699 resultados para Doctors attitudes to law
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Judiciário
This paper investigates social influences on attitudes to risk and offers an evolutionary explanation of risk-taking by young low-ranked males. Becker, Murphy and Werning (2005) found that individuals about to participate in a status tournament may take fair gambles even though they are risk averse in both wealth and status. Here their model is generalised by use of the insight of Hopkins and Kornienko (2010) that in a tournament or status competition one can consider equality in terms of the status or rewards available as well as in initial endowments. While Becker et al. found that risk-taking is increasing in the equality of initial endowments, it is found here that it is increasing in the inequality of rewards in the tournament. Further, it is shown that the poorest will be risk loving if the lowest level of status awarded is sufficiently low. Thus, the disadvantaged in society rationally engage in risky behavior when social rewards are sufficiently unequal. Finally, as greater inequality in terms of social status induces gambling, it can cause greater inequality of wealth.
The Public Health Agency is using National Breastfeeding Awareness Week (NBAW) to emphasise the message that breastfeeding is the healthiest option for both you and your baby and that by deciding to breastfeed, you will be giving your child the best possible start in life. NBAW runs from 19-25 June and highlights the fact that any period of breastfeeding, however short, will benefit your baby.Breast milk is different to formula milk as it contains antibodies that cannot be manufactured in formula. Antibodies help protect babies from infection and stimulate their immune system.Northern Ireland has the lowest breastfeeding rate in the UK, with an average of 63% of women breastfeeding their baby at birth. Janet Calvert, Regional Breastfeeding Coordinator at the PHA, said: "This is an issue that clearly needs addressed, as breastfeeding has many important health benefits for both mother and baby. These include a reduced risk of ear, chest, kidney and stomach infections and less risk of childhood diabetes and obesity."Breastfeeding can also significantly reduce the risk of hospital admission of children for gastroenteritis and chest infections. The health benefits for mothers who choose to breastfeed include a reduced risk of developing illnesses such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis."There are other benefits as well as those to your health. Breastfeeding is free - you don't have to buy formula, bottles, teats, sterilising equipment etc. Breast milk is always available, with the right ingredients, at the right temperature, so it's easier to feed at night or on the go.The PHA recognises the importance of breastfeeding to health and the need to ensure that mothers get off to a good start with breastfeeding. It is vital that mothers get the right support and encouragement from their family and friends should they decide to breastfeed. Breastfeeding can be difficult at the start and mothers need reassurance while they learn."There are many local initiatives in the community to improve breastfeeding support. These include improving support in the health service and through Sure Start programmes, which work in areas of need to help ensure children get the best start in life," Janet added."Mother to mother peer support programmes are in place in many areas and are working with expectant and new mothers to help them breastfeed for longer. There are also 70 breastfeeding support groups, which provide ongoing support for breastfeeding mothers throughout Northern Ireland. "The PHA is also working to improve attitudes to breastfeeding in public through the Breastfeeding Welcome Here scheme, which began in 2005 and now has over 200 businesses and public facilities signed up to support and welcome breastfeeding families. All these initiatives, along with support from partners and family, are vital to help expectant and new mothers stay with breastfeeding."Health Minister Edwin Poots said: "There is clear evidence that breastfeeding offers health benefits for both babies and mothers. We know that breast milk gives baby the best start in life by providing all the nutrients and protection a baby needs for the first six months of life. That is why my Department is committed to promoting and supporting breastfeeding".For further information on breastfeeding visit www.breastfedbabies.org.uk
This Summary Report describes the methods used and the main findings with regard to food and beverage consumption, nutrient intakes, and anthropometric, physical activity and attitudinal data from the North/South Ireland Food Consumption Survey (NSIFCS). This survey investigated habitual food and beverage consumption, lifestyle, health indicators and attitudes to food and health in a representative sample (n=1379) of the 18-64 year old adult population in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland during 1997-1999.
This study examines the impact of policy on poverty and inequality in Britain since 1997This research shows what effect policies introduced since 1997 have had on reducing poverty and inequality. It offers a considered assessment of impacts over a decade:How did policies change, before 1997 and since then?What evidence is there of impacts on key outcomes?What gaps or problems remain or emerged?The study covers a range of subjects, including public attitudes to poverty and inequality, children and early years, education, health, employment, pensions, and migrants. It measures the extent of progress and also considers future direction and pressures, particularly in the light of recession and an ageing society.The research draws on extensive analysis of policy documents, analysis by government departments and research bodies, published statistics and evaluations, analysis of large-scale datasets, micro-simulation modelling and a long-running qualitative study with residents of low-income neighbourhoods.��
El món dels consultoris privats està experimentant un canvi espectacular en els darrers anys. Les petites clíniques i consultoris que els metges muntaven en una habitació de casa seva o en un petit local ara donen lloc a grans policlíniques amb diverses sucursals, que estableixen acords amb asseguradores. A més, totes aquestes sucursals ofereixen servei a milers de pacients, ja que disposen de més d'una sala d'atenció, cosa que multiplica el volum d'informació. El que es vol fer és una aplicació client-servidor que doni solució a la gestió integral de consultoris i policlíniques. El nom d'aquesta aplicació serà ConsultaRED. ConsultaRED haurà de solucionar tota aquesta problemàtica des d'una òptica oberta i moderna i, potser, arribar a ser d'una gran competència per als productes existents.
Missing Persons Bulletin provides a list of people reported to law enforcement agencies that are currently missing. This is the Monthly Missing Persons Bulletin published by the Iowa Missing Person Clearinghouse, Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Investigation.
Missing Persons Bulletin provides a list of people reported to law enforcement agencies that are currently missing. This is the Monthly Missing Persons Bulletin published by the Iowa Missing Person Clearinghouse, Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Investigation.
