893 resultados para Early Middle Ages
Schofield, Phillipp, and N. J. Mayhew, eds., Credit and Debt in medieval England, c.1180-c.1350 (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2002), pp.x+164 RAE2008
Rothwell, W., 'Synonymity and Semantic Variability in Medieval French and Middle English', Modern Language Review (2007) 102(2) pp.363-380 RAE2008
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Prahistorii
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Prahistorii
Through an investigation of the Anglo-Saxon prayer books and selected psalters, this thesis corrects standard histories of medieval devotion that circumvent the Anglo-Saxon contribution to medieval piety. In the first half of the thesis, I establish a theoretical framework for Anglo-Saxon piety in which to explore the prayers. Current theoretical frameworks dealing with the medieval devotional material are flawed as scholars use terms such as ‘affective piety’, ‘private’ and even ‘devotion’ vaguely. After an introduction which defines some of the core terminology, Chapter 2 introduces the principal witnesses to the Anglo-Saxon prayer tradition. These include the prodigal eighth- and early ninth- century Mercian Group, comprising the Book of Nunnaminster (London, British Library, Harley 2965, s. viii ex/ix1), the Harleian Prayer Book (London, British Library, Harley 7653, s. viii ex/ix1), the Royal Prayer Book (London, British Library, Royal 2 A. xx, s. viii2/ix1/4), and the Book of Cerne (Cambridge, University Library, Ll. 1. 10). These prayer books are the earliest of their kind in Europe. This chapter challenges some established views concerning the prayer books, including purported Irish influence on their composition and the probability of female ownership. Chapter 3 explores the performance of prayer. The chapter demonstrates that Anglo-Saxon prayers, for example, the Royal Abecedarian Prayer, were transmitted fluidly. The complex relationship between this abecedarian prayer and its reflex in the Book of Nunnaminster reveals the complexity of prayer composition and transmission in the early medieval world but more importantly, it helps scholars theorise how the prayers may have been used, whether recited verbatim or used for extemporalisation. Changes made by later readers to earlier texts are also vital to this study, since they help answer questions of usage and show the evolution and subsequent influence of Anglo-Saxon religiosity. The second half of the thesis makes a special study of prayers to the Cross, the wounded Christ, and the Virgin, three important themes in later medieval spirituality. These focus on the Royal Abecedarian Prayer, which explores Christ’s life (Chapter 5), especially his Passion; the ‘Domine Ihesu Christe, adoro te cruce’ which celebrates the Cross (Chapter 4); and the Oratio Alchfriðo ad sanctam Mariam, which invokes the Virgin Mary (Chapter 6). These prayers occur in multiple, temporally-diverse witnesses and have complex transmission histories, involving both oral and written dissemination. The concluding chapter (7) highlights some of the avenues for future research opened by the thesis.
Christ’s life, as related through the Gospel narratives and early Apocrypha, was subject to a riot of literary-devotional adaptation in the medieval period. This collection provides a series of groundbreaking studies centring on the devotional and cultural significance of Christianity’s pivotal story during the Middle Ages.
The collection represents an important milestone in terms of mapping the meditative modes of piety that characterize a number of Christological traditions, including the Meditationes vitae Christi and the numerous versions it spawned in both Latin and the vernacular. A number of chapters in the volume track how and why meditative piety grew in popularity to become a mode of spiritual activity advised not only to recluses and cenobites as in the writings of Aelred of Rievaulx, but also reached out to diverse lay audiences through the pastoral regimens prescribed by devotional authors such as the Carthusian prior Nicholas Love in England and the Parisian theologian and chancellor of the University of Paris, Jean Gerson.
Through exploring these texts from a variety of perspectives — theoretical, codicological, theological — and through tracing their complex lines of dissemination in ideological and material terms, this collection promises to be invaluable to students and scholars of medieval religious and literary culture.
This paper examines the marginal place of ‘medieval geography’ in contemporary geographical scholarship. Over the past two decades, geographers' studies of the subject’s historiography have tended to focus mainly on ‘modern’ and ‘early-modern’ rather than medieval geographies. This contrasts with the early 20th century when ‘medieval geography’ was seen by geographers to be part of the discipline’s long history. Set within the context of current discussion on writing geography’s histories, the paper examines how geographers, and latterly historians, have sought to characterize and represent medieval geographies. This reveals that the subject of geography in the Middle Ages shared in the same fluidities and ambivalences that characterize geography today. The paper thus helps to challenge orthodox views of geography’s history, and argues that the connections and continuities that have shaped geography for over two millennia cautions us against taking a compartmentalized approach to historiographies of geography.
