974 resultados para Chemical elements


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This article is a continuation of a four-piece work describing the condition of soil in what has been broadly defined as central Poznań. This article presents the content of active forms of six chemical elements which tend to be absorbed by plants in biggest quantities. Relations between these chemical elements are discussed and indications are made of how to counteract the negative effects of deficits as well as overdoses of specific chemical elements in the substrate.


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It has been shown that a femtosecond plasma of cluster targets is an almost isotropic source of fast ions and, hence, can be used to obtain ionographic images with a wide field of view. The spatial resolution of the resulting ionographic images is no worse than 600 nm, which corresponds to a uniquely high value of about 105 of the ratio of the field of view to the resolution. The use of 100–300-keV ion fluxes ensures the sensitivity of the method to the sample thickness of no worse than 100 nm even for samples consisting of light chemical elements (C, H). The proposed method can be used to obtain images of low-contrast biological objects, thin films, membranes, and other nanostructured objects.


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The limits to biological processes on Earth are determined by physicochemical parameters, such as extremes of temperature and low water availability. Research into microbial extremophiles has enhanced our understanding of the biophysical boundaries which define the biosphere. However, there remains a paucity of information on the degree to which rates of microbial multiplication within extreme environments are determined by the availability of specific chemical elements. Here, we show that iron availability and composition of the gaseous phase (aerobic vs. microaerobic) determine susceptibility of a marine bacterium, Halomonas hydrothermalis, to sub-optimal and elevated temperature and salinity by impacting rates of cell division (but not viability). In particular, iron starvation combined with microaerobic conditions (5 % v/v of O2, 10 % v/v of CO2, reduced pH) reduced sensitivity to temperature across the 13 °C range tested. These data demonstrate that nutrient limitation interacts with physicochemical parameters to determine biological permissiveness for extreme environments. The interplay between resource availability and stress tolerance, therefore, may shape the distribution and ecology of microorganisms within Earth's biosphere.


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A ilha de Santiago é a maior do arquipélago de Cabo Verde, apresenta uma área de 991 km2, com um comprimento e largura máximos de 54,9 km e 29 km, respectivamente, e 1392 m de maior altitude. As condições climáticas e a erosão são alguns dos problemas naturais do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Além disso, a intervenção humana no ambiente superficial revela-se muitas vezes inadequada e com forte impacto. A construção em solos com aptidão agrícola ou florestal, as actividades industriais, a deposição de materiais sólidos ou líquidos de forma inadequada, as práticas agrícolas incorrectas e intensivas, o uso abusivo de pesticidas e fertilizantes, a rega com água contaminada, a sobreexploração de aquíferos que levam muitas vezes à salinização, etc. têm enorme impacto em termos de contaminação de solos, águas superficiais e subterrâneas nas áreas envolventes. Por conseguinte, o conhecimento da variabilidade geoquímica natural é fundamental para a resolução de questões de índole económica, ambiental e de ordenamento do território, médica, e jurídica. A necessidade de construir uma base de dados de geoquímica georeferenciada que caracterize o ambiente superficial da ilha de Santiago foi a principal motivação para a realização deste estudo. Realizou-se um levantamento geoquímico de 337 amostras de sedimentos de corrente e 249 amostras de solos na ilha de Santiago, tendo sido seguidas as recomendações do Projecto Internacional IGCP 259 não só na fase de amostragem, mas também nas fases seguintes de preparação, análise, tratamento dos dados e elaboração de mapas. Determinaram-se os teores, na fracção < 2 mm, para 36 elementos – 9 elementos maiores (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Ti) e 27 elementos vestigiais (Ag, As, Au, B, Ba, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Hg, La, Mo, Ni, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sr, Th, Tl, U, V, W, Zn). Efectuou-se ainda a análise textural e estudou-se a composição mineralógica de cerca de 25% das amostras. Analisaram-se, também, 103 amostras de rochas, colhidas nas várias formações da ilha de Santiago, tendo sido determinados os teores de K2O, Na2O, Fe2O3(T), MnO, Sc, Cr, Co, Zn, Ga, As, Br, Rb, Zr, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hf, Ta, W, Th e U e REE, a fim de se fazer uma comparação com os teores destes elementos encontrados nos solos e sedimentos de corrente, averiguando se a sua variação é ou não essencialmente condicionada pela geoquímica da rocha-mãe. Os padrões geoquímicos obtidos através dos mapas de distribuição espacial foram correlacionados com a natureza da rocha mãe, o tipo de solo, e ainda com algumas fontes de contaminação. A interpretação dos resultados foi realizada não só pela observação dos mapas geoquímicos, mas também após análise estatística dos conjuntos de dados obtidos, e apoiada em informação diversa disponível. A utilização da Análise de Componentes Principais permitiu distinguir associações entre elementos químicos, quer de origem geogénica quer antropogénica. Foram ainda elaborados mapas de distribuição espacial de vários índices multielementares de importância ambiental, como o Índice de Acidificação Al/(Ca+Mg+K), Índice de Combi, Índice de Avaliação de Risco Ambiental e Índices de Enriquecimento/Contaminação para vários grupos de elementos considerados como “primary pollutant metals”.


