832 resultados para Cultural Schema Theory


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Este estudo teve a finalidade de descrever, num corpus literário de iniciação, tanto a metáfora conceptual e suas manifestações lingüísticas quanto à intertextualidade, como caminhos possíveis para um processo de compreensão construtivo e autônomo, em textos de língua portuguesa produzidos em culturas diferentes. Selecionamos, como material de investigação dos aspectos estudados, na literatura brasileira, uma trilogia metaliterária de Lygia Bojunga Nunes, na literatura portuguesa, dois contos de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, e na literatura africana, optamos pela representação moçambicana com uma novela de Mia Couto. As obras das duas primeiras autoras são lidas por jovens entre 14 a 17 anos nos seus países de origem e a obra de Mia Couto está aqui relacionada por ser uma possibilidade e um enriquecimento para o leitor em formação. Trabalhamos com a metáfora inserida nos fundamentos da Semântica cognitiva, porque traz como preceito básico o desvelamento das associações que vão embasar nossos esquemas mentais e cujo conhecimento vai-nos habilitando a uma autonomia para relacionar sentidos e perceber que até a mais obscura emissão vai ganhar ares de previsibilidade por conta das nossas experiências, dos textos que buscamos na memória e do contexto que construímos com os dados lingüísticos que preenchem a moldura de um dado cenário. A metáfora, porém, se mostrou produtiva em nossas análises porque associamos a sua gênese conceptual com a sua função pragmática. É nessa fusão que ela se faz língua, se faz pujante, desviante e revela para o interlocutor as marcas que a remetem para a circularidade original, ou seja, o conceito da qual ela foi gerida. Verificamos, na aplicação da teoria no corpus analisado, que, através dos fundamentos da metáfora conceptual e da intertextualidade, podemos compreender o que é universal e o que é cultural nas nossas expressões literárias e que a fronteira entre essas duas dimensões não fratura o diálogo que se faz urgente e necessário, para a defesa de uma cultura lusófona


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O estudo da relação entre classe e identidades culturais produziu uma bibliografia significativa. Nesta tese busca-se olhar para essa relação sob um aspecto pouco abordado. A partir da tradição marxista, em particular aquela que traz do pensamento marxiano uma abordagem ontológica, busca-se identificar as determinantes gerais da relação entre classe e identidades culturais no mundo contemporâneo (capitalismo tardio). Para tanto, revisita-se o conceito marxista de classe com a preocupação de identificar como a classe no capitalismo se relaciona com o conjunto da cultura? que aqui é definido como a totalidade das mediações produzidas pelos seres humanos. Estabelecidas as relações gerais, parte-se para as formas particulares de identificação cultural no capitalismo tardio. Nesse momento, retoma-se a discussão sobre alienação e reificação a partir de Marx e da contribuição do último Lukács. No capitalismo tardio, a forma cotidiana de vivência das identificações culturais tende à perenidade, com a cotidianização da vida. Essa experiência compartilhada se torna base para a naturalização de uma forma reificada de identificação cultural, na qual um processo manipulatório (uma anti-práxis, no termo de Sartre) se sobrepõe à dinâmica da práxis. Por fim, aponta-se para como essa experiência compartilhada da manipulação identitária serve de fundamento para significativas teorias sobre identidades na teoria social, tal como o estruturalismo e o pós-estruturalismo.


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Esta Dissertação organiza-se a partir de dois eixos temáticos: envelhecimento e migração. Foi realizada tendo por base a teoria de cunho social que a fundamenta e a elaboração das entrevistas com alunos da aula de dança de salão do Centro Cultural Cartola, localizado no Complexo da Mangueira, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo primordial é verificar como grupo beneficia-se dos recursos oferecidos pela instituição através das oficinas de dança de salão no processo de construção do envelhecimento. A primeira observação foi constatar que havia, ao lado da motivação do prazer proporcionado pela dança, um estímulo quanto à preservação da saúde. Paralelamente, na hora da elaboração do perfil dos frequentadores, foi observado que expressivo percentual do grupo era de migrantes, fator que veio a integrar os dados. O trabalho divide-se em quatro capítulos. No primeiro, apresentam-se o Centro Cultural Cartola, o contexto em que a pesquisa é realizada, as oficinas e atividades oferecidas, bem como suas principais personagens: Cartola e D. Zica. No segundo, o envelhecimento é abordado a partir da obra da antropóloga Guita Grin Debert, principal referência teórica para discussão dessa temática. Em seguida, o capítulo três discorre sobre a decisão de o indivíduo optar pela migração, sob o ponto de vista daquele que a vivenciou, considerando suas motivações e dificuldades. Para tal, recorreu-se aos textos acadêmicos de Ademir Pacceli Ferreira, entre outros autores. Como metodologia, privilegiou-se a pesquisa participativa de Thiollant, cujo principal recurso foi a pesquisa de campo, com coleta de dados e análise das entrevistas realizadas. No quarto e último capítulo, as entrevistas são apresentadas, destacando-se os principais aspectos relativos aos temas da pesquisa e realizando uma articulação entre eles.


