981 resultados para Diffusion Equation


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With the objective to improve the reactor physics calculation on a 2D and 3D nuclear reactor via the Diffusion Equation, an adaptive automatic finite element remeshing method, based on the elementary area (2D) or volume (3D) constraints, has been developed. The adaptive remeshing technique, guided by a posteriori error estimator, makes use of two external mesh generator programs: Triangle and TetGen. The use of these free external finite element mesh generators and an adaptive remeshing technique based on the current field continuity show that they are powerful tools to improve the neutron flux distribution calculation and by consequence the power solution of the reactor core even though they have a minor influence on the critical coefficient of the calculated reactor core examples. Two numerical examples are presented: the 2D IAEA reactor core numerical benchmark and the 3D model of the Argonauta research reactor, built in Brasil.


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Phase change problems arise in many practical applications such as air-conditioning and refrigeration, thermal energy storage systems and thermal management of electronic devices. The physical phenomenon in such applications are complex and are often difficult to be studied in detail with the help of only experimental techniques. The efforts to improve computational techniques for analyzing two-phase flow problems with phase change are therefore gaining momentum. The development of numerical methods for multiphase flow has been motivated generally by the need to account more accurately for (a) large topological changes such as phase breakup and merging, (b) sharp representation of the interface and its discontinuous properties and (c) accurate and mass conserving motion of the interface. In addition to these considerations, numerical simulation of multiphase flow with phase change introduces additional challenges related to discontinuities in the velocity and the temperature fields. Moreover, the velocity field is no longer divergence free. For phase change problems, the focus of developmental efforts has thus been on numerically attaining a proper conservation of energy across the interface in addition to the accurate treatment of fluxes of mass and momentum conservation as well as the associated interface advection. Among the initial efforts related to the simulation of bubble growth in film boiling applications the work in \cite{Welch1995} was based on the interface tracking method using a moving unstructured mesh. That study considered moderate interfacial deformations. A similar problem was subsequently studied using moving, boundary fitted grids \cite{Son1997}, again for regimes of relatively small topological changes. A hybrid interface tracking method with a moving interface grid overlapping a static Eulerian grid was developed \cite{Juric1998} for the computation of a range of phase change problems including, three-dimensional film boiling \cite{esmaeeli2004computations}, multimode two-dimensional pool boiling \cite{Esmaeeli2004} and film boiling on horizontal cylinders \cite{Esmaeeli2004a}. The handling of interface merging and pinch off however remains a challenge with methods that explicitly track the interface. As large topological changes are crucial for phase change problems, attention has turned in recent years to front capturing methods utilizing implicit interfaces that are more effective in treating complex interface deformations. The VOF (Volume of Fluid) method was adopted in \cite{Welch2000} to simulate the one-dimensional Stefan problem and the two-dimensional film boiling problem. The approach employed a specific model for mass transfer across the interface involving a mass source term within cells containing the interface. This VOF based approach was further coupled with the level set method in \cite{Son1998}, employing a smeared-out Heaviside function to avoid the numerical instability related to the source term. The coupled level set, volume of fluid method and the diffused interface approach was used for film boiling with water and R134a at the near critical pressure condition \cite{Tomar2005}. The effect of superheat and saturation pressure on the frequency of bubble formation were analyzed with this approach. The work in \cite{Gibou2007} used the ghost fluid and the level set methods for phase change simulations. A similar approach was adopted in \cite{Son2008} to study various boiling problems including three-dimensional film boiling on a horizontal cylinder, nucleate boiling in microcavity \cite{lee2010numerical} and flow boiling in a finned microchannel \cite{lee2012direct}. The work in \cite{tanguy2007level} also used the ghost fluid method and proposed an improved algorithm based on enforcing continuity and divergence-free condition for the extended velocity field. The work in \cite{sato2013sharp} employed a multiphase model based on volume fraction with interface sharpening scheme and derived a phase change model based on local interface area and mass flux. Among the front capturing methods, sharp interface methods have been found to be particularly effective both for implementing sharp jumps and for resolving the interfacial velocity field. However, sharp velocity jumps render the solution susceptible to erroneous oscillations in pressure and also lead to spurious interface velocities. To implement phase change, the work in \cite{Hardt2008} employed point mass source terms derived from a physical basis for the evaporating mass flux. To avoid numerical instability, the authors smeared the mass source by solving a pseudo time-step diffusion equation. This measure however led to mass conservation issues due to non-symmetric integration over the distributed mass source region. The problem of spurious pressure oscillations related to point mass sources was also investigated by \cite{Schlottke2008}. Although their method is based on the VOF, the large pressure peaks associated with sharp mass source was observed to be similar to that for the interface tracking method. Such spurious fluctuation in pressure are essentially undesirable because the effect is globally transmitted in incompressible flow. Hence, the pressure field formation due to phase change need to be implemented with greater accuracy than is reported in current literature. The accuracy of interface advection in the presence of interfacial mass flux (mass flux conservation) has been discussed in \cite{tanguy2007level,tanguy2014benchmarks}. The authors found that the method of extending one phase velocity to entire domain suggested by Nguyen et al. in \cite{nguyen2001boundary} suffers from a lack of mass flux conservation when the density difference is high. To improve the solution, the authors impose a divergence-free condition for the extended velocity field by solving a constant coefficient Poisson equation. The approach has shown good results with enclosed bubble or droplet but is not general for more complex flow and requires additional solution of the linear system of equations. In current thesis, an improved approach that addresses both the numerical oscillation of pressure and the spurious interface velocity field is presented by featuring (i) continuous velocity and density fields within a thin interfacial region and (ii) temporal velocity correction steps to avoid unphysical pressure source term. Also I propose a general (iii) mass flux projection correction for improved mass flux conservation. The pressure and the temperature gradient jump condition are treated sharply. A series of one-dimensional and two-dimensional problems are solved to verify the performance of the new algorithm. Two-dimensional and cylindrical film boiling problems are also demonstrated and show good qualitative agreement with the experimental observations and heat transfer correlations. Finally, a study on Taylor bubble flow with heat transfer and phase change in a small vertical tube in axisymmetric coordinates is carried out using the new multiphase, phase change method.


