988 resultados para Early oral colonization
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the promoter region of the human interleukin (IL)-2 (T-330G) and IL-6 (G-174C) genes have modified the transcriptional activity of these cytokines and are associated with several diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible relationship between these single nucleotide polymorphisms and early implant failure. A sample of 74 nonsmokers was divided into 2 groups: test group comprising 34 patients (mean age 49.3 years) with ĝ‰¥1 implants that failed and control group consisting of 40 patients (mean age 43.8 years) with ĝ‰¥1 healthy implants. Genomic deoxyribonucleic acid from oral mucosa was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Monte Carlo simulations (P < 0.05) were used to assess differences in allele and genotypes frequencies of the single nucleotide polymorphisms between the 2 groups. No significant differences were observed in the allele and genotypes distribution of both polymorphisms when the 2 groups were compared. The results indicate that polymorphisms in the IL-2 (T-330G) and IL-6 (G-174C) genes are not associated with early implant failure, suggesting that the presence of those single nucleotide polymorphisms does not constitute a genetic risk factor for implant loss in the studied population. Copyright © 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
The objective of this study was to describe a new platelet-rich plasma (PRP) protocol with a reduced concentration of leukocytes and intact platelets. We collected 8 mL of venous blood (VB) from marginal ear veins of 10 male New Zealand white rabbits in acid dextrose citrate Vacutainer tubes. Tubes were centrifuged at 302g for 10 minutes. All plasma was collected in plastic tubes to avoid buffy-coat contamination and centrifuged at 2862g for 5 minutes. A 10% calcium chloride activator (10 PRP:2 CaCl2) was added to the lower third of this plasma (PRP), and the PRP gel was obtained. Mean platelet count was 317.7 x 10(3) +/- 39.9/microL in VB and 1344.9 x 10(3) +/- 347.5/microL in PRP. Leukocyte counts were 3.96 x 10(3) +/- 2.01/microL and 0.46 x 10(3) +/- 0.45/microL in VB and PRP, respectively. Mean platelet enrichment was 327.4 +/- 97.8%. All differences were statistically significant (P > .05). This protocol is practical and reproducible, resulting in a high concentration of intact platelets to help tissue repair and low levels of leukocytes.
Regional odontodysplasia (RO) is a rare disorder of dental development. The affected teeth are clinically hypoplastic and hypocalcified, presenting a ghost-like appearance radiographically. The aim of this work was to report a clinical case of a child with both primary and permanent dentition affected by RO. The conducted therapy was based on a conservative approach, which consisted of follow-up clinical evaluations of the anomalous teeth. However, the endodontic treatment of the primary incisors failed. Then, the chosen option for patient rehabilitation became extraction followed by removable of prosthesis confection. The extracted teeth were processed for histological analysis. In spite of the uncertain prognosis, but taking into account the psychological aspects of the patient, a conservative approach in an attempt to maintain those viable teeth in the oral cavity should be established.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of conventional and whitening dentifrices on the weight loss, surface roughness, and early in situ biofilm formation on the surface of dental ceramics. Standardized feldspar ceramic specimens (Vita VM7 and Vita VM13) were submitted to the following experimental conditions: no brushing; brushing without a dentifrice; brushing with a conventional dentifrice; and brushing with a whitening dentifrice. A brushing machine was used to simulate brushing. The mass and surface roughness of all specimens from the test groups were evaluated prior to and after brushing. Ten participants used an oral device for eight hours to evaluate the biofilm formed in situ on the specimens. Scanning electron microscopy was used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the biofilm. ANOVA and Tukey tests were used to analyze the results of weight loss, surface roughness, and presence of bacteria. A one-way Kruskal-Wallis test was used for bacterial colonization results. For both ceramics, brushing with a whitening dentifrice resulted in weight loss that was significantly greater when compared to brushing without a dentifrice or with a conventional dentifrice. Increased surface roughness was noticed on VM13 ceramic samples with both dentifrices, whereas only conventional dentifrice had a significant effect on the surface roughness of VM7 samples. For both VM7 and VM13, no difference was found between the experimental conditions with regard to the presence or number of bacteria. Cocci and short rods were the predominant microbial morphotypes. Granular or fibrillar acellular material partially covered the specimens. Brushing with a whitening dentifrice resulted in significant weight loss of ceramic restorations, while brushing with both conventional and whitening dentifrices can roughen ceramic surfaces. The increase in roughness was not clinically significant to contribute to increased biofilm formation.
