999 resultados para Cidades médias
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Industrial
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Empresariais
(Excerto) Partant d'une perspective comparative de plusieurs recherches realisees en ltalie au cours des demieres annees sur les mineurs et Ia television, Elisa Manna, de Ia Fondation Censis souligne le besoin pour Ia recherche de rompre avec les hyperspecialisations academiques. Elle propose des pistes de comparaisons et de confrontations de methodes, de techniques et de resultats, sans jamais perdre de vue les recherches empiriques sur le terrain. II est impensable aujourd'hui, souligne Elisa Manna, de continuer a separer, d'un cote le monde institutionnel de Ia culture qui, prive des outils de connaissance necessaires, serait oblige d'agir a l'aveuglette, et d'autre part celui de Ia recherche academique et privee, fragmentee, divisee et frustree par l'impossibilite de faire valoir ses efforts d 'un point de vue operationnel.
Objetivo O início do consumo de drogas ocorre, geralmente, na adolescência. Entre os fatores associados a esse comportamento, está o trabalho. Este artigo analisa a associação entre a inserção no mercado de trabalho e o uso no ano de álcool, tabaco, maconha e cocaína, em uma amostra de 1.961 escolares de dois municípios de médio porte do Rio Grande do Sul. Métodos Foram estimadas razões de prevalência brutas e ajustadas, primeiramente, para sexo e idade e, posteriormente, para sexo, idade e supervisão do uso de internet no domicílio. Resultados Na análise bruta, a associação com a inserção no mercado de trabalho foi significativa para uso no ano de álcool, tabaco, maconha e cocaína. Na estimativa de razões de prevalência ajustadas para sexo e idade, apenas a associação com uso no ano de tabaco se manteve e desapareceu ao ajustar também para a variável de supervisão parental do uso da internet. Conclusões O fato de a associação não se manter após a análise ajustada indica que, entre escolares, portanto, adolescentes ainda vinculados à escola, inserção no mercado de trabalho e uso no ano daquelas substâncias se expandem de modo semelhante, mas muito mais influenciados pelo avanço da idade, por especificidades de gênero e de acordo com modelos de cuidado no ambiente doméstico.
Trabalho de projeto de mestrado em Políticas Comunitárias e Cooperação Territorial
dissertação de Mestrado em Políticas de Desenvolvimento dos Recursos Humanos
This paper deals with the study by orthogonal polynomials of trends in the mean annual and mean monthly temperatures (in degrees Centigrade) in Campinas (State of São Paulo, Brasil), from 1890 up to 1956. Only 4 months were studied (January, April, July and October) taken as typical of their respective season. For the annual averages both linear and quadratic components were significant, the regression equation being y = 19.95 - 0.0219 x + 0.00057 x², where y is the temperature (in degrees Centigrade) and x is the number of years after 1889. Thus 1890 corresponds to x = 1, 1891, to x = 2, etc. The equation shows a minimum for the year 1908, with a calculated mean y = 19.74. The expected means by the regression equation are given below. Anual temperature means for Campinas (SP, Brasil) calculated by the regression equation Year Annual mean (Degrees Centigrade) 1890 19.93 1900 10.78 1908 19.74 (minimum) 1010 19.75 1920 19.82 1930 20.01 1940 20.32 1950 20.74 1956 21.05 The mean for 67 years was 20.08°C with standard error of the mean 0.08°G. For January the regression equation was y = 23.08 - 0.0661 x + 0.00122 x², with a minimum of 22.19°C for 1916. The average for 67 years was 22.70°C, with standard error 0.12°C. For April no component of regression was significant. The average was 20.42°C, with standard error 0.13°C. For July the regression equation was of first degree, y = 16.01 + 0.0140X. The average for 67 years was 16.49°C, with standard error of the mean 0.14°C. Finally, for October the regression equation was y = 20.55 - 0.0362x + 0.00078x², with a minimum of 20.13°C for 1912. The average was 20.52°C, with standard error of the mean equal to 0.14°C.
In this paper, preliminary to a series of investigations that the A. has the purpose to make about the influence of climatic factors particularly upon the prevalence of the most important acute infectious diseases in Brazil, he raises the question whether such factors do affect in this country the total death rates, as it is reasonable to suppose, according to what has been observed in temperate zones of northern and southern hemispheres. The inclusion of absolute humidity among other climatic factors to be dealt with seems justifiable according to Rogers and Stallybrass. Owing to scarcety of reliable data the A. was obliged to limit to a five-years period (1940-1944) the complete proposed investigation, which includes seven of the most important cities, scattered throughout the brazilian territory, from north to south - Belém, recife, Salvador, Rio, S. Paulo, Curitiba and Porto Alegre. Reference is made to their normal climatic conditions and monthly death-rates variations with their mean values and standard deviations. In a first part dealing with seasonal variations only for purposes of comparison, he points out that in there tropical cities of Brazil, without very clear seasonal differentiation, the curve of general mortality reached its highest point in austral autumn season and the remaining four (including Rio near the tropic) in the spring, with the exception of Curitiba, where the peak coincided with the summer season. He shows how such important causes of deaths, as diarrheas, common respiratory diseases and tuberculosis, whose seasonal distribution for each one of the seven cities is referred, may explain such seasonal variations. On a second part, a study is made of the general mortality distribution by four-months periods selected in accordance respectively with the highest or lowest values of rainfall and of mean temperature and humidity during period 1940-1944. Finally he compares the monthly waves of such climatic factors and the corresponding waves of total death - rates and finds through correlation coefficients 17 significant values with respect to their standard errors. Variations in the death - rates seemed to be perhaps more closely and uniformly associated with variations of mean humidity, as is indicated by coefficients ranging from + 0.3 to 0.6.
