590 resultados para Assistentes odontológicos


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Uma ampla variedade de patógenos oportunistas tem sido detectadas nos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos, particularmente no biofilme formado na superfície do tubo. Entre os patógenos oportunistas encontrados nos tubos de água, Pseudomonas aeruginosa é reconhecida como uma das principais causadoras de infecções nosocomiais. Foram coletadas 160 amostras de água e 200 amostras de fomites em quarenta clinicas odontológicas na cidade de Barretos, São Paulo, Brasil, durante o período de Janeiro a Julho de 2005. Setenta e seis cepas de P. aeruginosa, isoladas a partir dos fomites (5 cepas) e das amostras de água (71 cepas), foram analisadas quanto à susceptibilidade à seis drogas antimicrobianas freqüentemente utilizadas para o tratamento de infecções provocadas por P. aeruginosa. As principais suscetibilidades observadas foram para a ciprofloxacina, seguida pelo meropenem. A necessidade de um mecanismo efetivo para reduzir a contaminação bacteriana dentro dos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos foi enfatizada, e o risco da exposição ocupacional e infecção cruzada na prática odontológica, em especial quando causada por patógenos oportunistas como a P. aeruginosa foi realçado.


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This study had the purpose of identifying the health professional performance during the care of children victimized by violence. Its objectives were the evaluation of how health professionals diagnose violence on the hospitalized child during the care process; the identification, according to the experience of each health professional, of the types of violence on the hospitalized child, the child's aggressors and the most frequent1y injured area in the body and the analysis of conducts adopted by health professionals upon the recognition of a violence case on a hospitalized child. The study was of the descriptive-exploratory type, using a quantitative approach, performed on Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio (HCSA) in Boa Vista - RR. The population consisted of 235 health professionals, with data collected from June to August 2006. The results show a clear predominance of the female gender, (76,17%); aged 31 to 35 (26,81%); married (45,96%). As for professional formation, 63,9% were nursing auxiliaries and technicians,16,2% physicians, 14,8% nurses, 3,9% social assistants and 2,1% psychologists; 45,96% had completed middle-level education, 51,06% of which coming from private education establishments and 48,94% from public education institutions.; 97,66 % have specialization or improvement courses on their area; 32,77% among 05 to 09 years of work time; 32,06(10 worked on pediatric infirmaries; 75,74% state they have experience with children victimized by violence; 96,22% consider themselves capable of identifying the types of violence suffered by children; 29,00% consider physical violence the most common kind; 91,57% sought to identify the aggressors; 27,72% consider the mother to be the child's main aggressor, 26,36% the father, and 22,28% the stepfather; 26,55% consider the limbs and pelvic waist to be the body region most affected by violence; 26,91% take the attitude of reporting to the nurse and 20,13% to the social service; 70,79% state that the conducts were performed as a team; 26,25% of the professionals consider that the social assistants helped the most on deciding which conduct to adopt; 76,40% state there was no one opposed to the performing of these conducts; but 23,60% that stated there was no one opposed to the performing of these conducts, 77,08% reveal that the family members were against the conducts taken by the team. We conclude that, the hea1th professionals who were part of the study, apparently are not adequate prepared to diagnose and report the violence on child. The results were more drastic when we related the physicians and the nurses' answers, considering that they give directed assistance to these victims social assistants and psychologists are the ones best prepared to conduct cases of child mistreatment. However, we are conscious of our responsibility with professional education not only in upper grade institution but also on the middle-level. We believe also, that a continued education program can help to improve the professional knowledge and improve the quality of care


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Posture is one of the most worrying problems dentists face. That is because of the high incidence of low back pathologies regarding the professional activity, despite the development on the field of Dental Ergonomics. This work took place at the dental schoolclinic at a Federal University, and it was grounded on the Ergonomic Principles in the workplace. Its main objective was to analyze the determinants of inadequate posture adopted by students inasmuch as the adoption of non ergonomic methods at the school-clinic may influence them to develop inadequate postures in their working environment. The analysis of the activity showed us that it requires some complex procedures in the patient s mouth. Thus, when the students carry out the activity, they start to adopt, although unconsciously, inadequate postures which will make easier the visual accuracy and the access to the operation focus. In case there is no internal (body awareness) or external warning mechanisms (the professor s or the partner s counseling) regarding posture or possible risks which lead them to self-correction, the students become vulnerable to osteomuscle disorders. The time pressure, because the students are expected to perform their task in a predetermined clinical time. The facts related to each patient s variability as well as the stress caused by the expectations to get their work done in time make the students to advance it believing they will waste time if they help their partners or using an indirect view. We could also notice that there was no assistant to perform the job of minor ones, as well as there was no professor who could actually connect the knowledge on Ergonomics to its working practice. The conclusions of this work stand out the need of widen the discussion at the academic environment regarding health professionals in places such as universities. The ergonomic principles in the workplace aim a multidisciplinary analysis based on the experience of students, professors, staff members and janitors that can contribute to some reflection upon the issue and consequently actions which will bring positive changes at the working environment


