898 resultados para Complexo Serrano. Comunidades rurais. Conservação. Semiárido
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
The region of the biome Cerrado is under threat due to the replacement of their native areas for expansion of agriculture and livestock. This occupation is responsible for the loss of about 50% of two million square kilometers of original native savannah. The land use, without control or zoning, has caused serious damage to natural resources of this biome, considered as an international hotspot area. As a result, some problems caused by ecological imbalances already topping the urban and rural environments, such as species extinction, water scarcity and desertification. Any occupation in this biome should be evaluated with caution, because this region, besides being considered one of the most productive of Brazil, is also rich in biodiversity and water resources. The understanding of the importance of the Cerrado biome and its remaining areas, allows the preparation of detailed studies of environmental valuation, which is essential for the development of conservation policies, avoiding even greater environmental impacts. To meet the growing demand for food, you can increase productivity through agroforestry, for example, and to preserve the remaining areas, you can create new protected areas and tailor existing units
The main objective of this study was elaborating a diagnosis of technical conditions of Legal Reserves situation on the rural properties in Botucatu. In addition, considering the characteristics of fauna and flora and the economic aspects of these areas, it was presented alternatives to encourage the correct implantation and the effective preservation of the Legal Reserves. Because these areas contribute to the maintenance of local biodiversity and to availability of environmental services essential for all living creatures. In this study it was observed the presence of native vegetation in 13% of the rural properties’ areas in Botucatu, it is therefore necessary the recovery (reforestation) of 7% of all the rural properties’ areas, to be achieved the 20% of native vegetation (minimum area to be preserved as Legal Reserve, as disposed in Federal Law nº 12.651/12) on rural properties. A viable and significant alternative for recovery these areas, reinforced by the new forestry law, is the practice of sustainable management, that must be carried in harmony with conventional farming practices existing in the remaining areas of rural properties
Esse trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a história da produção canavieira no Brasil e no estado de São Paulo; entender o espaço e a evolução das relações de trabalho ali presentes, além da sua relação e impacto nos núcleos urbanos próximos. Com base nesse estudo, analisar a possibilidade de uma proposta projetual que resgate as relações existentes nas usinas, prevendo uma nova agregação de usos e equipamentos
The current concern with environmental issues by the scientific community, governmental and civil society also brings out the need to recover, preserve and conserve the environment. With this understanding, this work was prepared, which had as one of the main objectives of the historical process of land use and occupancy of the Pontal, since the nineteenth century to the present day. From this, the changes were evident in the types of land use, which rose from native forest to plant crops (permanent and temporary crops) and later as pasture. Through this process of occupation, exploitation of forests and replacement even three, Reserves being brought from the Far West Paulista, through the state government of Sao Paulo, they were almost decimated. Such areas decreed by law to be preserved and conserved, with the rampant occupations, were suffocated by the fakes and illegal occupation of land tenure contracts, leaving the region currently only a few forest fragments and protected areas of State Park Morro do Diabo, PRNP Boa Vista and Ecological Station Black Lion Tamarin. Furthermore, the article emphasizes the main legislation being developed by federal and state levels aimed at protecting natural resources and the effectiveness they had with the passage of time, demonstrating that the conservation of the environment, has several contributions in the law, however, and they are so vast that hinder its application.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar questões sociais e econômicas do cotidiano de quatro comunidades quilombola (Cedro, Pedra Preta, Ribeirão Grande e Terra Seca) residentes da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Quilombos de Barra do Turvo (Vale do Ribeira/SP), e levantar o debate acerca da questão da luta pelo reconhecimento da posse da terra frente à saída dos mais jovens da comunidade para as grandes cidades. Através dos dados coletados por meio de levantamento bibliográfico a respeito do tema e entrevistas semiestruturadas com representantes das famílias das quatro comunidades, foi possível discorrer a respeito da problemática da saída dos jovens, que afeta diretamente o futuro dessas comunidades tradicionais, bem como a sugestão de alternativas que visando geração de renda para essas famílias e a inserção e o futuro estabelecimento desses jovens no cotidiano das comunidades. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram que esses quilombolas, bem como seus antepassados, formam comunidades essencialmente rurais e agrícolas, com dinâmica fortemente ligada ao meio natural circundante. Quanto às suas práticas agrícolas, as famílias se dividem em dois grupos: os praticantes da agricultura tradicional, também chamada de “coivara”, e a agroecologia, com Sistemas Agroflorestais bem estabelecidos, onde os agricultores são organizados através de uma cooperativa agroflorestal. Essa divisão agrícola, como mostrado na pesquisa, tem reflexo direto na organização social e econômica das comunidades, bem como no processo de preservação do patrimônio cultural desses grupos. A pesquisa apontou ainda para um grande êxodo dos indivíduos mais jovens das quatro comunidades rumo aos grandes centros urbanos, pela falta de interesse destes na cultural local, ou pela busca por empregos regulares, levantando o questionamento sobre a preservação da cultura e do território quilombola de Barra do Turvo
