810 resultados para CLIMATES


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Climate change vulnerability profiles are developed at the district level for agriculture, water and forest sectors for the North East region of India for the current and projected future climates. An index-based approach was used where a set of indicators that represent key sectors of vulnerability (agriculture, forest, water) is selected using the statistical technique principal component analysis. The impacts of climate change on key sectors as represented by the changes in the indicators were derived from impact assessment models. These impacted indicators were utilized for the calculation of the future vulnerability to climate change. Results indicate that majority of the districts in North East India are subject to climate induced vulnerability currently and in the near future. This is a first of its kind study that exhibits ranking of districts of North East India on the basis of the vulnerability index values. The objective of such ranking is to assist in: (i) identifying and prioritizing the most vulnerable sectors and districts; (ii) identifying adaptation interventions, and (iii) mainstreaming adaptation in development programmes.


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An integrated reservoir operation model is presented for developing effective operational policies for irrigation water management. In arid and semi-arid climates, owing to dynamic changes in the hydroclimatic conditions within a season, the fixed cropping pattern with conventional operating policies, may have considerable impact on the performance of the irrigation system and may affect the economics of the farming community. For optimal allocation of irrigation water in a season, development of effective mathematical models may guide the water managers in proper decision making and consequently help in reducing the adverse effects of water shortage and crop failure problems. This paper presents a multi-objective integrated reservoir operation model for multi-crop irrigation system. To solve the multi-objective model, a recent swarm intelligence technique, namely elitist-mutated multi-objective particle swarm optimisation (EM-MOPSO) has been used and applied to a case study in India. The method evolves effective strategies for irrigation crop planning and operation policies for a reservoir system, and thereby helps farming community in improving crop benefits and water resource usage in the reservoir command area.


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A recent modelling study has shown that precipitation and runoff over land would increase when the reflectivity of marine clouds is increased to counter global warming. This implies that large scale albedo enhancement over land could lead to a decrease in runoff over land. In this study, we perform simulations using NCAR CAM3.1 that have implications for Solar Radiation Management geoengineering schemes that increase the albedo over land. We find that an increase in reflectivity over land that mitigates the global mean warming from a doubling of CO2 leads to a large residual warming in the southern hemisphere and cooling in the northern hemisphere since most of the land is located in northern hemisphere. Precipitation and runoff over land decrease by 13.4 and 22.3%, respectively, because of a large residual sinking motion over land triggered by albedo enhancement over land. Soil water content also declines when albedo over land is enhanced. The simulated magnitude of hydrological changes over land are much larger when compared to changes over oceans in the recent marine cloud albedo enhancement study since the radiative forcing over land needed (-8.2 W m(-2)) to counter global mean radiative forcing from a doubling of CO2 (3.3 W m(-2)) is approximately twice the forcing needed over the oceans (-4.2 W m(-2)). Our results imply that albedo enhancement over oceans produce climates closer to the unperturbed climate state than do albedo changes on land when the consequences on land hydrology are considered. Our study also has important implications for any intentional or unintentional large scale changes in land surface albedo such as deforestation/afforestation/reforestation, air pollution, and desert and urban albedo modification.


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The capacity of species to track shifting climates into the future will strongly influence outcomes for biodiversity under a rapidly changing climate. However, we know remarkably little about the dispersal abilities of most species and how these may be influenced by climate change. Here we show that climate change is projected to substantially reduce the seed dispersal services provided by frugivorous vertebrates in rainforests across the Australian Wet Tropics. Our model projections show reductions in both median and long-distance seed dispersal, which may markedly reduce the capacity of many rainforest plant species to track shifts in suitable habitat under climate change. However, our analyses suggest that active management to maintain the abundances of a small set of important frugivores under climate change could markedly reduce the projected loss of seed dispersal services and facilitate shifting distributions of rainforest plant species.


