251 resultados para Ect
El objetivo de este taller es mostrar a los alumnos mediante experiencias de laboratorio sencillas y de bajo coste algunas metodologías de estudio de las propiedades físicas de las rocas como material de construcción. Las propiedades físicas de las rocas determinan su uso y comportamiento tanto como materiales de construcción como soportes de obra civil. La determinación de las propiedades físicas complementan el estudio mineralógico y textural (petrográfico) de los materiales pétreos y naturales. Las propiedades petrofísicas más importantes que se abordan en este taller son el sistema poroso (porosidad); transporte de fluidos (permeabilidad, capilaridad); propiedades mecánicas (estáticas y dinámicas); la durabilidad de las rocas frente a las sales, hielo, ataque ácido, etc.
This case report reports the visual rehabilitation obtained with the fitting of a new design of full scleral contact lens (ICD 16.5 contact lens, Paragon Vision Sciences, distributed by Lenticon, Madrid, Spain) in a cornea with advanced keratoconus and previous implantation of intracorneal ring segment with a very limited effect. This eye had a refraction of –3.00 × 55° cylinder, providing a visual acuity of 0.5 LogMAR. The topographic pattern was very irregular with the presence of a significant central protrusion and a significant central corneal thinning. Some previous unsuccessful fittings have been performed with corneal and corneal-scleral lenses. A comfortable wearing was achieved with a fully scleral contact lens of 4600 μm of sagittal height, optical power of –11.25 D, and providing an apical clearance of 196 μm. A visual acuity of 0.0 LogMAR combined with a relevant aberrometric improvement was achieved with this contact lens. The patient was completely satisfied with the fitting. The result was maintained during 1 year after the fitting. Full scleral lenses are then able to provide comfortable wear and a significant increase in visual acuity combined with a significant improvement in the visual quality in eyes with advanced keratoconus.
Purpose: To analyze and define the possible errors that may be introduced in keratoconus classification when the keratometric corneal power is used in such classification. Materials and methods: Retrospective study including a total of 44 keratoconus eyes. A comprehensive ophthalmologic examination was performed in all cases, which included a corneal analysis with the Pentacam system (Oculus). Classical keratometric corneal power (Pk), Gaussian corneal power (Pc Gauss), True Net Power (TNP) (Gaussian power neglecting the corneal thickness effect), and an adjusted keratometric corneal power (Pkadj) (keratometric power considering a variable keratometric index) were calculated. All cases included in the study were classified according to five different classification systems: Alió-Shabayek, Amsler-Krumeich, Rabinowitz-McDonnell, collaborative longitudinal evaluation of keratoconus (CLEK), and McMahon. Results: When Pk and Pkadj were compared, differences in the type of grading of keratoconus cases was found in 13.6% of eyes when the Alió-Shabayek or the Amsler-Krumeich systems were used. Likewise, grading differences were observed in 22.7% of eyes with the Rabinowitz-McDonnell and McMahon classification systems and in 31.8% of eyes with the CLEK classification system. All reclassified cases using Pkadj were done in a less severe stage, indicating that the use of Pk may lead to the classification of a cornea as keratoconus, being normal. In general, the results obtained using Pkadj, Pc Gauss or the TNP were equivalent. Differences between Pkadj and Pc Gauss were within ± 0.7D. Conclusion: The use of classical keratometric corneal power may lead to incorrect grading of the severity of keratoconus, with a trend to a more severe grading.
El proceso de aprendizaje de las Ciencias de la Tierra, en particular en las disciplinas de la sedimentología y petrología sedimentaria, requiere de la realización de actividades prácticas, tanto en el campo como en el laboratorio. En este contexto examinar mediante lupa binocular distintos tipos de arena supone, además de un placer estético, un buen punto de partida para introducir al alumnado en la interpretación de ambientes sedimentarios. En este trabajo se propone un taller de iniciación a la reconstrucción de ambientes sedimentarios mediante el análisis de sedimentos detríticos (principalmente arenas). Se presenta una guía de procedimientos en laboratorio que incluye el análisis de los siguientes parámetros: tamaño, composición y forma de los granos, selección y color. Para vertebrar la propuesta didáctica se examinan ejemplos “tipo” de sedimentos detríticos representativos de ambientes de depósito tanto fluviales como marinos y de transición (playa), todos ellos incluidos en diferentes puntos de la geografía de la provincia de Alicante (España).