Cette thèse veut déterminer la contribution de Julien Macho, membre de l’Ordre des ermites de saint Augustin de Lyon, à la vie culturelle de son époque. Son œuvre n’est pas, à proprement parler, une œuvre originale, mais un ensemble de traductions du latin au français, de corrections et d’éditions de textes religieux ou moraux. Ses livres ont été publiés dans une courte période, entre 1473 et 1480, et plusieurs rééditions, de la fin du 15e s. et du début du 16e s., sont connues. Il est question, à cette époque, à Lyon comme ailleurs en France, d’un grand désordre dans l’organisation religieuse et les critiques se font entendre de part et d’autre du pays. Devant la décadence de l’Église, la piété privée commence à se développer, une piété qui a besoin d’un nouveau support pour rendre accessibles les enseignements moraux à une population bourgeoise de plus en plus lettrée. Or, conscient de ces récents développements, Macho oriente tout son travail dans le but précis de rejoindre, en langue vernaculaire, un vaste auditoire. L’objectif de cette thèse de doctorat est d’analyser une partie de l’œuvre de Macho dans le but de mieux comprendre les intentions de l’auteur. Ce but premier permettra aussi de documenter, par un biais nouveau, une période charnière du développement intellectuel occidental, le passage du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance. Le travail comporte trois parties. Dans la première partie, il a fallu entreprendre une étude approfondie des contextes social, historique et intellectuel de cette période : tout d’abord, l’histoire de l’Ordre des ermites de saint Augustin et de l’enseignement offert à leurs membres, dans le contexte de la spiritualité en France à la fin du 15e siècle; par la suite, il convenait de présenter un survol de la ville de Lyon, de son Église et du développement de l’imprimerie dans cette ville. La deuxième partie porte sur les œuvres attribuées, à tort ou à raison, à Macho, vu la carence de recherches sur Julien Macho lui-même, et sur une enquête systématique pour apporter une preuve de l’existence de ce traducteur. La troisième partie s’attache à une lecture de deux œuvres de l’augustin lyonnais : une de longue tradition littéraire, Ésope, l’adaptation d’un recueil de fables, et une religieuse, rattachée à la pratique religieuse contemporaine, le Mirouer de la redemption de lumain lignage. Ésope est l’œuvre la plus originale de Macho, c’est-à-dire l’ouvrage où il est le plus intervenu comparativement au texte original. La comparaison avec sa source, l’Äsop latin-allemand d’Heinrich Steinhöwel, a montré comment le fabuliste lyonnais s’en est détaché pour ajouter à son texte un grand nombre de proverbes. Le Mirouer de la redemption de lumain lignage, une somme de toutes les observances de la vie religieuse et des lectures qu’un chrétien doit connaître, intègre des parties d’une autre œuvre bien connue, la Légende dorée, une pratique que l’on ne retrouve pas dans les autres traductions françaises du Speculum humanae salvationis. Loin d’être une analyse exhaustive de l’œuvre, la compilation des citations et du contenu même du texte permet de cerner en quoi consistait une certaine pratique de la religion au 15e siècle. Il en résulte un panorama du contexte culturel dans lequel vivait Julien Macho, théologien, prieur et traducteur et des œuvres qui lui sont attribuée. Un personnage dont l’étude montre un intellectuel représentatif de son époque, la fin du 15e siècle.