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Land-use changes since the start of the industrial era account for nearly one-third of the cumulative anthropogenic CO2 emissions. In addition to the greenhouse effect of CO2 emissions, changes in land use also affect climate via changes in surface physical properties such as albedo, evapotranspiration and roughness length. Recent modelling studies suggest that these biophysical components may be comparable with biochemical effects. In regard to climate change, the effects of these two distinct processes may counterbalance one another both regionally and, possibly, globally. In this article, through hypothetical large-scale deforestation simulations using a global climate model, we contrast the implications of afforestation on ameliorating or enhancing anthropogenic contributions from previously converted (agricultural) land surfaces. Based on our review of past studies on this subject, we conclude that the sum of both biophysical and biochemical effects should be assessed when large-scale afforestation is used for countering global warming, and the net effect on global mean temperature change depends on the location of deforestation/afforestation. Further, although biochemical effects trigger global climate change, biophysical effects often cause strong local and regional climate change. The implication of the biophysical effects for adaptation and mitigation of climate change in agriculture and agroforestry sectors is discussed. center dot Land-use changes affect global and regional climates through both biochemical and biophysical process. center dot Climate effect from biophysical process depends on the location of land-use change. center dot Climate mitigation strategies such as afforestation/reforestation should consider the net effect of biochemical and biophysical processes for effective mitigation. center dot Climate-smart agriculture could use bio-geoengineering techniques that consider plant biophysical characteristics such as reflectivity and water use efficiency.


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El zapallo Spaghetti, cultivo vigoroso de clima templado, constituye una alternativa productiva interesante y novedosa para nuestro país. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del mulching y de la densidad sobre el rendimiento total, el peso medio y el calibre de los frutos. El estudio se llevó a cabo en Azul sobre un suelo Argiudol típico en camellones de 0,80 m de ancho con diferentes densidades de siembra. Se realizó una fertilización profunda en bandas de 0,80 m con fosfato diamónico, controlando las malezas en forma química, manual y mecánicamente, y las plagas haciendo aplicaciones preventivas de insecticidas y fungicidas. La siembra manual se efectuó el 2 de noviembre y los tratamientos fueron: densidades de siembra de 20, 15, 10 y 5 mil pl/ha (D1, D2, D3 y D4), con y sin mulching. Se trabajó con 32 parcelas y cada una tenía tres surcos de seis metros de longitud separados entre si por 2m. Se realizaron cuatro cosechas al llegar a la madurez completa (15/2, 29/2, 7/3 y 3/4). Los calibres evaluados fueron: (1) 2,2 kg, (2) 1,7 kg; (3) 1,3 kg y (4) 0,8 kg / fruto. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó un modelo de bloques completamente aleatorizados con parcelas sub-divididas. En la parcela principal se evaluó el efecto del mulching, en la subparcela la densidad y la interacción de mulching por densidad, y en la subsubparcelas las diferentes cosechas. La cosecha total mostró diferencias significativas para el efecto del mulching, obteniéndose 71,90 t/ha (a) (con mulching) y 62,02 t/ha (b) (sin mulching); para cada densidad se detectaron diferencias significativas para el efecto mulching: D1: 84,45 t/ha (a), D2: 76,47 t/ha (ab); D3: 65,14 t/ha (b) y D4: 61,55 t/ha (b). Se observaron diferencias significativas en el número de frutos cosechados: con mulching (51.667 frutos/ha) y sin mulching (44.167 frutos/ha), y para las diferentes densidades: D1: 54.167 (a); D2: 50.000 (ab); D3: 47.700 (ab) y D4: 40.833 (b) t/ha. La composición de calibres de frutos cosechados fue el mismo para todos los tratamientos y cosechas.