The Candida genus expresses virulence factors that, when combined with immunosuppression and other risk factors, can cause different manifestations of oral candidiasis. The treatment of mucosal infections caused by Candida and the elucidation of the disease process have proven challenging. Therefore, the study of experimentally induced oral candidiasis in rats and mice is useful to clarify the etiopathology of this condition, improve diagnosis, and search for new therapeutic options because the disease process in these animals is similar to that of human candidiasis lesions. Here, we describe and discuss new studies involving rat and mouse models of oral candidiasis with respect to methods for inducing experimental infection, methods for evaluating the development of experimental candidiasis, and new treatment strategies for oral candidiasis. © 2013 Landes Bioscience.
This study evaluated 3 implant surfaces in a dog model: (1) resorbable-blasting media + acid-etched (RBMa), alumina-blasting + acid-etching (AB/AE), and AB/AE + RBMa (hybrid). All of the surfaces were minimally rough, and Ca and P were present for the RBMa and hybrid surfaces. Following 2 weeks in vivo, no significant differences were observed for torque, bone-to-implant contact, and bone-area fraction occupied measurements. Newly formed woven bone was observed in proximity with all surfaces.
Microorganisms from the oral cavity may settle at the implant-abutment interface (IAI). As a result, tissue inflammation could occur around these structures. The databases MEDLINE/PubMed and PubMed Central were used to identify articles published from 1981 through 2012 related to the microbial colonization in the implant-abutment gap and its consequence in terms of crest bone loss and osseointegration. The following considerations could be put forward, with respect to the clinical importance of IAI: (a) the space present at the IAI seems to allow bacterial leakage to occur, in spite of the size of this space; (b) bacterial leakage seems to occur at the IAI, irrespective of the type of connection. More studies are necessary to clarify the relationship between leakage at IAI and abutment connection designs; (c) losses at the peri-implant bone crests cannot be related to the IAI size, since few studies have shown no relationship. Also, the microbial leakage at the IAI cannot be related to the bone crest loss, since there are no articles reporting this relationship; remains controversial the influence of the IAI position on the bone crest losses. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 101B: 1321-1328, 2013. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
A infecção pela Helicobacter pylori é uma das mais comuns em humanos e apesar de possuir tropismo pelo estômago, pode ser encontrada na cavidade oral, mantendo uma relação comensal com o hospedeiro, enquanto a cárie dental também é uma doença infecciosa e resulta do metabolismo da placa bacteriana. Ambas as infecções apresentam alta prevalência em países em desenvolvimento, pois estas populações estão mais expostas a fatores ambientais de risco, e normalmente são adquiridas durante a infância. A prevalência destas infecções foi investigada na cavidade oral de escolares assintomáticos para doenças gástricas, provenientes de uma população de Belém-Pa, relacionando-se a alguns parâmetros de higiene e saúde bucal, condição socioeconômica e fatores de susceptibilidade genética como os grupos sanguíneos ABO e Lewis. Foram investigados 104 indivíduos, com idade média de 17 anos. De todos os participantes foram coletadas amostras de saliva e placa dental. A saliva foi coletada para identificação do estado secretor ABO e Lewis e estimação dos parâmetros salivares, e ambas, saliva e placa dental, foram coletadas para analise molecular dos genes 16S RNAr da H. pylori e FUT2. A H. pylori foi detectada em 79,8% dos escolares, com freqüência de 66,35% na placa dental e 58,65% na saliva. A prevalência de cárie foi de 82,8% na população estudada. A avaliação clínica da saúde bucal mostrou que o CPO-D médio encontrado foi de 3,53. Observou-se que a experiência de cárie tende a aumentar à medida que acresce a idade e que a infecção por H. pylori foi maior na primeira infância. O grau de instrução e o número de visitas ao dentista mostraram diferenças significantes em relação a presença de H. pylori. A distribuição fenotípica dos grupos sanguíneos ABO e Lewis não mostrou diferenças significantes entre indivíduos infectados e não-infectados, que expliquem haver maior susceptibilidade genética para infecção por H. pylori e cárie dental. No conjunto desta analise as elevadas freqüências encontradas denotam a necessidade de cuidados e tratamento das doenças dentais, como a cárie e sugere-se que a H. pylori na cavidade oral pode contribuir para a infecção e re-infecção do estômago após tratamento.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia e tolerância do artesunato no tratamento da malária falciparum não complicada em área endêmica do Estado do Pará, 153 pacientes foram randomizados e estudados em três grupos, distribuídos por esquema terapêutico (I recebeu mefloquina lOOOmg; II utilizou artesunato lOOOmg; III usou a combinação de 600mg de artesunato seguida de 500 de mefloquina). A avaliação constou de exame clínico e parasitológico diariamente nos primeiros 7 dias e semanalmente até o 35o dia do acompanhamento e de análise bioquímica e hematológica realizada antes e no 7o dia, visando o controle de ema e a identificação de possíveis efeitos associados á administração das drogas. Os grupos estudados foram homogêneos quanto ao sexo, parasitemia e presença de febre. O tempo para desaparecimento da parasitemia foi mais curto nos grupos II e III, respectivamente, cujos esquemas terapêuticos empregaram artesunato. O desaparecimento da febre foi mais rápido no grupo tratado com a combinação das drogas. Alterações clínicas e bioquímicas associadas a administração das drogas não mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos estudados. O desaparecimento precoce da febre e parasitemia, e a ausência de importantes efeitos indesejáveis, sugerem que artesunato administrado isoladamente ou em combinação com mefloquina constituem medidas terapêuticas capazes de contribuir para o controle da doença na região.
