897 resultados para Bioelectric Impedance
The noseclip is conventionally used in lung function testing to prevent leakage via the nasal compartments. However, some subjects exhibit a velum-opening reflex which may affect results. We performed forced oscillation measurements at frequencies (8-256 Hz) that include the first antiresonance, comparing the noseclip with a cotton wool nose plug to eliminate upper airway contribution. Three sets of measurements were made in 18 adults: with and without noseclip, and with cotton wool. Velum opening during noseclip measurements was monitored using a nasal pressure transducer. A significantly greater proportion of subjects produced a characteristic distortion to the first antiresonance with the noseclip than with either no noseclip or with cotton wool. Distortion of the spectrum coincided with the transmission of oscillations into the nasal cavity. Thus, the noseclip cannot be used in high-frequency forced oscillation measurements because of the velum reflex. The cotton wool plug offers a simple alternative. This effect has unknown impact in other lung function tests.
OBJECTIVES: Many flow-cytometric cell characterization methods require costly markers and colour reagents. We present here a novel device for cell discrimination based on impedance measurement of electrical cell properties in a microfluidic chip, without the need of extensive sample preparation steps and the requirement of labelling dyes. MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS: We demonstrate that in-flow single cell measurements in our microchip allow for discrimination of various cell line types, such as undifferentiated mouse fibroblasts 3T3-L1 and adipocytes on the one hand, or human monocytes and in vitro differentiated dendritic cells and macrophages on the other hand. In addition, viability and apoptosis analyses were carried out successfully for Jurkat cell models. Studies on several species, including bacteria or fungi, demonstrate not only the capability to enumerate these cells, but also show that even other microbiological life cycle phases can be visualized. CONCLUSIONS: These results underline the potential of impedance spectroscopy flow cytometry as a valuable complement to other known cytometers and cell detection systems.
Traditional methods of measuring sound absorption coefficient and sound transmission loss of a material are time consuming. To overcome this limitation, normal incidence sound absorption and transmission loss measurement technique was developed. Unfortunately the equipment required for this task is equally expensive. Hence efforts are taken to develop a cost-effective equipment for measuring normal incidence sound absorption coefficient and transmission loss. An impedance tube capable of measure absorption coefficient and transmission loss is designed and built under a budget of $1500 for educational institutes. A background study is performed to gain knowledge and understanding of the normal incidence measurements technique. Based on the literature review, parameters involved such as tube material, source and microphone properties, sample holders, etc. are discussed in depth. Based on these parameters, design options are generated to meet the cost and functionality targets pre-assigned. After selection of materials and components, an impedance tube is built and tested using three fibrous absorption materials for absorption and a barrier for transmission loss performance. These measured results then compared with those obtained with the help of industry recognized Brüel & Kjær impedance tube. The results show performances are comparable, hence validation the new built tube.
During locomotion, turning is a common and recurring event which is largely neglected in the current state-of-the-art ankle-foot prostheses, forcing amputees to use different steering mechanisms for turning, compared to non-amputees. A better understanding of the complexities surrounding lower limb prostheses will lead to increased health and well-being of amputees. The aim of this research is to develop a steerable ankle-foot prosthesis that mimics the human ankle mechanical properties. Experiments were developed to estimate the mechanical impedance of the ankle and the ankles angles during straight walk and step turn. Next, this information was used in the design of a prototype, powered steerable ankle-foot prosthesis with two controllable degrees of freedom. One of the possible approaches in design of the prosthetic robots is to use the human joints’ parameters, especially their impedance. A series of experiments were conducted to estimate the stochastic mechanical impedance of the human ankle when muscles were fully relaxed and co-contracting antagonistically. A rehabilitation robot for the ankle, Anklebot, was employed to provide torque perturbations to the ankle. The experiments were performed in two different configurations, one with relaxed muscles, and one with 10% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Surface electromyography (sEMG) was used to monitor muscle activation levels and these sEMG signals were displayed to subjects who attempted to