930 resultados para Choices for Care in Illinois (Program)
Out of 2,409 clinical cases analysed over an eight-week period, 199 (8.2 per cent) were of a dermatological nature. Atopic eczema, warts, seborrhoeic eczema and acne vulgaris were encountered most frequently. The reaction to a skin clinic in the general practice, with access to liquid nitrogen, electrocautery and histopathology is described. Treatment of patients is summarized. It is suggested that having a practice skin clinic reduces the rate of hospital referrals by two thirds.
The capacity to provide satisfactory nursing care is being increasingly compromised by current trajectories of healthcare funding and governance. The purpose of this paper is to examine how well Marxist theories of the state and its relationship with capital can explain these trajectories in this period of ever-increasing austerity. Following a brief history of the current crisis, it examines empirically the effects of the crisis, and of the current trajectory of capitalism in general, upon the funding and organization of the UK and US healthcare systems. The deleterious effect of growing income inequalities to the health of the population are also addressed. Marx’s writings on the state and its relation to the capitalist class were fragmentary, and historically and geographically specific. From them, we can extract three theoretical variants: the instrumentalist theory of the state, where the state has no autonomy from capital; the abdication theory, whereby capital abstains from direct political power and relies on the state to serve its interests; and the class-balance theory of the state, whereby the struggle between two opposed classes allows the state to assert itself. Discussion of modern Marxist interpretations include Poulantzas’s structuralist abdication theory and Miliband’s instrumentalist theory. It is concluded that, despite the pluralism of electoral democracies, the bourgeoisie do have an overweening influence upon the state. The bourgeoisie’s ownership of the means of production provides the foundation for its influence because the state is obliged to rely on it to manage the supply of goods and services and the creation of wealth. That power is further reinforced by the infiltration of the bourgeoisie into the organs of state. The level of influence has accelerated rapidly over recent decades. One of the consequences of this has been that healthcare systems have become rich pickings for the evermore confident bourgeoisie.
EUROCHIP (European Cancer Health Indicators Project) focuses on understanding inequalities in the cancer burden, care and survival by the indicators "stage at diagnosis," "cancer treatment delay" and "compliance with cancer guidelines" as the most important indicators. Our study aims at providing insight in whether cancer registries collect well-defined variables to determine these indicators in a comparative way. Eighty-six general European population-based cancer registries (PBCR) from 32 countries responded to the questionnaire, which was developed by EUROCHIP in collaboration with ENCR (European Network of Cancer Registries) and EUROCOURSE. Only 15% of all the PBCR in EU had all three indicators available. The indicator "stage at diagnosis" was gathered for at least one cancer site by 81% (using TNM in 39%). Variables for the indicator "cancer treatment delay" were collected by 37%. Availability of type of treatment (30%), surgery date (36%), starting date of radiotherapy (26%) and starting date of chemotherapy (23%) resulted in 15% of the PBCRs to be able to gather the indicator "compliance to guidelines". Lack of data source access and qualified staff were the major reasons for not collecting all the variables. In conclusion, based on self-reporting, a few of the participating PBCRs had data available which could be used for clinical audits, evaluation of cancer care projects, survival and for monitoring national cancer control strategies. Extra efforts should be made to improve this very efficient tool to compare cancer burden and the effects of the national cancer plans over Europe and to learn from each other. © 2012 UICC.
To compare biobehavioral pain responses of preterm infants born at differing gestational ages (GAs) when pain was preceded by a rest period or by a series of routine nursing interventions.
Little is known about the effects of clustered nursing care on hypothalamic pituitary axis (HPA) responses in preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Acute pain is a significant stressor for preterm infants in neonatal intensive care units (NICU); however, little is known about the effects of acute pain on subsequent motor responses during clusters of tactile handling.
The goal of this project was to provide guidance on what constitutes quality end-of-life care in long-term care (LTC) facilities. Seventy-nine direct care providers from six LTC facilities participated in 12 focus groups. The focus group discussions examined what made the difference between a "good" death and a "bad" death, and what changes in LTC would improve the care of dying residents. Analyses of the focus group data revealed six themes that contribute to quality end-of-life care in LTC facilities: responding to resident needs, creating a homelike environment, supports for families, providing quality care processes, recognizing death as a significant event, and having sufficient institutional resources. These findings challenge policy makers and providers to consider how to normalize life and death in LTC facilities.
Objectives: To evaluate a booklet on comfort care in dementia from the perspective of family with relevant experience, and assess nursing home resident and family factors associated with evaluations. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Long term care facilities in French-speaking Canada, and the Netherlands and Italy.
Participants: Bereaved family (n = 138).
Measurements: An 8-item scale assessed the booklet's acceptability. Usefulness was rated on a 0 to 10 scale, and perceived usefulness referred to usefulness if family had had the booklet during the resident's stay. Families indicated preferred ways of obtaining, and the most appropriate time to get the booklet.
Results: Almost all families (94%) perceived the booklet as useful. Canadian and Dutch families evaluated the booklet's contents and format favorably, whereas Italian families' evaluations were less favorable. Almost all families endorsed roles for physicians or nurses and about half additionally accepted availability through own initiative, in print or through the Internet. Preference of timing was highly variable. Better acceptability, usefulness, and availability through own initiative were independently associated with non-Italian nationality, presence of more physical signs discussed in the booklet, feeling ill-prepared, and higher satisfaction with care. A preference of receiving the booklet early was more likely in Italian families, those without university education, and those involved with older residents.
Conclusion: The booklet is suitable to inform Dutch and Canadian families on comfort care in dementia, but implementation in Italy requires further consideration. The booklet may be integrated in advance care planning in long term care, and made available outside long term care settings to serve families who wish to be informed early. © 2012 American Medical Directors Association, Inc.
Keywords: Decision aid; decision making; advance care planning; palliative care; nursing homes; dementia.
A postal survey was used to collect data from family members of deceased residents of six long-term care (LTC) facilities in order to explore end-of-life (EOL) care using the Family Perception of Care Scale. This article reports on the results of thematic analysis of family member comments provided while completing the survey. Family comments fell into two themes: 1) appreciation for care and 2) concerns with care. The appreciation for care theme included the following subthemes: psychosocial support, family care, and spiritual care. The concerns with care theme included the subthemes: physical care, staffing levels, staff knowledge, physician availability, communication, and physical environment. This study identified the need for improvement in EOL care skills among LTC staff and attending physicians. As such, there is a need to implement continuing education to address these issues. © 2006 Centre for Bioethics, IRCM.
The study examined the utility of the Family Perception of Care Scale (FPCS), which consists of four subscales: resident care, family support, communication, and rooming. This instrument was developed for the purposes of this study. Overall, family members were satisfied with end-of-life care. Satisfaction did not have a statistically significant relationship to family and resident characteristics. Survey questions with the highest number of low satisfaction ratings included staffing levels, updating families and involving them in care planning, and decision making. Family members considered pain control an important priority, followed by comfort care that included caring for a family member with dignity and sensitivity. Family members also valued it when staff were able to inform them that the death of their family member was near. Place of death was significantly associated with satisfaction, family members being more satisfied with end-of-life care when their family member died in the LTC facility as opposed to in hospital.