Enteric fevers and dysenteries showed, during the period 1940-44, a summer prevalence in brazilian cities of the temperate zone. The distribu¬tion of the diseases by four-months periods, selected in acordance with the highest of lowest values of rainfall, mean temperature and absolute humidity induced to suppose that, in those cities, and also in tropical ones, both enteric fevers and dysenteries were closely associated with such climatic factors: enteric fevers mainly with absolute humidity and temperature, and dysenteries with humidity and rainfall. Correlation coefficients, statistically significant, have been obtained comparing monthly waves of climatic factors and corresponding waves of prevalence of the diseases. For enteric fevers, clear associations have been disclosed: with temperature variations in all temperate cities (coefficients ranging from + 0.42 to + 0.75, higher with mean temperature in the previous month) and in two of the four tropical cities (from + 0.26 to ± 0.30); with absolute humidity variations in cities of the first group (from + 0.51 to 0.71) and in the tropical city of Rio ( + 0.26 ± 0.12 and + 0.28 ± 0.12); and also with rainfall variations but only in two temperate cities (from + 0.28 to + 0.64). For dysenteric diseases, in cities of temperate zone similar associations have been found with absolute humidity (values of r, ranging from + 0.32 to + 0.45), with temperature (from + 0.26 to + 0.44); and with rainfall only in Curitiba ( + 0.25 ± 0.12). Recife (tropical city) yielded two significant values : r = 0.27 ± 0.12 (correlation with mean temperature in the same month) and r = + 0.40 ± 0.11 and -h 0.37 ± 0.11 (between monthly morbidity rates and rainfall, respectively in the same month and in the previous one). Deaths by diarrhea and enteritis, in the cities of the temperate zone, prevailed in spring-summer seasons, also in four-months periods of highest temperature and humidity, for those cities and for the tropical ones, with the exception of Belem in which percentages were identical to those of opposite periods. Still with the exception of Belem, in all cities studied positive correla¬tion coefficients, statistically significant, have been obtained with temperature variations (ranging from + 0.25 to + 0.65 in tropical cities, and from + 0.47 to + 0.76 in temperate zone) and with humidity variations (from + 0.34 to + 0.44 in the first group, and from + 0.43 and + 0.74 in the second) . With rainfall, only Rio (in the tropical region) showed a significant value for r ( + 0.26 ±0:12); similarly in S. Paulo and Curitiba, the values ranged from + 0.46 to + 0.56, while in Porto Alegre there were found 0.26 ± 0.12 and 0.32 ± 012, for rainfall variations in the same and previous months.
During the period 1940-44, deaths by respiratory diseases and particularly by influenza and pneumonias prevailed during the winter in brazilian cities of the temperate zone (S. Paulo, Curitiba, Porto Alegre) and, with the exception of Rio de Janeiro, in tropical ones (Belem, Recife, Salvador) particularly during the four-months period of highest absolute humidity. For the first group of cities, negative correlation coefficients, statistically significant, have been uniformly obtained comparing monthly death-rates both with temperature - in the same month and in the previous one (values of r ranging from - 0.36 to - 0.640 - and with similar humidity variations (values of r from - 0.33 to - 0.59); also with rainfall, but only in S. Paulo and Curitiba (values of r from - 0.33 to - 0.61). Such associations have been disclosed irregularly and less frequently for the group of tropical cities: statistically significant values of r, in the death-rates correlations with temperature and humidity variations, have been eventually either positive (Recife, Salvador) or negative (Belem, Rio). Whooping cough showed during the same period a winter incidence in Curitiba and Porto Alegre: the compulsory notification of the disease is not required in S. Paulo, a third one brazilian city of the temperate zone. In the brazilian tropical cities of Belem, Recife, Salvador and Rio, the whooping cough distribution by four-months periods - selected in accordance with the highest or lowest values of rainfall, mean temperature and absolute humidity - induced to suppose that the disease was associated more uniformly with a high rainfall than with a low temperature or a low absolute humidity. However, only a few correlation coefficients statistically significant have been found out: between monthly morbidity rates and mean humidity in the same month and in the previous one in recife (-0.43 and - 0.39), and in Porto Alegre (-0.35 and - 0.46); and between the same rates and temperature variations in this last city (-0.28 and - 0.43).
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Durant toute l'Europe, et au-delà, on a assisté ces dernières années à un grand débat sur les sectes, leur nature, leur nombre, leur influence, leur rôle. Des événements tragiques comme les suicides collectifs ont confirmé dans leurs convictions ceux qui pensent que les sectes sont un fléau pour la société qui les tolère et pour les individus qui s'y engagent. D'autres, au contraire, mettent en garde contre la nouvelle « chasse aux sorcières » qu'on risque de déclencher et en appellent au respect du droit à la liberté religieuse. Ne faut-il pas compléter les analyses classiques de Max Weber et d'Ernst Troeltsch, qui distinguent entre le type « Église » et le type « Secte » ? Plusieurs études sur des groupes controversés (le tristement célèbre Ordre du Temple Solaire, les Témoins de Jéhovah, la Soka Gakkaï, les Loubavitch... ou les mouvances accusées de dérives sectaires) illustrent les évolutions contrastées du paysage religieux aujourd'hui. On assiste d'ailleurs à une mondialisation de ces phénomènes. Les auteurs reviennent longuement sur le débat de société autour des sectes, sur leur nocivité réelle ou supposée, sur leur stigmatisation légitime ou irraisonnée dans les médias et l'opinion publique. Les sectes interrogent la laïcité de l'État et le droit : entrent-elles dans le droit commun des religions ou faut-il créer une législation « anti-sectes » spécifiques ?