Mode of access: Internet.
Short stories.
Mode of access: Internet.
Objective: To determine the population-based utilization rate of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in Victoria between 1998-1999, to examine the characteristics of the ECT treated group, and to identify patient factors independently associated with differential rates of ECT treatment. Method: Electroconvulsive therapy is reported under statute in Victoria, Australia. Crude, age-adjusted and age-sex specific utilization rates were calculated using this statutory data for the 1998-1999 financial year and estimated mid-year populations from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Descriptive characteristics of those treated with ECT were derived from the statutory data. Patient factors associated with an increased likelihood of ECT in the public sector were explored with logistic regression analysis, using non-ECT treated mental health patients from the Victorian Psychiatric Case Register as the reference population. Results: The crude treated-person and age-adjusted rates for the State (both public and private sectors) were 39.9 and 44.0 persons per 100 000 resident population per annum, respectively. The crude and age-adjusted administration rates were 330.3 and 362.6 ECT administrations per 100 000 resident population per annum, respectively. Age-sex specific rates varied by age and sex, with rates generally increasing with age and female sex. Overall, 62.8% of the treated group were women, 32.9% aged over 64, and 75.2% had depression. Diagnosis, age and sex each independently predicted ECT in the public sector, with diagnosis the most important factor, followed by age then sex. Conclusions: Despite decades of use, the appropriate rate of ECT utilization is still unclear. Further research should be directed at exploring the factors, including provider variables, determining ECT treatment.
The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes associated with two differing right unilateral (RUL) electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) dosing protocols: 2-3X seizure threshold (2-3X ST) and fixed high dose (FHD) at 353 mC. A retrospective chart review was performed to compare patient outcomes during the implementation of two different dosing protocols: 2-3X ST from October 2000 to May 2001 and FHD from June 2001 to February 2002. A total of 56 patients received ECT under the 2-3X ST protocol, and 46 received ECT under the FHD protocol. In total, 13.6% of patients receiving ECT according to the 2-3X ST protocol received more than 12 ECT, whereas none of the FHD group received more than 12 ECT. The mean number of ECT per treatment course reduced significantly from 7.6 to 5.7 following the switch from the 2-3X ST protocol to the FHD protocol. There were no significant differences between the two groups in the incidence of adverse cognitive effects. ECT practitioners adhered to the 2-3X ST protocol for only 51.8% of ECT courses, with protocol adherence improving to 87% following introduction of the FHD protocol. Although this naturalistic retrospective chart survey had significant methodological limitations, it found that practitioners are more likely to correctly adhere to a fixed dose protocol, therefore, increasing its 'real world' effectiveness in comparison to titrated suprathreshold dosing techniques. The FHD protocol was associated with shorter courses of ECT than the 2-3X ST protocol, with no significant difference between the two protocols in clinically discernable adverse cognitive effects.
Experiments on drying of moist particles by ambient air were carried out to measure the mass transfer coefficient in a bubbling fluidized bed. Fine glass beads of mean diameter 125?µm were used as the bed material. Throughout the drying process, the dynamic material distribution was recorded by electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) and the exit air condition was recorded by a temperature/humidity probe. The ECT data were used to obtain qualitative and quantitative information on the bubble characteristics. The exit air moisture content was used to determine the water content in the bed. The measured overall mass transfer coefficient was in the range of 0.0145–0.021?m/s. A simple model based on the available correlations for bubble-cloud and cloud-dense interchange (two-region model) was used to predict the overall mass transfer coefficient. Comparison between the measured and predicted mass transfer coefficient have shown reasonable agreement. The results were also used to determine the relative importance of the two transfer regions.
Purpose - To generate a reflectance model of the fundus that allows an accurate non-invasive quantification of blood and pigments. Methods - A Monte Carlo simulation was used to produce a mathematical model of light interaction with the fundus at different wavelengths. The model predictions were compared with fundus images from normal volunteers in several spectral bands (peaks at 507, 525, 552, 585, 596 and 611nm). Th e model was then used to calculate the concentration and distribution of the known absorbing components of the fundus. Results - The shape of the statistical distribution of the image data generally corresponded to that of the model data; the model however appears to overestimate the reflectance of the fundus in the longer wavelength region.As the absorption by xanthophyll has no significant eff ect on light transport above 534nm, its distribution in the fundus was quantified: the wavelengths where both shape and distribution of image and model data matched (<553nm) were used to train a neural network which was then applied to every point in the image data. The xanthophyll distribution thus found was in agreement with published literature data in normal subjects. Conclusion - We have developed a method for optimising multi-spectral imaging of the fundus and a computer image analysis capable of estimating information about the structure and properties of the fundus. Th e technique successfully calculates the distribution of xanthophyll in the fundus of healthy volunteers. Further improvement of the model is required to allow the deduction of other parameters from images; investigations in known pathology models are also necessary to establish if this method is of clinical use in detecting early chroido-retinopathies, hence providing a useful screening and diagnostic tool.
