactions of Hg2+ and changes in cholinergic activity we analyzed the effects of acetylcholine (Ach) on mean arterial blood pressure (ABP) in anesthetized rats (N = 9) before and after Hg2+ treatment (5 mg/kg). Using the same amount and route used to study the hemodynamic effects we also examined the effects of Hg2+ administration on heart and plasma cholinesterase activity (N = 10). The in vivo hypotensive response to Ach (0.035 to 10.5 µg) was reduced after Hg2+ treatment. Cholinesterase activity (µM h-1 mg protein-1) increased in heart and plasma (32 and 65%, respectively) after Hg2+ treatment. In conclusion, the reduction in ABP produced by Hg2+ is not dependent on a putative increase in cholinergic activity. HgCl2 mainly affects cardiac function. The increased pulmonary vascular resistance and cardiac failure due to diastolic dysfunction of both ventricles are factors that might contribute to the reduction of cardiac output and the fall in arterial pressure.
Artigo original Ergoespirometria
Objetivo: investigar a influência de duas sessões únicas de exercício resistido (circuito com pesos) e aeróbio sobre as alterações pressóricas, em indivíduos sedentários e normotensos. Métodos: foram avaliados pela monitorização numa situação controle, sem realização de exercícios (MAPA 1) 25 indivíduos, após exercício resistido (MAPA 2) e após exercício aeróbio (MAPA 3). Os exercícios resistidos foram realizados sob forma de circuito com pesos, com intensidade de 40% da força máxima individual e os exercícios aeróbicos em cicloergômetro, com intensidade entre 60% e 70% da freqüência cardíaca (FC) máxima alcançada no teste ergométrico. Resultados: a pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) de 24h e sub-períodos vigília e sono não apresentaram variações estatisticamente significantes quando comparada à MAPA2 e MAPA3 e MAPA2 e MAPA3 entre si. A pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) de 24h e diurna apresentaram reduções significantes (P<0,05). A média da freqüência cardíaca de 24h e no período vigília apresentou aumentos significativos (P<0,05) quando comparada a MAPA2 à MAPA3. Conclusão: uma sessão única de exercício resistido em indivíduos normotensos foi suficiente para promover reduções significativas dos níveis tensionais, no período de sono após o exercício, e a de exercício aeróbio nesses mesmos indivíduos, foi mais eficaz em promover reduções significativas dos níveis pressóricos.
The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of the immunosuppressant rapamycin (Rapamune®, Sirolimus) on both resistance vessel responsiveness and atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient 8-week-old male mice fed a normal rodent diet. Norepinephrine (NE)-induced vasoconstriction, acetylcholine (ACh)- and sodium nitroprusside (SNP)-induced vasorelaxation of isolated mesenteric bed, and atherosclerotic lesions were evaluated. After 12 weeks of orally administered rapamycin (5 mg·kg-1·day-1, N = 9) and compared with untreated (control, N = 9) animals, rapamycin treatment did not modify either NE-induced vasoconstriction (maximal response: 114 ± 4 vs 124 ± 10 mmHg, respectively) or ACh- (maximal response: 51 ± 8 vs 53 ± 5%, respectively) and SNP-induced vasorelaxation (maximal response: 73 ± 6 vs 74 ± 6%, respectively) of the isolated vascular mesenteric bed. Despite increased total cholesterol in treated mice (982 ± 59 vs 722 ± 49 mg/dL, P < 0.01), lipid deposition on the aorta wall vessel was significantly less in rapamycin-treated animals (37 ± 12 vs 68 ± 8 µm2 x 103). These results indicate that orally administered rapamycin is effective in attenuating the progression of atherosclerotic plaque without affecting the responsiveness of resistance vessels, supporting the idea that this immunosuppressant agent might be of potential benefit against atherosclerosis in patients undergoing therapy.
