955 resultados para Cones. Dopamine. Eye. Ganglion cells. Rods. vision


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The activation of the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 channel (TRPV1) has been correlated with oxidative and nitrosative stress and cell death in the nervous system. Our previous results indicate that TRPV1 activation in the adult retina can lead to constitutive and inducible nitric oxide synthase-dependent protein nitration and apoptosis. In this report, we have investigated the potential effects of TRPV1 channel activation on nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression and function, and the putative participation of ionotropic glutamate receptors in retinal TRPV1-induced protein nitration, lipid peroxidation, and DNA fragmentation. Intravitreal injections of the classical TRPV1 agonist capsaicin up-regulated the protein expression of the inducible and endothelial NOS isoforms. Using 4,5-diaminofluorescein diacetate for nitric oxide (NO) imaging, we found that capsaicin also increased the production of NO in retinal blood vessels. Processes and perikarya of TRPV1-expressing neurons in the inner nuclear layer of the retina were found in the vicinity of nNOS-positive neurons, but those two proteins did not colocalize. Retinal explants exposed to capsaicin presented high protein nitration, lipid peroxidation, and cell death, which were observed in the inner nuclear and plexiform layers and in ganglion cells. This effect was partially blocked by AP-5, a NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist, but not by CNQX, an AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist. These data support a potential role for TRPV1 channels in physiopathological retinal processes mediated by NO, which at least in part involve glutamate release.


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MITOCHONDRIAL DYSFUNCTION IN HEREDITARY OPTIC NEUROPATHIES Mitochondrial pathologies are a heterogeneous group of clinical manifestations characterized by oxidative phosphorylation impairment. At the beginning of their recognition mitochondrial pathologies were regarded as rare disorders but indeed they are more frequent than originally thought. Due to the unique mitochondria peculiarities mitochondrial pathologies can be caused by mutations in both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The poor knowledge of pathologic mechanism of these disorders has not allowed a real development of the “mitochondrial medicine”, that is currently limited to symptoms mitigation. Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) was the first pathology to be linked to a point mutation in the mtDNA. The mechanism by which point mutations in mitochondrial gene encoding Complex I subunits leads to optic nerve degeneration is still unknown, although is well accepted that other genetic or environmental factors are involved in the modulation of pathology, where a pivotal role is certainly played by oxidative stress. We studied the relationship between the Ala16Val dimorphism in the mitochondrial targeting sequence of nuclear gene SOD2 and the 3460/ND1 LHON mutation. Our results show that, in control population, the heterozygous SOD2 genotype is associated to a higher activity and quantity of MnSOD, particularly with respect to Val homozygotes. Furthermore, we demonstrated that LHON patients harboring at least one Ala allele are characterized by an increased MnSOD activity with respect to relative control population. Since the ATP synthesis rate – severely reduced in LHON patients lymphocytes - is not affected by the SOD2 genotype, we concluded that SOD2 gene could modulate the pathogenicity of LHON mutations through a mechanism associated to an increase of reactive oxygen species production. Autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA) is a pathology linked to mutations in nuclear gene encoding Opa1, a dynamin-related protein localized in the mitochondrial matrix. Although the clinical course is slightly different, the endpoint of ADOA is exactly the same of LHON: optic nerve degeneration with specific involvement of retinal ganglion cells. Opa1 is a relatively new protein, whose major role is the regulation of mitochondrial fusion. Mitochondrial morphology is the results of the equilibrium between two opposite force: fusion and fission, two processes that have to be finely regulated in order to preserve mitochondrial and cellular physiology. We studied fibroblasts deriving from ADOA patients characterized by a new deletion in the GTPase domain of the OPA1 gene. The biochemical characterization of ADOA and control fibroblasts has concerned the evaluation of ATP synthesis rate, mitochondrial membrane potential in different metabolic conditions and the morphological status of mitochondria. Regarding ATP synthesis rate we did not find significant differences between ADOA and control fibroblasts even though a trend toward increased reduction in ADOA samples is observed when fibroblasts are grown in absence of glucose or in the medium containing gramicidin. Furthermore, we found that also in ADOA fibroblasts membrane potential is actively maintained by proton pumping of fully functional respiratory chain complexes. Our results indicate that the mutation found in the pedigree analyzed acts primary impairing the mitochondrial fusion without affecting the energy production, supporting the notion that cell function is tightly linked to mitochondrial morphology. Mitochondrial dysfunctions are acquiring great attention because of their recognized relevance not only in aging but also in age-related pathologies including cancer, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders. The involvement of mitochondria in such detrimental pathologies that, currently, have become so common enhances the necessity of standardization of therapeutic strategies capable of rescuing the normal mitochondrial function. In order to propose an alternative treatment for energy deficiency-disorders we tested the effect of substrates capable to stimulate the substrate-level phosphorylation on viability and energy availability in different experimental models grown under different metabolic conditions. In fibroblasts, the energy defect was achieved by culturing cells in presence of oligomycin, an inhibitor of ATP synthase complex. NARP cybrids have been used as model of mitochondrial pathology. Cell viability and ATP content have been considered as parameters to assay the capability of exogenous substrate to rescue energy failure. Our results suggest that patients suffering for some forms of ATP synthase deficiency, or characterized by a deficiency in energy production, might benefit from dietary or pharmacological treatment based on supplementation of α-ketoglutarate and aspartate.