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The objective of this work is to understand some of the modifications caused for the phenomenon of the westernization in the hinterland of the Capitania do Rio Grande e in the life of the indians populations that inhabited there during the Colonial Period. We break of the quarrel of Serge Gruzinski concerning the westernization, understood while immersed phenomenon in the context of the expansion of the commercial capitalism and that, for the imposition of the culture occidental person to the alteridades of the New World, emprende the conquest of its territories, bodies and souls. The space clipping has covered the hinterland of the Capitania do Rio Grande, specifically the colonial territory of the Freguesia da Gloriosa Senhora Santa Ana do Seridó. The chosen chronological limit for the research corresponds to the Colonial Period and part of the Imperial one. However, the emphasis falls again on the period that it initiates in 1670, year of the oldest concession of would sesmaria known until the moment in the hinterland of the Rio Grande, extending itself until the decade of 1840. Sources of written by hand nature, cartographic printed and compose the used document roll: official correspondence and legislation, petitions of would sesmaria, inventories post-mortem, justifications of debt, registers of parish, maps, action civil court jurisdiction, notes of notary's office, land landmarks. We take the method, analyzed for Carlo Ginzburg, to cross these sources between itself and to detect its implied particularitities and ideas in the space between lineses, but, attributing it status to they of a colonial speech, fruit of the bureaucracy of where it was originated and of the social place of who produced it. We look for to demonstrate, throughout the work, that the phenomenon of the westernization desestruturou the aboriginal societies and its habitat, constructing, over its rubbles, a colonial territory that found in the cartography of the Freguesia de Santa Ana an efficient instrument of control of the space and the population. On the other hand, if the imposition of the culture occidental person exterminou great part of the native population that inhabited the hinterland of the Rio Grande, the remainders of these indians and the mestizos of descending them had survived in diverse ways in the freguesia: in the condition of captives of war or in regimen of servile work, as living or assistants in the farms, populations and village; rambling without route in the fields and the population spots; as mediating agents between the world occidental person and the native, exerting military or civil positions and still appealing to Justice in search of its rights of inheritance. Experiences of slavery, servitude, errância and mediation, but, also of resistance, adaptation, mestization in the Freguesia de Santa Ana


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The public dental services in Brazil were limited, practically, to the basic care, so that the specialized services acted, up to 2002, no more than 3,5% of the total of clinical procedures. That lower offer reveals the difficulty of continuity of the attention, that is, the comprehensiveness in the assistance, particulary, the reference and counter-reference system. Brasil Sorridente search to supply those needs when proposing Speciality Dental's Centers(CEOs Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas, Brazil) to compose the services of average complexity. In 2005, Ministry of Health enabled the three CEOs of Natal, located in the North II, East and West Sanitary Districts. This investigation evaluated the implantation of these CEOs, as support of the family health care teams, in the perspective of organization of the services in assistencial nets in Natal/RN. It was a study of evaluation, with qualitative approach and some quantitative data as contribution. Dentists, users and managers were interviewed to identify and to understand their perceptions, relationships and experiences in the daily of the services. The conceptual base that orientated the investigation was the principle of comprehensiveness, in its operational sense of the hierarchization in health attention levels. The collection of data was done with documental research, direct observation and semi-structured interview. The analysis was accomplished by triangulation of the extracted content from the used techniques and sources of interviewed groups depositions, looking for theoretical-conceptual support in specific bibliography. The results pointed aspects that go away from the comprehensiveness like: low resolution of problems in the basic net; little valorization of the space in the health units; traditional models of access to health services, insufficient offer for some specialties, compromising the reference and counter-reference system; practices centered in procedures in the CEO; bureaucratic directions from basic care to the specialized service; disintegrated and disjointed system among levels of attention; disrespect to the municipal protocol. On the other hand, there is an approach of compreensiveness in situations like: increase of the access and covering in the Family Health Strategy (ESF Estratégia Saúde da Família, Brazil); larger approach between professional and user; tendency to the quantitative and qualitative growth of specialized actions; punctual initiatives of relationships among levels; existence of protocol to guide professionals