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Tese de doutoramento, Geologia (Metalogenia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Three repetitive sequences of northward youngIng, east striking, linear, volcano-sedimentary units are found in the late Archaean BeardmoreGeraldton greenstone belt, situated within the Wabigoon subprovince of the Superior Province of northwestern Ontario. The volcanic components are characterised by basaltic flows that are pillowed at the top and underlain by variably deformed massive flows which may In part be intrusive. Petrographic examination of the volcanic units indicates regional metamorphism up to greenschist facies (T=3250 C - 4500 C, P=2kbars) overprinted by a lower amphibolite facies thermal event (T=5750 C, P=2kbars) confined to the south-eastern portion of the belt. Chemical element results suggest olivine, plagioclase and pyroxene are the main fractionating mineral phases. Mobility studies on the varIOUS chemical elements indicate that K, Ca, Na and Sr are relatively mobile, while P, Zr, Ti, Fet (total iron = Fe203) and Mg are relatively immobile. Discriminant diagrams employing immobile element suggests that the majority of the samples are of oceanic affinity with a minor proportion displaying an island arc affinity. Such a transitional tectonic setting IS also refle.cted in REE data where two groups of volcanic samples are recognised. Oceanic tholeiites are LREE depleted with [La/Sm] N = 0.65 and a relatively flat HREE profile with [Sm/Yb] N = 1.2. Island arc type basalts (calc-alkaline) are LREE enriched, with a [La/Sm] N = 1.6, and a relatively higher fractionated HREE profile with [Sm/Yb] N = 1.9. Petrogenetic modelling performed on oceanIC tholeiites suggests derivation from a depleted spinel lherzolite source which undergoes 20% partial melting. Island arc type basalts can be derived by 10% partial melting of a hypothetical amphibolitised oceanic tholeiite source. The majority of the volcanic rocks in the Beardmore-Geraldton Belt are interpreted to represent fragments of oceanic crust trapped at a consuming plate margin. Subsequent post accretionary intrusion of gabbroic rocks (sensu lato) with calc-alkaline affinity is considered to result in the apparent hybrid tectonic setting recognized for the BGB.


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Landscape geochemical investigations were conducted upon portions of a natural uniform landscape in southern Norway. This consisted of sampling both soil profile samples and spruce tree twigs for the analysis of twelve chemical elements. These elements were cobalt, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium and aluminum which were determined by atomic absorption analysis on standardized extraction techniques for both organic and inorganic materials. Two "landscape traverses" were chosen for a comparative study of the effects of varying landscape parameters upon the trace element distribution patterns throughout the landscape traverses. The object of this study was to test this method of investigation and the concept of an ideal uniform landscape under Norwegian conditions. A "control traverse" was established to represent uniform landscape conditions typical of the study area and was used to determine "normal" or average trace element distribution patterns. A "signal traverse" was selected nearby over an area of lead mineralization where the depth to bedrock is very small. The signal traverse provided an area of similar landscape conditions to those of the control traverse with significant differences in the bedrock configuration and composition. This study was also to determine the effect of the bedrock mineralization upon the distribution patterns of the twelve chemical elements within the major components of the two landscape traverses (i.e. soil profiles and tree branches). The lead distribution within the soils of the signal traverse showed localized accumulations of lead within the overburden with maximum values occurring within the organic A horizon of soil profile #10. Above average concentrations of lead were common within the signal traverse, however, the other elements studied were not significantly different from those averages determined throughout the soils of the control traverse. The spruce twig samples did not have corresponding accumulations of lead near the soil lead anomaly. This is attributable to the very localized nature of the lead dispersion pattern within the soils. This approach to the study of the geochemistry of a natural landscape was effective in establishing: a) average or "normal" trace element distribution patterns b) local variations in the landscape morphology and c) the effect of unusually high lead concentrations upon the geochemistry of the landscape (i.e. within the soil profiles and tree branches). This type of study provides the basis for further more intensive studies and serves only as a first approximation of the behaviour of elements within a natural landscape.