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Das Glaukom ist eine der führenden Erblindungsursachen weltweit. Trotzdem ist die Pathogenese, die zur Degeneration der retinalen Ganglienzellen führt, bisher nicht verstanden. In den letzten Jahren ergaben sich verschiedene Hinweise auf die Beteiligung einer immunologischen Komponente. Thema dieser Arbeit waren elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen, im Sinne von visuell evozierten Potentialen, am Tiermodell des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukoms und die Etablierung dieses Modells. Das Modell basiert auf einer Immunisierung von Lewisratten mit Pertussistoxin, inkompletten Freunds Adjuvant und potentiellen Antigenen, die zu einer Immunreaktion und einem Verlust von retinalen Ganglienzellen führen sollen. Zur Etablierung des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukom Modells wurde eine fünfwöchige Studie mit vier Gruppen durchgeführt. Als Antigene wurden Glia fibrilläres saures Protein (n= 10) und Myelin basisches Protein (n=10) verwendet, die beide in Studien zu Serum- und Kammerwasseranalysen bei Glaukompatienten eine Abweichung zur Kontrollgruppe gezeigt hatten. Außerdem wurde eine Gruppe mit selbst hergestelltem Sehnerv-Homogenat (n=12) immunisiert. Eine Gruppe erhielt keine Immunisierung und diente als Kontrolle (n=10). Zur Überprüfung der Effekte des Modells dienten verschiedene Untersuchungsmethoden, wie die Augeninnendruckmessung und die Untersuchung der Fundi. Des Weiteren wurden transiente und stationäre visuell evozierte Potentiale abgeleitet und die Latenzen, Amplituden und die Marker S (Steigung) und TR (Temporale Antworten) verglichen. Außerdem erfolgte nach Tötung der Tiere die Entnahme der Gehirne und Augen. Die Gehirne wurden nach Paraffineinbettung geschnitten, mit Luxol Fast Blue und Kresylviolett gefärbt und hinsichtlich etwaiger Entmarkungsherde oder anderer Pathologien unter dem Mikroskop bewertet. Der Verlauf des intraokulären Drucks zeigte sowohl zwischen den Gruppen als auch zwischen den verschiedenen Zeitpunkten keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Er bewegte sich im physiologischen Bereich mit durchschnittlich circa 12 mmHg. Die Funduskopien lieferten zu keinem Zeitpunkt krankhafte Veränderungen. Auch die visuell evozierten Potentiale lieferten zwischen den Gruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede, sondern belegten normale visuelle Funktion bei allen Tieren. Die Auswertung der histologischen Untersuchung der Hirnschnitte zeigte keine Entmarkungsherde. Die erzielten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit legen nahe, dass der retinale Ganglienzellverlust beim Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukom Modell ohne eine Augeninnendruckerhöhung stattfindet. Die Fundusuntersuchung und die visuell evozierten Potentiale, wie in diesem Versuchsaufbau durchgeführt, scheinen nicht sensibel genug zu sein, diese Verluste nachzuweisen. In weiteren Arbeiten sollten andere Methoden zum Nachweis der retinalen Ganglienzellverluste erprobt werden. Neben elektrophysiologischen Methoden bieten sich für das weitere Vorgehen besonders immunhistologische Methoden an. Außerdem sollten die Mechanismen erforscht werden durch die es nach der Immunisierung zur Apoptose von retinalen Ganglienzellen kommt und welche Antikörper dazuführen können. Des Weiteren ist von Interesse, ob und wie eine zelluläre Komponente an der Pathogenese des Experimentellen Autoimmun Glaukoms beteiligt ist.


