998 resultados para Biochemical aspects


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A population-based study was conducted to validate gender- and age-specific indexes of socio-economic status (SES) and to investigate the associations between these indexes and a range of health outcomes in 2 age cohorts of women. Data from 11,637 women aged 45 to 50 and 9,5 10 women aged 70 to 75 were analyzed. Confirmatory factor analysis produced four domains of SES among the mid-aged cohort (employment, family unit, education, and migration) and four domains among the older cohort (family unit, income, education, and migration). Overall, the results supported the factor structures derived from another population-based study (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1995), reinforcing the argument that SES domains differ across age groups. In general, the findings also supported the hypotheses that women with low SES would have poorer health outcomes than higher SES women, and that the magnitude of these effects would differ according to the specific SES domain and by age group, with fewer and smaller differences observed among older women. The main exception was that in the older cohort, the education domain was significantly associated with specific health conditions. Results suggest that relations between SES and health are highly complex and vary by age, SES domain, and the health outcome under study.


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Background & Aims: Two major mutations are defined within the hemochromatosis gene, HFE. Although the effects of the C282Y mutation have been well characterized, the effects of the H63D mutation remain unclear. We accessed a well-defined population in Busselton, Australia, and determined the frequency of the H63D mutation and its influence on total body iron stores. Methods: Serum transferrin saturation and ferritin levels were correlated with the H63D mutation in 2531 unrelated white subjects who did not possess the C282Y mutation. Results: Sixty-two subjects (2.1%) were homozygous for the H63D mutation, 711 (23.6%) were heterozygous, and 1758 (58.4%) were wild-type for the H63D mutation. Serum transferrin saturation was significantly increased in male and female H63D homozygotes and heterozygotes compared with wild-types. Serum ferritin levels within each gender were not influenced by H63D genotypes. Elevated transferrin saturation greater than or equal to45% was observed in a greater proportion of male H63D carriers than male wild-types. Male H63D homozygotes (9%) and heterozygotes (3%) were more likely to have both elevated transferrin saturation and elevated ferritin greater than or equal to300 ng/mL than male wild-types (0.7%). Homozygosity for H63D was not associated with the development of clinically significant iron overload. Conclusions: Presence of the H63D mutation results in a significant increase in serum transferrin saturation but does hot result in significant iron overload. In the absence of the C282Y mutation, the H63D mutation is not clinically significant.


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The use of human brain tissue obtained at autopsy for neurochemical, pharmacological and physiological analyses is reviewed. RNA and protein samples have been found suitable for expression profiling by techniques that include RT-PCR, cDNA microarrays, western blotting, immunohistochemistry and proteomics. The rapid development of molecular biological techniques has increased the impetus for this work to be applied to studies of brain disease. It has been shown that most nucleic acids and proteins are reasonably stable post-mortem. However, their abundance and integrity can exhibit marked intra- and intercase variability, making comparisons between case-groups difficult. Variability can reveal important functional and biochemical information. The correct interpretation of neurochemical data must take into account such factors as age, gender, ethnicity, medicative history, immediate ante-mortem status, agonal state and post-mortem and post-autopsy intervals. Here we consider issues associated with the sampling of DNA, RNA and proteins using human autopsy brain tissue in relation to various ante- and post-mortem factors. We conclude that valid and practical measures of a variety of parameters may be made in human brain tissue, provided that specific factors are controlled.


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Mutations in the E1alpha subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex may result in congenital lactic acidosis, but little is known about the consequences of these mutations at the enzymatic level. Here we characterize two mutants (F205L and T231A) of human pyruvate dehydrogenase in vitro, using the enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli. Wild-type and mutant proteins were purified successfully and their kinetic parameters were measured. F205L shows impaired binding of the thiamin diphosphate cofactor, which may explain why patients carrying this mutation respond to high-dose vitamin B-1 therapy. T231A has very low activity and a greatly elevated K-m for pyruvate, and this combination of effects would be expected to result in severe lactic acidosis. The results lead to a better understanding of the consequences of these mutations on the functional and structural properties of the enzyme, which may lead to improved therapies for patients carrying these mutations.


