881 resultados para Business life insurance
1939-40 Have Title: 31st-32nd Annual Report of the Insurance Commissioner
Report year ends June 30, 1919/20-1937/38.
Mode of access: Internet.
Genetic discrimination, defined as the differential treatment of individuals or their relatives on the basis of actual or presumed genetic differences, is an emerging issue of interest in academic, clinical, social and legal contexts. While its potential significance has been discussed widely, verified empirical data are scarce. Genetic discrimination is a complex phenomenon to describe and investigate, as evidenced by the recent Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry in Australia. The authors research project, which commenced in 2002, aims to document the multiple perspectives and experiences regarding genetic discrimination in Australia and inform future policy development and law reform. Data are being collected from consumers, employers, insurers and the legal system. Attempted verification of alleged accounts of genetic discrimination will be a novel feature of the research. This paper overviews the early stages of the research, including conceptual challenges and their methodological implications.
In emerging markets, the amount of mobile communication and the number of occasions mobile phones are used are increasing. More and more settings appropriate or not for mobile phone usage are being exposed. Although prohibited by many governments, there is evidence that use of new mobile devices while driving are somehow becoming current everyday practice, hence legitimatizing usage for many users. Dominant dangerous behavior in the absence of enforced legal framework is being deployed and has become routine for many m-users. This chapter adopts a qualitative case study approach (20 cases) to examine the public transport drivers' motives, logic and legitimacy processes. The question which these issues raise in the light of advancing m-technologies is: How do, in the context of emerging market, undesired emerging routines enactment get to be reflected upon and voluntarily disregarded to maximize the benefits of m-technologies while minimizing their drawbacks? Findings point out at multiple motives for usage including external social pressure through the ubiquitous 24/7 usage of mtechnology, lack of alternative communication protocol, real time need for action and from an internal perspectives boredoms, lack of danger awareness, blurring of the boundaries between personal and business life and lack of job fulfillment are uncovered as key factors. As secondary dynamic factors such as education, drivers work' histories, impunity, lack of strong consumer opposition appear central in shaping the development of the routines. © 2011, IGI Global.
A személyazonosság-menedzsment napjaink fontos kutatási területe mind elméleti, mind gyakorlati szempontból. A szakterületen megvalósuló együttműködés, elektronikus tudásáramoltatás és csere hosszú távon csak úgy képzelhető el, hogy az azonos módon történő értelmezést automatikus eszközök támogatják. A szerző cikkében azokat a kutatási tevékenységeket foglalja össze, amelyeket - felhasználva a tudásmenedzsment, a mesterséges intelligencia és az információtechnológia eszközeit - a személyazonosság-menedzsment terület fogalmi leképezésére, leírására használt fel. Kutatási célja olyan közös fogalmi bázis kialakítása volt személyazonosság-menedzsment területre, amely lehetővé teszi az őt körülvevő multidimenzionális környezet kezelését. A kutatás kapcsolódik a GUIDE kutatási projekthez is, amelynek a szerző résztvevője. ______________ Identity management is an important research field from theoretical and practical aspects as well. The task itself is not new, identification and authentication was necessary always in public administration and business life. Information Society offers new services for citizens, which dramatically change the way of administration and results additional risks and opportunities. The goal of the demonstrated research was to formulate a common basis for the identity management domain in order to support the management of the surrounding multidimensional environment. There is a need for capturing, mapping, processing knowledge concerning identity management in order to support reusability, interoperability; to help common sharing and understanding the domain and to avoid inconsistency. The paper summarizes research activities for the identification, conceptualisation and representation of domain knowledge related to identity management, using the results of knowledge management, artificial intelligence and information technology. I utilized the experiences of Guide project, in which I participate. The paper demonstrates, that domain ontologies could offer a proper solution for identity management domain conceptualisation.
In this paper, I analyze the role of longevity risk in Hungary in the public pension system and the life annuity segment of the life insurance market, which are two primary financial sectors of relevance to this special type of actuarial risk, using state-of-the- art econometric methodology. To this end, I present an overview and the mathematical background of several important current mortality forecasting techniques from the Lee–Carter model up to unifying paradigm of the Age–Period–Cohort family of models. After presenting the findings of a case study on the public pension system based on the paper of Bajk ́o, Maknics, T ́oth and V ́ekas, I conclude that longevity risk jeopardizes the sustainability of the Hungarian public pension system in the long run. In another case study, I present an analysis of the role of longevity risk in the pre- mium of private pension annuities, a relevant topic due to recent changes in a law on Hungarian voluntary pension funds, following an earlier analysis of M ́ajer and Kov ́acs. Based on the criterion on out-of-sample forecasting accuracy, I find that the Cairns–Blake– Dowd mortality forecasting model aimed specifically at modeling old-age mortality outperforms the Lee–Carter model applied by M ́ajer and Kov ́acs . Based on numerical results, I finally conclude that the role of longevity risk in the Hungarian life annuity mar- ket has increased significantly in the past decade and is likely to further increase in the future.