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Das Glaukom ist, nach dem Katarakt, die zweithäufigste Ursache für Erblindungen weltweit mit Milionen von Betroffenen, die von dieser zunächst weitgehend symptomfreien neurodegenerativen Erkrankung heimgesucht werden. Die Möglichkeiten auf dem Feld der Diagnose beschränken sich bislang weitestgehend auf die Messung des Augeninnendrucks und der Beurteilung des Augenhintergrundes durch einen erfahrenen Augenarzt. Eine labordiagnostische Prophylaxe ist bis heute nicht verfügbar, die Zahl unerkannter Erkrankungen dementsprechend hoch. Hierdurch geht wertvolle Zeit verloren, die man für eine effektive Therapie nutzen könnte.rnBezüglich der Pathogenese des Glaukoms geht man heute von mehreren, miteinander wechselwirkenden Pathomechanismen aus, zu denen neben mechanischen Einflüssen durch einen erhöhten IOD auch Hypoxie, verminderte Neutrophinversorgung, Exzitotoxizität, oxidativer Stress und eine Beteiligung autoimmuner Prozesse gezählt werden. Unabhängig vom Pathomechanismus folgt stets die Etablierung umfangreicher degenerativer Prozesse im Sehnervenkopf, den retinalen Ganglienzellen und den Axonen des Sehnerven, die letztlich im irreversiblen Untergang dieser Neuronen münden. Diese pathologischen Prozesse im ZNS hinterlassen auf Proteomebene Spuren, die mithilfe moderner massenspektrometrischer Methoden in Kombination mit multivariaten statistischen Methoden detektierbar und als sogenannte Biomarker-Kandidaten mit definiertem Molekulargewicht darstellbar sind. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein „Workflow“ entwickelt, der es ermöglicht, diese Biomarker-Kandidaten im Blutserum und in der Tränenflüssigkeit in einfachen, reproduzierbaren Schritten zu identifizieren und zu charakterisieren. Abweichend von der etablierten Methotik der Bottom-Up-Proteomics musste hierfür eine Methode entsprechend einer Top-Down-Philosophie entwickelt werden, die es erlaubt, die Spuren des Glaukoms im Proteom zu detektieren und zu charakterisieren.rnDies erfolgte in dieser Arbeit durch sowohl massenspektroskopischen Methoden wie SELDI-TOF® und MALDI-Tof-Tof als auch durch Bead-, Gel- und Flüssigkeits-chromatographisch-basierte Separations und Fraktionierungstechniken.rnDie erfolgreiche Kombination dieser Methoden führte zu Identifikationen einer ganzen Reihe von Biomarker-Kandidaten. Unter den identifizierten Proteinen, die bezüglich ihres korrespondierenden SELDI-Peaks im Massenbereich von Biomarker-Kandidaten liegen, finden sich Zytokine und Effektormoleküle der angeborernen Immunität, stressinduzierbare Kinasen, Faktoren, die zum Schutz der Telomeren dienen, Proliferationsmarker, neuronale Antigene und Transportproteine. Darüber hinaus wurden Komponenten identifiziert, die an der neuronalen Neutrophinversorgung beteiligt sind, neuronale Rezeptoren und Antigene, Komponenten des Komplementsystems und des MHC-I-Komplexes. All diese identifizierten Proteine sind bezüglich ihrer Funktion und möglichen Rolle innerhalb der Pathogenese des Glaukoms detailliert beschrieben und charakterisiert. Dies erlaubt einen umfassenden Einblick in alle Pathomechanismen, denen nach heutigem Kenntnisstand, eine Rolle an der Pathogenese des Glaukoms unterstellt wird.rn