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Neste trabalho obtém-se uma solução analítica para a equação de advecção-difusão aplicada a problemas de dispersão de poluentes em rios e canais. Para tanto, consideram-se os casos unidimensionais e bidimensionais em regime transiente com coeficientes de difusividade e velocidades constantes. A abordagem utilizada para a resolução deste problema é o método de Separação de Variáveis. Os modelos resolvidos foram simulados utilizando o MatLab. Apresentam-se os resultados das simulações numéricas em formato gráfico. Os resultados de algumas simulações numéricas existem na literatura e puderam ser comparados. O modelo proposto mostrou-se coerente em relação aos dados considerados. Para outras simulações não foram encontrados comparativos na literatura, todavia esses problemas governados por equações diferenciais parciais, mesmo lineares, não são de fácil solução analítica. Sendo que, muitas delas representam importantes problemas de matemática e física, com diversas aplicações na engenharia. Dessa forma, é de grande importância a disponibilidade de um maior número de problemas-teste para avaliação de desempenho de formulações numéricas, cada vez mais eficazes, já que soluções analíticas oferecem uma base mais segura para comparação de resultados.


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Fractional partial differential equations have been applied to many problems in physics, finance, and engineering. Numerical methods and error estimates of these equations are currently a very active area of research. In this paper we consider a fractional diffusionwave equation with damping. We derive the analytical solution for the equation using the method of separation of variables. An implicit difference approximation is constructed. Stability and convergence are proved by the energy method. Finally, two numerical examples are presented to show the effectiveness of this approximation.


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The association parameter in the diffuswn equaiior, dye fo Wiike one Chong has been interpreted in deferminable properties, thus permitting easily the calculation of the same for unknown systems. The proposed eqyotion a!se holds goods for water as soiute in organic solvenfs. The over-all percentage error remains the sarrse as that of the original equation.


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The fractional generalized Langevin equation (FGLE) is proposed to discuss the anomalous diffusive behavior of a harmonic oscillator driven by a two-parameter Mittag-Leffler noise. The solution of this FGLE is discussed by means of the Laplace transform methodology and the kernels are presented in terms of the three-parameter Mittag-Leffler functions. Recent results associated with a generalized Langevin equation are recovered.


