974 resultados para Bioclimatic Architecture. School Architecture and Evaluation Post Occupation


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Mammalian promoters can be separated into two classes, conserved TATA box-enriched promoters, which initiate at a welldefined site, and more plastic, broad and evolvable CpG-rich promoters. We have sequenced tags corresponding to several hundred thousand transcription start sites (TSSs) in the mouse and human genomes, allowing precise analysis of the sequence architecture and evolution of distinct promoter classes. Different tissues and families of genes differentially use distinct types of promoters. Our tagging methods allow quantitative analysis of promoter usage in different tissues and show that differentially regulated alternative TSSs are a common feature in protein-coding genes and commonly generate alternative N termini. Among the TSSs, we identified new start sites associated with the majority of exons and with 3' UTRs. These data permit genome-scale identification of tissue-specific promoters and analysis of the cis-acting elements associated with them.


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Research on organizational spaces has not considered the importance of collective memory for the process of investing meaning in corporate architecture. Employing an archival ethnography approach, practices of organizational remembering emerge as a way to shape the meanings associated with architectural designs. While the role of monuments and museums are well established in studies of collective memory, this research extends the concept of spatiality to the practices of organizational remembering that focus on a wider selection of corporate architecture. By analyzing the historical shift from colonial to modernist architecture for banks and retailers in Ghana and Nigeria in the 1950s and 1960s on the basis of documents and photographs from three different companies, this article shows how archival sources can be used to untangle the ways in which companies seek to ascribe meaning to their architectural output. Buildings allude to the past and the future in a range of complex ways that can be interpreted more fully by reference to the archival sources and the historical context of their creation. Social remembering has the potential to explain why and how buildings have meaning, while archival ethnography offers a new research approach to investigate changing organizational practices.


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This article describes architecture and implementation of subsystem intended for working with queries and reports in adaptive dynamically extended information systems able to dynamically extending. The main features of developed approach are application universality, user orientation and opportunity to integrate with external information systems. Software implementation is based on multilevel metadata approach.


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In the paper learning algorithm for adjusting weight coefficients of the Cascade Neo-Fuzzy Neural Network (CNFNN) in sequential mode is introduced. Concerned architecture has the similar structure with the Cascade-Correlation Learning Architecture proposed by S.E. Fahlman and C. Lebiere, but differs from it in type of artificial neurons. CNFNN consists of neo-fuzzy neurons, which can be adjusted using high-speed linear learning procedures. Proposed CNFNN is characterized by high learning rate, low size of learning sample and its operations can be described by fuzzy linguistic “if-then” rules providing “transparency” of received results, as compared with conventional neural networks. Using of online learning algorithm allows to process input data sequentially in real time mode.


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A 2008-ban kezdődött gazdasági válság a korábbiaknál is fontosabbá tette az árakat a vásárlók számára. Azt eddig is mindenki tudta, hogy az árak alapvetően befolyásolják a fogyasztók vásárlási döntését. Arra a kérdésre azonban, hogy miképpen, már nem mindig tudunk pontos választ adni. A közgazdaságtan szerint az árak csökkenése növeli a fogyasztók vásárlási hajlandóságát és fordítva, az árak emelkedése kisebbíti azt. A valóság azonban nem mindig írható le közgazdaságtani fogalmakkal vagy matematikai képletekkel. _______ Since the beginning of the global economic recession prices have become more and more important for sellers and buyers. To study the role of prices in consumer behaviour is a rather new field of marketing research. The paper starts out from the fact that prices can be regarded as a multidimensional stimulus, which influences the purchasing decision of consumers. The study describes the process how, in this multidimensional pricing environment, consumers get from the perception through the evaluation of prices to the purchasing decision. According to the model constructed by the author the perception of prices depends on the presentation of prices and on the willingness and ability of people to numerically perceive and evaluate the different presentations of prices. In the process how consumers get from the perceived prices through the excepted prices to the purchasing decision the perceived value plays the most important role. The perceived value is motivated by the internal and external reference prices and the perceived reference value. The paper comes to the conclusion that in recession and post recession times, companies are compelled to understand these processes better to be able to set their price points according to the changing buyers behaviour.


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This thesis explores the relationship of architecture and water through the design of an urban spa that offers both a bodily and a poetic experience of water. Research included investigation of recent architectural projects that enhance and order the view, sound, and touch of water as well as projects that integrate fountains, showers and reflecting pools into the experience of a building. In the design of the spa, the movement of water was based metaphorically on the natural water cycle: evaporation, condensation and collection of water in pools. The building presents fountains, rivulets, and pools in a descending sequence that represents the natural flow of water. The temperature of water and the activities of the spa follow the same descending sequence, progressing from a warm water bath at the top of the building to cool swimming pool at the plaza level in a contemporary interpretation of the experience of a Roman Bath.


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Eleocharis cellulosa is a dominant macrophyte in Everglades wet prairie communities. The development of the shoot system in the genus has been described as sympodial but with an unusual adnation of the horizontal and vertical shoots. The growth pattern of E. cellulosa was studied from field collected plants and plants grown in the greenhouse. Plants were extracted and measurements of horizontal and vertical shoot were taken. Dissections, paraffin sectioning and SEM's were used to examine shoot structure in early developmental stages. E. cellulosa was transplanted from the field to the greenhouse and different levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus were added to determine how it responded phenotypically. Dissections and microscopy showed that growth of the vertical shoots of E. cellulosa is sympodial, while growth of the horizontal shoots is mixed, beginning monopodially then transforming to sympodial growth. Additions of nutrients did not have any effect on the morphology of E. cellulosa.


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Sociologists of health and illness have tended to overlook the architecture and buildings used in health care. This contrasts with medical geographers who have yielded a body of work on the significance of places and spaces in the experience of health and illness. A review of sociological studies of the role of the built environment in the performance of medical practice uncovers an important vein of work, worthy of further study. Through the historically situated example of hospital architecture, this article seeks to tease out substantive and methodological issues that can inform a distinctive sociology of healthcare architecture. Contemporary healthcare buildings manifest design models developed for hotels, shopping malls and homes. These design features are congruent with neoliberal forms of subjectivity in which patients are constituted as consumers and responsibilised citizens. We conclude that an adequate sociology of healthcare architecture necessitates an appreciation of both the construction and experience of buildings, exploring the briefs and plans of their designers, and observing their everyday uses. Combining approaches and methods from the sociology of health and illness and science and technology studies offers potential for a novel research agenda that takes healthcare buildings as its substantive focus.