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Fabry's disease corresponds to an inherited disorder transmitted by an X-linked recessive gene. It generates a dysfunction of glycosphingolipid metabolism due to an enzymatic deficiency of alpha-galactosidase activity, resulting in glycosphingolipid deposits in all areas of the body. The clinical (heart, kidney, and central nervous system) manifestations are more severe in hemizygous boys than in heterozygous girls. They appear during childhood or adolescence: acroparesthesia, joint pain, angiokeratoma, corneal dystrophy, hypohydrosis or anhydrosis, and renal failure. The otoneurologic symptoms consist of hearing fluctuation, progressive unilateral or bilateral hearing loss, and episodes of vertigo or dizziness. Otoneurologic findings in 12 of 26 members of the same family are presented: the mother and 9 of her 12 children, as well as 2 of her 14 grandchildren: 4 healthy persons, 4 heterozygous female carriers, and 4 hemizygous male patients. Three of the male patients had fluctuation of hearing, sudden hearing loss, and episodes of vertigo and dizziness. The otoneurologic examinations showed a bilateral cochleovestibular deficit (n = 1), a right cochleovestibular deficit (n = 1), and a bilateral hearing loss combined with a right vestibular deficit (n = 1). Histopathologic evidence of glycosphingolipid accumulation in vascular endothelial and ganglion cells, as well as atrophy of the stria and spiral ligament, might explain the otoneurologic symptoms and findings.


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BACKGROUND: Hirschsprung disease (HD) is a functional obstruction of the bowel caused by the absence of intrinsic enteric ganglion cells. The diagnosis of total colonic HD (TCHD) based on contrast enemas is difficult in newborns because radiological findings vary. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the radiographic and contrast enema findings in patients with pathologically proven TCHD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 1966 to 2007, 17 records from a total of 31 patients with TCHD were retrospectively evaluated for diameter and shape of the colon, diameter of the small bowel, bowel wall contour, ileal reflux, abdominal calcifications, pneumoperitoneum, filling defects, transitional zones and rectosigmoid index. RESULTS: Three colonic patterns of TCHD were found: microcolon, question-mark-shape colon and normal caliber colon. Additional findings included spasmodic colon, ileal reflux, delayed evacuation and abdominal calcifications. Colonic transitional zones were found in eight patients with TCHD. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of TCHD is difficult to establish by contrast enema studies. The length of the aganglionic small bowel and the age of the patient can influence the radiological findings in TCHD. The transitional zone and the rectosigmoid index can be false-positive in TCHD. The colon can appear normal. Consider TCHD if the contrast enema study is normal but the patient remains symptomatic and other causes of distal bowel obstruction have been excluded.


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The adenosine A2a receptors (A2aR) play an important role in the purinergic mediated neuromodulation. The presence of A2aR in the brain is well established. In contrast, little is known about their expression in the periphery. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression of A2aR gene in the autonomic (otic, sphenopalatine, ciliary, cervical superior ganglia and carotid body) and in the dorsal root ganglia of normal rat. Hybridization histochemistry with S35-labelled radioactive oligonucleotide probes was used. An expression of A2aR gene was found in the large neuronal cells of the rat dorsal root ganglia. The satellite cells showed no expression of A2aR gene. In the superior cervical ganglion, isolated ganglion cells expressed A2aR. In the carotid body clusters of cells with a strong A2aR gene expression were found. In contrast, the ciliary and otic ganglia did not expressed A2aR gene, and only few small sized A2aR expressing cells were demonstrated in the sphenopalatine ganglion. The discrete distribution of A2aR gene expression in the peripheral nervous system speaks for a role of this receptor in the purinergic modulation of sensory information as well as in the sympathetic nervous system.


