871 resultados para Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)
Clustering identities in a video is a useful task to aid in video search, annotation and retrieval, and cast identification. However, reliably clustering faces across multiple videos is challenging task due to variations in the appearance of the faces, as videos are captured in an uncontrolled environment. A person's appearance may vary due to session variations including: lighting and background changes, occlusions, changes in expression and make up. In this paper we propose the novel Local Total Variability Modelling (Local TVM) approach to cluster faces across a news video corpus; and incorporate this into a novel two stage video clustering system. We first cluster faces within a single video using colour, spatial and temporal cues; after which we use face track modelling and hierarchical agglomerative clustering to cluster faces across the entire corpus. We compare different face recognition approaches within this framework. Experiments on a news video database show that the Local TVM technique is able effectively model the session variation observed in the data, resulting in improved clustering performance, with much greater computational efficiency than other methods.
The research reported in this paper documents the use of Web2.0 applications with six Western Australian schools that are considered to be regional and/or remote. With a population of two million people within an area of 2,525,500 square kilometres Western Australia has a number of towns that are classified as regional and remote. Each of the three education systems have set up telecommunications networks to improve learning opportunities for students and administrative services for staff through a virtual private network (VPN) with access from anywhere, anytime and ultimately reduce the feeling of professional and social dislocation experienced by many teachers and students in the isolated communities. By using Web2.0 applications including video conferencing there are enormous opportunities to close the digital divide within the broad directives of the Networking the Nation plan. The Networking the Nation plan aims to connect all Australians regardless of where they are hence closing the digital divide between city and regional living. Email and Internet facilities have greatly improved in rural, regional and remote areas supporting every day school use of the Internet. This study highlights the possibilities and issues for advanced telecommunications usage of Web2.0 applications discussing the research undertaken with these schools. (Contains 1 figure and 3 tables.)
headspace Digital Art Exhibition is a curated collection of artwork created during a youth arts project and research in which young people’s improved mental health wellbeing and mental health literacy were the focused outcomes for the project. The project aimed to improve mental health literacy, and offer greater opportunities for creative expression supporting young people facing mental health challenges. The Inside project aimed to build dialogue related to youth, arts, mental illness and recovery, through a partnership approach. The partnership approach involved artists and health workers in two separate headspace youth mental health services and aimed to provide opportunities to explore the potential of an arts and health framework. The project ran over ten weeks at both centres, incorporating themed activities such as unleashing inner selfie (sketching, photography and digital manipulation); creating dioramas (found object, three dimensional modelling); creating avatars (sculptural and digital animation); and digital narrating and poster creation (visual, written and spoken texts). Two professional artists facilitated the project, one in each location alongside headspace health workers at weekly workshops. A research component explored the appreciation of how artsbased workshops can be used alongside more traditional responses in youth specific mental health services. Both headspace centres had previously provided unstructured art activities as a way to showcase their services to young people, increase access, and to create a welcoming ‘safe’ youth friendly environment. However, these activities were generally extemporaneous and not specifically evaluated. The digital art exhibition collectively shares the artwork created by the young people and reveals the inter-relationships between risk and resilience and overcoming the odds. Inside unleashed possibilities for a sense of well-being and even happiness into the future.
Domestic violence is currently undergoing a period of heightened visibility in Australia. This article uses social media to analyze public discussions about this violence with respect to a specific theoretical frame, which Adrian Howe has called the “Man” question: where and how are men visible or invisible in narratives about their violence against women? The article presents a qualitative study of the Twitter conversation surrounding a special episode of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's television program Q&A, themed around family violence, which aired in February 2015. We found that the place of men in this conversation was contested. Some tweets privileged men's voices and concerns, as did the organization and production of the program. However, feminist voices were also highly visible via presenting facts, legitimating survivor voices, and recuperating anti-feminist memes to challenge hegemonic patriarchal discourses on men's violence against women. La violence conjugale connait actuellement une visibilité accrue en Australie. Les auteures du présent article utilisent les réseaux sociaux pour analyser les débats publics sur cette violence selon un cadre théorique précis, qu'Adrian Howe a appelé la question de « l'homme » : où et comment les hommes sont-ils visibles ou invisibles dans les récits de leur violence envers les femmes? L'article présente une étude qualitative d'une conversation sur Twitter au sujet d'un épisode axé sur la famille diffusé en février 2015 dans le cadre de l'émission Q & A, à la télévision nationale d'Australie. Nous avons remarqué que dans cette conversation la place des hommes était remise en question. Certains tweets privilégiaient les voix et les craintes des hommes, comme l'ont fait les organisateurs et les producteurs de l'émission. Cependant, il y avait une forte présence de voix féministes dans la présentation des faits, légitimant le point de vue des survivantes et relevant des éléments culturels antiféministes afin de défier les discours hégémoniques et patriarcaux sur la violence des hommes envers les femmes.