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La chimie est un sujet difficile étant donné ses concepts nombreux et souvent peu intuitifs. Mais au-delà de ces difficultés d’ordre épistémologique, l’apprentissage de la chimie peut être en péril lorsqu’il s’appuie sur des fondations instables, mêlées de conceptions alternatives. Les conceptions alternatives sont les représentations internes, tacites, des étudiants, qui sont en désaccord avec la théorie scientifiquement acceptée. Leur présence dans leur esprit peut nuire à la compréhension conceptuelle, et elle peut mener les étudiants à expliquer le comportement de la matière incorrectement et à faire des prédictions inexactes en chimie. Les conceptions alternatives sont réputées répandues et difficiles à repérer dans un cadre traditionnel d’enseignement. De nombreuses conceptions alternatives en chimie ont été mises en lumière par différents groupes de chercheurs internationaux, sans toutefois qu’une telle opération n’ait jamais été réalisée avec des étudiants collégiaux québécois. Le système d’éducation postsecondaire québécois représentant un contexte unique, une étude des difficultés particulières de ces étudiants était nécessaire pour tracer un portrait juste de la situation. De plus, des chercheurs proposent aujourd’hui de ne pas faire uniquement l’inventaire des conceptions, mais de s’attarder aussi à étudier comment, par quel processus, elles mènent à de mauvaises prédictions ou explications. En effet, ils soutiennent que les catalogues de conceptions ne peuvent pas être facilement utilisés par les enseignants, ce qui devrait pourtant être la raison pour les mettre en lumière : qu’elles soient prises en compte dans l’enseignement. Toutefois, aucune typologie satisfaisante des raisonnements et des conceptions alternatives en chimie, qui serait appuyée sur des résultats expérimentaux, n’existe actuellement dans les écrits de recherche. Plusieurs chercheurs en didactique de la chimie suggèrent qu’une telle typologie est nécessaire et devrait rendre explicites les modes de raisonnement qui mettent en jeu ces conceptions alternatives. L’explicitation du raisonnement employé par les étudiants serait ainsi la voie permettant de repérer la conception alternative sur laquelle ce raisonnement s’appuie. Le raisonnement est le passage des idées tacites aux réponses manifestes. Ce ne sont pas toutes les mauvaises réponses en chimie qui proviennent de conceptions alternatives : certaines proviennent d’un manque de connaissances, d’autres d’un agencement incorrect de concepts pourtant corrects. Comme toutes les sortes de mauvaises réponses d’étudiants sont problématiques lors de l’enseignement, il est pertinent de toutes les considérer. Ainsi, ces préoccupations ont inspiré la question de recherche suivante : Quelles conceptions alternatives et quels processus de raisonnement mènent les étudiants à faire de mauvaises prédictions en chimie ou à donner de mauvaises explications du comportement de la matière? C’est pour fournir une réponse à cette question que cette recherche doctorale a été menée. Au total, 2413 étudiants ont participé à la recherche, qui était divisée en trois phases : la phase préliminaire, la phase pilote et la phase principale. Des entrevues cliniques ont été menées à la phase préliminaire, pour explorer les conceptions alternatives des étudiants en chimie. Lors de la phase pilote, des questionnaires à choix multiples avec justification ouverte des réponses ont été utilisés pour délimiter le sujet, notamment à propos des notions de chimie les plus pertinentes sur lesquelles concentrer la recherche et pour mettre en lumière les façons de raisonner des étudiants à propos de ces notions. La phase principale, quant à elle, a utilisé le questionnaire à deux paliers à choix multiples « Molécules, polarité et phénomènes » (MPP) développé spécifiquement pour cette recherche. Ce questionnaire a été distribué aux étudiants via une adaptation de la plateforme Web ConSOL, développée durant la recherche par le groupe de recherche dont fait partie la chercheuse principale. Les résultats montrent que les étudiants de sciences de la nature ont de nombreuses conceptions alternatives et autres difficultés conceptuelles, certaines étant très répandues parmi leur population. En particulier, une forte proportion d’étudiants croient que l’évaporation d’un composé entraîne le bris des liaisons covalentes de ses molécules (61,1 %), que tout regroupement d’atomes est une molécule (78,9 %) et que les atomes ont des propriétés macroscopiques pareilles à celles de l’élément qu’ils constituent (66,0 %). D’un autre côté, ce ne sont pas toutes les mauvaises réponses au MPP qui montrent des conceptions alternatives. Certaines d’entre elles s’expliquent plutôt par une carence dans les connaissances antérieures (par exemple, lorsque les étudiants montrent une méconnaissance d’éléments chimiques communs, à 21,8 %) ou par un raisonnement logique incomplet (lorsqu’ils croient que le seul fait de posséder des liaisons polaires rend nécessairement une molécule polaire, ce qu’on observe chez 24,1 % d’entre eux). Les conceptions alternatives et les raisonnements qui mènent à des réponses incorrectes s’observent chez les étudiants de première année et chez ceux de deuxième année du programme de sciences, dans certains cas avec une fréquence diminuant entre les deux années, et dans d’autres, à la même fréquence chez les deux sous-populations. Ces résultats permettent de mitiger l’affirmation, généralement reconnue dans les écrits de recherche, selon laquelle les conceptions alternatives sont résistantes à l’enseignement traditionnel : selon les résultats de la présente recherche, certaines d’entre elles semblent en effet se résoudre à travers un tel contexte d’enseignement. Il demeure que plusieurs conceptions alternatives, carences dans les connaissances antérieures de base et erreurs de raisonnement ont été mises en lumière par cette recherche. Ces problèmes dans l’apprentissage mènent les étudiants collégiaux à faire des prédictions incorrectes du comportement de la matière, ou à expliquer ce comportement de façon incorrecte. Au regard de ces résultats, une réflexion sur l’enseignement de la chimie au niveau collégial, qui pourrait faire une plus grande place à la réflexion conceptuelle et à l’utilisation du raisonnement pour la prédiction et l’explication des phénomènes étudiés, serait pertinente à tenir.