maintain them constant. Time histories of ankle torques and angles in the lateral/medial (LM) directions, inversion-eversion (IE), and dorsiflexionplantarflexion (DP) were recorded. Linear time-invariant transfer functions between the measured torques and angles were estimated providing an estimate of ankle mechanical impedance. High coherence was observed over a frequency range up to 30 Hz. The main effect of muscle activation was to increase the magnitude of ankle mechanical impedance in all degrees of freedom of the ankle. Another experiment compared the three-dimensional angles of the ankle during step turn and straight walking. These angles were measured to be used for developing the control strategy of the ankle-foot prosthesis. An infrared camera system was used to track the trajectories and angles of the foot and leg. The combined phases of heel strike and loading response, mid stance, and terminal stance and pre-swing were determined and used to measure the average angles at each combined phase. The Range of motion (ROM) in IE increased during turning while ML rotation decreased and DP changed the least. During the turning step, ankle displacement in DP started with similar angles to straight walk and progressively showed less plantarflexion. In IE, the ankle showed increased inversion leaning the body toward the inside of the turn. ML rotation initiated with an increased medial rotation during the step turn relative to the straight walk transitioning to increased lateral rotation at the toe off. A prototype ankle-foot prosthesis capable of controlling both DP and IE using a cable driven mechanism was developed and assessed as part of a feasibility study. The design is capable of reproducing the angles required for straight walk and step turn; generates 712N of lifting force in plantarflexion, and shows passive stiffness comparable to a nonload bearing ankle impedance. To evaluate the performance of the ankle-foot prosthesis, a circular treadmill was developed to mimic human gait during steering. Preliminary results show that the device can appropriately simulate human gait with loading and unloading the ankle joint during the gait in circular paths.
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a highly prevalent condition in Western countries leading to millions of outpatient visits per year. GERD symptoms including heartburn, regurgitation and chest pain are caused by reflux of gastric content in the oesophagus even in the absence of endoscopically visible mucosal lesions. Several procedures are used to identify gastro-oesophageal reflux, the clinically widely used are: conventional (catheter-based) pH monitoring, wireless oesophageal pH monitoring (Bravo), bilirubin monitoring (Bilitec), and combined multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH monitoring (MII-pH). Each technique has strengths and limitations of which clinicians and investigators should be aware when deciding which to choose in a particular patient. Important is the ability to quantify gastro-oesophageal reflux and evaluate the relationship between symptoms and reflux episodes. The present review summarises the technical aspects in performing and interpreting esophageal reflux monitoring procedures.
Gastroesophageal reflux and pulmonary fibrosis in scleroderma: a study using pH-impedance monitoring
RATIONALE: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is considered a contributing factor in the pathogenesis of ILD. OBJECTIVES: To characterize GER (acid and nonacid) in patients with SSc with and without ILD. METHODS: Patients with SSc underwent pulmonary high-resolution computer tomography (HRCT) scan and 24-hour impedance-pH monitoring off-proton pump inhibitor therapy. The presence of pulmonary fibrosis was assessed using validated HRCT-scores. Reflux monitoring parameters included number of acid and nonacid reflux episodes, proximal migration of the refluxate, and distal esophageal acid exposure. Unless otherwise specified, data are presented as median (25th-75th percentile). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Forty consecutive patients with SSc (35 female; mean age, 53 yr; range, 24-71; 15 patients with diffuse and 25 with limited SSc) were investigated; 18 (45%) patients with SSc had pulmonary fibrosis (HRCT score >or= 7). Patients with SSc with ILD had higher (P < 0.01) esophageal acid exposure (10.3 [7.5-15] vs. 5.2 [1.5-11]), higher (P < 0.01) number of acid (41 [31-58] vs. 19 [10-23]) and nonacid (25 [20-35] vs. 17 [11-19]) reflux episodes, and higher (P < 0.01) number of reflux episodes reaching the proximal esophagus (42.5 [31-54] vs. 15 [8-22]) compared with patients with SSc with normal HRCT scores. Pulmonary fibrosis scores (HRCT score) correlated well with the number of reflux episodes in the distal (r(2) = 0.637) and proximal (r(2) = 0.644) esophagus. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with SSc with ILD have more severe reflux (i.e., more reflux episodes and more reflux reaching the proximal esophagus). Whether or not the development of ILD in patients with SSc can be prevented by reflux-reducing treatments needs to be investigated.