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The Specialized Dental Care Centers (CEO) were developed to provide specialized dental care to the population, given the accumulated needs of health since the past. They must operate as units of reference for the Oral Health Team of the Primary Care, complementing the dental procedures performed at this level of attention. This study aims to assess the performance of CEOs of the Grande Natal Health Region as a strategy of Secondary Care consolidation in oral health through users, dentists and managers. For this to try to identify factors about access, hosting and satisfaction with the service, the actions developed in these centers, integration between the CEOs and the Basic Health Units (UBS), considering the reference and counter reference. Data were collected through semi-structured interview, conducted in four CEOs, among 253 users, 31 dentists and 4 managers. It was submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and to content analysis by software ALCESTE 4.5. The results revealed that the specialties of prosthesis, endodontics and surgery were the most sought by 38.2%, 23.7% and 21.7% of respondents, respectively. It was noticed that among users aged 18 to 30 years-old the greatest demand is for the specialty of endodontics (44.4%) and over 50 years for prosthesis (76.4%). There is a weakness in the reference and counter reference between UBS and CEO, because part of users goes directly to the centers without going before to the Primary Care and the majority does not want to return to the dentist of Health Unit. Satisfaction with care was reported by 90.9% of users, because they resolved the problems needed and were welcomed by the team. But the delay in care was the main factor for not satisfaction. For most dentists, some users could solve their problems completely in Primary Care, which shows the existence of unnecessary referrals to the CEOs, however they consider the existence of limiting factors in UBS that compromise the service. Most dentists revealed that some users do not get to CEOs with the basic dental treatment done, and some of them do not counter reference users. It can be concluded that the studied CEOs are being resolutive for those who access them, offering necessary care for the population, and if they don t account with this service, will encounter obstacles to resolution of problems, ranging seek care service in particular, in another public sector, or even giving up treatment. However, it is perceived the need of professionals training to understand the importance of the reference and counter reference, to that they can better serve and guide users. It is also important that cities offer better conditions to UBS and CEOs, so they can work together, with complementary actions of oral health, seeking full care, aiming for better resolution to the users' health problems


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Population aging is one of the greatest challenges to contemporary public health and, in this perspective, the functional capacity emerges as an important feature in geriatric assessment. The oral health of elderly, in turn, deserves special attention because, historically, in the dental services, this population group was not considered a priority for attention, which is verified by high rates of edentulism found even among these individuals. The present study proposes to examine the relationship between oral health status and functional capacity in an elderly population. To this end, intra-oral epidemiological examination was performed to assess the degree of dental caries, periodontal status, use and need of prosthesis and the presence of lesions. Functional capacity was assessed by the Independence in Activities of Daily Living, which considers the independence or not in the performance of six self-care functions. Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and general health status were also investigated, in view of the possibility of intervention of these variables in the investigated relation. An factor analysis of the principal components was conducted which resulted four indicators of oral health conditions, representative of the population studied. 441 seniors were enrolled with mean age of 71.7 (± 8.7) years, the majority being female (68%). Functional capacity was dichotomized into completely independent individuals (89.6%) and dependent on at least one of the functions considered (10.4%). There was an association between functional capacity and the indicators related to the presence of many teeth and dental caries, and to that associated with the use and need of prostheses. These associations in turn, lost statistical significance when adjusting for confounding variables, combined in separate models for each indicator. Some of these variables, however, remained associated with functional capacity. It is considered that the study of oral health status of elderly, associeted with the search for an association with functional capacity is important in the construction of indicators necessary for planning preventive and therapeutic interventions that reduce the risk for loss of ability in daily physical functions and their consequences, as the harm in the oral self-care