Missing Persons Bulletin provides a list of people reported to law enforcement agencies that are currently missing. This is the Monthly Missing Persons Bulletin published by the Iowa Missing Person Clearinghouse, Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Investigation.
Missing Persons Bulletin provides a list of people reported to law enforcement agencies that are currently missing. This is the Monthly Missing Persons Bulletin published by the Iowa Missing Person Clearinghouse, Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Investigation.
Missing Persons Bulletin provides a list of people reported to law enforcement agencies that are currently missing. This is the Monthly Missing Persons Bulletin published by the Iowa Missing Person Clearinghouse, Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Investigation.
Guided by a modified information-motivation-behavioral skills model, this study identified predictors of condom use among heterosexual people living with HIV with their steady partners. Consecutive patients at 14 European HIV outpatient clinics received an anonymous, standardized, self-administered questionnaire between March and December 2007. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and two-step backward elimination regression analyses stratified by gender. The survey included 651 participants (n = 364, 56% women; n = 287, 44%). Mean age was 39 years for women and 43 years for men. Most had acquired HIV sexually and more than half were in a serodiscordant relationship. Sixty-three percent (n = 229) of women and 59% of men (n = 169) reported at least one sexual encounter with a steady partner 6 months prior to the survey. Fifty-one percent (n = 116) of women and 59% of men (n = 99) used condoms consistently with that partner. In both genders, condom use was positively associated with subjective norm conducive to condom use, and self-efficacy to use condoms. Having a partner whose HIV status was positive or unknown reduced condom use. In men, higher education and knowledge about condom use additionally increased condom use, while the use of erectile-enhancing medication decreased it. For women, HIV disclosure to partners additionally reduced the likelihood of condom use. Positive attitudes to condom use and subjective norm increased self-efficacy in both genders, however, a number of gender-related differences appeared to influence self-efficacy. Service providers should pay attention to the identified predictors of condom use and adopt comprehensive and gender-related approaches for preventive interventions with people living with HIV.
Case File 0603634 On September 13, 2006, Kelly Wilslef submitted a complaint to the Ombudsman about the Maquoketa City Council (Council). Ms. Wilslef stated a Maquoketa police officer served her an abatement notice for violating the city ordinance preventing owners from keeping pit bull terrier dogs in the city. The Council subsequently determined her dog was a pit bull mix, and ordered her to remove the dog from the city. Ms. Wilslef claimed the Council unreasonably relied on non-expert testimony supporting the city’s position her dog was a pit bull mix. She further claimed that if her dog was in fact a pit bull mix, the city ordinance did not apply to mixed-breed pit bulls; therefore, the Council acted contrary to law when it concluded she violated the city ordinance and ordered her to remove her dog from the city.
As ilhas da Macaronésia (Açores, Madeira, Selvagens, Canárias e Cabo Verde) estão englobadas no Hotspot de Biodiversidade da Bacia do Mediterrâneo, devido ao elevado grau de endemismos que apresentam. Das ca. 900 espécies de plantas endémicas que ocorrem na Macaronésia, a maioria exibe uma distribuição geográfica muito limitada, o que pode implicar um elevado risco de extinção. No caso de Cabo Verde, são conhecidos atualmente 94 taxa de plantas endémicas, que necessitam de conservação e proteção urgente. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é atualizar a Primeira Lista Vermelha de Cabo Verde, publicada por Leyens e Lobin (1996), através da avaliação do estatuto de conservação da flora endémica. Este estudo segue os critérios e categorias da IUCN e utiliza o software RAMAS Red List. Os resultados indicam que a maioria das plantas endémicas de Cabo Verde tem uma distribuição geográfica muito limitada, sendo que metade dos taxa têm áreas de ocupação e extensões de ocorrência inferiores a 20km2 e 200km2, respetivamente. Além disso, são comparadas duas atitudes em relação ao parâmetro tolerância ao risco, nomeadamente, RT = 0,5 para uma atitude neutra e RT = 0,6 para uma atitude evidenciaria. Com RT = 0,5, cerca de 77% dos taxa foram classificados como Criticamente em Perigo e 10% como em Perigo. Por outro lado, com RT =0, 6 obteve-se uma melhor discriminação nas diferentes categorias de ameaça: 29% dos taxa foi classificado como Criticamente em Perigo, 40% como em Perigo e 8% como Vulnerável. Neste estudo propõem-se que o ajuste de uma atitude em relação ao parâmetro tolerância ao risco (RT) pode ser um método importante a considerar na aplicação dos critérios IUCN em pequenas regiões, como é o caso das lhas de Cabo Verde, sem alterar as regras de avaliação da IUCN.
AIM: To describe outdoor activities, sun protection behaviours and the experience of sunburn in a sample of New Zealanders during summer weekends of 1994. METHODS: 1243 respondents to a telephone survey provided information regarding their outdoor activities for the 5 hour period around midday of the previous Saturday and Sunday. The sample was drawn from those aged 15 to 65 years in the five centres of Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. Respondents provided information on sun exposure, sunburn, sun protection and beliefs about tanning, as well as background demographic information, skin type and previous experience of sunburn. RESULTS: 12% of the sample (or 17% of all those outdoors) reported being sunburned on the preceding weekend, and those sunburned tended to be men, and to be under age 35 years. The face, neck and limbs were the areas most frequently reported as burned. Sporting activities and beach or water activities were associated with the highest number of episodes of burning. Overall 38% of those outside reported wearing a hat and 32% reported the use of a sunscreen. Positive attitudes to tanning were quite common and probably present the main target for change in the community. CONCLUSION: On any sunny weekend in summer about three-quarters of adult New Zealanders will be out in the sun for relatively long periods of time, and many will get sunburned. The reduction of such harmful sun exposures remains an important public health goal.