Vibrations, Posture, and the Stabilization of Gaze: An Experimental Study on Impedance Control R. KREDEL, A. GRIMM & E.-J. HOSSNER University of Bern, Switzerland Introduction Franklin and Wolpert (2011) identify impedance control, i.e., the competence to resist changes in position, velocity or acceleration caused by environmental disturbances, as one of five computational mechanisms which allow for skilled and fluent sen-sorimotor behavior. Accordingly, impedance control is of particular interest in situa-tions in which the motor task exhibits unpredictable components as it is the case in downhill biking or downhill skiing. In an experimental study, the question is asked whether impedance control, beyond its benefits for motor control, also helps to stabi-lize gaze what, in turn, may be essential for maintaining other control mechanisms (e.g., the internal modeling of future states) in an optimal range. Method In a 3x2x4 within-subject ANOVA design, 72 participants conducted three tests on visual acuity and contrast (Landolt / Grating and Vernier) in two different postures (standing vs. squat) on a platform vibrating at four different frequencies (ZEPTOR; 0 Hz, 4 Hz, 8 Hz, 12 Hz; no random noise; constant amplitude) in a counterbalanced or-der with 1-minute breaks in-between. In addition, perceived exertion (Borg) was rated by participants after each condition. Results For Landolt and Grating, significant main effects for posture and frequency are re-vealed, representing lower acuity/contrast thresholds for standing and for higher fre-quencies in general, as well as a significant interaction (p < .05), standing for in-creasing posture differences with increasing frequencies. Overall, performance could be maintained at the 0 Hz/standing level up to a frequency of 8 Hz, if bending of the knees was allowed. The fact that this result is not only due to exertion is proved by the Borg ratings showing significant main effects only, i.e., higher exertion scores for standing and for higher frequencies, but no significant interaction (p > .40). The same pattern, although not significant, is revealed for the Vernier test. Discussion Apparently, postures improving impedance control not only turn out to help to resist disturbances but also assist in stabilizing gaze in spite of these perturbations. Con-sequently, studying the interaction of these control mechanisms in complex unpre-dictable environments seems to be a fruitful field of research for the future. References Franklin, D. W., & Wolpert, D. M. (2011). Computational mechanisms of sensorimotor control. Neuron, 72, 425-442.
INTRODUCTION: Voluntary muscle activity, including swallowing, decreases during the night. The association between nocturnal awakenings and swallowing activity is under-researched with limited information on the frequency of swallows during awake and asleep periods. AIM: The aim of this study was to assess nocturnal swallowing activity and identify a cut-off predicting awake and asleep periods. METHODS: Patients undergoing impedance-pH monitoring as part of GERD work-up were asked to wear a wrist activity detecting device (Actigraph(®)) at night. Swallowing activity was quantified by analysing impedance changes in the proximal esophagus. Awake and asleep periods were determined using a validated scoring system (Sadeh algorithm). Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analyses were performed to determine sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of swallowing frequency to identify awake and asleep periods. RESULTS: Data from 76 patients (28 male, 48 female; mean age 56 ± 15 years) were included in the analysis. The ROC analysis found that 0.33 sw/min (i.e. one swallow every 3 min) had the optimal sensitivity (78 %) and specificity (76 %) to differentiate awake from asleep periods. A swallowing frequency of 0.25 sw/min (i.e. one swallow every 4 min) was 93 % sensitive and 57 % specific to identify awake periods. A swallowing frequency of 1 sw/min was 20 % sensitive but 96 % specific in identifying awake periods. Impedance-pH monitoring detects differences in swallowing activity during awake and asleep periods. Swallowing frequency noticed during ambulatory impedance-pH monitoring can predict the state of consciousness during nocturnal periods