Modern software systems are often large and complicated. To better understand, develop, and manage large software systems, researchers have studied software architectures that provide the top level overall structural design of software systems for the last decade. One major research focus on software architectures is formal architecture description languages, but most existing research focuses primarily on the descriptive capability and puts less emphasis on software architecture design methods and formal analysis techniques, which are necessary to develop correct software architecture design. ^ Refinement is a general approach of adding details to a software design. A formal refinement method can further ensure certain design properties. This dissertation proposes refinement methods, including a set of formal refinement patterns and complementary verification techniques, for software architecture design using Software Architecture Model (SAM), which was developed at Florida International University. First, a general guideline for software architecture design in SAM is proposed. Second, specification construction through property-preserving refinement patterns is discussed. The refinement patterns are categorized into connector refinement, component refinement and high-level Petri nets refinement. These three levels of refinement patterns are applicable to overall system interaction, architectural components, and underlying formal language, respectively. Third, verification after modeling as a complementary technique to specification refinement is discussed. Two formal verification tools, the Stanford Temporal Prover (STeP) and the Simple Promela Interpreter (SPIN), are adopted into SAM to develop the initial models. Fourth, formalization and refinement of security issues are studied. A method for security enforcement in SAM is proposed. The Role-Based Access Control model is formalized using predicate transition nets and Z notation. The patterns of enforcing access control and auditing are proposed. Finally, modeling and refining a life insurance system is used to demonstrate how to apply the refinement patterns for software architecture design using SAM and how to integrate the access control model. ^ The results of this dissertation demonstrate that a refinement method is an effective way to develop a high assurance system. The method developed in this dissertation extends existing work on modeling software architectures using SAM and makes SAM a more usable and valuable formal tool for software architecture design. ^
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kuinka yrittäjän verkostot muodostuvat ja minkälainen niiden rakenne on. Tavoitteena oli myös saada tietoa yrittäjän sosiaalisten verkostojen merkityksestä yrittäjälle. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin strukturoidulla haastattelulla ja tutkimusaineiston rinnalla käytettiin yrittäjien havainnollistamia piirroksia sekä tieteellisiä julkaisuja ja kirjallisuutta. Haastateltavina oli sekä nais- että miesyrittäjiä eri paikkakunnilta Etelä-Suomen alueelta. Tutkimustulosten mukaan yrittäjien verkostoissa voidaan havaita eri tasoja, jotka rakentuvat eri tavoilla ja ovat yrittäjälle merkitykseltään erilaisia. Verkoston eri tasoille sijoittuu yrittäjälle tärkeitä ihmisiä sen mukaan mitä hyötyä ja arvoa heillä yrittäjälle on. Tulokset osoittavat, että verkostojen rakentamiseen vaikuttavat sekä liiketoiminnan laatu, motiivit sekä yrittäjän persoona. Tulokset ovat linjassa tämän tutkimuksen perustana olevien teorioiden kanssa. Viitteitä löytyy myös siitä, että yrittäjän sukupuolella on myös merkitystä siihen, millaiseksi sosiaaliset verkostot rakentuvat sekä henkilökohtaisessa elämässä että liike-elämän puolella. Sosiaalisista verkostoista saatavat hyödyt ovat moninaisia. Lisätutkimuksia tulisi tehdä tehokkaiden työkalujen kehittämiseksi henkilöstön ja yrittäjän omien resurssien tunnistamiseksi. Tätä kautta myös yrittäjyyskasvatusta ja yrittäjäneuvontaa voitaisiin tehostaa.
Mode of access: Internet.
Reforma systemu emerytalnego polegająca na zmianie systemu zdefiniowanego świadczenia na system zdefiniowanej składki spowodowała zmniejszenie wysokości otrzymywanych świadczeń przez przyszłych emerytów. Działania takie zmusiły zainteresowanych do poszukiwania dodatkowych źródeł utrzymania. Jednym z takich źródeł może być uzupełniający system emerytalny, określany mianem trzeciego filaru emerytalnego. Jego cechą charakterystyczną jest dobrowolność. Dla jego rozwoju niezbędne jest zapewnienie wzmożonego poziomu ochrony ubezpieczonych. Środki te dotyczą zarówno ogólnej polityki konsumenckiej, jak i regulacji cywilnoprawnych oraz administracyjnoprawnych. W praktyce można wyróżnić dwa poziomy ochrony ubezpieczonych w ramach trzeciego filaru. Poziom pierwszy jest właściwy dla wszystkich ubezpieczonych, natomiast drugi poziom zawiera regulacje ograniczone do uzupełniającego systemu emerytalnego.
Mestrado em Ciências Actuariais
In this issue...Marcus Daly, Life Insurance, Butte Walk for Mankind, library Building, peace Corps, VISTA, Egg Drop, College Days, Student Council, Mountaineer Club