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Este trabalho busca compor um quadro das práticas cotidianas de jovens frequentadores das oficinas de jazz oferecidas pelo Centro Cultural Cartola (CCC). Contextualizado dentro de um universo tradicionalmente conhecido por sua origem no samba, esse território de arte e de expressão através do corpo e da música contempla outros movimentos musicais, principalmente o jazz e o moderno, possibilitando um conjunto de múltiplos sentidos e ressignificações na vida destes participantes. Como fundamentação epistemológica, foi utilizada a Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR), concebida como forma de abordar a fabricação dos fatos, ao abranger, simetricamente, natureza e sociedade, humano e não humano. Foram igualmente consideradas as possíveis configurações de interação e sociabilidade que envolvem território, sujeito e demais atores da rede, os quais conseguem reconhecer-se diante do outro, do diferente, e construírem um projeto individual e coletivo frente à sociedade multicultural em que estão inseridos. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas que, por sua vez, são complementos à descrição interpretativa registrada no diário de campo, permitindo a dimensão de improviso, de manejo das situações e de envolvimento nas incessantes redefinições processuais. O campo explorado foi, estritamente, o de jovens adolescentes, num recorte etário de 14 a 21 anos. Todos deveriam estar matriculados na escola ensino fundamental e médio e residir em comunidade, não sendo necessariamente a Mangueira. As abordagens contemplaram também as incontáveis participações do professor da oficina de jazz. Durante o processo, emanou-se a existência de um apaixonamento e de uma apropriação por parte de todos os envolvidos com a oficina: parte administrativa, pedagógica e docente, garantindo autonomia e diferencial no universo social do grupo, cujas escolhas legitimam o quanto o investimento na cultura produz artistas conscientes da beleza inerente à própria arte e aos afetamentos daí advindos. Interessante ressaltar que o samba funciona como marca histórica e temporal do CCC, mas a principal motivação ali percebida estava no encontro mediado pela dança, junção corpo/música, presente na vida dos participantes desde a infância, além do prazer de pertencerem a um grupo afim, movido por histórias semelhantes. Junto a isso, o professor exercia o papel de liderança velada, a mediar as relações e a produzir efeitos de coesão grupal, com suas ideias e incentivo à expressão pela dança, de modo a dar lugar a novas descobertas e ressignificação


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This project investigates how religious music, invested with symbolic and cultural meaning, provided African Americans in border city churches with a way to negotiate conflict, assert individual values, and establish a collective identity in the post- emancipation era. In order to focus on the encounter between former slaves and free Blacks, the dissertation examines black churches that received large numbers of southern migrants during and after the Civil War. Primarily a work of history, the study also employs insights and conceptual frameworks from other disciplines including anthropology and ritual studies, African American studies, aesthetic theory, and musicology. It is a work of historical reconstruction in the tradition of scholarship that some have called "lived religion." Chapter 1 introduces the dissertation topic and explains how it contributes to scholarship. Chapter 2 examines social and religious conditions African Americans faced in Baltimore, MD, Philadelphia, PA, and Washington, DC to show why the Black Church played a key role in African Americans' adjustment to post-emancipation life. Chapter 3 compares religious slave music and free black church music to identify differences and continuities between them, as well as their functions in religious settings. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 present case studies on Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church (Baltimore), Zoar Methodist Episcopal Church (Philadelphia), and St. Luke’s Protestant Episcopal Church (Washington, DC), respectively. Informed by fresh archival materials, the dissertation shows how each congregation used its musical life to uphold values like education and community, to come to terms with a shared experience, and to confront or avert authority when cultural priorities were threatened. By arguing over musical choices or performance practices, or agreeing on mutually appealing musical forms like the gospel songs of the Sunday school movement, African Americans forged lively faith communities and distinctive cultures in otherwise adverse environments. The study concludes that religious music was a crucial form of African American discourse and expression in the post-emancipation era. In the Black Church, it nurtured an atmosphere of exchange, gave structure and voice to conflict, helped create a public sphere, and upheld the values of black people.