The maintenance of arterial pressure at levels adequate to perfuse the tissues is a basic requirement for the constancy of the internal environment and survival. The objective of the present review was to provide information about the basic reflex mechanisms that are responsible for the moment-to-moment regulation of the cardiovascular system. We demonstrate that this control is largely provided by the action of arterial and non-arterial reflexes that detect and correct changes in arterial pressure (baroreflex), blood volume or chemical composition (mechano- and chemosensitive cardiopulmonary reflexes), and changes in blood-gas composition (chemoreceptor reflex). The importance of the integration of these cardiovascular reflexes is well understood and it is clear that processing mainly occurs in the nucleus tractus solitarii, although the mechanism is poorly understood. There are several indications that the interactions of baroreflex, chemoreflex and Bezold-Jarisch reflex inputs, and the central nervous system control the activity of autonomic preganglionic neurons through parallel afferent and efferent pathways to achieve cardiovascular homeostasis. It is surprising that so little appears in the literature about the integration of these neural reflexes in cardiovascular function. Thus, our purpose was to review the interplay between peripheral neural reflex mechanisms of arterial blood pressure and blood volume regulation in physiological and pathophysiological states. Special emphasis is placed on the experimental model of arterial hypertension induced by N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in which the interplay of these three reflexes is demonstrable.
Objetivo: Avaliar o consumo de sal e a relação sódio/potássio urinário em amostra randomizada de população urbana etnicamente miscigenada. Métodos: Foi selecionada uma amostra randômica de 2.268 residentes de Vitória, ES, entre 25 e 64 anos de idade. Os indivíduos foram escolhidos por amostragem domiciliar realizada em 1999/2000, dos quais 1.663 (73,3%) compareceram ao hospital para a realização de exames padronizados. O consumo estimado de sal, Na+ e K+ foi determinado por meio da coleta de urina de 12h no período noturno (19h às 7h) e do gasto mensal de sal domiciliar referido durante a entrevista. A pressão arterial clínica foi medida duas vezes por diferentes pesquisadores treinados em condições padronizadas, usando esfignomamômetro de mercúrio. Para análise estatística foram utilizados o teste de Student e o teste de Tukey. Resultados: A excreção urinária de Na+ foi mais alta em homens e em indivíduos de menores condições socioeconômicas (P<0,000). Não foi observada diferença entre os grupos étnicos. A excreção de K+ não se relacionou com nível socioeconômico e raça, mas foi significativamente mais alta entre os homens (25±18 x 22±18 mEq/12h; P=0,002). Foi observada uma correlação linear positiva entre a excreção urinária de Na+ e pressão arterial sistólica (r=0,15) e diastólica (r=0,19). Indivíduos hipertensos apresentaram maior excreção urinária de Na+ e relação Na/K, quando comparados com indivíduos normotensos. O consumo de sal relatado foi aproximadamente 50% do consumo estimado pela excreção urinária de 12h (em torno de 45% da excreção urinária de 24h). Conclusões: A ingestão de sal é fortemente influenciada pelo nível socioeconômico e pode, parcialmente, explicar a alta prevalência de hipertensão arterial nas classes socioeconômicas mais baixas
A mímica facial é fundamental para a expressão e comunicação humana, que são possíveis apenas através da integridade do nervo facial. Sendo assim, a paralisia facial periférica (PFP) pode deixar seqüelas estéticas, funcionais e psicológicas. A causa mais comum é a paralisia de Bell (50 a 80%), onde a maioria dos pacientes apresenta manifestação unilateral. O acometimento bilateral simultâneo é raro, sendo a leucemia a neoplasia que com maior freqüência pode resultar nesse tipo de manifestação. A seguir, relatamos o caso de um paciente de dezoito anos de idade apresentando leucemia linfóide aguda (LLA) e PFP simultânea, ambas refratárias ao tratamento quimioterápico, culminando com o óbito cinco meses após o início da PFP. Realizou-se considerações importantes sobre a fisiopatologia da PFP na LLA, além de uma revisão da literatura.