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The fear related to dental procedures can be acquired through disturbing experiences and/or negative cultural influences related in experiences of previous generations. Such influences may be present in diverse forms of cultural expression: in the cinema, plastic arts, music, literature, and diverse vehicles of printed and visual media. This research aimed investigates the images of fear related to the dental service and dentist in motion pictures. The study has qualitative approach, which used the documentary analysis of movies. The data collection was accomplished through research in the Internet by means of the Google tool (http://www.google.com.br), using the describing words filme and dentista . A total of 44 films were found. Of these, after selective criterion for films with scenes showing interaction between dentist and patient in the execution of clinical procedure, only 24 films were enclosed. Then, these were registered in data base created for this research. After second selective criterion of inclusion (scenes with suggestion of dental anxiety), 15 films remained. As regards cinematographic gender, the films with scenes showing "dental anxiety" varied between comedy (8), horror (3), drama (2), thriller (1) and childish (1). Of these films, scenes with images of situations that suggest fear of the dentist and his job were selected and described. The images were categorized by the identification of negative characteristics that incite "dental anxiety". Then, the classification of the categories was proceeded detaching the most recurrent characteristics in the scenes: situation of fear in the waiting-room; pain; instrument coarse/rudimentary; coarseness of the dentist; torture; and low qualification technique. The waiting-room was observed as a place of great tension, due to the noises coming from the dental attendance. The pain related to the Dentistry was the predominant subject in the majority of films (14), associated to others negative characteristics. The rudimentary aspects of procedures and instruments, and the coarse attitudes of the professional could be observed too. The dentist was characterized as confused, sadist, violent, insensitive, incompetent person and disturbed. Such results suggest that, despite the technological advances of the profession, the image of the dentist and his job is still transmitted in a negative way aspect and reinforces the dental anxiety


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Bioethics studies human behavior in the fields ofbiological sciences and health care. Tt strives for humanization in health services along with promoting the rights of patients. In view of the lack of dental research dealing with this topic, the present study was undertaken to identify, from the viewpoint of dental surgeons, ethical problems experienced in dental practice,understand how they occur and how professionals deal with them. It is a descriptive exploratory investigation within a qualitative approach. Empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews performed with 15 dental surgeons who work both in private and public practice in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The content of the interviews was systemized and organized, resulting in the identification of topics, from which were grouped the ethical problems reported by the participants. The resu1ts indicate that many of the ethical problems coincide with infringements of the norms and mIes of the Dental Code of Ethics, confirming a dental ethic acquired during professional formation and therefore, inadequate for solving the problems that emerge in professional practice. Other questions stand out such as low salaries, competition and poor working conditions. Associated to these problems are lack of commitment and professional responsibility with the patients. Concem with maintaining user autonomy, guaranteeing access to specialized services, and the need for performing only procedures for which they are technically qualified arise in the responses, leading to difficulties in consolidating the principIes proclaimed by bioethics: autonomy, justice, nonmaleficence and beneficence. We concluded that the ethical problems identified in professional practice need to be understood beyond the dental dimension, towards a human approach. It is therefore necessary to incorporate health care management technologies into health practices, including dentistry, which implies recognizing the difTerent dimensions that surround individuaIs, that is, social, economic, political and cultural


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We studied about the organizational health and the syndrome of burnout in professionals of the education and health field, with the objective of establishing a connection between those two constructs. This research was realized in three public schools and in three hospitals, two publics and one from the military. We obtained 168 valid questionnaires for investigation about the syndrome of burnout, being 83 in the hospitals and 85 in the schools, among the questionnaires given in those two organizations. Worked with accidental sample, although it was decided the professional proportions, with the objective of reproducing the population characteristics. In the schools the sample was planned with the teachers. In the hospitals the sample was planned with doctors, nurses and nurse assistants, nutritionists, psychologists, dentists and social assistants. To assure the syndrome of burnout, it was used the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), followed with social demographic information. We used semi-structured interviews, based in the indicators, with the organizations key persons, directors, coordinators, and people involved in the human resources department, for research about the organizational health. Only among the hospitals were found significant statistics differences between the scores of factors and the incidence of burnout. Besides that, it was observed as well that it is possible to establish a connection between the organizational health and the syndrome of burnout, this research main objective


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The tales of children's literature, in their plots, mark existential dilemmas belonging in human‟s lives, such as death, situations of separation, loss, abandonment, fear, challenges, achievements and other elements that make them suitable material to assist children in their developmental process. Such elements, present in children‟s storybooks, are close to the experiences lived by the children in the context of hospitalization in a special manner. With that said this study focus on the understanding of the therapeutic possibilities of the tales of children's literature in the care of hospitalized children in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (UTIPED) based on the Heidegger's concept of Care and adopting the Phenomenology as the method. The UTIPED of a state public hospital located in the municipality of Natal/RN was elected as the study site and four hospitalized children aged between six and nine years, all males, presenting different clinical conditions were selected to participate in the study following age and clinical conditions as the selective criteria. The procedure of corpus construction included eight individual sessions of storytelling accompanied by the use of ludic resources. The phenomenological understanding about the therapeutic possibilities of tales was structured under three main elements: (1) the ludic axis; (2) the reflective axis; and (3) the affective axis. The appropriateness of the proposed therapy in the context of the UTIPED and the potential of the tales as a protection factor to the child was evident. The storytelling activity framed a scenario of care unusual in the context of intensive care units, establishing a symbolic space for children‟s expression. Therefore, this study indicates this therapeutic proposal for children‟s care in the UTIPED that considers their evolutionary stage, their clinical conditions at the time and especially their emotional needs during their immersion in a diverse and foreign environment which is filled with potentially harmful elements to their full development.