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PURPOSE: Early visual defects in degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP) may arise from phased remodeling of the neural retina. The authors sought to explore the functional expression of ionotropic (iGluR) and group 3, type 6 metabotropic (mGluR6) glutamate receptors in late-stage photoreceptor degeneration. METHODS: Excitation mapping with organic cations and computational molecular phenotyping were used to determine whether retinal neurons displayed functional glutamate receptor signaling in rodent models of retinal degeneration and a sample of human RP. RESULTS: After photoreceptor loss in rodent models of RP, bipolar cells lose mGluR6 and iGluR glutamate-activated currents, whereas amacrine and ganglion cells retain iGluR-mediated responsivity. Paradoxically, amacrine and ganglion cells show spontaneous iGluR signals in vivo even though bipolar cells lack glutamate-coupled depolarization mechanisms. Cone survival can rescue iGluR expression by OFF bipolar cells. In a case of human RP with cone sparing, iGluR signaling appeared intact, but the number of bipolar cells expressing functional iGluRs was double that of normal retina. CONCLUSIONS: RP triggers permanent loss of bipolar cell glutamate receptor expression, though spontaneous iGluR-mediated signaling by amacrine and ganglion cells implies that such truncated bipolar cells still release glutamate in response to some nonglutamatergic depolarization. Focal cone-sparing can preserve iGluR display by nearby bipolar cells, which may facilitate late RP photoreceptor transplantation attempts. An instance of human RP provides evidence that rod bipolar cell dendrite switching likely triggers new gene expression patterns and may impair cone pathway function.


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Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retina and serves as the synaptic messenger for the three classes of neurons which constitute the vertical pathway--the photoreceptors, bipolar cells and ganglion cells. In addition, the glutamate system has been localized morphologically, pharmacologically as well as molecularly during the first postnatal week of development before synaptogenesis occurs. The role which glutamate plays in the maturing visual system is complex but ranges from mediating developmental neurotoxicity to inducing neurite outgrowth.^ Nitric oxide/cGMP is a novel intercellular messenger which is thought to act in concert with the glutamate system in regulating a variety of cellular processes in the brain as well as retina, most notably neurotoxicity. Several developmental activities including programmed cell death, synapse elimination and synaptic reorganization are possible functions of cellular regulation modulated by nitric oxide as well as glutamate.^ The purpose of this thesis is to (1) biochemically characterize the endogenous pools of glutamate and determine what fraction exists extracellularly; (2) examine the morphological expression of NO producing cells in developing retina; (3) test the functional coupling of the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor to the NO system by examining neurotoxicity which has roles in both the maturing and adult retina.^ Biochemical sampling of perfusates collected from the photoreceptor surface of ex vivo retina demonstrated that although the total pool of glutamate present at birth is relatively modest, a high percentage resides in extracellular pools. As a result, immature neurons without significant synaptic connections survive and develop in a highly glutamatergic environment which has been shown to be toxic in the adult retina.^ The interaction of the glutamate system with the NO system has been postulated to regulate neuronal survival. We therefore examined the developmental expression of the enzyme responsible for producing NO, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), using an antibody to the constitutive form of NOS found in the brain. The neurons thought to produce the majority of NO in the adult retina, a subpopulation of widefield amacrine cells, were not immunoreactive until the end of the second postnatal week. However, a unique developmental expression was observed in the ganglion cell layer and developing outer nuclear layer of the retina during the first postnatal week. We postulate NO producing neurons may not be present in a mature configuration therefore permitting neuronal survival in a highly glutamatergic microenvironment and allowing NO to play a development-specific role at this time.^ The next set of experiments constituted a functional test of the hypothesis that the absence of the prototypic NO producing cells in developing retina protects immature neurons against glutamate toxicity. An explant culture system developed in order to examine cellular responses of immature and adult neurons to glutamate toxicity showed that immature neurons were affected by NMDA but were less responsive to NMDA and NO mediated toxicity. In contrast, adult explants exhibited significant NMDA toxicity which was attenuated by NMDA antagonists, 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV), dextromethorphan (Dex) and N$\rm\sp{G}$-D-methyl arginine (metARG). These results indicated that pan-retinal neurotoxicity via the NMDA receptor and/or NO activation occurred in the adult retina but was not significant in the neonate. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Parylenes are poly(p-xylylene) polymers that are widely used as moisture barriers and in biomedicine because of their good biocompatibility. We have investigated MeV ion beam lithography using 16O+ ions for writing defined patterns in Parylene-C, which is evaluated as a coating material for the Cochlear Implant (CI) electrode array, a neuroprosthesis to treat some forms of deafness. Parylene-C and -F on silicon and glass substrates as well as 50 μm thick PTFE were irradiated to different fluences (1×1013-1×10161×1013-1×1016 1 MeV 16O+ ions cm−2) through aperture masks under high vacuum and a low pressure (<10−3 mbar) oxygen atmosphere. Biocompatibility of the irradiated and unirradiated surfaces was tested by cell-counting to determine the proliferation of murine spiral ganglion cells. The results reveal that an oxygen ion beam can be used to pattern Parylene-C and -F without using a liquid solvent developer in a similar manner to PTFE but with a ∼25× smaller removal rate. Biocompatibility tests showed no difference in cell adhesion between irradiated and unirradiated areas or ion fluence dependence. Coating the Parylene surface with an adhesion-promoting protein mixture had a much greater effect on cell proliferation.