This paper addresses the task of learning classifiers from streams of labelled data. In this case we can face the problem that the underlying concepts can change over time. The paper studies two mechanisms developed for dealing with changing concepts. Both are based on the time window idea. The first one forgets gradually, by assigning to the examples weight that gradually decreases over time. The second one uses a statistical test to detect changes in concept and then optimizes the size of the time window, aiming to maximise the classification accuracy on the new examples. Both methods are general in nature and can be used with any learning algorithm. The objectives of the conducted experiments were to compare the mechanisms and explore whether they can be combined to achieve a synergetic e ect. Results from experiments with three basic learning algorithms (kNN, ID3 and NBC) using four datasets are reported and discussed.
AMS Subj. Classification: 92C30
A könyvvizsgálati kockázat a téves auditjelentés kiadásának kockázata olyan esetekben, amikor a beszámoló lényeges hibás állítást tartalmaz. Ez a kockázat indirekt módon a hitelintézetek és pénzügyi vállalkozások működésében is megjelenik azokban az esetekben, amikor a lényeges hibás állítást a finanszírozott vállalkozás auditált beszámolója tartalmazza, amelynek az alapján finanszírozási döntést hoznak, vagy a finanszírozás folytatásáról a beszámolóban szereplő, hibás információkból számított hitelkovenánsok alapján döntenek. A könyvvizsgálat kockázatában a vizsgált gazdálkodó üzleti kockázatai tükröződnek vissza, ezért a kockázat felmérése és az ellenőrzés ennek alapján való megtervezése, majd végrehajtása kulcsfontosságú. Jelen tanulmány – kapcsolódva a Hitelintézeti Szemle 2011. évi 4. számához – szintén a kockázat és bizonytalanság témakörét tárgyalja, pontosabban ennek egy gyakorlati vetületét: a bizonyosságfüggvények (belief functions) alkalmazását a könyvvizsgálatban; mindezt a teljesség és a tankönyvszerű rendszerfelépítés igénye nélkül. A módszer ugyanis hazánkban szinte ismeretlen, nemzetközi viszonylatban viszont empirikus kutatásban is rámutattak már az alkalmazás lehetséges előnyeire a hagyományos valószínűségelméleten alapuló számszerű kockázatbecslésekkel szemben. Eszerint a bizonyosságfüggvények jobban reprezentálják a könyvvizsgálóknak a kockázatról alkotott képét, mint a valószínűségek, mert – szemben a hagyományos modellel – nem két, hanem három állapotot kezelnek: a pozitív bizonyíték létezését, a negatív bizonyíték létezését és a bizonyíték hiányának esetét. _______ Audit risk is the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the fi nancial statements are materially misstated. This kind of risk indirectly appears in the fi nancial statements of fi nancial institutions, when the material misstatement is in the fi nanced entity’s statements that serve as a basis for lending decisions or when the decision is made based upon credit covenants calculated from misstated information. The risks of the audit process refl ect the business risks of the auditee, so the assessment of risks, and further the planning and performance of the audit based on it is of key importance. The current study – connecting to No 4 2011 of Hitelintézeti Szemle – also discusses the topic of risk and uncertainty, or to be more precise a practical implementation of the aforementioned: the application of belief functions in the fi eld of external audit. All this without the aim of achieving completeness or textbook-like scrutiny in building up the theory. While the formalism is virtually unknown in Hungary, on the international scene empirical studies pointed out the possible advantages of the application of the method in contrast to risk assessments based on the traditional theory of probability. Accordingly, belief functions provide a better representation of auditors’ perception of risk, as in contrast to the traditional model, belief functions deal with three rather than two states: the existence of supportive evidence, that of negative evidence and the lack of evidence.