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The Argentine Republic is situated in the southernmost portion of the American continent, occupying over 2,785,600 km2 not including the Antarctic territory. The country ranges from subtropical areas (21º46’S) to subantarctic regions (55º03’S), extending latitudinally over about 4,000 km. It possesses significant latitudinal and altitudinal variation (33º of latitudinal range, and heights from Bajo de San Julián in Santa Cruz province at 105 m below sea level, up to Mt. Aconcagua, 6,959 m over sea level), as well as two gradients of physical variability, extending in north-south and east-west directions. Owing to these features, the country presents a wide range of climates and soil types, being one of the countries with greatest diversity of biogeographical units (Lean et al., 1990, In: Bertonatti & Corcuera, 2000). There are four main hydrographic systems: Río de la Plata basin, the Atlantic and Pacific drainages, and several endorrheic systems. Within these basins, the ichthyofaunistic assemblage is well represented, with different magnitude in accordance with the different taxonomic groupings and regions considered. From an ichthyogeographic standpoint, and according to the works of Ringuelet (1975) and Arratia et al. (1983), Argentina is included in the Brasilic and Austral Subregions. The first of these is represented by two domains: the Andean Domain, comprising the southernmost portion of Titicaca Province, and the Paranensean Domain, including part of Alto Paraná and Paranoplatensean Provinces. The Austral Subregion is represented in Argentina by the Subandean-Cuyan and Patagonian Provinces. The present survey indicates that there are about 441 fish species in Argentina, distributed throughout the country; this number represents less than 10% of the total fish species occurring in the Neotropical Region. There is a recognizable trend of faunal impoverishment, both in North-South and East-West direction, reaching its maximum expression in the provinces of Tierra del Fuego (situated at approximately 52º30’S to 55ºS, and 65ºS to 68º50’W) and San Juan (approximately 28º50’S and 67ºW to 70º45’W), which have 4 and 5 fish species respectively. In north-south direction, one of the regional indicators of this phenomenon is the Salado river basin in Buenos Aires province, which constitutes the southern distributional boundary for the majority of the paranoplatensean ichthyofauna; 12 of the families occurring in the Paraná-Plata system are absent from this pauperized paranensean ichthyofaunal assemblage. Most of the continental fish fauna of Argentina belongs to the primary division of Myers (1949), while some elements are included in the secondary division and others in an amphibiotic or ‘marine penetration’ category. This ichthyofaunistic scope encompasses a wide range of morphological, biological, ecological and ethological types (benthic and pelagic, migrating and sedentary, haematophagous or parasites, annual species, inhabitants of plains or heights, estivation-adapted, etc.) inhabiting different regions within the national territory.


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During April 8th-10th, 2008, the Aliance for Coastal Technology (ACT) partner institutions, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC), and the Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) hosted a workshop entitled: "Hydrocarbon sensors for oil spill prevention and response" in Seward, Alaska. The main focus was to bring together 29 workshop participants-representing workshop managers, scientists, and technology developers - together to discuss current and future hydrocarbon in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors as they apply to oil spill prevention and response. [PDF contains 28 pages] Hydrocarbons and their derivatives still remain one of the most important energy sources in the world. To effectively manage these energy sources, proper protocol must be implemented to ensure prevention and responses to oil spills, as there are significant economic and environmental costs when oil spills occur. Hydrocarbon sensors provide the means to detect and monitor oil spills before, during, and after they occur. Capitalizing on the properties of oil, developers have designed in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors that absorb or reflect the electromagnetic energy at different spectral bands. Workshop participants identified current hydrocarbon sensors (in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors) and their overall performance. To achieve the most comprehensive understanding of oil spills, multiple sensors will be needed to gather oil spill extent, location, movement, thickness, condition, and classification. No single hydrocarbon sensor has the capability to collect all this information. Participants, therefore, suggested the development of means to combine sensor equipment to effectively and rapidly establish a spill response. As the exploration of oil continues at polar latitudes, sensor equipment must be developed to withstand harsh arctic climates, be able to detect oil under ice, and reduce the need for ground teams because ice extent is far too large of an area to cover. Participants also recognized the need for ground teams because ice extent is far too large of an area to cover. Participants also recognized the need for the U.S. to adopt a multi-agency cooperation for oil spill response, as the majority of issues surounding oil spill response focuses not on the hydrocarbon sensors but on an effective contingency plan adopted by all agencies. It is recommended that the U.S. could model contingency planning based on other nations such as Germany and Norway. Workshop participants were asked to make recommendations at the conclusion of the workshop and are summarized below without prioritization: *Outreach materials must be delivered to funding sources and Congressional delegates regarding the importance of oil spill prevention and response and the development of proper sensors to achieve effective response. *Develop protocols for training resource managers as new sensors become available. *Develop or adopt standard instrument specifications and testing protocols to assist manufacturers in further developing new sensor technology. *As oil exploration continues at polar latitudes, more research and development should be allocated to develop a suite of instruments that are applicable to oil detection under ice.