A built-in-self-test (BIST) subsystem embedded in a 65-nm mobile broadcast video receiver is described. The subsystem is designed to perform analog and RF measurements at multiple internal nodes of the receiver. It uses a distributed network of CMOS sensors and a low bandwidth, 12-bit A/D converter to perform the measurements with a serial bus interface enabling a digital transfer of measured data to automatic test equipment (ATE). A perturbation/correlation based BIST method is described, which makes pass/fail determination on parts, resulting in significant test time and cost reduction.
Analisa o debate político relativo à implantação da TV digital no Brasil, tendo como referência a audiência pública da Comissão de Ciência, Tecnologia, Comunicação e Informática da Câmara dos Deputados, realizada em 31 de janeiro de 2006, com a participação do ministro das Comunicações, Hélio Costa. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o Congresso Nacional exerceu relevante papel no debate relativo ao tema, mas não exerceu nenhuma influência na escolha do modelo de TV digital, rendendo-se à proposta do Executivo que, por sua vez, acatou o projeto de interesse dos empresários do setor. Constata-se que existem pelo menos três fantasmas que perseguem as empresas brasileiras de televisão: 1) a possibilidade de um novo marco regulatório para o setor de radiodifusão; 2) o aumento da concorrência; e 3) e a ameaça do fim do broadcast, o sistema de difusão de informações utilizado pelo rádio e pela televisão, em que há apenas um emissor e diversos receptores simultaneamente.
Investiga como a produção e a distribuição de programas de televisão, filmes e outros conteúdos audiovisuais de produção nacional podem ser promovidas pela regulação. O estudo identifica as atuais ferramentas regulatórias e as diferentes políticas adotadas para a promoção do conteúdo nacional. Ele também aponta novas questões resultantes da transformação substancial que a mídia tem sofrido nos últimos anos. O setor audiovisual hoje é caracterizado pela abundância de canais de televisão e de serviços de telecomunicações e pela convergência digital em curso. Este novo cenário impacta a eficiência e a racionalidade da regulamentação dos conteúdos. Focada no Reino Unido, França e Brasil, esta pesquisa comparativa investiga as mudanças regulatórias, políticas, sócio-culturais, econômicas, tecnológicas e mercadológicas dos serviços de comunicação nas últimas décadas e como esse desdobramento tem influenciado a oferta de conteúdo audiovisual nacional. O ponto de partida da análise é a década de oitenta, quando a radiodifusão começou a ser gradualmente liberalizada em diversos países, e termina na primeira década do novo milênio, quando as tecnologias da informação, as telecomunicações e a radiodifusão convergem para a oferta de serviços interconectados, complementares e suplementares.
Bate-papo em comemoração à Semana do Bibliotecário promovido pela Biblioteca Pedro Aleixo da Câmara dos Deputados, em parceria com a Universidade de Brasília e a Associação dos Bibliotecários do Distrito Federal, realizado no dia 17 de março de 2014. Foram discutidos temas relacionadas ao marketing digital e ao uso de novas tecnologias em bibliotecas. O palestrante Moreno Barros relatou a sua experiência como editor do Blog Bibliotecários sem Fronteiras, veículo criado em 2001 e que se tornou um importante fórum de discussão da área de biblioteconomia.
El Cine Digital es aquel que utiliza la tecnología digital para grabar, distribuir y proyectar películas. En los años 90, el cine comenzó un proceso de transición, del soporte fílmico a la tecnología digital. Pero el salto definitivo se dio con las grandes superproducciones de principios del 2000. Con este cambio de era y debido a la rápida difusión del digital y la proliferación de formatos se creo el DCI (Digital Cinema Initiative), para cambiar el modo en que las personas consumen cine. Trabajando junto con los miembros del comité SMPTE (Organización americana encargada de crear los estándares de la industria audiovisual formada por ingenieros, técnicos y fabricantes) publicó un sistema de especificaciones que han adoptado las mayores productoras estadounidenses. Mediante este acuerdo, aseguraban la calidad técnica de las producciones, la compatibilidad entre sistemas y como no, su hegemonía particular. Entre las especificaciones técnicas que suscribieron que son la base actual del DCI figuran la resolución de fotograma, el espacio de color, la compresión de imagen, la encriptación y el método de empaquetado de archivos. Y hoy en día son un estándar en la masterización, distribución y en la proyección final en las salas de cine. Una de las grandes esperanzas que hay puestas en la tecnología digital es la democratización en el mundo del cine y la supuesta abolición de las barreras económicas a la hora de realizar películas, dado lo barato que puede resultar la grabación digital y la posibilidad de pasar el material a video y editarlo en un ordenador domestico. Independientemente de los sistemas de edición que se utilicen, el formato de archivo o incluso el códec usado, los servidores de cine digital solo aceptan un tipo de archivo llamado DCP (Digital Cinema Package). Hay que aclarar que el DCP es abierto, documentado y que esta basado en los estándares SMPTE. Por lo tanto, existen en el mercado actual herramientas de software libre que permiten crear un DCP válido según las normas del DCI y compatible con los actuales servidores de cine digital. El propósito de este proyecto principalmente es documentar desde un punto de vista técnico la creación de un archivo DCP y analizar las diferentes herramientas existentes en el mercado para poder realizarlo: tanto las de uso comercial, como las de software libre. Como base se partirá de las aplicaciones creadas por la empresa alemana Fraunhofer (EasyDCP Creator, Player) - es el software utilizado en el estudio REC - y de otras herramientas más rudimentarias y escritas en C++ como (asdcplib) de Cinecert.