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The chemical elements up to Z = 172 are calculated with a relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater program taking into account the effect of the extended nucleus. Predictions of the binding energies, the X-ray spectra and the number of electrons inside the nuclei are given for the inner electron shells. The predicted chemical behaviour will be discussed for a11 elements between Z = 104-120 and compared with previous known extrapolations. For the elements Z = 121-172 predictions of their chemistry and a proposal for the continuation of the Periodic Table are given. The eighth chemical period ends with Z = 164 located below Mercury. The ninth period starts with an alkaline and alkaline earth metal and ends immediately similarly to the second and third period with a noble gas at Z = 172. Mit einem relativistischen Hartree-Fock-Slater Rechenprogramm werden die chemischen Elemente bis zur Ordnungszahl 172 berechnet, wobei der Einfluß des ausgedehnten Kernes berücksichtigt wurde. Für die innersten Elektronenschalen werden Voraussagen über deren Bindungsenergie, das Röntgenspektrum und die Zahl der Elektronen im Kern gemacht. Die voraussichtliche Chemie der Elemente zwischen Z = 104 und 120 wird diskutiert und mit bereits vorhandenen Extrapolationen verglichen. Für die Elemente Z = 121-172 wird eine Voraussage über das chemische Verhalten gegeben, sowie ein Vorschlag für die Fortsetzung des Periodensystems gemacht. Die achte chemische Periode endet mit dem Element 164 im Periodensystem unter Quecksilber gelegen. Die neunte Periode beginnt mit einem Alkali- und Erdalkalimetall und endet sofort wieder wie in der zweiten und dritten Periode mit einem Edelgas bei Z = 172.