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This thesis advances our understanding of midlatitude storm tracks and how they respond to perturbations in the climate system. The midlatitude storm tracks are regions of maximal turbulent kinetic energy in the atmosphere. Through them, the bulk of the atmospheric transport of energy, water vapor, and angular momentum occurs in midlatitudes. Therefore, they are important regulators of climate, controlling basic features such as the distribution of surface temperatures, precipitation, and winds in midlatitudes. Storm tracks are robustly projected to shift poleward in global-warming simulations with current climate models. Yet the reasons for this shift have remained unclear. Here we show that this shift occurs even in extremely idealized (but still three-dimensional) simulations of dry atmospheres. We use these simulations to develop an understanding of the processes responsible for the shift and develop a conceptual model that accounts for it.

We demonstrate that changes in the convective static stability in the deep tropics alone can drive remote shifts in the midlatitude storm tracks. Through simulations with a dry idealized general circulation model (GCM), midlatitude storm tracks are shown to be located where the mean available potential energy (MAPE, a measure of the potential energy available to be converted into kinetic energy) is maximal. As the climate varies, even if only driven by tropical static stability changes, the MAPE maximum shifts primarily because of shifts of the maximum of near-surface meridional temperature gradients. The temperature gradients shift in response to changes in the width of the tropical Hadley circulation, whose width is affected by the tropical static stability. Storm tracks generally shift in tandem with shifts of the subtropical terminus of the Hadley circulation.

We develop a one-dimensional diffusive energy-balance model that links changes in the Hadley circulation to midlatitude temperature gradients and so to the storm tracks. It is the first conceptual model to incorporate a dynamical coupling between the tropical Hadley circulation and midlatitude turbulent energy transport. Numerical and analytical solutions of the model elucidate the circumstances of when and how the storm tracks shift in tandem with the terminus of the Hadley circulation. They illustrate how an increase of only the convective static stability in the deep tropics can lead to an expansion of the Hadley circulation and a poleward shift of storm tracks.

The simulations with the idealized GCM and the conceptual energy-balance model demonstrate a clear link between Hadley circulation dynamics and midlatitude storm track position. With the help of the hierarchy of models presented in this thesis, we obtain a closed theory of storm track shifts in dry climates. The relevance of this theory for more realistic moist climates is discussed.


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This thesis advances our physical understanding of the sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to global warming. Specifically, it focuses on changes in the longitudinal (zonal) variation of precipitation minus evaporation (P - E), which is predominantly controlled by planetary-scale stationary eddies. By studying idealized general circulation model (GCM) experiments with zonally varying boundary conditions, this thesis examines the mechanisms controlling the strength of stationary-eddy circulations and their role in the hydrological cycle. The overarching goal of this research is to understand the cause of changes in regional P - E with global warming. An understanding of such changes can be useful for impact studies focusing on water availability, ecosystem management, and flood risk.

Based on a moisture-budget analysis of ERA-Interim data, we establish an approximation for zonally anomalous P - E in terms of surface moisture content and stationary-eddy vertical motion in the lower troposphere. Part of the success of this approximation comes from our finding that transient-eddy moisture fluxes partially cancel the effect of stationary-eddy moisture advection, allowing divergent circulations to dominate the moisture budget. The lower-tropospheric vertical motion is related to horizontal motion in stationary eddies by Sverdrup and Ekman balance. These moisture- and vorticity-budget balances also hold in idealized and comprehensive GCM simulations across a range of climates.