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Background Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) is a ligand-activated transcription factor known to be central to both adipose tissue development and insulin action. Growth of adipose tissue requires differentiation of preadipocytes with acquisition of specific cellular functions including insulin sensitivity, leptin secretion and the capacity to store triglyceride. Dietary fatty acids and members of the thiazolidinedione class of compounds have been reported to influence adipogenesis at the transcriptional level. Here, we compare the effects of a dietary fatty acid, linoleic acid, and a thiazolidinedione, rosiglitazone, on biochemical and functional aspects of human preadipocyte differentiation in vitro . Materials and methods Human omental and subcutaneous preadipocytes were subcultured 2-3 times and subsequently differentiated for 21 days in the presence of either linoleic acid or rosiglitazone. Differentiation was assessed using a number of biochemical and functional parameters. Results Omental and subcutaneous preadipocytes differentiated in the presence of linoleic acid showed marked cytoplasmic triacylglycerol accumulation however, no biochemical markers of differentiation (LPL expression, G3PDH gene expression and enzyme activity and leptin expression or secretion) were detected. In contrast, treatment of these cells with rosiglitazone induced full biochemical differentiation as judged by all markers assessed, despite comparatively little lipid accumulation. The rosiglitazone effects were subcutaneous depot-specific. Cells treated with linoleic acid showed decreased glucose uptake cf rosiglitazone-treated cells. A luciferase reporter assay demonstrated that rosiglitazone potently activates h-peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma while linoleic acid had no effect. Conclusions These studies demonstrate that (a) human preadipocytes have the potential to accumulate triacylglycerol irrespective of their stage of biochemical differentiation; (b) while omental preadipocytes are refractory to biochemical differentiation in vitro , they are able to accumulate triacylglycerol; and (c) rosiglitazone and linoleic acid may exert their effects via different biochemical pathways.


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Background: Gestational trophoblastic disease is a fascinating group of pregnancy disorders characterised by abnormal proliferation of trophoblast, ranging from benign to malignant. Because the disease is uncommon, there is a need to formulate management with the assistance of collective information. Methodology: A review of available information from English written literature was undertaken especially data reported by registries around the world (Charing Cross Hospital in England, the North-western University and the New England area in the USA as well as our own experience in Queensland, Australia). Where possible, collated data from relevant studies were analysed to answer some of the questions posed in clinical practice, with reference to metastatic disease to liver and brain, twinning of molar gestation and coexisting fetus, and placental-site tumour. Results: We found that molar gestation can be classified according to its clinical presentation which influences the time taken to reach human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) 'negativity' and the risk of persisting disease. Categorisation of risk is the basis for choice of chemotherapy to achieve good outcomes. Metastases to liver and brain remain problems in management; the development of 'new' metastases during chemotherapy is a very poor prognostic factor. In the variant of twinning with molar gestation and coexisting fetus, it is important to elucidate the fetal karyotype in planning management: a 69XXX fetus is not salvageable but a normal 46XX or 46XY fetus faces the prospect of early preterm delivery. The placental-site tumour is very rare; localised disease is curable by surgery; chemotherapy is less effective in disseminated disease. From collated worldwide data, the recurrence rate after one mole is 1.3% and after two or more is 20%. Reproductive outcome in subsequent pregnancies, even after multidrug chemotherapy, is not different from the general population. Because of the increased risk long-term of second tumours after multidrug chemotherapy a closer surveillance of these patients is necessary Conclusion: In general, the disease in its persisting or malignant form is 'a cancer model par excellence' because of an identifiable precursor condition, a reliable HCG marker, and sensitivity of the disease to cytotoxic drugs. With current management, retention of fertility is possible and normal reproductive outcome assured.