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A avaliação contínua é um importante instrumento à disposição do professor. O presente trabalho estuda a medida em que um conjunto de conteúdos ministrados no 10º ano do ensino secundário, acompanhados de procedimentos baseados na avaliação contínua, pode contribuir para melhorar o desempenho e a aprendizagem relativamente a quatro elementos químicos da tabela periódica, nomeadamente o oxigénio, o hidrogénio, o carbono e o azoto. O trabalho será realizado em três turmas do ensino secundário. Os conteúdos programáticos relativos à “Tabela periódica-organização dos elementos químicos” a desenvolver nas três turmas serão os mesmos, mas ministrados por duas docentes distintas. Em duas das turmas, e durante quatro aulas, serão elaborados pequenos testes no início de cada aula sobre a matéria lecionada na aula anterior, que serão recolhidos e classificados pela docente por forma a averiguar uma esperada evolução. Nestas turmas as aprendizagens relativas a estes testes serão avaliadas de forma contínua. Na outra turma, turma de controlo, o programa será tratado da forma tradicional. No final proceder-se-á ao tratamento dos dados recolhidos e à elaboração das conclusões e de possíveis recomendações.


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O presente estudo tem como proposta, identificar o modo como o mineral monazita se encontra no concentrado final de ilmenita. Este concentrado é o produto resultante do beneficiamento do minério extraído de depósitos do tipo pláceres, conhecidos como depósitos de areias pretas. Estes depósitos são formados por dunas litorâneas pertencentes à jazida do Guaju, no município de Mataraca-PB. Todo o processo de lavra e beneficiamento deste minério ocorre na Mina do Guaju, a qual é operada pela empresa Millennium Inorganic Chemicals do Brasil S/A, pertencente a Lyondell Chemical Company. A ilmenita é um mineral composto por óxido de ferro e titânio, FeTiO3. Quase toda a ilmenita produzida na mina é transferida para o processo de fabricação de pigmento. A exigência para o uso na fabricação de pigmento é de que o concentrado final de ilmenita tenha um teor mínimo de 53% de TiO2 e um teor máximo de 0,1% de P2O5, entre outras substâncias. A monazita é o principal mineral fonte de óxido de tório, que é radioativo. No processo de fabricação de pigmento, a monazita é um contaminante indesejado. De acordo com a proposta de trabalho, foi feito um estudo de caracterização mineralógica de amostras do concentrado final de ilmenita fornecidas pela empresa. Inicialmente foram feitas análises em lupa, onde muitos grãos de leucoxeno foram identificados. O leucoxeno é uma alteração da ilmenita que permanece com as mesmas características magnéticas e eletrostáticas, tornando impossível, assim, a sua separação no processo de concentração. Também foi verificada a existência de grãos de monazita liberados em pequenas quantidades neste concentrado, indicando uma provável ineficiência no processo de separação. Numa segunda etapa foram realizadas análises dos grãos de ilmenita com o uso de um Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura (MEV) acoplado a um Espectrômetro de Dispersão de Energia (EDS), para permitir a determinação de elementos químicos na amostra. Esta análise teve como objetivo verificar a existência de inclusões de monazita nos grãos de ilmenita. Porém, o que se observou foi a existência de algumas inclusões de quartzo e de alguns vazios deixados, provavelmente, por inclusões arrancadas durante o processo de preparação das amostras. Alguns destes vazios apresentaram formas semelhantes a de cristais de monazita, indicando a possibilidade da existência de inclusões deste mineral. Entretanto, a quantidade de grãos com possíveis inclusões de monazita é muito pequena, sendo insignificante como contaminante do concentrado final. Embora alguns vazios se assemelhem à forma da monazita, nenhum dos resultados do EDS identificou vestígios de sua presença. Ao final deste estudo ficou evidente que a principal fonte de contaminação do concentrado final de ilmenita corresponde à monazita, a qual se encontra liberada neste concentrado. Desta forma, há a necessidade de se melhorar o processo de separação dos minerais, de modo que a quantidade de monazita no concentrado final seja a menor possível, não prejudicando o rendimento da recuperação de ilmenita.