By examining climate changes in the idealized and comprehensive GCM simulations, we are able to show the utility of the vertical motion P - E approximation for splitting changes in zonally anomalous P - E into thermodynamic and dynamic components. Shifts in divergent stationary-eddy circulations dominate changes in zonally anomalous P - E. This limits the local utility of the "wet gets wetter, dry gets drier” idea, where existing P - E patterns are amplified with warming by the increase in atmospheric moisture content, with atmospheric circulations held fixed. The increase in atmospheric moisture content manifests instead in an increase in the amplitude of the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle as measured by the zonal variance of P - E. However, dynamic changes, particularly the slowdown of divergent stationary-eddy circulations, limit the strengthening of the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle. In certain idealized cases, dynamic changes are even strong enough to reverse the tendency towards "wet gets wetter, dry gets drier” with warming.

Motivated by the importance of stationary-eddy vertical velocities in the moisture budget analysis, we examine controls on the amplitude of stationary eddies across a wide range of climates in an idealized GCM with simple topographic and ocean-heating zonal asymmetries. An analysis of the thermodynamic equation in the vicinity of topographic forcing reveals the importance of on-slope surface winds, the midlatitude isentropic slope, and latent heating in setting the amplitude of stationary waves. The response of stationary eddies to climate change is determined primarily by the strength of zonal surface winds hitting the mountain. The sensitivity of stationary-eddies to this surface forcing increases with climate change as the slope of midlatitude isentropes decreases. However, latent heating also plays an important role in damping the stationary-eddy response, and this damping becomes stronger with warming as the atmospheric moisture content increases. We find that the response of tropical overturning circulations forced by ocean heat-flux convergence is described by changes in the vertical structure of moist static energy and deep convection. This is used to derive simple scalings for the Walker circulation strength that capture the monotonic decrease with warming found in our idealized simulations.

Through the work of this thesis, the advances made in understanding the amplitude of stationary-waves in a changing climate can be directly applied to better understand and predict changes in the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle.


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O alto crescimento populacional tem desencadeado uma elevada ocupação das áreas urbanas com a expansão de edificações e estradas causando alterações no meio ambiente com a consequente minimização das áreas verdes e da infiltração de água no solo. Estes fenômenos acarretam problemas como enxurradas, inundações, aumento da temperatura local e diminuição da biodiversidade com inúmeros efeitos adversos, tanto econômicos quanto ambientais e sociais. Uma das alternativas para minimizar estes problemas é a construção de telhados verdes, que tem como uma das principais funções retardar o escoamento devido ao aumento da infiltração e retenção da água das chuvas atenuando o efeito avassalador das enchentes e das zonas de calor, principalmente em climas muito quentes, além de colaborar para recuperação de ecossistemas, através do replantio de mudas. Este projeto faz parte de um conjunto de ações integradas de cidadania e inclusão social na região hidrográfica da baixada de Jacarepaguá, especificamente envolvendo a Comunidade da Vila Cascatinha, em Vargem Grande, a fim de gerar subsídios para políticas públicas em áreas de assentamentos informais, integrado ao projeto HIDROCIDADES (CNPq, FAPERJ, FINEP), que visa a conservação da água em meios urbanos e periurbanos associado à cidadania, inclusão social e melhoria da qualidade de vida nas grandes cidades. Este trabalho utiliza uma tecnologia adaptada dos telhados verdes para edificação popular (telhado de fibrocimento) muito comum no Brasil, com o objetivo de verificar uma espécie com potencial de geração de renda (visando o social) de ecossistema regionais como restinga, em edificação; analisar o crescimento e biomassa da espécie de restinga cultivada em telhados; e avaliar qualidades das mídias em função do plantio em análise de armazenamento (retenção) de água no solo. A partir da metodologia empregada na implantação dos telhados verdes em habitações populares, os resultados obtidos são desenvolvimento da espécie Ipomoea pes caprae Brasiliensis, em três tipos de mídias de crescimento e também eficiência dessas mídias no escoamento superficial. Observou-se retenção de 69,24L de água para o bagaço de cana de açúcar e 64,7L para a fibra de coco. E foi observado também um retardo da ocorrência do pico de até 14 minutos no telhado vegetado em relação ao telhado controle (convencional).