Cotutelle de thèse France-Québec : Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 et Université de Montréal. Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Lateinische Schriftsteller im Original zu lesen, fällt vielen Schülerinnen und Schülern in der Lektürephase des Lateinunterrichts schwer. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird untersucht, inwiefern gezielter Einsatz von Lernstrategien das Textverständnis verbessern kann. Strategisches Arbeiten mit Texten kann bereits zu einem sehr frühen Zeitpunkt in schriftbasierten Kulturen nachgewiesen werden. In dieser Arbeit werden Quellentexte aus der griechisch-römischen Antike und dem Mittelalter hinsichtlich texterschließender Strategien untersucht, systematisiert, kommentiert und im modernen Lateinunterricht eingesetzt. Dabei arbeiten die Schülerinnen und Schüler selbstgesteuert und forschend-entdeckend mit Reproduktionen antiker Papyri und Pergamente. Im Laufe des Unterrichtsprojektes, das ich CLAVIS, lat. für „Schlüssel“, nenne, lernen die Schüler im Zusammenhang mit Fachinhalten des Lateinunterrichts sechs antike Strategien der Texterschließung kennen. Diese Strategien werden heute noch genauso verwendet wie vor 2000 Jahren. Unter Berücksichtigung der Erkenntnisse der modernen Lernstrategieforschung wurden die Strategien ausgewählt, die als besonders effektive Maßnahmen zur Förderung von Textverständnis beurteilt werden, nämlich CONIUGATIO: Vorwissen aktivieren, LEGERE: mehrfaches und möglichst lautes Lesen, ACCIPERE: Hilfen annehmen, VERTERE: Übersetzen mit System, INTERROGARE: Fragen zulassen, SUMMA: Zusammenfassung erstellen. Ziel von CLAVIS ist es, Schülern ein Werkzeug zur systematischen Texterschließung an die Hand zu geben, das leicht zu merken ist und flexibel auf Texte jeder Art und jeder Sprache angewendet werden kann. Um die Effektivität des Unterrichtsprojektes CLAVIS zu überprüfen, wurde mit zwei parallel geführten 10. Klassen am Johann-Schöner-Gymnasium in Karlstadt im Schuljahr 2009/10 eine Vortest-Nachtest-Studie durchgeführt. Eine der Klassen wurde als Experimentalgruppe mit Intervention in Form von CLAVIS unterrichtet, die andere Klasse, die die Kontrollgruppe bildete, erhielt kein strategisches Training. Ein Fragebogen lieferte Informationen zur Vorgehensweise der Schüler bei der Textbearbeitung in Vortest und Nachtest (jeweils eine Übersetzung eines lateinischen Textes in identischem Schwierigkeitsgrad). Die Auswertung der Daten zeigte deutlich, dass Textverständnis und Übersetzungsfähigkeit sich bei denjenigen Schülern verbesserten, die die CLAVIS-Strategien im Nachtest angewendet hatten. Im Zusammenhang mit der Neugestaltung der Lehrpläne auf dem Hintergrund der Kompetenzorientierung ergeben sich für das Fach Latein neue Chancen, nicht nur inhaltlich wertvolle Zeugnisse der Antike zur allgemeinen, zweckfreien Persönlichkeitsbildung von Schülerinnen und Schülern einzusetzen, sondern gezielt Strategien zu vermitteln, die im Hinblick auf die in einer Informationsgesellschaft unverzichtbare Sprach- und Textkompetenz einen konkreten Nutzen haben.
El presente documento es un estudio detallado del problema conocido bajo el título de Problema de Alhacén. Este problema fue formulado en el siglo X por el filósofo y matemático árabe conocido en occidente bajo el nombre de Alhacén. El documento hace una breve presentación del filósofo y una breve reseña de su trascendental tratado de óptica Kitab al-Manazir. A continuación el documento se detiene a estudiar cuidadosamente los lemas requeridos para enfrentar el problema y se presentan las soluciones para el caso de los espejos esféricos (convexos y cóncavos), cilíndricos y cónicos. También se ofrece una conjetura que habría de explicar la lógica del descubrimiento implícita en la solución que ofreció Alhacén. Tanto los lemas como las soluciones se han modelado en los software de geometría dinámica Cabri II-Plus y Cabri 3-D. El lector interesado en seguir dichas modelaciones debe contar con los programas mencionados para adelantar la lectura de los archivos. En general, estas presentaciones constan de tres partes: (i) formulación del problema (se formula en forma concisa el problema); (ii) esquema general de la construcción (se presentan los pasos esenciales que conducen a la construcción solicitada y las construcciones auxiliares que demanda el problema), esta parte se puede seguir en los archivos de Cabri; y (iii) demostración (se ofrece la justificación detallada de la construcción requerida). Los archivos en Cabri II plus cuentan con botones numerados que pueden activarse haciendo “Click” sobre ellos. La numeración corresponde a la numeración presente en el documento. El lector puede desplazar a su antojo los puntos libres que pueden reconocerse porque ellos se distinguen con la siguiente marca (º). Los puntos restantes no pueden modificarse pues son el resultado de construcciones adelantadas y ajustadas a los protocolos recomendados en el esquema general.
