967 resultados para Artisanal fisheries monitoring


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A stereo-video baited camera system (BotCam) has been developed as a fishery-independent tool to monitor and study deepwater fish species and their habitat. During testing, BotCam was deployed primarily in water depths between 100 and 300 m for an assessment of its use in monitoring and studying Hawaiian bottomfish species. Details of the video analyses and data from the pilot study with BotCam in Hawai`i are presented. Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data were used to delineate bottomfish habitat strata, and a stratified random sampling design was used for BotCam deployment locations. Video data were analyzed to assess relative fish abundance and to measure f ish size composition. Results corroborate published depth ranges and zones of the target species, as well as their habitat preferences. The results indicate that BotCam is a promising tool for monitoring and studying demersal fish populations associated with deepwater habitats to a depth of 300 m, at mesohabitat scales. BotCam is a flexible, nonextractive, and economical means to better understand deepwater ecosystems and improve science-based ecosystem approaches to management.


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Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar os conflitos socioambientais envolvendo os pescadores artesanais na Baía de Ilha Grande e as iniciativas institucionais que buscam dar tratamento a esses conflitos de forma compartilhada. Neste sentido, foram consideradas duas iniciativas institucionais: i) o Projeto Desenvolvimento e Gerenciamento dos Sistemas de Gestão da Pesca e Aquicultura na baía de Ilha Grande GPESCA-BIG; e ii) o Termo de Compromisso entre a Estação Ecológica de Tamoios e as comunidades pesqueiras de Angra dos Reis e Paraty. A metodologia envolveu a observação direta da autora em reuniões de conselhos consultivos e grupos de trabalho em unidades de conservação, em especial, os espaços envolvendo a Estação Ecológica de Tamoios, além de apresentações e audiências públicas sobre a proposta de Acordos de Pesca. Utilizou-se também a observação participante em reuniões e oficinas no âmbito do projeto GPESCA-BIG. De forma complementar, a pesquisa se baseou em entrevistas (formais e informais) e análise de documentos diversos elaborados por entidades representativas dos pescadores e demais atores direta e indiretamente envolvidos no conflito. Foram identificadas três grandes grupos de conflitos relacionados aos pescadores artesanais: (1) sobreposição de territórios de pesca/pesqueiros e as áreas protegidas, principalmente aqueles relacionados à ESEC Tamoios; (2) conflitos associados à pesca industrial, identificados pelos pescadores como barcos de fora, e em menor escala, as embarcações de petróleo/gás e do turismo e; (3) conflitos resultantes da falta de regularização/permissionamento da atividade. Em síntese, estes conflitos envolvem políticas de desenvolvimento e de conservação, que se confrontam com o modo de vida tradicional dos pescadores artesanais e caiçaras. Além dos conflitos oriundos das diferentes formas de apropriação do espaço marinho, estes conflitos também estiveram relacionados ao papel paradoxal do Estado no estabelecimento das regras e normas de ordenamento (incluindo-se a fiscalização/monitoramento ambiental), à burocracia e às diversas instituições existentes para tratar de problemas comuns, tornado confuso o gerenciamento da atividade. No que se refere às iniciativas em análise, os resultados demonstram a existência de instituições relativamente bem constituídas na região, com a atuação de órgãos de gestão pública e ambiental nos mais variados níveis: municipal estadual e federal. Além destes, registra-se também a participação da sociedade civil, em especial, dos pescadores artesanais de Paraty e de suas representações, na busca pelo tratamento dos conflitos nos quais estão inseridos. Por outro lado, evidencia-se a falta de articulação e integração entre as políticas e atores, bem como entre as experiências institucionais em curso. Portanto, um dos maiores desafios existentes na implantação de um modo compartilhado de gestão dos recursos pesqueiros na BIG consiste justamente em superar tais limitações institucionais, de maneira que possam promover ações articuladas visando não apenas a conservação integrada do ecossistema, como também a reprodução das práticas tradicionais de pesca e a sua co-existência com os demais tipos de usos