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The 15Kh2MFA steel is a kind of Cr-Mo-V family steels and can be used in turbines for energy generation, pressure vessels, nuclear reactors or applications where the range of temperature that the material works is between 250 to 450°C. To improve the properties of these steels increasing the service temperature and the thermal stability is add a second particle phase. These particles can be oxides, carbides, nitrites or even solid solution of some chemical elements. On this way, this work aim to study the effect of addition of 3wt% of niobium carbide in the metallic matrix of 15Kh2MFA steel. Powder metallurgy was the route employed to produce this metallic matrix composite. Two different milling conditions were performed. Condition 1: milling of pure 15Kh2MFA steel and condition 2: milling of 15Kh2MFA steel with addition of niobium carbide. A high energy milling was carried out during 5 hours. Then, these two powders were sintered in a vacuum furnace (10-4torr) at 1150 and 1250°C during 60 minutes. After sintering the samples were normalized at 950°C per 3 minutes followed by air cooling to obtain a desired microstructure. Results show that the addition of niobium carbide helps to mill faster the particles during the milling when compared with that steel without carbide. At the sintering, the niobium carbide helps to sinter increasing the density of the samples reaching a maximum density of 7.86g/cm³, better than the melted steel as received that was 7,81g/cm³. In spite this good densification, after normalizing, the niobium carbide don t contributed to increase the microhardness. The best microhardness obtained to the steel with niobium carbide was 156HV and to pure 15Kh2MFA steel was 212HV. It happened due when the niobium carbide is added to the steel a pearlitic structure was formed, and the steel without niobium carbide submitted to the same conditions reached a bainitic structure


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Nowadays there are many reasons that aim to include people with special necessities, like those with visual deficiency, in the world of work, education, and in the society as a whole. However it is observed that when we talk about schooling inclusion, especially in High School, there is a huge gap between the theory and the practice. The lack of didactic resources, the inadequate installations, unprepared teachers, the families´ lack of information, are some of the factors that hinder the process of inclusion. Furthermore, the educators also have to deal with the roughness of the disciplinary contents and, refering to the study of Chemistry, with the use of signals related to this subject´s language. So, the objective of our research is to reflect about the apprehension of this language by the visually handicapped people, and try to contribute with their process of inclusion in the school life. On this perspective we work with the Periodic Table, which constitutes one of the indispensable tools necessary to the Chemistry learning. In order to acomplish it, the way followed by us happened in three passages. Initially, by means of a semistructured interview, we tried to get acquainted with the blind students opinion, who were participating in the research about the Periodic Table used by them throughout High School, as well as the dificulties felt when using it. After getting the answers, the Table was reelaborated to fill those students´necessities. Here, two new Tables were designed, one in Braille which shape is more compacted, and another made with high printed dots, built with sand and glue. On the third moment, the new designed Tables were tested by the students and, by means of a semi-structured interview, we tried to identify if this new resource would solve the problems concerned to the old Table. The students showed that the compacted Tables would facilitate the touch reading of the chemical elements simbols, making it clear and fast. We hope that, with the elaboration of this learning tools we can contribute with one of the elements to favor the effective participation of blind students in Chemistry classes, when studying the Periodic Table


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work makes use of the Pechini process for synthesis of the solutions and the dip-coating process for the addition of zirconium oxide films pure and doped cerium metal substrates. The metals with ceramic substrates were subjected to severe conditions of salinity. The x-ray fluorescence of the substrate showed a great diversity of chemical elements. The x-ray diffraction of the samples showed the phase of iron substrate because the thickness of nano-thin film. Tests using an LPR probe showed that the film presents with zirconia corrosion independent of film thickness. The substrates of ZrO2-doped ceria showed low chemical attack of the salt in films with less than 15 dives. The results imply that ultrathin films are shown in protecting metallic substrates