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Mammalian retinas receive input from histaminergic neurons in the posterior hypothalamus. These neurons are most active during the waking state of the animal, but their role in retinal information processing is not known. To determine the function of these retinopetal axons, their targets in the rat and monkey retina were identified. Using antibodies to three histamine receptors, HR1, HR2, and HR3, the immunolabeling was analyzed by confocal and electron microscopy. These experiments showed that mammalian retinas possess histamine receptors. In macaques and baboons, diurnal species, HR3 receptors were found at the apex of ON-bipolar cell dendrites in cone pedicles and rod spherules, sclerad to the other neurotransmitter receptors that have been localized there. In addition, HR1 histamine receptors were localized to large puncta in the inner plexiform layer, a subset of ganglion cells and retinal blood vessels. In rats, a nocturnal species, the localization of histamine receptors in the retina was markedly different. Most HR1 receptors were localized to dopaminergic amacrine cells and on elements in the rod spherule. To determine how histaminergic retinopetal axons contribute to retinal information processing, responses of retinal ganglion cells to histamine were analyzed. The effects of histamine on the maintained and light-evoked activity of retinal ganglion cells were analyzed. In monkeys, histamine and the HR3 agonist, methylhistamine, increased or decreased the maintained activity of most ganglion cells, but a few did not respond. The responses of a subset of ganglion cells to light stimuli were decreased by histamine, a finding suggesting that histaminergic retinopetal axons contribute to light adaptation during the day. In rats, histamine nearly always increased the maintained activity and produced both increases and decreases in the light responses. The effects of histamine on maintained activity of ganglion cells in the rat can be partially attributed to HR1-mediated changes in the activity of dopaminergic amacrine cells, at night. Together, these experiments provide the first indication of the function of retinopetal axons in mammalian retinas. ^


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Uveal melanoma is a rare but life-threatening form of ocular cancer. Contemporary treatment techniques include proton therapy, which enables conservation of the eye and its useful vision. Dose to the proximal structures is widely believed to play a role in treatment side effects, therefore, reliable dose estimates are required for properly evaluating the therapeutic value and complication risk of treatment plans. Unfortunately, current simplistic dose calculation algorithms can result in errors of up to 30% in the proximal region. In addition, they lack predictive methods for absolute dose per monitor unit (D/MU) values. ^ To facilitate more accurate dose predictions, a Monte Carlo model of an ocular proton nozzle was created and benchmarked against measured dose profiles to within ±3% or ±0.5 mm and D/MU values to within ±3%. The benchmarked Monte Carlo model was used to develop and validate a new broad beam dose algorithm that included the influence of edgescattered protons on the cross-field intensity profile, the effect of energy straggling in the distal portion of poly-energetic beams, and the proton fluence loss as a function of residual range. Generally, the analytical algorithm predicted relative dose distributions that were within ±3% or ±0.5 mm and absolute D/MU values that were within ±3% of Monte Carlo calculations. Slightly larger dose differences were observed at depths less than 7 mm, an effect attributed to the dose contributions of edge-scattered protons. Additional comparisons of Monte Carlo and broad beam dose predictions were made in a detailed eye model developed in this work, with generally similar findings. ^ Monte Carlo was shown to be an excellent predictor of the measured dose profiles and D/MU values and a valuable tool for developing and validating a broad beam dose algorithm for ocular proton therapy. The more detailed physics modeling by the Monte Carlo and broad beam dose algorithms represent an improvement in the accuracy of relative dose predictions over current techniques, and they provide absolute dose predictions. It is anticipated these improvements can be used to develop treatment strategies that reduce the incidence or severity of treatment complications by sparing normal tissue. ^


