884 resultados para Baeza
Background- The evaluation of the effects of new compounds and nonconventional anti-tuberculous drugs have grown and become increas-ingly more popular in recent years. Studies have shown anti-tuberculous activity for Ruthenium complexes, including organometallic com-pounds containing phosphine ligands such as picolinic acid generating great expectations and hopes. Methods- The Representational Difference Analysis (RDA) was applied in order to gain insight about differences in expression of Mycobacte-rium tuberculosis H37Rv exposed to [Ru(dppb)(pic)(bypy)] PF6 (SCAR1) and isoniazid (INH). Total RNA was extracted from the bacillus not exposed and exposed to SCAR1 and INH separately at concentration of MIC for 12 hours at 35°C. RDA was carried out and differentially expressed products were sequenced. Results- RDA-sequencing identified, for both compounds, orthologs that encode hypothetical and predict proteins. One related cell wall syn-thesis gene, identified by RDA, and genes related to INH target as inhA, katG and ahpC had their expression confirmed and quantified by real-time PCR. The gene encoding the cell wall associated hydrolase was induced 4.627 and 1.189, inhA 0.983 and 1.027, katG 1.111 and 1.345 and ahpC 1.063 and 1.039 fold after exposure to SCAR1 and INH respectively, compared to not exposed growth. Conclusion- The RDA brings, for the first time, directions to study related genes with metabolic pathways of SCAR1. RDA and Real-Time PCR highlight the idea that one of the SCAR1 interaction, in M tuberculosis may be in the cell wall biosynthesis considering the differential expression of a cell wall hydrolase and warrants further investigation.
Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the individual and family determinants of being overweight among children younger than 10 years of age. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Direct data on children's age, food intake, physical activity, type of transportation used and anthropometric measurements, as well as the education level of the mothers, were collected by trained interviewers. Setting: Population-based study in the city of Santos, Brazil. Subjects: A total of 531 children under 10 years of age (302 aged <6 years, >= 6 aged years), living in the city of Santos. Results: The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity (BMI-for-age Z-score >1) was 35.4% for children under 6 years and 38.9% for children aged 6-10 years. The socio-economic status of the family was associated with being overweight for both age groups. Logistic regression analysis showed that the lower the socio-economic status, the higher the likelihood of being overweight, among both younger children (OR = 7.73; P = 0.02) and older children (OR = 1.98; P = 0.04). The use of active transportation was associated with a lower likelihood of being overweight, but only among younger children (OR = 1.70; P = 0.05). Conclusions: Socio-economic status seems to be an important individual-level determinant of overweight in children. Public policies should consider promoting the use of active transportation, as the results showed it to have a positive effect on reducing overweight issues. The high prevalence of overweight in younger children suggests that this age group should be a priority in health-promoting interventions.
With the increase in research on the components of Body Image, validated instruments are needed to evaluate its dimensions. The Body Change Inventory (BCI) assesses strategies used to alter body size among adolescents. The scope of this study was to describe the translation and evaluation for semantic equivalence of the BCI in the Portuguese language. The process involved the steps of (1) translation of the questionnaire to the Portuguese language; (2) back-translation to English; (3) evaluation of semantic equivalence; and (4) assessment of comprehension by professional experts and the target population. The six subscales of the instrument were translated into the Portuguese language. Language adaptations were made to render the instrument suitable for the Brazilian reality. The questions were interpreted as easily understandable by both experts and young people. The Body Change Inventory has been translated and adapted into Portuguese. Evaluation of the operational, measurement and functional equivalence are still needed.
BACKGROUND: Alkaline sulfite/anthraquinone (ASA) cooking of Pinus radiata and Pinus caribaea wood chips followed by disk refining was used as a pretreatment for the production of low lignified and high fibrillated pulps. The pulps produced with different delignification degrees and refined at different energy inputs (250, 750 and 1600 Wh) were saccharified with cellulases and fermented to ethanol with Saccharomyces cerevisiae using separated hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) or semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSSF) processes. RESULTS: Delignification of ASA pulps was between 25% and 50%, with low glucans losses. Pulp yield was from 70 to 78% for pulps of P. radiata and 60% for the pulp of P. caribaea. Pulps obtained after refining were evaluated in assays of enzymatic hydrolysis. Glucans-to-glucose conversion varied from 20 to 70%, depending on the degree of delignification and fibrillation of the pulps. The best ASA pulp of P. radiata was used in SHF and SSSF experiments of ethanol production. Such experiments produced maximum ethanol concentration of 20 g L-1, which represented roughly90% of glucose conversion and an estimated amount of 260 L ethanol ton(-1) wood. P. caribaea pulp also presented good performance in the enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation but, due to the low amount of cellulose present, only 140 L ethanol would be obtained from each ton of wood. CONCLUSION: ASA cooking followed by disk refining was shown to be an efficient pretreatment process, which generated a low lignified and high-fibrillated substrate that allowed the production of ethanol from the softwoods with high conversion yields. (C) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry
Eating attitudes can be defined as beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behavior and relationship with food. They can influence people's food choices and health status. The scope of this paper is to compare eating attitudes of university students from different regions of Brazil and investigate possible associations and correlations with nutritional status, age, individual income and parental education. 2489 female university students in the area of health answered the Eating Attitude Scale - evaluated by total score and 5 sub-scores. The eating attitudes were compared by means of an analysis of covariance. A logistic regression was conducted to evaluate which variables were associated to the scale score. The Northeast presented more restrictive and compensatory practices and the North and Northeast presented less positive feelings about food and worse ideas about normal eating. The score on the scale did not present strong correlation with any of the variables studied, but nutritional status and age were associated with the total score. The profile of university students was similar among regions with the worst response in the North and Northeast regions. It is believed that these data could help to elucidate dietary patterns and nutritional differences among groups.