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The marine fisheries of Jamaica are almost entirely artisanal, with at least 15 000 fishers and an annual catch of approximately 7 000 t. A recent development is a small industrial fishery for queen conch and spiny lobster that earns significant foreign exchange for the country. The major aquatic resources are coral reef fishes, conch, lobster, small pelagics and seasonal large pelagics. The major fishing grounds are the southern island shelf and Pedro Bank, a large oceanic bank 150 km to the southwest of Kingston. The fisheries are rated as overfished, except the queen conch fishery which is relatively well managed. A new Fisheries Bill is currently being reviewed with the intention of improving the efficiency of management measures and of fisheries administration. There are plans for rehabilitating the fisheries and developing them with a focus on their sustainability in the future.


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The marine fisheries of Trinidad and Tobago are mainly artisanal and involve about 8,000 fishers. The main fishing gear used are the gillnets, the troll, the shrimp trawl, the fishpot and the industrial longline. Landings total approximately 14,000 t annually with Scomberomorus brasiliensis, shrimps and sharks being the most abundant in the landings. Assessment studies indicate overfishing and inferior marketing is an important issue. Underexploited resources include clupeiods, deep shell and slope resources, and lobsters. The shrimp trawl and longline by-catch are not fully utilized. Fishery legislation is mostly uotdated and a fisheries policy, including new legislation, is being developed to help solve the problems and effectively manage the fisheries.


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As part of the ongoing studies concerned with the small-scale fisheries of the South of Portugal, experimental fishing was carried out with monofilament gillnets and small hook longlines within the same area. Sixty-two species were caught, of which 20 were common to both gears. Pronounced differences in terms of the relative importance of different species in the catches were observed. Size selection patterns also differed, with highly overlapped hook catch distributions and few species showing evidence for size selectivity. In contrast, strong selectivity was characteristic of species which tend to be wedged in gillnets. Whereas smaller stretched mesh sizes (particularly 40 and 50 mm) caught significant numbers of illegal sized fish, this was mininmal in the longlines. Some implications for management are discussed.


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Zanzibar, one of the poorest areas of sub-Saharan Africa, has a good potential for foreign investment in offshore (EEZ) marine capture fisheries, in aquaculture and in fi sheries infrastructure. Zanzibar’s fisheries resources could be better managed in an effort to alleviate the poverty of its rural population and to provide food security. At present, Zanzibar’s fisheries are artisanal and its total annual production of fish of just over 20000 t, caught in inshore waters, is consumed locally. The government of Zanzibar has liberalized its policies to make Zanzibar a good environment for foreign investment.


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The fisheries of the Farasan Islands (Saudi Arabia, Red Sea) are described. The fishery resources are exploited by artisanal, investor and industrial sectors. The artisanal fishery consists mostly of line fishing around coral reefs and about half the fishing effort occurs within the proposed marine protected area (MPA). Activities by investor and industrial fisheries sector include line fishing, gill netting, fish trapping and demersal fish trawling. The relevant resource management issues that need to be addressed as part of a planning study for the establishment of a MPA are also presented. The major issues are: (1) the decline in the catch of the artisanal fishery; (2) by catch and habitat degradation; (3) sustainability in the collection of giant clams and pearl shells; and (4) the lack of information such as the importance of MPA to fisheries, stock assessment and catch and effort data. A significant role in the future management of the fisheries has been identified for the traditional representatives of the artisanal sector.


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The island countries of the South Pacific have adopted a regional approach to the development and management of tuna resources, through 2 organizations based in the region - the Forum Fisheries Agency and the South Pacific Commission. Details are given of the Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme, which involves tropical tunas and albacore.