Background A recent method determines regional gas flow of the lung by electrical impedance tomography (EIT). The aim of this study is to show the applicability of this method in a porcine model of mechanical ventilation in healthy and diseased lungs. Our primary hypothesis is that global gas flow measured by EIT can be correlated with spirometry. Our secondary hypothesis is that regional analysis of respiratory gas flow delivers physiologically meaningful results. Methods In two sets of experiments n = 7 healthy pigs and n = 6 pigs before and after induction of lavage lung injury were investigated. EIT of the lung and spirometry were registered synchronously during ongoing mechanical ventilation. In-vivo aeration of the lung was analysed in four regions-of-interest (ROI) by EIT: 1) global, 2) ventral (non-dependent), 3) middle and 4) dorsal (dependent) ROI. Respiratory gas flow was calculated by the first derivative of the regional aeration curve. Four phases of the respiratory cycle were discriminated. They delivered peak and late inspiratory and expiratory gas flow (PIF, LIF, PEF, LEF) characterizing early or late inspiration or expiration. Results Linear regression analysis of EIT and spirometry in healthy pigs revealed a very good correlation measuring peak flow and a good correlation detecting late flow. PIFEIT = 0.702 · PIFspiro + 117.4, r2 = 0.809; PEFEIT = 0.690 · PEFspiro-124.2, r2 = 0.760; LIFEIT = 0.909 · LIFspiro + 27.32, r2 = 0.572 and LEFEIT = 0.858 · LEFspiro-10.94, r2 = 0.647. EIT derived absolute gas flow was generally smaller than data from spirometry. Regional gas flow was distributed heterogeneously during different phases of the respiratory cycle. But, the regional distribution of gas flow stayed stable during different ventilator settings. Moderate lung injury changed the regional pattern of gas flow. Conclusions We conclude that the presented method is able to determine global respiratory gas flow of the lung in different phases of the respiratory cycle. Additionally, it delivers meaningful insight into regional pulmonary characteristics, i.e. the regional ability of the lung to take up and to release air.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Esophageal impedance measurements have been proposed to indicate the status of the esophageal mucosa, and might be used to study the roles of the impaired mucosal integrity and increased acid sensitivity in patients with heartburn. We compared baseline impedance levels among patients with heartburn who did and did not respond to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy, along with the pathophysiological characteristics of functional heartburn (FH). METHODS: In a case-control study, we collected data from January to December 203 on patients with heartburn and normal findings from endoscopy who were not receiving PPI therapy and underwent impedance pH testing at hospitals in Italy. Patients with negative test results were placed on an 8-week course of PPI therapy (84 patients received esomeprazole and 36 patients received pantoprazole). Patients with more than 50% symptom improvement were classified as FH/PPI responders and patients with less than 50% symptom improvement were classified as FH/PPI nonresponders. Patients with hypersensitive esophagus and healthy volunteers served as controls. In all patients and controls, we measured acid exposure time, number of refluxes, baseline impedance, and swallow-induced peristaltic wave indices. RESULTS: FH/PPI responders had higher acid exposure times, numbers of reflux events, and acid refluxes compared with FH/PPI nonresponders (P < .05). Patients with hypersensitive esophagus had mean acid exposure times and numbers of reflux events similar to those of FH/PPI responders. Baseline impedance levels were lower in FH/PPI responders and patients with hypersensitive esophagus, compared with FH/PPI nonresponders and healthy volunteers (P < .001). Swallow-induced peristaltic wave indices were similar between FH/PPI responders and patients with hypersensitive esophagus. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with FH who respond to PPI therapy have impedance pH features similar to those of patients with hypersensitive esophagus. Baseline impedance measurements might allow for identification of patients who respond to PPIs but would be classified as having FH based on conventional impedance-pH measurements.
The function of the esophagus is transporting nutrients from the oropharyngeal cavity to the stomach. This is achieved by coordinated contractions and relaxation of the tubular esophagus and the upper and lower esophageal sphincter. Multichannel intraluminal impedance monitoring offers quantification of esophageal bolus transit and/or retention without the use of ionizing radiation. Combined with conventional or high-resolution manometry, impedance measurements complement the quantification of esophageal body contraction and sphincter relaxation, offering a more comprehensive evaluation of esophageal function. Further studies evaluating the utility of quantifying bolus transit will help clarify the role and position of impedance measurements.