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This thesis explores the psychosocial wellbeing of sub-Saharan African migrant children in Ireland. A sociocultural ecological (Psychosocial Working Group, 2003) and resilience lens (Masten & Obradovic, 2008; Ungar, 2011) is used to analyse the experiences of African migrant children in Ireland. The research strategy employs a mixed-methods design, combining both an etic and emic perspective. Grounded theory inquiry (Strauss and Corbin, 1994) explores the experiences of African migrant children in Ireland by drawing on multi-sited observations over a period of six months in 2009, and on interviews and focus group discussions conducted with African children (aged 13-18), mothers and fathers. An emically derived ‘African Migrant Child Psychosocial Well-being’ scale was developed by drawing on data gathered through rapid ethnographic (RAE) free listing exercises carried out in Cork, Dublin and Dundalk with sixty-one participants (N=21 adults, N=28 15-18-year-olds, N=12 12-14-year-olds) and three African community key informants to elicit local understandings of psychosocial well-being. This newly developed scale was used alongside standardised measures of well-being to quantitatively measure the psychosocial adjustment of 233 African migrant children in Cork, Dublin and Dundalk aged 11-18. Findings indicate that the psychosocial wellbeing of the study population is satisfactory when benchmarked against the psychosocial health profile of Irish youth (Dooley & Fitzgerald, 2012). These findings are similar to trends reported in international literature in this field (Georgiades et al., 2006; Gonneke, Stevens, Vollebergh, 2008; Sampson et al., 2005). Study findings have implications for advancing psychosocial research methods with non-Western populations and on informing the practice of Irish professionals, mainly in the areas of teaching, psychology and community work.


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"Facts and Fictions: Feminist Literary Criticism and Cultural Critique, 1968-2012" is a critical history of the unfolding of feminist literary study in the US academy. It contributes to current scholarly efforts to revisit the 1970s by reconsidering often-repeated narratives about the critical naivety of feminist literary criticism in its initial articulation. As the story now goes, many of the most prominent feminist thinkers of the period engaged in unsophisticated literary analysis by conflating lived social reality with textual representation when they read works of literature as documentary evidence of real life. As a result, the work of these "bad critics," particularly Kate Millett and Andrea Dworkin, has not been fully accounted for in literary critical terms.

This dissertation returns to Dworkin and Millett's work to argue for a different history of feminist literary criticism. Rather than dismiss their work for its conflation of fact and fiction, I pay attention to the complexity at the heart of it, yielding a new perspective on the history and persistence of the struggle to use literary texts for feminist political ends. Dworkin and Millett established the centrality of reality and representation to the feminist canon debates of "the long 1970s," the sex wars of the 1980s, and the more recent feminist turn to memoir. I read these productive periods in feminist literary criticism from 1968 to 2012 through their varied commitment to literary works.

Chapter One begins with Millett, who de-aestheticized male-authored texts to treat patriarchal literature in relation to culture and ideology. Her mode of literary interpretation was so far afield from the established methods of New Criticism that she was not understood as a literary critic. She was repudiated in the feminist literary criticism that followed her and sought sympathetic methods for reading women's writing. In that decade, the subject of Chapter Two, feminist literary critics began to judge texts on the basis of their ability to accurately depict the reality of women's experiences.

Their vision of the relationship between life and fiction shaped arguments about pornography during the sex wars of the 1980s, the subject of Chapter Three. In this context, Dworkin was feminism's "bad critic." I focus on the literary critical elements of Dworkin's theories of pornographic representation and align her with Millett as a miscategorized literary critic. In the decades following the sex wars, many of the key feminist literary critics of the founding generation (including Dworkin, Jane Gallop, Carolyn Heilbrun, and Millett) wrote memoirs that recounted, largely in experiential terms, the history this dissertation examines. Chapter Four considers the story these memoirists told about the rise and fall of feminist literary criticism. I close with an epilogue on the place of literature in a feminist critical enterprise that has shifted toward privileging theory.