Abstract We aimed to investigate the effects of creatine (Cr) supplementation on the plasma lipid profile in sedentary male subjects undergoing aerobic training. Methods Subjects (n = 22) were randomly divided into two groups and were allocated to receive treatment with either creatine monohydrate (CR) (~20 g·day-1 for one week followed by ~10 g·day-1 for a further eleven weeks) or placebo (PL) (dextrose) in a double blind fashion. All subjects undertook moderate intensity aerobic training during three 40-minute sessions per week, over 3 months. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TAG), fasting insulin and fasting glycemia were analyzed in plasma. Thereafter, the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) was calculated. Tests were performed at baseline (Pre) and after four (Post 4), eight (Post 8) and twelve (Post 12) weeks. Results We observed main time effects in both groups for HDL (Post 4 versus Post 8; P = 0.01), TAG and VLDL (Pre versus Post 4 and Post 8; P = 0.02 and P = 0.01, respectively). However, no between group differences were noted in HDL, LDL, CT, VLDL and TAG. Additionally, fasting insulin, fasting glycemia and HOMA did not change significantly. Conclusion These findings suggest that Cr supplementation does not exert any additional effect on the improvement in the plasma lipid profile than aerobic training alone.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a insatisfação corporal, a prática de dietas e os comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares em uma amostra de mães residentes no município de Santos. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, de base populacional, com 453 mães de filhos com até 10 anos de idade. As mães responderam ao Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT-26), à Escala de Figuras de Stunkard e a uma questão sobre a prática atual de dietas. RESULTADOS: Das mães, 29,9% apresentaram escore positivo para os comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares e 21,8% estavam fazendo dieta para emagrecer no momento da entrevista. No tocante à imagem corporal, 17,5% das mães estavam satisfeitas com o seu tamanho corporal, 71,5% gostariam de diminuir seu tamanho corporal e 11,0% gostariam de aumentá-lo. Os comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares foram mais frequentes nas mães insatisfeitas com seus tamanhos corporais (p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: A maioria das mães investigadas estava insatisfeita com os seus tamanhos corporais. A frequência de mães que praticavam dietas ou tinham comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares foi similar ou superior aos demais estudos nacionais, conduzidos, em sua maioria, com populações consideradas de risco, como meninas adolescentes e jovens universitárias.
Claves comunicativas perceptibles en una versión romancístiva del sur grancanario. Análisis de las interacciones entre los protagonistas de un romance que integra a su vez tres motivos romancísticos tradicionales:"La infantina encantada", "El caballero burlado" y "Don Bueso y la hermana cautiva"
Glacial millennial-scale paleoceanographic changes in the Southeast Pacific and the adjacent Southern Ocean are poorly known due to the scarcity of well-dated and high resolution sediment records. Here we present new surface water records from sediment core MD07-3128 recovered at 53°S off the Pacific entrance of the Strait of Magellan. The alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) record reveals a very strong warming of ca. 8°C over the last Termination and substantial millennial-scale variability in the glacial section largely consistent with our planktonic foraminifera oxygen isotope (d18O) record of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.). The timing and structure of the Termination and some of the millennial-scale SST fluctuations are very similar to those observed in the well-dated SST record from ODP Site 1233 (41°S) and the temperature record from Drowning Maud Land Antarctic ice core supporting the hemispheric-wide Antarctic timing of SST changes. However, differences in our new SST record are also found including a long-term warming trend over Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 followed by a cooling toward the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We suggest that these differences reflect regional cooling related to the proximal location of the southern Patagonian Ice Sheet and related meltwater supply at least during the LGM consistent with the fact that no longer SST cooling trend is observed in ODP Site 1233 or any SST Chilean record. This proximal ice sheet location is documented by generally higher contents of ice rafted debris (IRD) and tetra-unsaturated alkenones, and a slight trend toward lighter planktonic d18O during late MIS 3 and MIS 2.