This article examines two genres of text which were extremely popular in the late-medieval and early modern periods, and it pays particular attention to women users. The printed almanacs of sixteenth-century England were enormously influential; yet their contents are so formulaic and repetitive as to appear almost empty of valuable information. Their most striking feature is their astrological guidance for the reader, and this has led to them being considered 'merely' the repository of popular superstition. Only in the last decade have themes of gender and medicine been given serious consideration in relation to almanacs; but this work has focused on the seventeenth century. This chapter centres on a detailed analysis of sixteenth-century English almanacs, and the various kinds of scientific and household guidance they offered to women readers. Both compilers and users needed to chart a safe course through the religious and scientific battles of the time; and the complexities involved are demonstrated by considering the almanacs in relation to competing sources of guidance. These latter are Books of Hours and 'scientific' works such as medical calendars compiled by Oxford scholars in the late middle ages. A key feature of this chapter is that it gives practical interpretations of this complex information, for the guidance of modern readers unfamiliar with astrology.
The lithic record from the Solent River and its tributaries is re-examined in the light of recent interpretations about the changing demography of Britain during the Lower and early Middle Palaeolithic. Existing models of the terrace stratigraphies in the Solent and its tributary areas are reviewed and the corresponding archaeological record (specifically handaxes) for each terrace is assessed to provide models for the relative changes in human occupation through time. The Bournemouth area is studied in detail to examine the effects of quarrying and urbanisation on collection history and on the biases it introduces to the record. In addition, the effects of reworking of artefacts from higher into lower terraces are assessed, and shown to be a significant problem. Although there is very little absolute dating available for the Solent area, a cautious interpretation of the results from these analyses would suggest a pre-Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 date for the first appearance of humans, a peak in population between MIS 12 and 10, and a decline in population during MIS 9 and 8. Owing to poor contextual data and small sample sizes, it is not clear when Levallois technology was introduced. This record is compared and contrasted to that from the Thames Valley. It is suggested that changes in the palaeogeography of Britain, in particular land connections to the continent, might have contributed to differences in the archaeological records from the Solent and Thames regions.
North Sea Archaeologies traces the way people engaged with the North Sea from the end of the last ice age, around 10,000 BC, to the close of the Middle Ages, about AD 1500, drawing upon archaeological research from many countries, including the UK, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, and France. It addresses topics which include the first interactions of people with the emerging North Sea, the origin and development of fishing, the creation of coastal landscapes, the importance of islands and archipelagos, the development of seafaring ships and their use by early seafarers and pirates, and the treatment of boats and ships at the end of their useful lives. The study offers a ‘maritime turn’ in Archaeology through the investigation of aspects of human behaviour that have been, to various extents, disregarded, overlooked, or ignored in archaeological studies of the land. The study concludes that the relationship between humans and the sea challenges the frequently invoked dichotomy between pre-modernity and modernity, since many ancient beliefs, superstitions, and practices linked to seafaring and engagement with the sea are still widespread in the modern era.
North Sea Archaeologies traces the way people engaged with the North Sea from the end of the last ice age, around 10,000 BC, to the close of the Middle Ages, about AD 1500, drawing upon archaeological research from many countries, including the UK, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, and France. It addresses topics which include the first interactions of people with the emerging North Sea, the origin and development of fishing, the creation of coastal landscapes, the importance of islands and archipelagos, the development of seafaring ships and their use by early seafarers and pirates, and the treatment of boats and ships at the end of their useful lives. The study offers a ‘maritime turn’ in Archaeology through the investigation of aspects of human behaviour that have been, to various extents, disregarded, overlooked, or ignored in archaeological studies of the land. The study concludes that the relationship between humans and the sea challenges the frequently invoked dichotomy between pre-modernity and modernity, since many ancient beliefs, superstitions, and practices linked to seafaring and engagement with the sea are still widespread in the modern era.