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C.G. Jung and Literary Theory remedies a significant omission in literary studies by doing for Jung and poststructuralist literary theories what has been done extensively for Freud, Lacan and post-Freudian psychoanalysis. This work represents a complete departure from traditional Jungian literary criticism. Instead, radically new Jungian literary theories are developed of deconstruction, feminist theory, gender and psyche, the body and sexuality, spirituality, postcolonialism, historicism and reader-response. As well as linking Jung to the work of Derrida, Kristeva and Irigaray, the book traces contentious occult, cultural and political narratives in Jung's career. It contains a chapter on Jung and fascism in a literary context. [From the Publisher]


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According to dialogical self theory (Hermans, 2001), individual identities reflect cultural and subcultural values, and appropriate voices and discourses from the social environment. Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) systemic theory of human development similarly postulates that individual and social development occur in a symbiotic and interdependent fashion. It would therefore be predicted that individual changes in identity reflect macrocosmic changes in cultural values and social structures. The current study investigated narratives of crisis transitions within adults aged 25-40, by way of interviews with 22 participants. An intensive qualitative analysis showed that the narratives of crisis could indeed be viewed as individual manifestations of contemporary cultural changes. National statistics and academic research have documented in the UK substantial cultural shifts over the last twenty years including the lessening popularity of marriage, the rise of freelance and portfolio careers and the growth of accepted alternative gender roles. In individual crises, changes made over the course of the episode were invariably in the same direction as these social changes; towards flexible work patterns, non-marital relationships and redefined gender identities. Before the crisis, participants described their identity as bound into an established discourse of conventionality, a traditional sense of masculinity or feminitity and a singular career role, while after the crisis alternative and fluid identities are explored, and identity is less defined by role and institution. These findings show that changes in the social macrocosm can be found in the individual microcosm, and therefore support dialogical self theory.


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After considering museums as cultural institutions responsible for preserving cultural memory and its evolution over time, this article describes the cultural practices within our society that are aimed at disseminating art and at reproducing and transmitting culture, history and identity. Further, it considers the key role that older people are steadily assuming in Spain’s ageing society. New social-empowerment activities based on volunteering by the elderly are linked to generativity because the individual and social groups acquire new skills through those activities, thereby strengthening a society for all ages. Never in the history of social work have so many older people been prepared to participate actively at the community level, and never has a social movement with these features gone so unnoticed by so many social agents.


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We examined the relationship between Individualism/Collectivism and generalized social trust across 31 European nations participating in the European Social Survey. Using multi-level regression analyses, the current study provides the first empirical investigation of the effects of cultural norms of Individualism/Collectivism on generalized social trust while accounting for individuals' own cultural orientations within the same analysis. The results provide clear support for Yamagishi and Yamagishi (1994) emancipation theory of trust, showing a significant and positive relationship between Individualism/Collectivism and generalized social trust, over and above the effect of a country political history of communism and ethnic heterogeneity. Having controlled for individual effects of Individualism/Collectivism it is clear that the results of the current analysis cannot be reduced to an individual-level explanation, but must be interpreted within the context Of macrosocial processes. We conclude by discussing potential mechanisms that could explain why national individualism is more likely to foster trust among people than collectivism.


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As critics have noted, Antillean literature has developed in tandem with a strong (self-) critical and theoretical body of work. The various attempts to theorize Antillean identity (négritude, antillanité, créolité) have been controversial and divisive, and the literary scene has been characterized as explosive, incestuous and self-referential. Yet writers aligned with, or opposed to, a given theory often have superior visibility. Meanwhile writers who claim to operate outside the boundaries of theory, such as Maryse Condé, are often canny theoretical operators who, from prestigious academic or cultural positions, manipulate readers’ responses and their own self-image through criticism. While recent polemics have helped to raise the critical stock of the islands generally, they have particularly enhanced the cultural capital of Chamoiseau and Condé, whose literary antagonism is in fact mutually sustaining. Both writers, through a strong awareness of (and contribution to) the critical field in which their work is read, position themselves as canonical authors.


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