548 resultados para Conferência de Bandung
Discutir o papel político de José Norton de Matos (1867-1955) na galáxia republicana portuguesa entre 1910 e 1955 é o objectivo principal desta tese. A alteração do prisma de análise mais habitual quando se fala de Norton, do colonial para o político, foi acompanhada pela opção de privilegiar os seus escritos contemporâneos, em detrimento das muitas análises retrospectivas posteriormente publicadas, e de cotejar a sua voz com múltiplas vozes de Portugal e do império, entre muitas outras com que se cruzou. Tentámos compreender como é que um liberal como Norton, monárquico de tradição embora não de filiação, usa as suas credenciais coloniais para entrar na política republicana à boleia da polémica do cacau escravo e da Sociedade Portuguesa Anti-Esclavagista. Com a aproximação a Bernardino Machado, aos Jovens Turcos, à maçonaria e à facção do PRP dominada por Afonso Costa, insere-se na órbita democrática e afonsista e ganha o cargo de governador-geral de Angola. Aos africanos, cuja definição legislativa como uma categoria distinta da de cidadão (o indígena) antecipa em 1913, leva as luzes da educação laica e a liberdade de trabalho mas paradoxalmente convive com as escolas das missões e o trabalho forçado. A fibra de político que revela na gestão das tensões entre as elites coloniais e metropolitanas irá ser apurada como ministro da Guerra. Discutimos, em especial, o seu papel político num ambicioso projecto: transformar dezenas de milhares de portugueses, pobres, analfabetos e vindos de meios rurais com parcas simpatias republicanas, em cidadãos e soldados da República. A improvisação, que possibilitou que o Corpo Expedicionário Português fosse combater em França ao lado dos britânicos, teve o rasgo de asa e os problemas inerentes à megalomania que o caracterizava. No Verão de 1917, o prestígio com que regressa à capital após difíceis negociações com o governo de Lloyd George torna-o um sério concorrente de Afonso Costa embora com ele partilhe também o ónus da crescente impopularidade da guerra. Reencontrar-se-ão, após o exílio sidonista, na Conferência da Paz em Paris mas, ao contrário de Costa, que não regressará à política activa, Norton tornar-se-á o altocomissário mais marcante e polémico da nova República do pós-guerra. Após a queda do regime e dois novos exílios, será Norton de Matos a fazer os compromissos necessários para permanecer no país e, aí, combater a Ditadura Militar e o Estado Novo de Salazar. Quando, em 1931, consegue unir a oposição em torno da Aliança Republicano-Socialista, começa a impor-se como símbolo da I República. É com esse estatuto que integrará as frentes unidas antifascistas dos anos 40 que culminarão na sua candidatura à Presidência da República em 1948/1949. O modo como consegue fazer a ponte entre os vários ciclos e gerações da oposição e, simultaneamente, resistir às pressões para romper a unidade com os comunistas na fase mais crispada da Guerra Fria será uma última manifestação do seu talento político, cuja análise poderá ajudar a enriquecer o debate sobre essa realidade plural e multipolar que foi a galáxia republicana na primeira metade do século XX.
Do presente trabalho resultou a submissão de um artigo, com o título UV Curing Adhesives for Conservation of Glass- Chemical and Mechanical Stability, para comunicação oral em conferência internacional intitulada Recent Advances in Glass and Ceramics Conservation, a ocorrer em Wroclaw, Polónia, de 25 a 29 de Maio de 2016, no âmbito do ICOM-CC Glass and Ceramics Working Group Interim Meeting.