Adhesion and colonization of the oral cavity by Candida albicans is an initial step in candidosis. Orthodontic and other oral appliances seem to favor candidal presence. The aim of this work was to compare the presence of Candida species in saliva, their adherence to oral epithelial cells, and the levels of anti-C. albicans IgA in children with or without orthodontic appliances. This study included 30 children 5 to 12 years old (9.1 ± 1.7 years old) who were users of removable orthodontic devices for at least 6 months and 30 control children of similar ages (7.7 ± 1.5 years old). The presence of yeast species in the saliva was evaluated by microbiological methods. Candida species were identified using phenotypic methods. Anti-C. albicans IgA levels in saliva were analyzed by ELISA. The yeasts adhering to oral epithelial cells were assessed by exfoliative cytology. No statistically significant differences were observed for saliva yeast counts and anti-C. albicans IgA levels between the studied groups. Children with orthodontic devices exhibited more yeast cells adhering to oral epithelial cells and a higher percentage of non-albicans species relative to the control group. In conclusion, orthodontic appliances may favor the adherence of Candida to epithelial cells but do not influence the presence of these yeasts in saliva, and the levels of anti-C. albicans IgA do not correlate with yeast adherence or presence of Candida in the oral cavity
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of oral lesions in infectious-contagious diseases patients being treated in the University Hospital of the Federal University of Para, northern Brazil. One hundred seven patients with infectious diseases were clinically investigated for oral lesions at the University Hospital of Para, northern Brazil. From total sample, most patients were men (65.7%) with a mean age of 45.4 years. About prevalence of systemic diseases, tuberculosis was the most frequent illness, followed by AIDS, hepatitis types B and C, leishmaniasis, and meningitis. Analyzing oral manifestations, periodontal diseases and candidiasis were the most prevalent diseases in both genders, followed by recurrent aphthous ulcers, saburral tongue, simplex herpes, and squamous cell carcinoma. Of all 107 patients, only 10 males and 6 females did not present any oral manifestation. There was no statistical difference between genders with any systemic condition (P > 0.05). The great prevalence of oral manifestations in hospitalized patients with systemic disorder emphasizes the need of integral dental care in this context, aiming at a multidisciplinary approach of patients. Therefore, presence of some oral conditions, such as candidiasis, should be an alert to different systemic conditions, once in assistance with physicians; dentists can influence the early diagnosis and treatment.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Triclosan is a general membrane-active agent with a broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity that is commonly used in oral care products. In this study, we investigated the effect of sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of triclosan on the capacity of the cariogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans to form biofilm and adhere to oral epithelial cells. As quantified by crystal violet staining, biofilm formation by two reference strains of S. mutans was dose-dependently promoted, in the range of 2.2- to 6.2-fold, by 1/2 and 1/4 MIC of triclosan. Observations by scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of a dense biofilm attached to the polystyrene surface. Growth of S. mutans in the presence of triclosan at subMICs also increased its capacity to adhere to a monolayer of gingival epithelial cells. The expression of several genes involved in adherence and biofilm formation in S. mutans was investigated by quantitative RT-PCR. It was found that subMICs of triclosan significantly increased the expression of comD, gtfC, and luxS, and to a lesser extent of gtfB and atlA genes. These findings stress the importance of maintaining effective bactericidal concentrations of therapeutic triclosan since subMICs may promote colonization of the oral cavity by S. mutans.