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
This paper reports a master research that aimed to analyze the patterns of institutional relationships between local officials and communities of agrarian reform settlements in four counties of the State of São Paulo – Apiaí, Iaras, Promissão and Mirante do Paranapanema – particularly with regard to the types of support offered by the first to the economic activities in the settlements. In terms of methodology, we conducted a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, outlined in the format of multiple case study. Having like data sources the local officials responsible for institutional relations with the agrarian reform settlements, technicians agents of agencys linkeds to the land question, as INCRA and ITESP, and settled in leadership positions in rural settlements, we sought to evaluate the intensity, the types and quality of the (possible or actual) support offered by municipalities to economic activities inside the settlements. We sought to evaluate the results from theoretical lens formed around the notions of local development and the significance assumed by settlements in different locations. The results showed a fairly heterogeneous and, often, disparate in particular circumstances. It was evident, from the information collected, that a positive action of the municipal government in supporting the economic activities of the settlements is essential for the release of social energy based in settlements, enabling the realization of the "amalgam of possibilities" constructed from the implementation of rural settlements.
Cerrado is the second biggest biome of Brazil. The broadest floristic diversity includes many species with medicinal properties. First, in this study was highlighted some important aspects that known Cerrado at Brazilian environmental sitting and main problems of impacts at the biome by the inside of our country. Second, a bibliographic search was presented to point uses and importance of plants at treatments, setting some examples of Cerrado’s species that has medicinal properties. Then, a reflection about the relation of use, popular knowledge and the local communities participation at the construction of conservationist and sustainable thoughts. Finally, a real example of conservation based on traditional knowledge in a riverain population.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper reports the results of an extension project carried out at Unesp/Veterinary Medicine course in Araçatuba city with milk farmers of the region. The aim of the project was to supply information to farmers concerning to good quality milk production and, at the same time, to follow up the evolution of milk quality parameters, according to the current Brazilian legislation. Every 45 days, approximately, lectures were presented to milk farmers in Araçatuba city region, approaching chemical and microbiological composition of milk, prevention and detection of mastitis, hygiene proceedings in milking and conservation of milk, cleaning and sanitization operations of facilities and equipments and prevention of adulteration. During the intervals between lectures, milk samples were collected from collective milk cooling tanks and analyzed for microbiological, hygienic and physicochemical tests. The main inadequacies in milk quality were high total bacteria and somatic cells counts, low solids contents and water addition. These problems did not proceed to betterment during the project time. So, it was concluded that the time for instruction of farmers was not enough for a progress in the quality of the milk produced in the region, pointing out the need in continuing this kind of work.
Maintenance of agricultural diversity in rural settlements – a case study in Moji-Mirim, São Paulo, Brazil. This paper investigated whether farmers, when established in rural settlements, keep some traditional features with regard to crops diversity and circulation of planting material. Its aims were to make an ethnobotanical survey of species and varieties and analyze the dinamics of seeds and propagules circulation. A total of 139 varieties of food crops (55 species/28 families) were found, being 87% of them intended for self-consumption; 54% of varieties come from Minas Gerais, home state of most respondents. The number of varieties grown per household ranged from 17 to 54. The informal and free circulation of planting material is the most important way of acquisition. The circulation network is very active, showing a potential for the management of crops diversity, with emphasis on the contribution of settlers to the maintenance and valorization of traditional varieties.