Background: Dental erosion is a complication of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) according to the Montreal consensus statement. However, GORD has not been comprehensively characterized in patients with dental erosions and pH-impedance measures have not been reported. Objectives: Characterize GORD in patients with dental erosions using 24-h multichannel intraluminal pH-impedance measurements (pH-MII) and endoscopy. Methods: This single-centre study investigated reflux in successive patients presenting to dentists with dental erosion using pH-MII and endoscopy. Results: Of the 374 patients, 298 (80%) reported GORD symptoms <2 per week, 72 (19%) had oesophagitis and 59 (16%) had a hiatal hernia. In the 349 with pH-MII the mean percentage time with a pH <4 (95% CI) was 11.0 (9.3–12.7), and 34.4% (31.9–36.9) for a pH <5.5, a critical threshold for dental tissue. The mean numbers of total, acidic and weakly acidic reflux episodes were 71 (63–79), 43 (38–49) and 31 (26–35), respectively. Of the reflux episodes, 19% (17–21) reached the proximal oesophagus. In 241 (69%) patients reflux was abnormal using published normal values for acid exposure time and reflux episodes. No significant associations between the severity of dental erosions and any reflux variables were found. The presence of GORD symptoms and of oesophagitis or a hiatal hernia was associated with greater reflux, but not with increased dental erosion scores. Conclusions: Significant oligosymptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux occurs in the majority of patients with dental erosion. The degree of dental erosion did not correlate with any of the accepted quantitative reflux indicators. Definition of clinically relevant reflux parameters by pH-MII for dental erosion and of treatment guidelines are outstanding. Gastroenterologists and dentists need to be aware of the widely prevalent association between dental erosion and atypical GORD.
BACKGROUND Oesophageal clearance has been scarcely studied. AIMS Oesophageal clearance in endoscopy-negative heartburn was assessed to detect differences in bolus clearance time among patients sub-grouped according to impedance-pH findings. METHODS In 118 consecutive endoscopy-negative heartburn patients impedance-pH monitoring was performed off-therapy. Acid exposure time, number of refluxes, baseline impedance, post-reflux swallow-induced peristaltic wave index and both automated and manual bolus clearance time were calculated. Patients were sub-grouped into pH/impedance positive (abnormal acid exposure and/or number of refluxes) and pH/impedance negative (normal acid exposure and number of refluxes), the former further subdivided on the basis of abnormal/normal acid exposure time (pH+/-) and abnormal/normal number of refluxes (impedance+/-). RESULTS Poor correlation (r=0.35) between automated and manual bolus clearance time was found. Manual bolus clearance time progressively decreased from pH+/impedance+ (42.6s), pH+/impedance- (27.1s), pH-/impedance+ (17.8s) to pH-/impedance- (10.8s). There was an inverse correlation between manual bolus clearance time and both baseline impedance and post-reflux swallow-induced peristaltic wave index, and a direct correlation between manual bolus clearance and acid exposure time. A manual bolus clearance time value of 14.8s had an accuracy of 93% to differentiate pH/impedance positive from pH/impedance negative patients. CONCLUSIONS When manually measured, bolus clearance time reflects reflux severity, confirming the pathophysiological relevance of oesophageal clearance in reflux disease.
The Pliocene-Quaternary sediments that we drilled at eight sites in the Gulf of California consist of silty clays to clayey silts, diatomaceous oozes, and mixtures of both types. In this chapter I have summarized various measurements of their physical properties, relating this information to burial depth and effective overburden pressure. Rapid deposition and frequent intercalations of mud turbidites may cause underconsolidation in some cases; overconsolidation probably can be excluded. General lithification begins at depths between 200 and 300 meters sub-bottom, at porosities between 55 and 60% (for silty clays) and as high as 70% (for diatomaceous ooze). Diatom-rich sediments have low strength and very high porosities (70-90%) and can maintain this state to a depth of nearly 400 meters (where the overburden pressure = 1.4 MPa). The field compressibility curves of all sites are compared to data published earlier. Where sediments are affected by basaltic sills, these curves clearly show the effects of additional loading and thermal stress (diagenesis near the contacts). Strength measurements on well-preserved hydraulic piston cores yielded results similar to those obtained on selected samples from standard drilling. Volumetric shrinkage dropped to low values at 100 to 400 meters burial depth (0.3 to 2.0 MPa overburden pressure). Porosity after shrinkage depends on the composition of sediments.