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Neste trabalho é apresentado o desenvolvimento de um programa computacional que simula o desempenho térmico de um sistema de aquecimento solar de água com circulação forçada, adequado para uso em edificações. O programa trabalha realizando o balanço de massa e de energia no reservatório térmico a cada hora, tendo como valores de entrada dados do ano meteorológico típico da localidade selecionada e a vazão de água quente de consumo. Os componentes do sistema são o reservatório térmico de água quente com aquecedor auxiliar interno, o coletor solar e a bomba de circulação. A base de dados meteorológicos escolhida foi a do projeto SWERA, que contém arquivos no formato padrão TMY disponíveis na internet para um número considerável de cidades, incluindo diversas localidades brasileiras. Foi proposto um modelo de temperatura de água da rede de abastecimento relacionado com a temperatura do solo, dado disponível nos arquivos de entrada utilizados. O programa utilizou como referência para a validação dos modelos de cálculo resultados obtidos pelo programa comercial de simulação TRNSYS. Foram comparados resultados para os modelos de irradiação incidente em superfície inclinada, do coletor solar e do sistema completo. Para isto foram simulados sistemas localizados em quatro cidades distintas com climas diferentes. O tempo total usado nas simulações foi de um ano e os resultados das comparações dos valores resultantes foram considerados satisfatórios.


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Since the inception of the LTER Program in 1980, climate has been studied at individual LTER sites and an LTER Climate Committee has been responsible for inter-site activities. At individual sites, climate studies support ecological research, emphasize inter-site heterogeneity, and often relate to other national monitoring and research programs. In inter-site work, the Climate Committee has produced protocols for meteorological observations, described and compared climates of the first 11 sites, and raised important issues regarding climate variability and ecosystem response.