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In this work we propose a new image inpainting technique that combines texture synthesis, anisotropic diffusion, transport equation and a new sampling mechanism designed to alleviate the computational burden of the inpainting process. Given an image to be inpainted, anisotropic diffusion is initially applied to generate a cartoon image. A block-based inpainting approach is then applied so that to combine the cartoon image and a measure based on transport equation that dictates the priority on which pixels are filled. A sampling region is then defined dynamically so as to hold the propagation of the edges towards image structures while avoiding unnecessary searches during the completion process. Finally, a cartoon-based metric is computed to measure likeness between target and candidate blocks. Experimental results and comparisons against existing techniques attest the good performance and flexibility of our technique when dealing with real and synthetic images. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35A15, 44A15, 26A33


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Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation 2010: 26A33, 65D25, 65M06, 65Z05.


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Matrix function approximation is a current focus of worldwide interest and finds application in a variety of areas of applied mathematics and statistics. In this thesis we focus on the approximation of A^(-α/2)b, where A ∈ ℝ^(n×n) is a large, sparse symmetric positive definite matrix and b ∈ ℝ^n is a vector. In particular, we will focus on matrix function techniques for sampling from Gaussian Markov random fields in applied statistics and the solution of fractional-in-space partial differential equations. Gaussian Markov random fields (GMRFs) are multivariate normal random variables characterised by a sparse precision (inverse covariance) matrix. GMRFs are popular models in computational spatial statistics as the sparse structure can be exploited, typically through the use of the sparse Cholesky decomposition, to construct fast sampling methods. It is well known, however, that for sufficiently large problems, iterative methods for solving linear systems outperform direct methods. Fractional-in-space partial differential equations arise in models of processes undergoing anomalous diffusion. Unfortunately, as the fractional Laplacian is a non-local operator, numerical methods based on the direct discretisation of these equations typically requires the solution of dense linear systems, which is impractical for fine discretisations. In this thesis, novel applications of Krylov subspace approximations to matrix functions for both of these problems are investigated. Matrix functions arise when sampling from a GMRF by noting that the Cholesky decomposition A = LL^T is, essentially, a `square root' of the precision matrix A. Therefore, we can replace the usual sampling method, which forms x = L^(-T)z, with x = A^(-1/2)z, where z is a vector of independent and identically distributed standard normal random variables. Similarly, the matrix transfer technique can be used to build solutions to the fractional Poisson equation of the form ϕn = A^(-α/2)b, where A is the finite difference approximation to the Laplacian. Hence both applications require the approximation of f(A)b, where f(t) = t^(-α/2) and A is sparse. In this thesis we will compare the Lanczos approximation, the shift-and-invert Lanczos approximation, the extended Krylov subspace method, rational approximations and the restarted Lanczos approximation for approximating matrix functions of this form. A number of new and novel results are presented in this thesis. Firstly, we prove the convergence of the matrix transfer technique for the solution of the fractional Poisson equation and we give conditions by which the finite difference discretisation can be replaced by other methods for discretising the Laplacian. We then investigate a number of methods for approximating matrix functions of the form A^(-α/2)b and investigate stopping criteria for these methods. In particular, we derive a new method for restarting the Lanczos approximation to f(A)b. We then apply these techniques to the problem of sampling from a GMRF and construct a full suite of methods for sampling conditioned on linear constraints and approximating the likelihood. Finally, we consider the problem of sampling from a generalised Matern random field, which combines our techniques for solving fractional-in-space partial differential equations with our method for sampling from GMRFs.


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In this paper, we consider a modified anomalous subdiffusion equation with a nonlinear source term for describing processes that become less anomalous as time progresses by the inclusion of a second fractional time derivative acting on the diffusion term. A new implicit difference method is constructed. The stability and convergence are discussed using a new energy method. Finally, some numerical examples are given. The numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of theoretical analysis


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Fractional Fokker-Planck equations (FFPEs) have gained much interest recently for describing transport dynamics in complex systems that are governed by anomalous diffusion and nonexponential relaxation patterns. However, effective numerical methods and analytic techniques for the FFPE are still in their embryonic state. In this paper, we consider a class of time-space fractional Fokker-Planck equations with a nonlinear source term (TSFFPE-NST), which involve the Caputo time fractional derivative (CTFD) of order α ∈ (0, 1) and the symmetric Riesz space fractional derivative (RSFD) of order μ ∈ (1, 2). Approximating the CTFD and RSFD using the L1-algorithm and shifted Grunwald method, respectively, a computationally effective numerical method is presented to solve the TSFFPE-NST. The stability and convergence of the proposed numerical method are investigated. Finally, numerical experiments are carried out to support the theoretical claims.