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Early childhood caries, especially in its severe form, which is characterized by an acute and aggressive nature, can have negative impacts on thequality of life of a child, due to effects such as difficulty in chewing, decreased appetite, weight loss, insomnia, changes in behavior and a decreased performance in school, among others. Moreover, the quality of life of the child`s family can also be affected, as the pain and discomfort caused by this type of caries result in loss of working days of parents, spending on dental treatments, changes in sleep patterns and stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of severe early childhood caries in the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) of public daycares`s preschool children through the Escala de Impacto da Saúde Bucal na Primeira Infância, a Brazilian version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS). A single calibrated examiner (kappa=1.0) evaluated, through the dmfs index, the oral health of 116 children aged between 3 and 5, which were included in one of three study groups: "caries-free", "not-severe early childhood caries" and "severe early childhood caries". The parents responded to ECOHIS, to assess their perception regarding the OHRQoL of their children, and a questionnaire on socioeconomic conditions. The OHRQoL was measured through the total scores and domains of ECOHIS. Descriptive analysis, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, chi-square test and Poisson multiple regression with robust variance were used. Among the children observed, 38.8% were caries-free, 27.6% showed not-severe early childhood caries and 33.6% showed severe early childhood caries. Regarding the total score of ECOHIS, severe early childhood caries had a greater negative impact on OHRQoL, compared to caries-free and not-severe early childhood caries groups (p <0.001). Regarding the child subscale, there was significant difference between the "severe early childhood caries" group and the other groups in all domains, except for theone of self-image / social interaction. In the family subscale domains, there was statistical significance between the severe early childhood caries and the caries-free groups in all domains (p <0.001), whereas between the "severe early childhood caries and not-severe early childhood caries groups there was a statistically significant difference only in the domain of parental anguish (p <0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that early childhood caries and the parent`s age were significantly associated to OHRQoL (p <0.05), independently of the other variables in the model. The presence of severe early childhood caries resulted in greater negative impact on OHRQoL (AdjPR= 6.016; 95%CI = 3.12 11.56; p<0.001), while older parents reported better OHRQoL (AdjPR = 0.603; 95%CI = 0.428 - 0.850; p = 0.004). The presence of severe early childhood caries had a negative impact on OHRQoL of preschool children and their families.


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Many surveys are conducted comparing oral health conditions with individual variables, such as socioeconomic and demographic factors. However, in the same way that individuals differ among themselves, the groups also have their own characteristics and the effects of this differentiation must be researched. Brazil, despite being one of the major economic powers of the world and shows an improvement in the average value of its health indicators, is also one of the most unequal and remains among the countries with the greatest health inequities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of social determinants on the contextual level oral health among Brazilian adolescents, population not much researched by the literature. The research was made using an ecological approach in order to identify possible inequalities between cities and capitals. Using data from SBBrasil 2010 it was evaluated less common outcomes (loss of first molar, dental care index and T-Health) which provide information on the degree of morbidity of caries and health level of dental tissues, in addition to analyze the related services. The association of these oral health indicators with socioeconomic factors such as income, employment, education and inequality, collected from Census 2010, was analyzed by simple and multiple linear regressions. The study included the 27 state capitals and four clusters representing the municipalities of the country. It was possible to see better access to services in locations with better income distribution. However, the strong association of contextual factors related to poverty, low levels of education and poor housing and jobs with poorer levels of oral health in adolescents seems to overshadow the effects of income inequalities on dental caries in the country. In some locations, particularly within the North and Northeast, whichever one keeps dentistry mutilating, whose effects are already noticeable in its adolescent population. Access to restorative services in Brazil remains limited and unequal. The results of this study highlight the inequities in oral health in the country and show the need of the inclusion of new perspectives on the traditional approach of Preventive Dentistry and education models in Dentistry. Tackling health inequalities in oral health in the country requires the cooperation of various actors involved in the process and the inclusion of oral health in the context of overall health. The social determinants approach, as well as evaluating the distribution of oral diseases in the country and its inclusion in the context of overall health, should guide the implementation of programs and oral health practices in order to contribute to the reduction of inequalities