The means of obtaining evidence, the amount of evidence obtained, the number of defendants related to each criminal case and the gravity of the crimes for which the magistrates of the Department are holders of penal action, define its real importance to the Rule of Law. I have deeply studied the subject of the institution of hierarchical intervention required by the assistant and the application of an opening statement by the defendant, starting from a hypothetical case, provided when the query of an investigation with the subject of the crime of active corruption, where this institution was called as a reaction to the archiving dispatch delivered by the Public Ministry. I have study about the implementation of the institution of provisional suspension of the process, specifically in the scope of fiscal criminality, analyzing the effective satisfaction of the purposes of the sentences in two slopes: general prevention and special prevention. I went for my first time to a Central Court of Criminal Instruction, where I attended the measures of inquiry and instructive debate of a process that culminated with the prosecution and pronunciation of the defendants. In addition to this criminal experience, I have deepened and consolidated the academic knowledge with the study of various criminal cases from various fields in the scope of criminality investigated by the Department. I could therefore check the basis of procedural delays, regarding to our legal system, especially in this type of crime, raising issues that I analyzed and discussed, always in a critical and academic way. I had the opportunity to attend and witness a seminar in the Lisbon Directorate of Finance as well of entering the Centre for Judicial Studies to attend a conference on the International Anti-Corruption Day. Focus on the investigatory importance of the international judicial cooperation, through the various organs, with special interest to EUROJUST. I comprehended the organization and functioning of these communitarian organs and means of communication of procedural acts, in particular, the rogatory letters and european arrest warrants. This involvement is motivated by the moratorium factor of the investigations where rogatory letters are necessary for the acquisition of evidence or information relevant to the good continuation of the process. For this reason the judicial cooperation through the relevant communitarian organs, translates a streamlined response between the competent judicial authorities of the Member States, through the National Member that integrates EUROJUST. This report aims to highlight some of the difficulties and procedural issues that Public Prosecutors of DCIAP and criminal police bodies that assist them, face in combating violent and organized crime, of national and transnational nature, of particular complexity, according to the specifics of criminal types.
This report will describe the activities undertaken during my internship at the Personnel Department (DPE-UPE4.1) in Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), Lisbon, between September 22, 2014, and February 28, 2015. I consider that it is important to note from the outset i) that the subject of my training was suggested by my supervisor in the DPE and accepted by me; and ii) that the internship consisted essentially of carrying out research and information gathering into the different social systems that coexist within the bank and the application of each legal system in solving concrete situations of the CGD employees. The research and analysis of information was important not only for my study but for the CGD itself, as it enables the department to have such an important matter, full of specific characteristics, condensed into a single document, i.e. this report. This is a complex reality. The various welfare systems differ according to the contractual agreement linking the employee to the employer at the date when the labour contract is signed, and also the unique/singular characteristics of the CGD. In the early stage I started by trying to understand the financial institution and its organization and role and the department where I worked. So I analyzed the CGD Statutes and the legal measures that crystallized the scheme for its employees and I also researched its domestic and international operations. The first month was devoted to the research and analysis of such legislation to understand the creation of the CGD and its path to date. In the second and third months I studied the legal social systems that are applied to different groups of CGD workers. This period was quite important to identify and understand the differences between those regimes of CGD employees as well as the procedure inherent in each case. I highlighted the non-implementation of “the social protection regime of convergence” to the workers of this institution; the differences regarding the allocation of sickness subsidies paid to workers who belong to Social Security and CGA contributors, as well as the enforcement of internal rules to all the workers when a work-related accident happens.Then I focused on to assessing and examining external legislation and several internal regulations in order to obtain solutions to questions raised and situations involving by the workers, in order to understand how the DPE solves these situations. Over the last three months of internship, after this more theoretical work, I began the analysis of concrete situations involving employees carrying out their duties in Portugal and abroad. Some of these situations had been received by the department before the beginning of my internship and others over this period. When I was “working” in the DPE I analyzed “cases” that had been solved and some others without a final solution because they were still in courts. As for the last ones (new cases) I was able to follow their assessment and sometimes their outcome. Some of them became study cases for me. Over these five months of my internship, several cases were analyzed and discussed by legal experts of DPE in which I could participate. I always worked hard. I know that this action contributed to elucidate me about the treatment of the issues, and allowed me to have a direct contact with some workers and be part of a dynamic work team. For these reasons, my internship report is not merely descriptive of activities. It consists of an analysis of rules (legislation) and a regulatory framework of activities and it is also a description of several specific situations solved or in a solution process. Through this work I intend to make known the particular reality of a modern Portuguese financial institution not only because of its importance in our country but also such a large number of employees work here (in Portugal and abroad). I should add that throughout my internship I was allowed to attend conferences, within the scope of the bank in order to get a broader view of some issues related to the daily life of the DPE and the CGD. So, I participated in I Jornadas Bancárias and the Conferência Internacional do Contrato a Termo, given that the CGD is a bank and the DPE deals with legal and labour relations.