We quantitatively study the domain inversion in a RuO2:LiNbO3 crystal wafer by the digital holographic interferometry. The crystal wafer is placed into one arm of a Mach-Zehnder-type interferometer to record a series of holograms. Making use of the angular spectrum backward propagation algorithm, we reconstruct the optical wave field in the crystal plane. The extracted phase difference from the reconstructed optical wave field is a well linear function of the applied external voltage. We deduce that the linear electro-optic coefficient of the detected RuO2:LiNbO3 crystal sample is 9.1x10(-12) m/V. An unexpected phase contrast at the antiparallel domain wall is observed and the influence of the applied external voltage on it is studied in detail. Also the built-in internal field is quantitatively measured as 0.72 kV/mm. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
[Es]Este documento explica el procedimiento seguido para desarrollar la última etapa de un decodificador de DVB-T2, que consiste en la extracción de un archivo de vídeo desde un archivo binario resultante del resto del decodificador. Este decodificador se trata del software de un receptor desarrollado por el departamento de TSR (Tratamiento de Señal y Radiocomunicaciones) de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Bilbao en el año 2010. Dicho software es capaz de analizar la señal recibida de DVB-T2 para calcular la tasa de errores y conocer otros parámetros relevantes como el tipo de modulación utilizado. No obstante, para analizar de manera subjetiva las mejoras de DVB-T2 e incluso para determinar de qué manera afectan los errores a la calidad de la imagen es necesario visualizar el video transmitido. Por esta razón se ha comenzado un proyecto en el que el objetivo es programar un nuevo software que proporcione un archivo que contenga el video en cuestión. Este software se ha programado en lenguaje del programa Matlab, y toma el fichero resultante del receptor como entrada, para procesarlo y obtener uno nuevo con el vídeo. De modo que una vez programado y probado para su corrección, se aplica a continuación del receptor del departamento TSR. Una vez obtenido el vídeo es posible comparar la calidad de la imagen con diferentes tasas de error en la comunicación, simulando transmisiones en diferentes ámbitos cada uno con su correspondiente ruido. De esta manera, se estima con muy alta precisión el comportamiento de una transmisión real dependiendo de la climatología y otros factores que afecten a la relación señal a ruido.
A Videogrammetric As-Built Data Collection Method for Digital Fabrication of Sheet Metal Roof Panels
A roofing contractor typically needs to acquire as-built dimensions of a roof structure several times over the course of its build to be able to digitally fabricate sheet metal roof panels. Obtaining these measurements using the exiting roof surveying methods could be costly in terms of equipment, labor, and/or worker exposure to safety hazards. This paper presents a video-based surveying technology as an alternative method which is simple to use, automated, less expensive, and safe. When using this method, the contractor collects video streams with a calibrated stereo camera set. Unique visual characteristics of scenes from a roof structure are then used in the processing step to automatically extract as-built dimensions of roof planes. These dimensions are finally represented in a XML format to be loaded into sheet metal folding and cutting machines. The proposed method has been tested for a roofing project and the preliminary results indicate its capabilities.
We present a novel system to be used in the rehabilitation of patients with forearm injuries. The system uses surface electromyography (sEMG) recordings from a wireless sleeve to control video games designed to provide engaging biofeedback to the user. An integrated hardware/software system uses a neural net to classify the signals from a user’s muscles as they perform one of a number of common forearm physical therapy exercises. These classifications are used as input for a suite of video games that have been custom-designed to hold the patient’s attention and decrease the risk of noncompliance with the physical therapy regimen necessary to regain full function in the injured limb. The data is transmitted wirelessly from the on-sleeve board to a laptop computer using a custom-designed signal-processing algorithm that filters and compresses the data prior to transmission. We believe that this system has the potential to significantly improve the patient experience and efficacy of physical therapy using biofeedback that leverages the compelling nature of video games.
It is now possible to use powerful general purpose computer architectures to support post-production of both video and multimedia projects. By devising a suitable portable software architecture and using high-speed networking in an appropriate manner, a system has been constructed where editors are no longer tied to a specific location. New types of production, such as multi-threaded interactive video, are supported. Editors may also work remotely where very high speed network connection is not currently provided. An object-oriented database is used for the comprehensive cataloging of material and to support automatic audio/video object migration and replication. Copyright © 1997 by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Inc.