La familia Amaryllidaceae se encuentra distribuida en diversas regiones de Chile y Sudamérica. De los 11 géneros reconocidos por Ravenna, al menos tres de ellos presentan un reconocido potencial ornamental: Miltinea Ravenna, endémico de Chile y conformado por la especie Miltinea maulensis (Ravenna) Ravenna, Phycella Lindley, endémico de Chile, conformado por cuatro especies y distribuido desde el valle de Elqui hasta la altura de la región de Arauco y Rhodophiala C. Presl. presente en el sur de Brasil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina y Chile conformado por un número aproximado de 40 especies. Actualmente, la información taxonómica tradicional para diferenciar los géneros presentes en Chile es insuficiente. Es por ello que se utilizó la citotaxonomía como una herramienta y fuente de evidencia taxonómica. El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar un estudio comparativo de los cariotipos en representantes de tres géneros de Amaryllidaceae que crecen en Chile con el fin de ayudar a clarificar la posición taxonómica de ellos. Las especies analizadas fueron: Miltinea maulensis (Ravenna) Ravenna, Phycella australis Ravenna, Rhodophiala araucana (Phil.) Traub, Rhodophiala montana (Phil.) Traub, y Rhodophiala pratensis (Poepp.) Traub. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que Miltinea maulensis y Phycella australis presentan características cariológicas muy similares, tanto en el número cromosómico, fórmula cariotípica e índices cromosómicos. Estas características permitirían considerar Miltinea como un sinónimo de Phycella. Por último, las tres especies de Rhodophiala analizadas comparten características citológicas muy similares, como por ejemplo, la presencia de una región NOR en el brazo largo del cromosoma 7, idéntico número cromosómico e índices de asimetría de los cariotipos casi iguales.
Objetivo: verificar relación entre IMC, capacidades físicas y discriminación en clase de Educación Física, alumnos entre 10 a 11 años, 4 colegios de Chillán, Chile. Metodología: medir flexibilidad, velocidad y resistencia; calcular IMC; posteriormente contestar cuestionario de auto percepción frente a sus pares en relación a discriminación en clases de Educación Física. Población: 178 sujetos; muestra: 44 indicaron discriminación. Resultados: IMC: 72,6 por ciento de la muestra, que sienten discriminación, no presentan niveles de obesidad. Velocidad: 47,7 por ciento sujetos discriminados se encuentran sobre el promedio; demuestra que la velocidad es un factor que influye en la discriminación debido a que menos de la mitad de los alumnos discriminados se encuentran sobre el nivel de aprobación. Resistencia: 75 por ciento superior y 25 por ciento bajo el promedio lo que demuestra que la resistencia no es un factor determinante en la discriminación. Flexibilidad: 11 por ciento de los sujetos bajo el promedio y un 89 por ciento sobre el nivel de aprobación; se indica que la flexibilidad no es un factor determinarte en la discriminación. Los resultados indicaron que la relación de IMC y las capacidades físicas, en base a la discriminación en la clase de Educación Física, existe relación entre ambas, pero con resultados diferentes, ya que el índice de masa corporal en sujetos que presentan el rango de bajo peso y son discriminados, tienen mejor capacidad física que en alumnos de rango normal, riesgo de obesidad y obesidad
Esta investigación busca indagar el proceso de construcción de la imagen política de los candidatos políticos en épocas electorales. Más específicamente, el siguiente trabajo es un estudio de caso sobre Francisco de Narváez en el que intentamos analizar, a partir de los spots publicitarios y los sitios virtuales utilizados, desde enero a junio de 2009, cuál fue la imagen erigida y proyectada a través de ellos. En primer lugar, realizamos un recorrido teórico por el Marketing Político buscando dar cuenta de las herramientas que ofrece y cómo el equipo técnico-asesor se apropió de ellas para el armado y desarrollo de la campaña y de la imagen del candidato. Con estas herramientas, nos propusimos visualizar la imagen transmitida por cada uno de los medios de comunicación nombrados para luego compararlas entre sí. Pero también examinamos las transformaciones que se fueron dando en la estructuración de los partidos políticos desde que surgieron con el fin de comprender cómo Francisco de Narváez, que poseía un perfil empresario, llegar a ser uno de los principales referentes de la oposición. Abordamos el tema desde una perspectiva cualitativa de orientación exploratoria debido a que no hallamos estudios específicos sobre este tema, teniendo en cuenta que se trata de una investigación sobre un candidato a diputado nacional. En tal sentido, creemos que contribuimos a ampliar los saberes sobre la imagen política y ofrecemos una mirada distinta de las elecciones legislativas de 2009 y sobre un tema poco indagado hasta el momento