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This paper investigates the possible link between non-workplace cadmium (Cd) exposure, cytochrome P450 expression and hypertension. We present results of our investigation into the relationships between liver and kidney Cd burdens and the abundance of the CYP isoform 4A11. Our data show associations between non-workplace Cd exposure and changes in the abundance of hepatic and renal cortical CYP4A11. In liver the levels of immunochemically detectable CYP4A11 were positively correlated with tissue Cd content while in contrast CYP4A11 abundance was inversely correlated with kidney Cd burden. These differences are most likely related to the different Cd burden of the tissues. These observations suggest the potential for involvement of Cd as a mediator of CYP4A11 expression in kidney cortex and indicate that elevations in kidney Cd content may be involved in hypertension via alteration of the expression of this particular isoform. Potential mechanisms by which Cd may alter CYP4A11 expression are discussed briefly. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The presence of toxic cyanobacteria in drinking water reservoirs renders the need to develop treatment methods for the 'safe' removal of their associated toxins. Chlorine has been shown to successfully remove a range of cyanotoxins including microcystins, cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxins. Each cyanotoxin requires specific treatment parameters, particularly solution pH and free chlorine residual. However, currently there has not been any investigation into the toxicological effect of solutions treated for the removal of these cyanotoxins by chlorine. Using the P53(def) transgenic mouse model mate and female C57BL/6J hybrid mice were used to investigate potential cancer inducing effects from such oral dosing solutions. Both purified cyanotoxins and toxic cell-free extract cyanobacterial solutions were chlorinated and administered over 90 and 170 days (respectively) in drinking water. No increase in cancer was found in any treatment. The parent cyanotoxins, microcystins, cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxins were readily removed by chlorine. There was no significant increase in the disinfection byproducts trihalomethanes or haloacetic acids, levels found were well below guideline values. Histological examination identified no effect of treatment solutions except male mice treated with chlorinated cylindrospermopsin (as a cell free extract). In this instance 40% of males were found to have fatty vacuolation in their livers, cause unknown. It is recommended that further toxicology be undertaken on chlorinated cyanobacterial solutions, particularly for non-genotoxic carcinogenic compounds, for example the Tg. AC transgenic mouse model. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O excesso de gordura corporal induz a um quadro inflamatório associado à endotoxemia metabólica e aumento da resistência à insulina, bem como altera o perfil lipídico que resulta em prejuízos a função hepática e renal. Estudos sugerem que a ingestão de alimentos antioxidantes, como os polifenóis, proporcionam efeitos benéficos sobre os metabolismos glicídico e lipídico. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito da casca de jabuticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora), da polpa do açaí juçara (Euterpe edulis Martius) e do jambolão (Syzygium cumini) sobre o perfil lipídico, a glicemia e a endotoxemia em camundongos Swiss submetidos à dieta de cafeteria. Inicialmente, os frutos foram liofilizados e submetidos à avaliação da composição centesimal. O ensaio biológico contou com 50 camundongos machos adultos da raça Swiss distribuídos em 5 grupos (n=10/grupo), a saber: grupo tratado com dieta comercial padrão (controle negativo), grupo tratado com dieta de cafeteria (controle positivo) e grupos teste que receberam por 14 semanas a dieta de cafeteria suplementada com 2% de casca de jabuticaba, ou polpa do jambolão ou polpa do açaí juçara liofilizados. Na 13ª e 14ª semana foram determinadas a tolerância à insulina e à glicose dos animais. Ao final do período experimental, avaliaram-se o ganho de peso, os parâmetros bioquímicos sanguíneos, histopatológicos e endotoxemia. Os parâmetros bioquímicos avaliados foram: colesterol total (CT) e as frações HDL-c, LDL-c, triacilgliceróis (TAG), bem como proteína C reativa (PCR), aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e alanina aminotransferase (ALT). Na histopatologia foram avaliados os efeitos da dieta hipercalórica sobre a área dos adipócitos, esteatose hepática e função renal a partir do número e área dos glomérulos. A endotoxemia foi avaliada pela concentração de lipopolissacarídeos (LPS) no soro dos animais. Aplicou-se o teste t para comparação dos resultados entre os grupos controle e ANOVA, complementada com teste de Tukey (α=5%), para comparação dos grupos suplementados com os frutos e o controle positivo. A suplementação com 2% de jambolão à dieta de cafeteria resultou em redução significativa (p<0,05) do conteúdo de CT, LDL-c, TAG, da razão CT/HDL, bem como diminuição da área dos adipócitos dos animais tratados com os frutos. A suplementação com açaí juçara também foi capaz de reduzir o conteúdo de CT, TAG e a área dos adipócitos, além de elevar a tolerância à glicose. Por outro lado, a jabuticaba não foi eficaz na melhoria dos parâmetros relacionados ao metabolismo lipídico, ao metabolismo da glicose e dos aspectos histopatológicos. A suplementação com 2% dos frutos liofilizados não promoveu efeitos positivos na redução do ganho de peso, resistência à insulina e endotoxemia provocada pela ingestão da dieta de cafeteria. Além disso, os frutos também não foram eficientes na preservação da histologia renal e infiltração lipídica no fígado. Conclui-se que a inclusão do jambolão e do açaí juçara na dieta pode apresentar efeitos positivos sobre danos causados por dietas hiperlipídicas, especialmente no que se refere à dislipidemia, à tolerância à glicose e à hipertrofia dos adipócitos.