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Dentre os vários aspectos da saúde do idoso, a saúde bucal merece atenção especial pelo fato de que, historicamente, nos serviços odontológicos, não se considera esse grupo populacional como prioridade de atenção. Por isso, se faz necessária a produção de um indicador multidimensional capaz de mensurar todas as alterações bucais encontradas em um idoso, facilitando a categorização da saúde bucal como um todo. Tal indicador representará um importante instrumento capaz de elencar prioridades de atenção voltadas à população idosa. Portanto, o estudo em questão propõe a produção e validação de um indicador de saúde bucal a partir dos dados secundários coletados pelo projeto SB Brasil 2010 referente ao grupo etário de 65 a 74 anos. A amostra foi representada pelos 7619 indivíduos do grupo etário de 65 a 74 anos que participaram da pesquisa nas 5 (cinco) regiões do Brasil. Tais indivíduos foram submetidos à avaliação epidemiológica das condições de saúde bucal, a partir dos índices CPO-d, CPI e PIP. Além disso, verificou-se o uso e necessidade de prótese, bem como características sociais, econômicas e demográficas. Uma análise fatorial identificou um número relativamente pequeno de fatores comuns, através da análise de componentes principais. Após a nomenclatura dos fatores, foi realizada a soma dos escores fatoriais por indivíduo. Por último, a dicotomização dessa soma nos forneceu o indicador de saúde bucal proposto. Para esse estudo foram incluídas na análise fatorial 12 variáveis de saúde bucal oriundas do banco de dados do SB Brasil 2010 e, também 3 variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas. Com base no critério de Kaiser, observa-se que foram retidos cinco fatores que explicaram 70,28% da variância total das variáveis incluídas no modelo. O fator 1 (um) explica sozinho 32,02% dessa variância, o fator 2 (dois) 14,78%, enquanto que os fatores 3 (três), 4 (quatro) e 5 (cinco) explicam 8,90%, 7,89% e 6,68%, respectivamente. Por meio das cargas fatoriais, o fator um foi denominado dente hígido e pouco uso de prótese , o dois doença periodontal presente , o três necessidade de reabilitação , já o quarto e quinto fator foram denominados de cárie e condição social favorável , respectivamente. Para garantir a representatividade do indicador proposto, realizou-se uma segunda análise fatorial em uma subamostra da população de idosos investigados. Por outro lado, a aplicabilidade do indicador produzido foi testada por meio da associação do mesmo com outras variáveis do estudo. Por fim, Cabe ressaltar que, o indicador aqui produzido foi capaz de agregar diver sas informações a respeito da saúde bucal e das condições sociais desses indivíduos, traduzindo assim, diversos dados em uma informação simples, que facilita o olhar dos gestores de saúde sobre as reais necessidades de intervenções em relação à saúde bucal de determinada população


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The present study analyses the actual relations and work conditions found in the third sector in Natal city, in the context of productive restoration and increasingly retraction from the State in providing Social Service before the new approach that has been destined to the social issue. The study talks about the work of the social worker when fighting the different expressions the social issue has, such as social service provision as a way of teamwork associated to work relations and conditions, to accessible resources and quality control management. These are elements that affect and interfere in the accomplishment and in the work of the social worker itself. The State s improvement, according to neoliberal-political precepts and increasingly retraction from the public investment in the areas of social concern (health, social welfare, assistance) and in the wage and employment policy, besides expanding the partnership with the public and private areas, in search for social services with quality, it has diversified the structures of the professional work with the growth of the so called third sector institutions. However, the absorption of the social workers by the third sector groups in general, has as major features the impoverishment of work relations, the maintenance of an unequal salary model, pointing out the deadline contracts and/or single tasks that generate work instability. The research debates, with a critical view and full perspective, over the conception of the third sector, interpreted as an action that expresses functions and values, treated as a real phenomenon generated from the restoration of the capital based on neoliberal principles. This study aims for responding what the established work relations are and under what work conditions the social worker has been fitting in the third sector and how such a reality echoes in the current work conditions for a social work in the city of Natal, before this new model of state intervention that transfers part of the social service provision to distinctive divisions of society, among them the so called third sector. The research results have shown that like the other workers the social worker passes through the same crises, dilemmas, advances and challenges that occur in the world of employment and which are expressed in the drop of salary average in the growth of contemporary contracts, unemployment, and in the ever more selective requirements to one be included in the social spaces, where the professional work is done, having as a result a greater impoverishment of work relations and conditions as well as more vulnerability as a salaried occupation