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Cell differentiation and pattern formation are fundamental processes in animal development that are under intense investigation. The mouse retina is a good model to study these processes because it has seven distinct cell types, and three well-laminated nuclear layers that form during embryonic and postnatal life. β-catenin functions as both the nuclear effector for the canonical Wnt pathway and a cell adhesion molecule, and is required for the development of various organs. To study the function of β-catenin in retinal development, I used a Cre-loxP system to conditionally ablate β-catenin in the developing retina. Deletion of β-catenin led to disrupted laminar structure but did not affect the differentiation of any of the seven cell types. Eliminating β-catenin did not reduce progenitor cell proliferation, although enhanced apoptosis was observed. Further analysis showed that disruption of cell adhesion was the major cause of the observed patterning defects. Overexpression of β-catenin during retinal development also disrupted the normal retinal lamination and caused a transdifferentiation of neurons into pigmented cells. The results indicate that β-catenin functions as a cell adhesion molecule but not as a Wnt pathway component during retinal neurogenesis, and is essential for lamination but not cell differentiation. The results further imply that retinal lamination and cell differentiation are genetically separable processes. ^ Sonic hedgehog (shh) is expressed in retinal ganglion cells under the control of transcription factor Pou4f2 during retinal development. Previous studies identified a phylogenetically conserved region in the first intron of shh containing a Pou4f2 binding site. Transgenic reporter mice in which reporter gene expression was driven by this region showed that this element can direct gene expression specifically in the retina, but expression was not limited to the ganglion cells. From these data I hypothesized that this element is required for shh expression in the retina but is not sufficient for specific ganglion cell expression. To further test this hypothesis, I created a conditional allele by flanking this region with two loxP sites. Lines carrying this allele will be crossed with retinal-specific Cre lines to remove this element in the retina. My hypothesis predicts that alteration in shh expression and subsequent retinal defects will occur in the retinas of these mice. ^


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As it is known, there are five types of neurons in the mammalian retinal layer allowing the detection of several important characteristics of the visual image impinging onto the visual system, namely, photoreceptors, horizontal cells, amacrine, bipolar and ganglion cells. And it is a well known fact too, that the amacrine neuron architecture allows a first detection for objects motion, being the most important retinal cell to this function. We have already studied and simulated the Dowling retina model and we have verified that many complex processes in visual detection is performed with the basis of the amacrine cell synaptic connections. This work will show how this structure may be employed for motion detection


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We have studied GABAergic synaptic transmission in retinal ganglion cells and hippocampal pyramidal cells to determine, at a cellular level, what is the effect of the targeted disruption of the gene encoding the synthetic enzyme GAD65 on the synaptic release of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Neither the size nor the frequency of GABA-mediated spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) were reduced in retina or hippocampus in GAD65−/− mice. However, the release of GABA during sustained synaptic activation was substantially reduced. In the retina both electrical- and K+-induced increases in IPSC frequency were depressed without a change in IPSC amplitude. In the hippocampus the transient increase in the probability of inhibitory transmitter release associated with posttetanic potentiation was absent in the GAD65−/− mice. These results indicate that during and immediately after sustained stimulation the increase in the probability of transmitter release is not maintained in GAD65−/− mice. Such a finding suggests a decrease in the size or refilling kinetics of the releasable pool of vesicles, and various mechanisms are discussed that could account for such a defect.