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定量重建地球生态系统的气候参数是当前国际古气候研究的目标之一. 自20世纪70年代以来, 尤其是在海洋学研究领域, 新技术的不断应用使得定量的古气候研究蓬勃发展. 相比之下陆地古气候参数的重建要困难得多, 陆地植物作为对环境的良好记录,一直备受重视. 近数十年来, 国际上广泛开展了利用植物材料定量研究气候的探索, 大量新的方法层出不穷. 德国科学家Mosbrugger和Utescher在1997年倡导的共存分析法(The Coexistence Approach)就是其中之一, 它依据现存最近亲缘类群原理以及植物分布与气候的关系原理, 找到化石植物群中各类群的现存最近亲缘类群对各气候参数的耐受范围; 并将各亲缘类群对同一气候参数的耐受范围叠加一起, 获得对该气候参数的共存区间, 用该区间作为对古气候参数的精确估测. 本文首先阐述在原文位于展开讨论的共存分析的理论基础——探讨植物分布与气候之间关系的耐受性理论. 并以此为指导, 对在该方法中气候台站的选用方法作了改进, 气象台站的选择应以植物的标本记录点为基础: 即使在某一特定的植物分布区内部也应该查看气象台站所在县级行政区域是否有该植物的标本采集信息, 并以此为依据来决定是否选用该气象台站的记录; 选用的气象台站的数量多寡应该以植物分布点的多少来决定. 以此为基础, 我们采用中国的植物分布与气象记录数据, 利用孢粉学的研究结果,定量重建了我国新生代三个地点的古气候参数, 结果如下: 1.内蒙古呼伦湖地区全新世初期气候 MAT: 4.4~10.2℃; MWMT: 22.9~24.1℃; MCMT: -18~-9.1℃; DT: 33.5~40.9℃; MAP: 354.3~686.7mm; MMaP: 103.8~191.9mm; MMiP: 2.7~7.3mm. 我们以扎赉诺尔地区的孢粉学研究为基础, 依据孢粉和盘星藻(Pediastrum Meyen)提供的环境信息并结合前人工作, 恢复了全新世初升温期的植被变化; 定量重建了10.4~10.2kaB.P.时的气候, 为全面理解呼伦湖地区的气候变化以及东亚的夏季风变化提供新的依据. 2.云南洱源上新世气候 MAT: 13.3~18.6℃; MWMT: 24.6~27.5℃; MCMT: 1.9~12.1℃; DT: 14.2~16.6℃; MAP: 619.9~1484.3mm; MMaP: 143.8~245.6mm; MMiP: 12.7~16.4mm. 该结果与羊邑、龙陵上新世古气候及三地的现代气候分析对比表明, 在上新世, 三地年均温符合纬向变化, 而降水量则基本一致. 在现代,洱源与羊邑在气候与植被上很相近, 且与上新世相差不大; 而龙陵地区则发生了显著的变化, 年均温比上新世低, 而降水量则大幅增加. 该变化指示了上新世以来作为青藏高原东部边缘的龙陵地区可能出现了地形的抬升. 3.吉林珲春始新世和中新世气候 始新世: MAT: 14.3~14.9℃; MWMT: 25~26.3℃; MCMT: 1.9~3.7℃; DT: 21.7~23℃; MAP: 797.5~1344mm; MMaP: 185.3~209.8mm; MMiP: 14.2~16.4mm. 中新世: MAT: 14.3~14.9℃; MWMT: 24.3~25.4℃; MCMT: 2.1~3.7℃; DT: 21.7~22.7℃; MAP: 658.7~817.7mm; MMaP: 158.9~174.6mm; MMiP: 7.4~7.6mm. 通过对两个时段的气候参数对比, 始新世时, 吉林珲春地区的气候属于北亚热带气候; 中新世时气候发生了改变, 归属于暖温带南部的气候, 改变了前人关于中新世也归属于被亚热带的认识, 这反映了我国东北部地区与全球新生代降温总趋势具有一定的同步性.


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Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity (SEBSCC, 1996–2002) was a NOAA Coastal Ocean Program project that investigated the marine ecosystem of the southeastern Bering Sea. SEBSCC was co-managed by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center, and NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. Project goals were to understand the changing physical environment and its relationship to the biota of the region, to relate that understanding to natural variations in year-class strength of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), and to improve the flow of ecosystem information to fishery managers. In addition to SEBSCC, the Inner Front study (1997–2000), supported by the National Science Foundation (Prolonged Production and Trophic Transfer to Predators: Processes at the Inner Front of the S.E. Bering Sea), was active in the southeastern Bering Sea from 1997 to 1999. The SEBSCC and Inner Front studies were complementary. SEBSCC focused on the middle and outer shelf. Inner Front worked the middle and inner shelf. Collaboration between investigators in the two programs was strong, and the joint results yielded a substantially increased understanding of the regional ecosystem. SEBSCC focused on four central scientific issues: (1) How does climate variability influence the marine ecosystem of the Bering Sea? (2) What determines the timing, amount, and fate of primary and secondary production? (3) How do oceanographic conditions on the shelf influence distributions of fish and other species? (4) What limits the growth of fish populations on the eastern Bering Sea shelf? Underlying these broad questions was a narrower focus on walleye pollock, particularly a desire to understand ecological factors that affect year-class strength and the ability to predict the potential of a year class at the earliest possible time. The Inner Front program focused on the role of the structural front between the well-mixed waters of the coastal domain and the two-layer system of the middle domain. Of special interest was the potential for prolonged post-spring-bloom production at the front and its role in supporting upper trophic level organisms such as juvenile pollock and seabirds. Of concern to both programs was the role of interannual and longer-term variability in marine climates and their effects on the function of sub-arctic marine ecosystems and their ability to support upper trophic level organisms.