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The article shows how domestic aspects influence the United States national and international climate policy. To accomplish the task, the authors analyzes the discussions when Bill Clinton was ruling the country, a time during which global discussions were forwarded. The paper recalls the debate in the Bush administration and the growing polarization since Barack Obama took office.


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Abstract: § 1 «Do we need a “new” international convention that helps to avoid trafficking in organs? Some criminal (and civil) law aspects”» - «Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine – updated or outdated?». § 2 Some important connections: on the one hand, between the 1997 Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine; the 2002 Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine concerning Transplantation of Organs and Tissues of Human Origin; and, on the other hand, the problem of trafficking in organs, tissues and cells and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of the removal organs. Some connections. § 3 The «international undisputed principle». § 4 Trafficking in organs, tissues and cells; and trafficking in human beings for the purpose of the removal organs. Criminal Law and Civil Law. § 5 Promote organ donation. § 6 The necessity to collect reliable data on both trafficking cases. § 7 The necessity for an internationally agreed definition of trafficking in OTC: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine – updated or outdated? § 8 The (inter)national and (il)legal organ («tissue and cell») trade: some cases and some conclusions. § 9 Do we need a new international convention to prevent trafficking in organs, tissues and cells (OTC)? § 10 Of course we need a «new» international convention to prevent trafficking in organs, tissues and cells (OTC). § 11 At the present moment, we do not need a «new» international convention to prevent trafficking in human beings for the purpose of the removal organs. § 12 The Portuguese case. § 13 «Final conclusions.» § Resumo: § 1 «Precisamos de uma "nova" convenção internacional que ajude a evitar o tráfico de órgãos? Alguns aspectos de lei criminal (e civil)» - «Convenção sobre Direitos Humanos e Biomedicina - Actualizada ou desactualizada?». § 2 Algumas conexões importantes: por um lado, entre a Convenção do Conselho da Europa de 1997 sobre Direitos Humanos e Biomedicina; o Protocolo Adicional de 2002 à Convenção sobre os Direitos do Homem e da Biomedicina relativo ao transplante de órgãos e tecidos de origem humana, e, por outro lado, o problema do tráfico de órgãos, tecidos e células e tráfico de seres humanos para fins de remoção dos órgãos. § 3 O «indiscutível princípio internacional». § 4 O Tráfico de órgãos, tecidos e células; e o tráfico de seres humanos para fins de remoção dos órgãos. Direito Penal e Direito Civil. § 5 Promover a doação de órgãos. § 6 A necessidade de colectar dados fidedignos sobre os dois casos de tráfico. § 7 A necessidade de uma definição internacionalmente acordada de tráfico de OTC: Convenção sobre Direitos Humanos e Biomedicina - actualizada ou desactualizada? § 8 A (inter)nacional e (il)legal comercialização de órgãos («de tecidos e de células»): alguns casos e algumas conclusões. § 9 Será que precisamos de uma nova convenção internacional para prevenir o tráfico de órgãos, tecidos e células (OTC)? § 10 É claro que precisamos de uma «nova» convenção internacional para prevenir o tráfico de órgãos, tecidos e células (OTC). § 11 No presente momento, não precisamos de uma «nova» convenção internacional para impedir o tráfico de seres humanos para fins de remoção dos órgãos. § 12 O caso Português. § 13 «As conclusões finais.»


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In vitro propagation has become an effective practice for large-scale production of strawberry plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the hyperhydricity and the multiplication capacity of two strawberry varieties (Fragaria x ananassa Duch. 'Dover' and 'Burkley') propagated in vitro. Plants maintained in MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg L-1 BA were individualized and transferred to the same medium solidified with Agar (6.5 g L-1) or Phytagel® (2.5 g L-1) and BA at different concentrations (0; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0 and 3.0 mg L-1). Biochemical and anatomical analyses were carried out, as well as the analysis of the morphological hyperhydricity characteristics. The analysis of data showed: a) the increase in cytokinin concentration increased hyperhydricity frequency in both varieties; b) at concentrations up to 2.0 mg L-1 BA, the replacement of Agar by Phytagel® induced a higher formation of hyperhydric shoots; and c) the addition of BA induced oxidative stress, which is characterized by increased antioxidant activity and lipid peroxidation, as well as alterations at the cellular level, such as malformation of stomata and epidermal cells. In conclusion, the culture medium containing 0.5 mg L-1 BA solidified with Agar provided lower hyperhydricity percentages in association with higher rates of shoot proliferation in strawberry.