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An overview of the fisheries of St. Lucia using currently available information is presented. The fisheries are entirely artisanal, characterized by relatively simple and inexpensive gears and boats. The 2,100 fishers (who land roughly 750 t per year of fish) appear socially and economically marginalized and beset by low occupational mobility. The status of the major species groups they exploit are briefly discussed, and initial indications of overfishing are noted. Consideration on both resource and resource-user situations in management of the island's fisheries is emphasized.


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Coral bleaching and subsequent mortality represent a major threat to the future health and productivity of coral reefs. However a lack of reliable data on occurrence, severity and other characteristics of bleaching events hampers research on the causes and consequences of this important phenomenon. This article describes a global protocol for monitoring coral bleaching events, which addresses this problem and can be used by people with different levels of expertise and resources.


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The region's scientists work together to formed the SEACORM Net (Southeast Asia Coral Reef Monitoring Network) for better integration of information and resources. The group intends to establish a strong working relationship between member countries, share information and lessons learnt, inform and update each other on research and monitoring activities in each country, and provide a mechanism for cross-country assistance and collaboration.


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The Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) is an operational unit of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), established in 1995 and maintained by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). The main responsibilities are to provide data and information on the global status of coral reefs, assess how people use and interact with reefs, assist coral reef management, and raise awareness among all stakeholders of the status of reefs and the need for urgent action. It is represented by 17 regional nodes, with overall coordination by a global coordinator based at AIMS.


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In the North Pacific Ocean, an ecosystem-based fishery management approach has been adopted. A significant objective of this approach is to reduce interactions between fishery-related activities and protected species. We review management measures developed by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and the National Marine Fisheries Service to reduce effects of the groundfish fisheries off Alaska on marine mammals and seabirds, while continuing to provide economic opportunities for fishery participants. Direct measures have been taken to mitigate known fishery impacts, and precautionary measures have been taken for species with potential (but no documented) interactions with the groundfish fisheries. Area closures limit disturbance to marine mammals at rookeries and haulouts, protect sensitive benthic habitat, and reduce potential competition for prey resources. Temporal and spatial dispersion of catches reduce the localized impact of fishery removals. Seabird avoidance measures have been implemented through collaboration with fishery participants and have been highly successful in reducing seabird bycatch. Finally, a comprehensive observer monitoring program provides data on the location and extent of bycatch of marine mammals and seabirds. These measures provide managers with the flexibility to adapt to changes in the status of protected species and evolving conditions in the fisheries. This review should be useful to fishery managers as an example of an ecosystem-based approach to protected species management that is adaptive and accounts for multiple objectives.


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Unmanaged and unquantified artisanal fishing is ongoing at Navassa Island, a small oceanic island about 70 km west of Haiti that is part of the U.S. Caribbean Islands National Wildlife Refuge. Concern has been expressed regarding the possible impact of these fishing activities on reef resources, and no quantitative catch or effort data are available. However, informal qualitative observations made during a cruise in November 2002 suggest that escalation in fishing activity (and impact) has occurred since previous observations made in April 2000. Namely, size structure of fish was markedly reduced and the adoption of net fishing has allowed the exploitation of queen conch, Strombas gigas, and hawksbill turtles, Eretmochelys imbricata.


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The catches of three longliners, including two recently converted small artisanal vessels and one large leased foreign longliner, were compared to provide some indication of the feasibility of transferring new longline technology to small vessels in the northeastern Brazilian pelagic longline fishery. Comparisons of catches between the two recently converted vessels operating across the same spatial and temporal scales showed no significant differences for the main target species, providing evidence to suggest that adoption of the technology was rapid and straightforward. A comparison of relative catch rates between one of the recently converted small longliners and the leased longliner across the same temporal scale, but in different areas, showed that while there were significant differences detected for some species, contributing to a significant reduction in total CPUE, the relative abundance of commercially important species within the operational range of the smaller vessels was sufficient for economically viable catches. The results showed that the net financial profit from the artisanal longliner was almost 10 times greater than that derived from existing fishing methods. The inclusion of some artisanal vessels in this fishery may help address the social and economic problems currently faced by fi