A paralisia de Bell é uma paralisia facial unilateral de início súbito e de causa desconhecida. Pode afetar a salivação, o paladar e o lacrimejamento dependendo do topografia do acometimento do nervo facial, e os pacientes podem referir hipersensibilidade auditiva. Nos pacientes com paralisia de Bell, o reflexo estapediano está ausente. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desta investigação foi o de verificar se os pacientes com paralisia de Bell apresentam hiperacusia. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram examinados 18 pacientes aleatórios apresentando paralisia facial periférica de Bell. Foi realizada avaliação otorrinolaringológica completa, teste de Hilger, teste de Schirmer, gustometria, audiometria tonal e vocal, imitanciometria e teste de desconforto auditivo. A faixa etária entre 31 e 40 anos foi a mais afetada pela PFP nesta amostra. RESULTADO: Os pacientes do sexo feminino foram os mais afetados estando acometidos em 61% dos casos. A hemi-face direita foi acometida em 56% dos casos. O grau de acometimento local mais encontrado foi o grau IV em 44% dos casos e os graus III e V em 28% dos casos cada. A queixa de hiperacusia esteve presente em apenas um paciente, o que representa 5,5% dos casos. Todos os pacientes estudados apresentaram diminuição nos gráficos audiométricos do limiar de tolerância auditiva, sendo que o reflexo estapediano protege, em média 16 dB, nestes pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Portanto, concluímos que pacientes com paralisia de Bell apresentam clinicamente queixas de hiperacusia semelhantes da população geral, porém, audiometricamente, o limiar de tolerância auditivo no lado paralisado é menor do que em relação ao do lado normal.
Os primeiros herpes-vírus a serem descritos foram os tipos 1 e 2, cuja denominação é herpes simplex 1 e 2 ou HSV-1 e HSV-2. Estes vírus possuem características biológicas particulares, tais como a capacidade de causar diferentes tipos de doenças, assim como estabelecer infecções latentes ou persistentes por toda a vida dos hospedeiros e de serem reativados causando lesões que podem se localizar no sítio da infecção primária inicial ou próxima a ele. Postula-se que a reativação deste vírus no gânglio geniculado esteja relacionada com a paralisia de Bell. Nesta situação, os vírus, que estariam latentes neste gânglio, sofreriam reativação e replicação difundindo-se pelo nervo facial e seus ramos, dentre eles o nervo corda do tímpano, que ao estimular a secreção salivar possibilitaria a identificação do DNA viral na saliva dos pacientes. Até recentemente, um grande número de pacientes eram diagnosticados como portadores de uma forma desta paralisia, chamada de idiopática ou de paralisia de Bell. Com o advento da técnica de estudo do DNA viral pelo método da reação da polimerase em cadeia (PCR), diversos autores encontraram DNA do vírus herpes simplex tipo I no líquido cefalorraquidiano, na secreção lacrimal, na saliva e nos gânglios geniculados de pacientes com paralisia de Bell. OBJETIVO: observar a prevalência do vírus herpes simplex tipo I pela técnica de PCR, na saliva de pacientes com PFP de Bell, relacionando-a com a evolução clínica destes casos. METODOLOGIA: Avaliamos 38 pacientes portadores de Paralisia Facial Periférica de Bell, que foram submetidos a anamnese, exame médico geral e otorrinolaringológico e coleta de saliva para detecção do DNA viral pela técnica de PCR. O grupo controle correspondeu a 10 adultos normais. RESULTADOS: Obtivemos positividade para o DNA viral em 11 casos dos 38 avaliados, o que corresponde a 29% da amostra. Este resultado foi estatisticamente significante se comparado ao grupo controle, no qual não foi obtido nenhum caso de positividade. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que a presença do HSV-1 na saliva de pacientes portadores de PFP de Bell indica que a reativação viral pode ser a etiologia desta doença. A detecção do vírus na saliva destes pacientes não influencia o prognóstico da doença.