Ponent: Erica Burman / Presenta: Jordi Bonet
Ponent: Erica Burman / Presenta: Jordi Bonet
Ponent: Erica Burman / Presenta: Jordi Bonet
Andrés Fábregas Puig és el rector de la Universitat Intercultural de Chiapas, a Mèxic. El mes de març passat va visitar la UdG i va pronunciar una conferència a la Càtedra Unesco de la Universitat sobre l'actualitat sociopolítica del seu país
La primera setmana de maig ha tingut lloc a Praga la tercera conferència Sustainpack. La Unió Europea ha donat aquest nom a un ambiciós projecte de recerca que busca, abans del 2014, la substitució dels derivats del petroli en la fabricació d'embalatges alimentaris (packaging)
Sota el lema "Química entre nosaltres: descobrim la química a Girona", el projecte LaQuimica.Net iniciat l’any 2004 vol promoure la divulgació de la química en l'entorn geogràfic de la UdG, estimular l'estudi i la recerca en química en l'àmbit de secundària, i fomentar la incorporació dels estudiants de secundària a l'ensenyament superior. En aquest marc, en els darrers anys, el departament de química de la Universitat de Girona ve desenvolupant tota una sèrie d'activitats adreçades tant a estudiants de secundària com al públic en general. Pel que fa als estudiants de secundària, s’ofereixen un conjunt d’activitats entre les que cal destacar “El Dissabte de la Química”, el “[Nano]reacciona!” i les pràctiques ofertes a grupsclasse. “El Dissabte de la Química” consta d’una conferència d’uns 30-40 minuts seguida de 4 tallers on els estudiants poden practicar diferents aspectes de la química. Amb “[Nano]reacciona!” els estudiants de secundària presenten els seus treballs de recerca relacionats amb la química mitjançant un pòster que confeccionen ells mateixos. Finalment, a les pràctiques de grups-classe els estudiants d’un determinat curs de secundària fan una pràctica completa en un dels laboratoris de docència del nostre departament. Pel que fa als professors de secundària s’organitza el “Congrés de Docència en Química a Secundària”, en el que participen una sèrie d’experts en el tema de la didàctica de la química o de les ciències en general i on els professors de secundària podem fer una comunicació curta amb alguna de les seves experiències personals a l’aula. Finalment, pel que fa al públic en general, durant la Setmana de la Ciència s’organitza “La Fira de la Química”, una activitat que pretén donar a conèixer alguns aspectes d’aquesta ciència, així com també mostrar com ens influeix la química en la nostra vida diària
Conferència inaugural del curs acadèmic 2001-2002 de la Universitat de Girona, on el Dr. Brugada obre la porta a la possibilitat de parlar per una banda de temes estricament mèdics, però, al mateix temps, d'abordar aquells aspectes polítics, socials i ètics relacionats amb la medicina... i encara no resolts
Conferència emmarcada dins el 2on Workshop Biblioteca UdG: La Universitat de Girona davant els reptes del nou Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior, on s'exposen les últimes novetats del programa Millennium referent a les estadístiques, Url checker, materials booking, scheduler
Conferència emmarcada dins el 2on Workshop Biblioteca UdG: La Universitat de Girona davant els reptes del nou Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior, on s'explica el procés de migració de la nova web de la Biblioteca fent especial esment a l'estructura de les pàgines, al portal de la Biblioteca i al desenvolupament de la migració, entre d'altres
Conferència emmarcada dins el 2on Workshop Biblioteca UdG: La Universitat de Girona davant els reptes del nou Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior, on s'exposa la missió, objectius i abast del projecte GEPA. Es parla de l'edifici, de la propietat del material dipositat i de la seva tipologia, a més de les càrregues de material i del préstec de documents
Conferència emmarcada dins el 2on Workshop Biblioteca UdG: La Universitat de Girona davant els reptes del nou Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior, on es plantegen els canvis que comportarà l'adaptació europea i s'expliquen els estudis de grau que s'implementaran a la UdG, especificant quin serà el període d'implementació. Altres aspectes que es tracten són la tipologia dels nous estudis, la nova definició de crèdit, entre d'altres temes relacionats amb l'adaptació al nou model d'ensenyament universitari